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in the past

Yes, folks, we get it: soundtrack makes the ears bleed. But beside listening to it on YouTube and seeing the stupid final boss plot twist: have you tried the game? It's just an ok/average platform that doesn't come close to the original by all means but it's still enjoyable. It tries, at least. It controls fine and the gyroscope parts are kinda funny.

100% this game is a bitch, I'll fully agree on that.

I tried the first level and it played the same as Yoshi's Woolly World which I just finished.

Turns out Yoshi's games are not for me because they are BORING and SNOOZY

While not being a remake, it feels like a copy of the original Yoshi's Island, and I think that on a lot of the levels, if this game had the same artistic style than the original, it would be really hard to spot from which game is each level.

While I think that the visuals are worse than the original, being this time a lot more generic, it's the only real downside I've found, being the gameplay at a similar level on both games.

There's also something that I have to comment and is that this game introduces the new scoring formula, where it's not needed to get all the collectables of a level in a single run, which is more lenient for completionists.

An unfortunate misstep in the Yoshi's Island series. The charming pixel aesthetic was dropped for a less-appealing 3Dish vibe, the soundtrack feels uninspired & it felt like, overall, the game was trying to capture what makes YI fun but failed to execute any of it with as much tact as its predecessors. There's technically an okay enough game here, but Yoshi has had much better adventures, that's for sure.

I absolutely loved Yoshi's Island DS and this game fell far short of my hopes. The levels and gameplay were uninteresting. Despite the infamous kazoos, it's still got some pretty cool music though.

After Elkin beat this game a couple weeks ago with middling reviews, I did go into it this game with a little trepidation, but I ended up being very pleasantly surprised.

The first major thing to get used to, is that Yoshi doesn't move like he used to. Yoshi is a lot slower to build up momentum when he runs and to swallow to make eggs, and this takes a lot of getting used to for someone like me who grew up heavily on the original game. However, after the first world or so, it was totally fine. I compared it to how Mario moves a lot differently in Super Mario U compared to Super Mario World: Not worse, just inherently different.

Speaking of the first world, I can sorta see why some people had problems with this game, because it's pretty slow. The first world was pretty underwhelming, and I really wasn't diggin' it, but I perservered. By about the middle of world 2, and certainly by world 3, I was really digging it as the game comes into its own element. I'm sorry I can't really describe that better, but it's just my experience with the game (perhaps this is why I'm not a professional reviewer ;p).

In terms of difficulty, I would say this game lines up pretty well with the original. I didn't really see myself dying much until I was trying to get all of the collectibles on world 5 and especially world 6. I'm currently going through the original again to confirm those suspicions, but it lines up generally with what I remember in that the game is far from uncompletably difficult.

Also, this game is welcomely more forgiving in terms of those collectibles. Where in the original games you had to get all of the stars, red coins, and flowers on one perfect run through, now you only need to get all of any of them, and it checks it off. For example, if on three separate runthroughs you get all the flowers, red coins, and stars respectively, you'd have a 100 on that level. I'm totally okay with this, especially giving that they made getting 30 stars harder in that whenever you die they reset to 10 no matter how much you had at the middle-ring, and they took out items so no more +20 stars at the end of levels to save your butt. I guess it's up to personal preference, but I don't mind that they made it easier.

With things like that, it certainly made unlocking the extra stage in each world after getting perfect in everything easier, and DAMN, they're as hard as usual. I had to just give up beating the special stage in worlds 4-6. They were just too vindictively difficult for my blood Xp

In summary, considering it's going up against one of the greatest games ever, Yoshi's Island, I never expected it to be better than that game. Although, I ended up having a lot of fun with a game that stands really well on it's own. I'm not usually one for scores, but I'd give this a 7.5 or an 8 if I had to.

it was kinda fun but i still got bored and tired of it. i might finish it one day tho

Yoshi's New Island is a game that exists. Was developed and published, it has graphics and music, it has level design and gameplay. Truly one of the games of all time.

worst Yoshi game I ever played. I havent picked up a Yoshi game since in fear that it'll bring back the painful memory of blowing $40 on this game when it was new and i was excited to play it. when im low on money i think about this game. hate it.

Squeezed every ounce of charm out of Yoshi’s Island and replaced it with kazoos

Très (voire trop) facile, aucune idée originale... on est en automatique tout le long du jeu, et on l'oublie sitôt fini. Rien à sauver, c'était juste mouif.

J'adore Yoshi, mais franchement, ce jeu... J'veux bien que ce soit facile et tout, mais là y a un peu de l'abus, c'est plutôt ennuyeux. J'vous recommande de regarder les autres jeux de la licence, plutôt.

I actually enjoyed my time with this one. Even with the bullshit final boss fight.

This game... is boring. Mechanically and everything the game is totally fine but it just leaves no impression on you at all besides maybe the graphics. The music is not that good either though that aspect might be a bit overhated. It's still a very forgettable 3DS title.

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No entiendo por qué la gente tiene a este juego como una mierda infumable.

Comparado con el de DS mejora muchas cosas, quita los bebés múltiples y el estilo artístico no parece hecho en Paint en 2 minutos.

Tiene 2 mecánicas, que es cierto que no se usan demasiado, que son el huevo gigante y el huevo de metal, pero se me hacen menos intrusivas que los bebés en el gameplay.

La música es malilla ( tiene como 6 remixes del mismo tema todo el rato ) pero únicamente por esto la gente ya sepulta al juego, cuando tampoco es como si te dejase paralizado del asco o algo.

El jefe final también es una versión descafeinada de la del Island de SNES, pero los demás jefes están decentes o un tanto interesantes.

Se me hace que uno de los motivos de odio de este juego es que la gente se esperaba algo de la calidad del original y acabó siendo un juego bueno sin más, decente.

También está el jefe secreto que es Bowser del futuro que literalmente sale de la nada y la gente usa para burlarse, cuando los RPG de Mario tienen cosas más chorra que esta xd.

Whoever scored this should be shot.

I'm split on whether or not this game is truly awful but it most certainly isn't...good. Production values are extremely mediocre and despite the name of the game, there's almost nothing new here. It's the SNES game repackaged in a worse form. Atleast blazing through it can be fun but I have no desire to ever replay this game. It's funny too because the cover art makes it seem like it's gonna be a really good game but then you actually play it and it's the most creatively bankrupt thing imaginable.

this game be so good when you dont got a bitch in ya ear complaining about the one song that plays once during the opening.

Esperaba usar más seguido y no solo 1 vez por mundo la mecánica del huevo gigante

nossa muito ruim nintendo que porra é essa demorei literalmente 4 anos pra terminar isso (data aprox.)

Arzest greatest dev of all time, never catching an L anytime soon

This game is the equivalent of redrawing the Mona Lisa in the mud with twigs.
It's just Yoshi Island, but worse in every single conceivable way. It tries to recapture the magic but it ends up as a pale imitation.
Utterly dreadful.

Inoffensive Yoshi Game, good yes but not much more