Reviews from

in the past

couldn't really get over the art design...

Played this over a decade ago and it was in the middle of a really busy time in my life so I don't remember a lot but I still remember the charm.

Gotta be honest, this was not the game me expected to find the second instance of non-zombie "mouth to brain" action me has ever witnessed (Admitedly, there is a brain on the cover, so guess it's on me for not picking up on the clues )

One of the most interesting platformers ever made. For a platformer the storytelling is top-notch, and the platforming is pretty good to go along side it. The level design strikes a good balance between memorable and fun, and learning about the folds of each character's mind as you look for vaults and stuff is fun. It's pretty easy with a mildly annoying bump near the end, but I personally didn't find it that bad. Wonderful little game, although I might be a bit biased from meeting Richard Horvitz at a con

One of the greatest and funniest platformers of all time.

Her ne kadar atmosfer olarak güzel olsa da, doluluk açısından pek de zengin bir yaz kampı yok maalesef. Yan görevler vs. de unutulası ve geneli çok da etkileyici değil.

Ancak bu ufak eksiler haricinde; oldukça yaratıcı bölümleri ve beraberinde getirdikleri has mekanikleri, kullanması keyifli yetenekleri, kendince eğlenceli hikayesi, hoş karakterleri ve ilginç boss savaşlarını bir araya getiren çok tatlı bir oyun istiyorsanız, bu arkadaş size göz kırpıyor.

I have to return to it, but the little I played makes me absolutely confirm that this is indeed a great original platform.

It's impossible for me to start on how much I love this game, and I still find new details in it every replay.

PS2 is the king of quirk and Psychonauts is no exception. Kinda gives me Persona vibes if you think about it.

One of my favorite platformers of all time. Very creative level design that complements the story very well. The only thing I don't like is the end game and how tedious 100% completion is.

Divertido, bem humorado e I am The Milkman, My Milk Is Delicious.

This is what happens when a videogame gets made by people who really just wanted to make a TV show.

Some of the platforming has aged badly, but the writing is god-tier.

This genuinely one of the most creative games I've experienced in a long time. Psychonauts takes some concepts like trauma and finds ways to just make them so entertaining, in the best ways possible. The comedy in this game is perfect for me. The deadpan goofiness of it just oozes charm the whole way through.
The gameplay is fun but has some faults to it. Traversing is pretty fun but gets exponentially more fun once you get the psy ball and get to roll around. This game is one of those old games that give you abilities and offers you the choice to break the game if you can using these abilities. I feel this works both in and against this game's favor. on one hand if you try something and it works, it feels amazing. However, if you're in a pretty open level, like the kingdom one, its so easy to get lost and feel like what's expected of you isn't clear. The amount of time I would spend in that section trying to do something that I wasn't even sure was the right thing. I think it's clear that wasn't my favorite.
The game and world are super open and do expect you to interact with people and try a lot of things. It was an aspect that i struggled with a bit but not something I'd fault the game for because that was how games used to be.
The final level is rough, not spoiling anything but it requires a lot of precise platforming which the game did not expect as much from you in the past and made for some rough parts. The bosses are super creative and always felt different from the others and they stood out. I'd highly recommend this game if you enjoy platformers and fun dialogue and creatively rich environments. I feel the combat is somewhat simple but works for what it is, a great game.

Psychonauts allows for freestyle platform progression with the use of psychic abilities. On top of spot-on control, the dialogue is sidesplitting and each level is a Tim Burton-esque masterpiece.

Always heard about this game from a lot of online game reviewers saying stuff that center around the topic of "Massive hidden gem from the OG Xbox era" , so one day I found this game being sold on steam for less than a buck, kinda went "Uh, screw it" bought it and gave it a go Despite the fanfare, I went in with no expectations on this game and what I end up getting was a pretty damn good 3D platformer with some great humor and loads of charm and personality.

Genuinely sucks knowing this game sold poorly back when it released, surely deserved better a for title that feels it got put on a lot of love and effort by its developers.

For less than a dollar? I feel like I stole from Double Fine.

psychonauts was a pretty fun game it was good for its time and i think the overall idea was pretty creative

I think Psychonauts is the most creative game series of all time. Every level is so full of crazy ideas and keeps you guessing. But playing this game 19 years too late, and after experiencing the second game, it just feels a little clunky. I also don't like that you have to collect things before accessing the next main mission.

A fantastic adventure-platform with an artstyle and writing that makes the game worth playing even over a decade later. Game doesn't hit full marks due to the occasional jankiness of it's platforming and a MASSIVE difficulty spike right near the end. Still an incredible game and worth the look.

One of my fave games ever. Its so creative.

The greatest 3D platformer ever made

It's honestly surprising that after nearly 20 years, Psychonauts doesn't have many copycats.

From a surface level, Psychonauts is a platforming adventure game, with elements of a collect-a-thon scattered here and there. But dive deeper and you'll find it has the heart of a Point-n-click adventure buried within, which is no surprise given the LucasArts lineage that developed this game.

In some areas it hasn't aged well, platforming can be janky (especially with Levitation) and most of the bosses are either painfully tedious or shockingly easy. But so much of it is a distinct and vibrant romp, from characters, levels, and gameplay design, it sticks out far above the rest.

Yea this still holds up well. One of my favorite 3D platformers with such creative level design, characters, and world building, I don't think I've ever played anything like it. I'm happy that it's finally getting the respect it deserved,

BEST GAME SERIES OF ALL TIIIME! (fuck meat circus)

Pyschonauts holds up exceedingly well for a PS2 game. Even if graphically it shows its age, in gameplay it functions as well as any modern title should. There's very little of the jank that you sometimes find when going back to older eras of gaming.

Each level is an absolute blast and also a completely unique idea. Not just unique for the game, but unique for everything. There's nothing out there quite like the ideas present in Psychonauts. Each of the ten levels is distinct in both gameplay, visual setting and story.

The story is also a joy to experience. It's childish, yes, but with a very distinct charm that makes it appealing to almost anyone, I would say. Any story which sees you dealing into the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic milkman to solve a conspiracy drama has to receive a due amount of credit for its creativity if nothing else.

old but funny. just like my grandpa