Reviews from

in the past

Playtime: 38 Hours
Score: 8/10

I really had a fun time with this one! So I am big fan of immersive sim games, especially ones Arkane used to make like Dishonored and Prey, but with their recent games being very different to what they used to make, I have not been that keen to play them. I have not played Deathloop but I do want to give it a try at some point, and Redfall I am not touching with a ten foot pole. But then Wolf Eye Studios, made up of ex-Arkane devs, shows up with this game, and it gives me everything I've missed about Arkane!

To start with what I liked, I enjoyed the setting of this game. Having it be the wild west but with dark fantasy elements like witches, werewolves and pigmen was something unique for me. While there are games like Hard West 2 that do the same thing, this game was my first experience with something like that. I also liked the storytelling approach of having you play as five different characters throughout the campaign with their own individual stories to complete. It was again something different to most games and it made me feel good and like I was progressing, as I finished each characters story. And you even get a results screen at the end of each characters arc which was cool.

Gameplay wise, its kind of a mix of Dishonored, Prey and the original Fallout games in how the world map and travel work. Each character has their own specific class abilities which are fun to use and is definitely where the Dishonored influences come in. You also have weapon abilities for each of the weapon types that do carry over to all the characters. These were fun to use but there were only a couple of them I used often. Then you get perk cards which you can use to unlock various different perks that have 3 ranks each. Most of these are stat based with percentage bonuses, but there ones that were very useful like being able to save lockpicks after use or being able to jump up to higher ledges which felt the most Arkane to me. At one point, I was even able to sneak into an enemy camp and save an NPC and get out, without being seen because I could just scale up the walls, which I was particularly very proud of!

The loot in this game reminded me a lot of Vampyr and Maneater funny enough, in that you can take some white rarity weapons and upgrade them up to purple, epic weapons by the endgame. You do get legendary weapons but I found you can only really buy them from merchants and their was only one rifle I managed to loot off an enemy I killed. Some weapons do come with 1 specific stat bonus like faster reload speed or more critical hit damage. These are the ones I tended to hold onto and spend the time upgrading. But looting weapons is only really a side piece to this game. As for types of weapons you get revolvers, rifles, shotguns, bows, melee weapons and a handful of grenade types. Melee weapons can be very clunky since you have to ready the weapon with the aim button and then you can swing, so I didn't use them at all really. they felt very much like Silent Hill weapons actually lol I mostly used rifles and bows, especially since bows are great for stealth. Overall I found the combat to be good, but I do wish there were more passivist options like in previous Arkane games. Here your only passivist option is to sneak up behind enemies and knock them out, which especially got annoying with bounties, as that's your only option if you want to capture bounties and bring them back to the sheriff as opposed to just killing them.

I also appreciated the choice and consequence in this game. Each characters journey usually has you make some big choice at the end, with some small choices throughout. These can lead to you getting a friend for life that will show up at random times during combat to help you out, or it could lead to them having a vendetta against you and them trying to hunt you down. My one critique is that this game doesn't go as far as I would have liked with the RPG mechanics. I can't talk specifics because of spoilers, but certain events that happen in each of the stories are very scripted and there's not much you can do to change or get a better outcome, aside from the specific choices the game lets you make. On the plus side, some characters you encountered previously during quests can become bounties for you to track down later which I liked as well.

The companion system is also a highlight as you have plenty of options. You can go and recruit your heroes from previous journeys and their the most powerful since they have access to all the abilities you unlocked when you played as them beforehand. There are characters that you help in each of the stories that can be companions, as well as just basic mercs that you can hire to just be muscle. You can use them to hold your loot too, which the previous heroes I would say are the best option for that as there easier to find once you switch to the next character. You can also use your horses satchel or your bank deposit box to store items, but these have limited space so the companions are a good option as well.

As for the story, like I said previously I liked the approach of you having 5 different stories to complete. There is an overarching story of why these characters are connected and how they got their powers but that only really gets revealed at the end with the last Oneirist character you play as. The Oneirist characters story is very short though and is only really there to tie everything together. The four stories before that though are very good with the bounty hunter and Pigman being my favorites, since their stories felt the most personal. There is no voice acting aside from the games narrator, so you will be reading text a lot, but its not too long winded to read. I didn't really mind this, but it would have been nice if they had added in some limited voice acting with the definitive edition, for the big story moments, but I get indie devs often can't afford to do that. Back to the story, there is a witch character you encounter throughout the game who is basically this games version of the Outsider from Dishonored as she critiques the choices you made. But what I like is that when you encounter her, shes really talking to you as the player as opposed to the character your playing as. And she drops a lot of hints that only make sense once you finish the game.

Last few critiques, are this game does feature random encounters on the world map. You can only skip these once you get a horse which is cool, but only some of them give you the option to skip straight from the world map. Others will force you to load into the area and only once the enemies start attacking you, can you then jump on your horse and ride away. I would have just preferred an option to skip from the world map always. The game also uses a lot of procedural generation which is fine at first but it can get annoying after a while. You will visit a lot of the same looking areas repeatedly with only small variations and only some areas being uniquely hand crafted. It can also lead to some really annoying bugs, like one where I had to deliver some medicine to 2 NPCS in the same area for a side quest. Every time I went there, they were always on fire for some reason and would die, thus leading to me failing the quest. There was also one time where every NPC in a town started shooting at me for no apparent reason, since my reputation was very high and I hadn't stolen anything or killed anyone. Reloading a save thankfully fixed this and it never happened again but man was it annoying.

(Skip to last paragraph if PC modding doesn't apply to you)
QUICK PSA ABOUT MODDING ON PC: This game does come with mods that you can access and download from the games main menu. Some of them being really cool like the option to play the entire game in first person. These mods are very cool and I loved having them but IF YOU DOWNLOAD AND PLAY WITH MODS IT WILL DISABLE ACHIEVEMENTS! I only found this out after I had already downloaded some mods after playing a couple of hours of the vanilla game. This is the type of game I prefer to play in first person, so I kept the mods enabled, but I will have to replay it now to get the achievements which sucks. I wish they would have at least warned you with a message prompt about mods and achievements, because I couldn't see one as far as I could tell and even when I googled and did research, no one was talking about it which is why I wanted to mention it.

Overall, I enjoyed my time with Weird West and it gave me everything I wanted from it. If you like Dishonored and Prey and want more of it while forgiving some shortcomings, then you may like this game!

All Games I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

This review contains spoilers

Lovely little wild west romp that lets you run amok in a barely holding on supernatural county.

While it has some great ideas there to be fleshed out, such as the vendetta system and the twin stick shooting, a lot of it doesn't land. You will find that a lot of the good of the games comes from its art direction, voice acting and oddness of the first two chapters.

Combat has some interesting ideas, but most skills are less useful than the inherent didge everyone has, the only ones ones I ended up using frequently enough were the tornado and the pigmans bulletproof. Other things like the ambush related ones took too long to get set up, and then by the time you're that far in the game (unless you mainlined the build) you're strong enough to not need to even bother with stealth.

In it's defense however, the chain reaction of events you can set off and then have to adapt to due to things like explosions and enemy movement is really fun when it lands. There have been a few times where by my own hand while struggling with tight stealth, I'll take the risk of an explosion while things are quiet or parkour across buildings to really shift things in my favour. If you find yourself in samey arenas (which will happen a lot) trying choosing to play differently, you might surprise yourself, even if you have to burn through supplies to support said switch up.

The setting and atmosphere are great and fun, but only for a limited time, by the time of the Hunter I was pretty done and nothing from the world building really got me anymore. Past those initial fun and disturbing ideas, it quickly gets very repetitive in tone.

There are a few other nitpicks; like the inventory system having a limit just because, too big to worry about past just dumping stuff in someone elses. The exporation really touts multiple solutions, but very often is thrown to the wayside for another stealth section. eg hit a button to activate a fire trap that will only take 1/4 of an enemies health, why not just go for knockout, that sort of thing.

The ending is very meh as well, its not exactly a twist by the time you get there and the game makes sure of that intentionally, but its hardly one to get excited about, sadly by the time of the ending I was just waiting for the game to end so I don't think that speaks very highly for it.

Интересная игра от Какантонио. Не сказать что есть что-то прям цепкое в этой игре, но после прохождения впечатления остались положительные

I'm just fated to never get into top-down games, it seems.

Cool but repetative. Immersims are truly a strange genre. It's the best of it i've played though.

repetitivo e chato, porém ambientação foda

Una historia de 5 personajes en una interesante versión del Oeste con magia, maldiciones y mitología. Mecánicamente está bastante bien y la historia que aúna las 5 cumple de sobra.

Abusa quizás de algunos diseños de localizaciones idénticos en muchos sitios.


It causes me great pain to not give this game 5 stars. Ralph and his team clearly have a lot of heart and a lot of talent but unfortunately they missed the mark with this game.

The pros?
This game has all the hallmarks of an immersive sim. As an example, One of the main story missions sends you to a mansion where a local "entrepreneur" is meeting with a local rancher and buying his ranch. You need information from him really badly but he is a stubborn old bastard and asks you to go steal the deed from a nearby ranch because they won't sell their ranch to him. I ofc said fuck that I am not doing that quest and meticulously K.O'd every single gaurd at his compound before finally K.Oing him in order to get his safe key and get the information myself. Took me like 40 minutes longer than it would have to steal the deed but it was incredibly satisfying when I finally got the telegram.

Unfortunately the game relies purely on these elements to be "good." The story sucks, the combat is simplistic and unsatisfying, and being forced to play through 4 different stories left me feeling unattached and uninterested in the main protagonists. It really does make me sad because I think that this team has a lot of heart. It just so happens that this game failed to properly capture that heart.

I just don't understand why Ralph decided to try to make a game as big as this. IMO it would have been better to make a 8-15 hour first person Immersive sim to prove that his team can do great work. I mean Gloomwood just came out and it is 3 hours long but 1000x more enjoyable than this AND Gloomwood has all the hallmarks of the genre.

Picked it up, 1. For the unique fantasy western setting and 2. Because at the time I thought immersive sim basically just meant “good video game.” The game is a dissappointing mess. As far as I played (through Chapter 2) the story was bare bones, the characters were so stodgy and lacking in any passion or enthusiasm, not helped by the lack of real animation or voice acting. The RPG elements are non existent, all you have is a fairly basic perk system which I honestly just stopped caring to spec into once I had my health and sneak attacks. Combat is probably the best part of it, but even then the “immersive sim” aspects are basic, shoot red barrels for explosion, shoot green barrels for poison, etc.. you never get any of those chain reactions you get playing something like Metal Gear Solid V, and honestly after a certain point I found myself just falling back on sneak attacks since they’re so much more powerful than every other option.

I didn’t expect much from this game and I was pleasantly surprised. The far-distance 3rd person shooting felt really satisfying and the stealth was the best feeling one since dishonoured. The 5 entertained stories you go through were ly well written and I loved being able to go back and add my previous avatars into my posse as I went. The ending was great as well with a recap of everything I did and the consequences it had in the world. There are so many ways the game can go and you really affect the world around you based on your decisions. My only criticisms is that the special skills and abilities were underwhelming. Buying better guns was more effective than trying to use the unique abilities of each character in the end.

took me a while to get going but eventually everything just clicked and I had a blast of a time, incredibly immersive and almost everything you do has consequences

Really charming writing and a fun world to explore! Unfortunately plagued by a lot of glitches that broke the game a couple times for me

i love the ideas, the art style, the character and the era it takes place really sings to me. but the game play doesn't click with me for some reason, feels like there are other isometric games that have done similar gameplay way better than this

Was neat and has promise but it's not for me.

This game is a diamond in the rough if I ever saw one.

Weird West has an insane potential for generated story-telling with all of it's friends&vendetta, ghost-towns and kill-whoever-you-want mechanics, and what helps you to experience all of it is breaking a game in 5 different story-lines. You don't attach to main characters too much, so you can alter your gameplay on every chapter. You can experience the result of your desions right away - eradicating gangs by killing their leaders, turning a prosperous town into a ghost-town with noone living there, making shops out of buisness if you rob them at night, getting attacked by friends of those whom you've killed or being saved by the ones you've helped before.
Although it would be a lie to say that this game doesn't have downsides - sometimes these mechanics can become too predictable and not interesting, the main plot is rather bland( although I think it's for the good, since YOU create your own story), AI in this game is rather poor and also you will see A LOT of reused assets.
I honestly think this game can be something great if someones carries on to improve it, whether it will be fans or developers themselves.

Not very good. This game tries to dip its fingers into too many features and systems at once, and none of them end up feeling very consequential as a result. There are a lot of cool ideas (like the friend for life/vendetta system where people you help/harm can come back later to intervene in combat), but for the most part these things have very little impact on playing the game.

The twin-stick combat is okay (except for the melee weapons) but the skill trees are a spectrum between meh, useless, and decent but unable to be used often because of Action Point limitations. Unfortunately you end up doing a LOT of combat between quests and random overworld encounters, and it doesn't feel good for long.

The level design, coming from former Arkane devs (and even specifically former lead level designers!), is the most disappointing part. Between the towns and the caves and the open fields, the levels felt samey, boring, and lacked any sort of intention that would make me think they were trying to give the player multiple ways to tackle problems.

The art design is solid but the repetition of assets and the pseudo-isometric perspective means that you aren't seeing much and when you get a chance to it can be hard to enjoy it. The dialogue and story weren't terrible but weren't super compelling (and the ending is lifted straight out of Prey 2017).

The jank is real. There's a lot of cool systems at play. I just really wish the shooting felt nicer. Also I have this tech tree that I could never quite figure out how to use in a satisfying way (I have not finished this though)

Definitely a game where perf issues make it really hard, and I would have some frame skipping that makes it real tough. A game where patience is definitely required!

I admire this game so goddamn much. To take something as technical as the concept of the immersive sim and scale what kind of game it is into this top-down Action RPG, in a setting that doesn't rely on usual tropes for either horror or westerns? I aspire to beat this one day, even though I have no idea when that day will actually come because I have no idea how long this game actually is.

didn't play this one very long, and I get the feeling there's a good game here for people who are willing to make the effort to engage with the various subsystems and put up with a lot of jank, but I think I like my immersive sims more polished than this. maybe I'll give it another shot down the road when/if I own it on Steam

Neat little game! Couldnt grok the shooting, so a wraith kept eating me

Um mundo que merece ser visitado
Weird West apresenta um dos mundos mais interessantes que conheci recentemente. O jogo às vezes se torna um pouco repetitivo, mas conhecer esse mundo é fascinante. E ironicamente, apesar de tanta morte e violência, o jogo tem algo a falar a respeito da vida.

Apesar de não se aprofundar muito em seu roteiro, há boas ponderações a respeito do significado de estar vivo, de sentir e do conceito de imortalidade. O Oeste é um mundo violento e hostil, mas que também tem espaço para generosidade, perdão, fé e esperança.

Os diversos grupos do Weird West, na maioria dos casos, estão apenas tentando viver como sabem e como podem. E às vezes para fazer o que é certo, você precisa tomar decisões difíceis que vão contra o que os personagens sempre acreditaram. Fazer o certo pode custar muito caro e até te fazer repensar se foi mesmo a escolha correta. Nada que rejogar não resolva.

Os desenvolvedores da WolfEye criaram um jogo que me fascinou com seu mundo, que me fez pausar uma missão principal porque eu queria saber “o que será que tem ali?” ou para simplesmente fazer alguma missão secundária, seja para ajudar alguém ou porque tinha algo de muito interessante para descobrir.

Um mundo que vale a pena conhecer e que eu adoraria revisitar em uma sequência.

Review completo:

El juego esta chulo con muy buenas ideas pero la historia y el cambio de personaje no me acaba de convencer.
Al menos con una campaña no esta mal pero no creo que repita el mismo proceso 4 veces mas.

Weird West hat mich leider etwas enttäuscht. Die Screenshots sahen gut aus, das Gameplay wirkte in den Videos ansprechend und die Story interessant. Vom Look her konnte die isometrische Immersive-Sim durchaus überzeugen, allerdings lassen die Spielmechaniken zu wünschen übrig.
Zu oft konnte ich keine Gegenstände ablegen oder werfen, Feinde erkannten ihre niedergestreckten Kameraden, obwohl diese als "versteckt" gekennzeichnet waren und der Tritt beförderte längst nicht alle Objekte in die gewünschte Richtung.

Trotzdem ist es erstaunlich, welche Freiheiten einem das Spiel einräumt. Ich kann jede Mission angehen, wie ich möchte, ganze Städte ausrotten oder Schlüssel-Personen umbringen und Weird West justiert die Geschichte passend zu meinen Aktionen. Das sollte groß hervorgehoben werden und ist eine starke Leistung. Wäre der Rest des Spiels nur so konsistent, wie seine Story, könnte ich hier guten Gewissens meinen Revolver stecken und den Galgen im Schuppen lassen... Doch mit zu vielen Problemen dreht sich Weird West selbst einen Strick.

Might be fun on a PC. Bad port to Xbox.

Diablo-like, Immersive sim, Stealth

Extremely fun to play, there are a lot of alternatives and you can approach every mission the way you prefer, great atmosphere, great stories, the 5 playable characters are very good and diverse and with cool and unique perks, there are tons of secrets all over the map, day-and-night mechanics, deep lore


There are a few glitches and bugs (stunned horses, glitched vendors, people duplicated, a few freezes during a rainy day) (beta), the IA is stupid (= can't hear a shotgun shot a few meters away, the walking patterns seem random sometimes).

Weird West fits the bill. It is indeed a weird world, mixing your standard western setting, with all the garnishes of a Western, mixed with other various things.

Pig men? You got it. Zombies and witches? Absolutely. Pretty sure I saw a UFO at one point as well. The story of Weird West slowly reveals a fairly bizarre story about a group of five strangers who are all connected by a brand.

This brand and a strange group of individuals that you will slowly learn more about all seem to be connected and along the way, you will go out there to find answers. The main stories won't really connect much, all deal with a different group of people and their who set of issues and questions, but the main connective thread does help tie things together to where it never felt like five completely separate stories.

As you progress and these stories end and begin, you'll see some continuity. Since the land doesn't really change but the tasks do, you'll come across similar people. One stranger, a man named Essex, will always seem to pop up for example. On top of that, you'll be able to recruit your old heroes and have them tag along as you change over to a new playable character.

I do wish the stories would have a bit more post consequences though. They have some, choices you make will have longer lasting effects to both the world and yourself, but some of the decisions I made didn't really feel like they changed much.

For example, in one of the earlier stories I had the option to expose a city sheriff for being a flesh eating monster. I chose to keep her secret but I never really saw her being around as having much consequences. Maybe exposing her secret makes for bigger changes to the world but it would be nice for some of these changes to be more than just "things stay the same"

The game says that areas you explore can change over time depending on your actions. Go into a city and kill everyone? Well, there's a chance that that city will become abandoned and a new haven for bandits and monsters, while also losing a safe place to rest and buy new goods.

Over time, these areas can become overrun on their own without your intervention supposedly, though my playthrough never saw that happen, least not in any obvious manner.

On top of these types of changes, the game features a ally/enemy system. While exploring the world, you'll come across (either through side quests you discover or purely accidental) people who you can choose to help. If you do help them out, they'll become allies, forever in your debt. What that basically means is if you're in combat and near death, sometimes they'll show up to try and even the odds.

These allies can die though during these battles and if they die, they die for good.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, you can also make enemies. During battles, there is a chance that someone decides to run away or catches you doing something nefarious. In some situations, this can turn people into your enemy, where at times, when traveling to new locations or while exploring areas, these people who have survived your attacks or have a vendetta against you, can show up and try and get revenge by killing you then and there. Much like the allies, these enemies can be killed then and there and you'll never see them again.

These two systems work pretty nicely. At times, when I was losing a battle, those allies showing up to help did swing things a bit. I also did grow attached to some of these allies and really tried to make sure I wasn't killing them all the time. I definitely re-loaded a few times just to make sure a fallen ally was revived.

Unfortunately, a lot of the other systems in this game aren't all that great. AKA, the gameplay is kinda whatever.

Weird West features top down action. For me, that's always featured a camera that's always a bit disappointing. Weird West does a decent job with keeping the scale relatively small, so my normal frustrations with top down camera displays are lessened a bit, losing track of enemies, not being able to see all, things like that aren't as bad in this game......but it still happens with some minor consistency.

Controlling the camera and the game in general is not bad, which also helps.

The shooting though, is kinda basic and kinda boring. There are special abilities that all main characters have, all with a bit of uniqueness but they are fairly underwhelming and also pretty uninteresting.

Overall, the game playing aspects of this game aren't all that bad, they are just incredibly basic and after a while, since it never really evolves, it just becomes whatever. A few nitpicks with things like inventory space, but nothing overly critical. It's blandness though stands out a bit more because of that.

Weird West is still an interesting time. The story is interesting, weird, and offbeat enough to keep me entertained and a bit intrigued. The end reveal of how these heroes are all connected was a letdown but it kept me going and interested up until that and by then the game is already in its last moments so despite that and some solid, albeit bland, gameplay, it's worth a playthrough if top down action adventure games with a bit of an offbeat nature to them appeals to you. If it does suck you in, the various consequences your actions can provide, and the permadeath aspects of it do give it some replayability aspects to it.

I truly respect everything about this game - I love the style, the energy, the colourful characters, stories and setting. It turns out though that twin-stick shooters aren't for me. I put just over 6 hours into it and once the challenge started to pick up I felt completely overwhelmed by the combat. Plus the checking pointing did me no favours here. If you have the patience to master the combat, then this is a lovingly crafted game well worth your time.

This should be right up my alley in theory but the gameplay just doesn't click with me. The shooting does not feel good at all (even after updates intedned to improve it) and the emphasis on stealth seems to clash with what the game is going for stylistically. The top-down tactical stealth style has never really worked for me in other games either. If you enjoyed the likes of the Shadow Tactics or especially the Desperados games, you will likely enjoy the gameplay in Weird West too. Not what I was hoping for from this premise/world.