Reviews from

in the past

Crazy big potential that, evidently and sadly, will never be harnessed. A serious gothic-punk werewolf epidemic story that managed to stay grounded and real, and have some luxuriously fantastical yet somehow visually credible weaponry fun times... i wish it was longer, and i wish it was better, so we could have a sequel that could be a Playstation household title for years to come.

i heard people hated this but i thought it was okay. gameplay wasn’t the greatesttt but it’s okay, ending was not great. overall it was fun and pretty cool. I liked it and i did get the platinum since it was just a little extra work

Great game. I had been itching to play this for a while specifically because of some praise as an underrated PlayStation title combined with complaints about its length (all hail short games).
But the main issue isn't with its length - I actually feel like the narrative only really needed 1-2 more missions and some hefty cines and could have stuck some sort of landing. Unfortunately, the handful of storylines the game was carefully weaving are abruptly dropped to the ground in a baffling fashion. Till that point the pacing of the game was marvelous. Its designers are careful not to make any 1 mission overstay its welcome, while developing its world and characters in a natural way.
You get dropped into this world with no handholding or explanation - you're allowed to put the context together as the world unfolds. Combined with the unexpected horror aspects (I had no context going in), I was utterly delighted to unlock the mysteries of the city.
It also looks incredible, maybe one of the best looking PS4 games I have played. Whoever decided to crank the film grain to 11 knew exactly what they were doing.
Misc thoughts: The characters are detailed and expressive. The soundtrack by Jason Graves is weighty and ominous. The gunplay feels quite good and there's just enough weapon variety. The only consistent gameplay issue I had was finicky prompts for melee/sneak kills which frustrated me during a few points. Some quirky reverb / loudness SFX issues with footsteps. All hail photo mode.
All in all I can strongly recommend this game for someone looking for an incredibly polished if quite short historical fantasy.

At the time this game came out, this kind of cinematic narratives attracted my attention more. In 2023, unless there's a gameplay loop that subjectively feels really good, it's a narrative that distracts me. After halfway through the game, it was a bit more challenging and that was nice. I followed the story with interest after the halfway point, but the game ends with a sequel and that's annoying. Graphics that look very nice even today, an engaging but incomplete script. Nice shooting feel and average enemy intelligence. I wish these things served the continuity of the game well. A series would have been a product I would have followed with much more enthusiasm.
Translated with DeepL

It was a glorified tech-demo that they charged the price of a full game for. The visuals are still impressive to this day, but the gameplay was basic at best, and frustrating at it's worst moments. The plot is loaded with hack writing and ends with a desperate sequel-bait. It's also pathetically short. There is no replay value whatsoever.

Incredibly underrated game. It's very short, which for me is a big bonus. The narrative is focused, the combat and presentation is beautiful and atmospheric. Really wish we got something else from this.

Had such high hopes for this game and I'm personally still waiting for the story to finish. Even if the gameplay is a bit lacking, it was an enjoyable "experience" to be had.

This is what modern crusade would look like.

I am a sucker for Victorian era works. It was not groundbreaking but had potential. I wish we got to see a sequel. Shame. Its gunplay and visuals still holds up to this very day.

This game is fine. It has a super cool world with some interesting characters and serviceable combat. Obviously it looks great as well.

It ends before it feels like it has time to get going, and some of the "look at this item for 30 seconds" bits are pretty egregious, but this games biggest flaw is the massive expectations that were given to it.

Played on PS5.

A lot has been said about this game and, truth be told, its potential was wasted.

A great concept, paired with interesting characters and still solid visuals, brought down by clumsy mechanics, awfully short campaign and limited gameplay.

There's a lot wrong with this one, except not the game itself. The visual's and concept are really good, the story was a bit cliché but engaging, the combat isn't perfect but almost there, the setting was amazing, the music well themed, and the character design was on point with the 80's knighthood this game presented. But the game was done wrong, short, not even finished, and abandoned. This feels like it was hold back for no reason, it could have been a great unique title with the other missing half of the story.

In spite of stunning visual this game is just a flop. Plot is too cliche and ends with cliffhanger with no normal catarsis

Beautiful game with a cool premise. Gameplay is very stiff and basic, mostly shaped around fitting into the cinematics. The story and characters are pretty interesting but ultimately fell flat for me. Not a bad game overall but very underwhelming considering how promising it seems at first.

I adored this game—the atmosphere, characters, lore, the way information is introduced, and the presentation of the world. It feels like a very mature game, much like the Witcher 3.

The game’s weak link is the gameplay itself. While shooting feels good, it’s the structure of some of these segments that proves frustrating. Three places, in particular, were very frustrating due to what seemed like an endless onslaught of enemies. I turned the difficulty down to easy, which solved most of the issue, but it still remained somewhat frustrating.

I really liked the concept for the story, but I can see why people werent too thrilled to pay $60 for it. It is a very short game!

Apesar de sua gameplay ser FRAQUÍSSIMA, a história é legal e essa estética steam punk simplesmente incrível.

Primeiro jogo que platinei na minha vida. Apesar de ser um jogo curto, me diverti bastante, com uma boa história e boa gameplay, a escolha do tamanho da tela de exibição foi curiosa, para parecer um filme, porém em minha opinião, combinou bastante com o jogo. Fico triste por até hoje não ter ganho uma continuação.

This game is frustrating in an unique way, as most of the time, it proves to be an engaging, visually-appealing shooter. However, it introduces a setting and characters with a great deal of storytelling potential, and then outright squanders them with a 6-8 hour truncated campaign. In the end, this would have been a better movie or TV series than a game, as such a format might have been better able to truly expand upon the lore better than the latter's constant rush to the next setpiece.

Played like 95% of the campaign and never finished for some reason. Maybe I'll go back to it one day, but I'm not sure why I would.

An admittedly interesting alternative history London and some fun weapons that are criminally underutilised aren’t enough to save The Order from mediocrity. Like as far as cover-based shooting goes this is serviceable but the few times it deviates from mowing down endless hordes of the British (which isn’t very often) to quicktime-based stealth and werewolf encounters it just doesn’t work. I can appreciate the presentation and the efforts to emulate film but at the same time the story being told here doesn’t feel very cinematic, and more like an unfinished first season of a BBC television show that got canned.

I respect this game for trying. It's full of neat ideas, story and setup. Would have loved to see where a sequel would go.

Super weird experience once you're done. On the one hand, the visuals are outstanding and still blow some of this years games out the water. Voice acting and world concept are both top notch and the overall vibe is very cool.

However, the story pacing is all over the place, it almost tells too much and not enough at the same time. Over halfway through the game I'd fought like 4 werewolves and used a tesla gun once, and from the marketing material, it seems like that's what the game is all about.

Then before you know it, it's over on a cliffhanger, with almost every story beat left unresolved.

Fucking How??
How did you make a game; starring immortal Knights of the Round Table fighting Werewolves and Vampires with steampunk tesla coil gun in a fictionalized steampunk Victorian London, possibly the most boring fucking thing I've ever played.

It's not even unique in its mediocrity, it's just the worst parts of the 7th gen and the 8th gen wrapped together in a package that's game design is just Naughty Dogs leftover, and a SyFy channel tier story the game takes way too seriously for it to be funny.
I'm not even mad I spent like 5 bucks on this I'm just shocked at the level of just pure mediocrity on display; I'd be impressed if I wasn't so fucking bored.

D'une beauté à tomber par terre, et cela même encore aujourd'hui, toute l'aventure se vit comme un film interactif... si bien que le jeu n'a que ça à vendre. En dehors d'une musique
Court (à peine 5h), l'action est classique au possible, et les quelques audaces dans l'histoire et le lore développé au cours du jeu font que... ben le jeu est une belle intro pour un second épisode qui pour le moment est aux abonnés absents.

Un jeu moyen, à regarder en stream ou alors à moindre coût en bac de jeux d'occasion à moins de 5 balles...
... De toute façon en une ou deux sessions c'est plié.

So much potential, please Sony do something with it

Me costó 5 pavos. Los que pagasteis 70, me compadezco de vosotros.

Lo peor es que el juego era bueno.

not as bad as i remembered, crazy abrupt end lol. Would be cool to see it get another shot. easy plat