Reviews from

in the past

I went up, but I'm not sure if it mattered.

Life is full of choices, many of which being ones we don't exactly know the outcome of, we ask around, we try gathering all the information we can about whether the choice we make will be the right one, but in the end, we often cannot find the feeling of certainty we're looking for, since our own experiences and perspectives will shape the personal outcomes of what we decide nonetheless. In the end, it's often a case where the choice itself might be significant, but what matters more is possessing the conviction required to not be paralysed by indecisiveness, to at least attempt making a choice rather than wallowing around, hoping that one day a sudden flash of inspiration will give you all the answers. What makes it all the more difficult and confusing however, is that once forced to gain a vague idea of the direction you want to go, it becomes far, far harder to justify changing your mind, even if deep down you know that there's absolutely no bearing on the choice beyond going with your gut and sticking to your guns based on an impulse decision you made a long time ago. How Fish Is Made is ultimately a game that manages to convey so much about the uncertainties faced in life and the nature of choice, in general and the fact that this is all done through a game where you're just some fish flopping through these visceral, surreal environments just chatting to other random fish along the way is a great example of why I absolutely adore art. So much can be said and explored through even the most abstract, outlandish of means, it's really something special.

up or down? i'm down sad, that's what

A nice littel game about fish nihilism.
I hope to see more of the dev's work in the future, their style is amazing.

Go play it its free!

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It's cool I guess. Being a fish and talking to fish is fun and silly. The decision making feature that doesn't actually matter is a good idea, a good spin on a typical and fundamental gaming standard. At first I was thinking like "damn, fish is going to remember that for sure".
Other than the decision bit, this game is mostly just flopping around in what I wouldn't call the MOst interesting environments.
Its definitely nice that this exists though.

Make no mistake that this game is, essentially, a walking simulator with an interestingly disgusting coat of paint. But, putting that aside, I do appreciate the writing a lot and that the main choice is less about the outcome and more how you handle it; whether it be sheer confidence or waning due to peer pressure, it's an interesting theme to explore.

Also the musical number is the best part of this game without question

This is hell for people like me that have seafood allergies

I definitely related a lot to what this game was trying to convey with the message of making choices. Most of my life I’ve always wanted to hold off making big decisions because of the uncertainty of it all. I’ve since been a lot better at making choices without freezing up but it’s still something I need to work on as well as most people.
This game is able to convey a lot of that feeling of uncertainty, panic, blind faith and just overall fear behind decision making in just 20 min. It also conveys this in the strangest way possible through the form of a flopping fish. I feel that any game that is able to get their point across despite being so utterly bizarre has achieved its goal in a way that other stories with similar messages have not. There is absolutely no reason not to check this game out as it’s so short and free. I feel you will only gain something out of playing it and if not you at least get to experience something truly odd.

Kurt Cobain lied about fish not having feelings

A quick game about death, choice, and parasites - love it to death and played it twice in a row. I love the visuals of this game, and the writing is witty and thought provoking. I'll be thinking about this one for awhile

thank you Jacob Geller, very cool

How Fish is Made é um jogo sobre peixes fazendo questionamentos filosóficos sobre a vida, problema e escolhas.
O jogo é grátis e é bem curto, demorando uns 30 minutinhos pra finalizar, porem eu não entendi nada que o jogo queria passar, recomendo 👍

There are no mechanics in this game, not really. All you can do is move and talk, but even then you don’t have to make conversation with anyone you pass by. Hell, I don’t think the game would care if you just stood still the entire time, never moved an inch. They are choices, but not really. Maybe that’s okay though. It’s not like it really matters in the end. There are different endings. But not really. The outcomes may be unconnected, but your presence in both is insignificant.

It's a long way down, a long way down down down

Very weird in a way I very much enjoyed, it's hard to get a single concise message out of this game but it feels like that's by design, hope to see more weird interesting stuff from the dev

i really do be getting emotional about sardines

it's unique and it cares .... I'm not sure how I can talk about it further than that though

cool i do recommend it

I'm Kevin "The Deep" Moskowitz and I approve this message.

Sometimes we have to make up meaning to cope with the pain

The plastic slowly choking you is your crown
The parasite that ate your tongue wanted to be your friend

Don't try to change anything about your situation.
The machine can't talk to you. Don't try talking to it.
Those who try to escape get crushed.

You have grown complacent.
Even when you're back in the water you're still flapping around like on land.

Do you want to go up or down?

I literally can't describe my experience with this

It's a short, evocative piece of interactive art about choice. It's well worth the short time it takes, and the free price of admission.