Reviews from

in the past

Aşırı eğlendiğim bir deneyim. Ağ atması zevkli, karakterleri aşırı tatlı. Bulmacalar tam kıvamında. Bazı yerlerde ne yapılacağı konusunda kafa karıştırdığı oldu.

Short n sweet. Pretty cute game with some fun movement once you get the hang of it. The puzzles leave a bit to be desired but I'm also not sure how I'd design them myself.

Um jogo simples com mecanicas mt legais, recomendo mt.

spider platformer! love the idea of making a game that portrays spiders as cute, i think it succeeded, i love that you can do a spider dance

I have been waiting for this game to come out on Switch for AGES. Very cute and a lot of fun.

Finnicky, annoying, and at moments downright irritating to play; I still enjoyed this wonderfully unique and creative little arachnid puzzle-platformer.

The game is split into three major sections, one focused on platforming challenges, one on physics puzzles, and another somewhere between the two.

The pure puzzle-focused section was the most infuriating, requiring a level of precision that is very difficult to get with the control scheme and physics systems. The feeling of finally solving one of these puzzles was great though, as you really felt like you had physically solved it due to the complex and intricate web patterns you weaved.

The platforming focused bits are a breezier experience, as you swing across treetops avoiding spikes or craft webs to ascend slippery mud slopes. I went out of my way to find all the collectables, and particularly enjoyed ensnaring the flies with carefully placed webs.

The visuals tie each of the areas together wonderfully, and the story brings the cast of insects together before reaching a fitting finale.

I was reminded a little of Snake Pass when playing Webbed. Another title with a unique spin on platforming and the inherent puzzle of getting from A to B. I'd love to see more games in this vein with creative movement and abilities beyond basic jumps and double jumps. Here's hoping SBUG continue the series, perhaps from the point of view of another creature.

adorei a movimentação, mas ao msm tempo o fato de q vc tem q andar por cada canto da área sem nenhum indicador de objetivo e sem um mapa mto bom me dá preguiça de jogar

A charming yet frustrating physics platformer. Jump and web your way around an insect world to take on an avian adversary in this short adventure.

Full Review:

I played through the first two areas and found the platforming mechanics to be interesting little puzzles as you connect webbing to reach otherwise out of the way spaces. I'm sure there was more to see in the game. I hypothetically want to go back to it and see how the game develops its webbing mechanics to the end. I don't think I will though because I have seen enough to be satisfied with the time I played.

Fun little game with very nice polish! The art and vibe is delightful, but something i really found myself enjoying was the music!

The controls are very tight and as fun as you may have seen on preview videos on twitter (which is where i originally saw them lol) - I do wish it was one more "area" longer, as the crow nest area was on the shorter side, and meeting the bugs was my favorite thing to do in the game.

Please dance with everyone, they will all dance with you : ]

The graphics are very cute. The cover art really caught my attention when I first saw the game, and it's probably the reason why I decided to get it. The music could use a bit more variety. The mechanics are perfect; you quickly get used to them, as they aren't overly complicated. They feel good and very satisfying. The puzzles are neither too hard nor too easy. I don't remember getting stuck on any of them. I do recall that The Canopy section was a little overwhelming for me. The story is quite simple; we finally have a man who needs saving. The game also features side quests and secrets. Overall, I find the game very creative, fun, and lovable. I adore all the bug characters.

Cute game, but surprisingly shallow. Fun base, but feels like just first world of a bigger game with more abilities and what not.

very cute and charming! swinging around at high speeds never got tiring or boring, it was consistently a ton of fun. there's a couple odd and confusing puzzles that weren't particularly satisfying but overall it felt so good to swing around i can't be that mad. a bit short but well worth the time!

this game is so lovingly made i adore it

A pleasantly bite-size metroidvania packed with charm and unique traversal mechanics, and supported by an impressively polished physics system. Being able to construct freeform webs that tense and sag dynamically is a lot of fun, and almost made me jealous that I’m not a spider. Each of the handful of quests pose unique problem types to solve, and each of the other insect civilizations recruited for help is entertainingly evoked. The final boss is sadly one of the weakest parts, but all in all this is a lot of fun.

As someone with arachnophobia i was really reserved with this game. After seeing some gameplay and falling in love with this game i started playing it. Good news for people with crippling arachnophobia, there is mode for you. It replaces all spiders with blobs. Onto review. This platrofrmer is really unique. It's movement system is mesmerizing. Web weawing and slinging is really satisfying. It makes you feel like you are a spider. I don't think i have ever played a platformer with more fun platforming. The story itself is really cute, with satisfying ending. Visual style is really captivating, and lends itself for this kind of gameplay. There are some collectibles which are not obnoxious and are quite fun to try and collect. Level design is almost too good. Don't get me started on soundtrack. There is about 10 different songs with some variations. When i heard tune slightly change when you entered water to reflect medium change, i figured out that some very smart and dedicated people worked on this soundtrack. Overall, one of the best platformers i played. Do grab this one.

good fun game, some sections are a bit too long and some mechanics aren't explained well, like using a leaf to float or

A ideia é bem legal, jogabilidade da aranha é divertida, mas as mecânicas do jogo são confusas não intuitivas e amadoras, isso me fez desistir do jogo, o que é uma pena

This game single-handedly cured my arachnophobia.

The web mechanics make for some interesting platforming and puzzles, it's very snappy and feels good to use, with a few exceptions (I never found an efficient way of dragging some object up).

Story and visuals are both very charming !

Some areas ended up feeling a bit too long, which makes the game drag a tiny bit at times.

the artstyle is so cute and i love how u can dance and the lil bugs can dance with u ^_^/

million things to say about this game. definitely going to replay at some point because its so fun

Charming and more than meets the eye. This is a web you won't mind getting caught in.

I had imagined that Webbed would be a cute, interesting, and silly physics-based platformer - and, to be fair, it was. But it was also significantly more.

The scale of Webbed was far greater than I imagined, instead of simple A-B levels the game is full of interconnected puzzle hubs. Rather than swinging on a single strand of web, you can fire as many webs as you like - giving you a huge amount of freedom to come up with clever solutions to the challenges you face. Sometimes a single strand will do, but other times you'll almost create a machine of webs to lift or move the objects that you want.

The chaotic, physics-based nature of the design makes every successful plan incredibly satisfying to pull off, and I found Webbed a very enjoyable game to play.

I first finished this game in 2021, and recently replayed it now in 2023 to get 100%. It's an adorable puzzle-platformer where you play as a jumping spider on an adventure to make friends with a whole forest of tiny critters, and to save your boyfriend from the clutches of the bower bird. The game features 1 basic mechanic: the ability to shoot webs, which can be used both for swinging and web weaving. It executes on this mechanic extremely well, and the only thing barricading your progress through any given area is simply your skill. You are free to explore the map and solve problems however you see fit, and with very forgiving reset mechanics the game really encourages you to throw caution to the wind and just have fun. My only small gripe is that sometimes web spam when carrying objects feels optimal due to their low strength, and that is a lot less elegant and satisfying as a solution to certain puzzles. Otherwise this is a flawless short little game that I think is well worth the asking price.

MUITO FOFINHO, MUITO MESMO... além de divertido e engraçadinho também... as cores desse jogo mandam um suco de feliz pro meu cérebro