Reviews from

in the past

Starts as a fun resource gathering game but becomes shallow quickly once you realize the depth of the game. Co-op certainly does help though.

You must go through... the PLANET CORREEE

Falls off very hard during end game.

Astroneer is the perfect space survivalcraft game.

Crafting feels like you're assembling a puzzle without the picture, a challenge that gives you the same satisfaction as seeing a properly cable managed server rack.

Exploring alien planets while expanding your oxygen tethers is very relaxing and rewarding, as once you've covered the planet with your blue air-spaghetti you can run around without a single worry while looking for resources.

Visually the game is extremely vibrant and toony. Very bold colors with extreme landscapes and complex machinery is a sight for sore eyes.

Overall the game is a very great experience for the people that want a survival exploration crafting factory building game. Think of Minecraft, Satisfactory and No Man's Sky mushed into one awesome game.

Love the look but not fun on your own.

got bored after playing for too long but its generally blissful. very casual and calm. me happy.

A super cute little survival crafting game, but in a very relaxing form. No need to worry about micro-managing your resources. Just find stuff, build stuff, research stuff. Very fun.

Well polished and fun "Survival-lite" game; get's old fast though, once you go to another planet and realise that the entire game is the same loop. Could have been a lot more than it is.

Definitiv nicht für die Konsole gemacht und selbst auf dem PC noch schrott. Das Tutorial kommt direkt aus der Hölle, das Rucksackprinzip ist grauenvoll, es sieht ausnahmslos kacke aus.

Wenn man hier "Spaß mit Freunden" hatte, dann hättet ihr den auch mit ner Runde Canasta gehabt, hat absolut nichts mit dem Haufen Pixelmüll zu tun.

Würde mir einer sagen, dass das Spiel von ner KI entwickelt wurde, würde ich das sofort glaube, weil kein Mensch auf so eine Idee kommen sollte.

every year i will play this for like 10 hours and then realise i wasnt enjoying it whatsoever

This one is really fun, but its hard to play with friends as you get lost on your own so easily. Also the physics don't match really well with multiplayer. But when you play by yourself its very fun, you get to explore space and beyond.

Pretty atmospheric but the control composition is annoying

I'm not a fun of this exploring and surviving games, but this one has some nice ideas, even though, pretty boring

This seems like a chill game and it looks cool, but I bounced hard off of the UX. I didn't play it long enough to feel good about giving it a rating, but wanted to record my thoughts.

I really like the way Astroneer looks. The flat shading fits this type of game really well and I like the industrial design of the ships and astronaut equipment. The resources are hard to differentiate, however, mainly differing by color, which makes them hard to identify at a glance.

Control and navigation are weird and feel pretty bad. The uneven, voxel terrain is awkward to walk on and it is easy to get stuck on terrain or fall in holes you cannot jump out of. I think this fits the cartoon style, but isn't fun to engage with.

The main thrust of this game is gathering resources and building, but the mechanics of this are pretty tedious to engage with. It is going for a fully in-world crafting experience, but dragging all of the resources and objects around is pretty awkward and unnecessarily hard. I think this game would work better in 2d, where there is less ambiguity about what you are interacting with.
The basic act of managing 15-20 units of resource is fiddly and annoying. I really didn't like this in the first five minutes of the game, which made me quit pretty quickly.

I am sure once you get used to the interface the game gets better, and it seems like there is a solid base here with some interesting building and planet exploration going on.
This one just isn't for me!

Stupidly fun to Co-op.

Very fun to make man caves in

I call the the Phil cave
my girlfriend loves it

Audio, visuals, style are jawdroppingly gorgeous. Played through with one other friend and continue to have a blast every single session.

The only thing keeping me from giving this game a half star is how fun it is with friends. Aside from that the developers have proceeded to add update after update that make the game less user friendly, forcing players to now pay for servers to be able to play with their friends and earn achievements, as well as adding microtransactions and skins.

I catch myself going back to it ever so often. The core gameplay is fun, but there's a point where you feel like you've done everything unique to be done and the rest is the same but in another color planet. Of course, the main game loop IS a lot of fun, so I got a ton of enjoyment out of it. The constant updates are nice even if it's nothing that dramatically increases the lifespan of the game.

I play it in bursts, get distracted and don't play for months. Overall it's pretty aight. Probably will pick it up again soon

I liked some of the more analogue mechanics like tethering to an oxygen supply and slicking power cords together. I loved the colors and representations of resources.

But, super fussy controls and opaque base power management left me feeling a bit in the cold. I wanted slicker, easier, more natural ways to manage my resources instead of juggling backpack slots and guessing at power consumption.

Bom mas enjoa (200 horas de gameplay), apesar de ter visuais bem legais.

A fun lil game! Simple enough to spend time in but lacks story

Great game, not my preferred genre, but still spent a good 30 hours playing w my husband.

I really like how this game feels to play. Clicking about and is funny. The drill tractor is super fun. It's fun to set up little bases on each planet but for the most part you need to set up everything everywhere which is a little tiring sometimes. I really want to play the game multiplayer now... 👁️ 👁️

Games that are optimized for mouse & keyboard! My favorite!

ASTRONEER is a really lovely co-op game that left me in the dust. Through my boyfriend and I's romp, I would say the majority of his 20+ hour playtime was... discovering new material, making new equipment, just generally having a really awesome time with the game. Meanwhile, it wasn't until about hour 14 that I finally stopped complaining about how (ironically) alienating this game is.

Look. Console experiences aren't perfect or anything, I'm not saying that. But ever since I stopped using my PS4 as my primary gaming device, video games have started to relentessly remind me that I'm disabled.

Shocking, I know. Earth shattering information here; PC gaming has a really big accessibility problem. Personally the most aggravating thing is that, for whatever reason, Steam refuses to believe that I'm using a Dualshock controller. Don't know why! It just does!

This internal confusion means every time I pick up a game on Steam, I have to recalibrate. Rerouting my mental button layout to whatever weird controller Steam mistakenly believes I'm using. Some games get the memo... ASTRONEER didn't.

ASTRONEER really, really didn't. It is not as bad as ABZÛ - nothing will ever be as bad as ABZÛ - but it sure comes close. Every time I opened ASTRONEER, I had to spend a good 5-10 minutes remembering what button did what. On its own, this is frustrating beyond belief - factor in the cooperation play here and the collaboration effort. Imagine you're me, someone who physically can't use M&K due to fine motor control issues and is really struggling because of that, watching your boyfriend in the distance (literally, on another planet) having oodles of fun.

Yeah. It stings.

All in all, I really liked ASTRONEER but I am very obviously not the intended audience. PC-first games have... physical expectations of their playerbase, I've come to find, and ASTRONEER is one of the most glaring examples I've found.

(Yes, I understand that there is some personal under-the-hood adjustments that can be made here - as in, fixes to the Steam client itself and not the games - but because of my learning disability aka bad-at-information and mechanical problem solving brain, I don't know how to implement those fixes either. ¯\(ツ)/¯ )

Beyond my very many grievances with ASTRONEER'S accessibility, the game itself is cute. Nearly a co-op experience dream.

Admittedly, its very real world building and collision system is... odd, to say the least. The game doesn't play fair whatsoever. We both had our odd encounters with the game's luck, got stranded, suffocated through no fault of our own, etc.

Crafting completely went over my head and I was delegated to the 'brawn' of our duo. Or, uh, the delivery boy. I didn't understand what any of the equipment on our base did, no. Nonetheless, I do know how to mine! (Allegedly!)

Obviously I got burnt out pretty quickly for all the aforementioned reasons. I do think I'll return to ASTRONEER, whenever my blood pressure has lowered and I'm not at risk of bursting a blood vessel.

Would never play this alone but a fun few evenings with the boys working through the game. gets a bit repetitive on the last couple planets you just go there to collect the unique resource and grab the spoiler and leave

A very good survival game with nice music and style. I just wish there was more danger. Right now it's like Minecraft on peaceful mode. Fun, but not a challenge.