Reviews from

in the past

If you can get past the wall of information the game won't teach you, delving into manuals and wikis to gather everything you need to play...

You'll find a pretty poor taste /v/ coomer game with rape, edgy shit, and teenage energy creating this 'chad'like persona dominating a bunch of women. With uhhh decent tactical combat that goes by pretty fast i guess. The combat itself is enjoyable but pales in comparison to the mountain of shit the game focuses on aesthetically and is crammed in your face.

I guess it's fulfillment for otakus who don't get any girlfriends.

only soul merchants like this game


How the fuck did this come out in 1996.
I'm glad this got made, shit exudes SOUL from every pore.
Way ahead of its time even tho it can get Nintendo Hard real fast if you don't have a guide with you.

Really impressive game. Story feels somewhat rushed but when the characters get some spotlight they really steal the show. Big fan of the SRPG aspect as well.

can't spell france without rance

One of the most groundbreaking games I've ever played. The sheer amount of freedom given to the player is simply vertiginous. We can finally look and directly interact with the vast world the Rance series takes place in, expanding on the already rich lore we've been teased with until now in the most satisfying way. Conquering the Continent feels indeed highly rewarding because of how well designed the game mechanics are. The replay value is also insane since you cannot give a happy ending to all the characters simultaneously.

Siri, play Kichikuou Rance Track 11 DSP Enhanced at maximum volume even if we scare the hoes away

potentiality great game spoiled by the fact its an RPG from the 90s and thus is really hard to get into because absolutely nothing about it tries to be approachable or streamlined.

i obviously didn't finish this game, but after being so harshly confused by everything in this game and having to rollback to older saves after fucking myself to the point of no return multiple times i dont think i can handle any more of this game.

Yes, indeed.
Kichikuou Rance is viewed as one of the most important Eroge ever created.
A work that requires extensive historical discussions.
But that is not all.
Because the game’s narrative itself—is in need of such discussions as well, but from a philosophical perspective.
A story with endless layers, complex character arcs, and overarching—partially meta—themes such as conflict, love, and free will.
A game that can be re-visited countless times over the years thanks to the incredible freedom the player has while experiencing it. Even after reaching the true ending, much is left to be discovered. It feels like you’ve merely scratched the surface of what the game is hiding.
A game that will make you realize what art can achieve through the sheer passion of its creators.
A game that will leave you speechless.
A game that makes me proclaim: “Yes! This is why I love humanity!”

While it has its issues with the gameplay and some 'day-to-day' moments being quite lack-luster it makes up for it in those moments which end up being my fav of all time, containing the best ending to a game I've ever seen with the 'true ending' and was an amazingly conclusion to the series which developed across the former 6 (8) titles.

Eu ia fazer uma review complexa, mas eu acho que só essa música já é motivo suficiente para fazer alguém jogar essa Obra Prima da Alicesoft


My other favorite game of all time in so many ways. While it might not be the most flashy or advanced game ever, the amount of heart put into it and the stories within more than make up for it's technological disadvantages. This is my ideal game in every way imaginable. I dislike scoring things based on categories (and really just scoring things in general) but Kichikuou Rance is the only game that I can easily give a 10/10 in every single category. This game means the world to me. Even among high budget AAA games, there is nothing that quite compares to the majesty (no pun intended) of this title. From start to finish this was a masterpiece, and I wouldn't give up my experiences with it for the world. The only problem I have with it is that I can never play it again for the first time.
Thank you AliceSoft for making such a work of art. I don't think I can fully convey my love for this title, but it is well deserving of every bit of praise it gets.

only soulless merchants hate this game

Holds up remarkably well for an eroge from 1996. Full of heart and soul. The strategy gameplay is fun, even if it does get really easy. Impossible not to respect the amount of ambition in its narrative and how it's the foundation for every game after.

Man, what an amazing game. As described in other reviews here, this game exudes soul. They clearly put their heart and soul into making it as they thought this is the last Rance game they'll ever get to make during the time Alicesoft was close to bankruptcy, and it definitely shows. It's an ambitious, sprawling, strategy masterpiece, and it's way ahead of its time.

Having said that, I think this game will drive certain people crazy. If you're prone to save-scumming and always attempting to clear as much as characters as possible, I'm gonna give you a heads up here. This game will wear you down even with a guide if you're planning to get as many happy endings possible and recruit everyone you want. There are too many moving pieces and therefore every turn a few things could go wrong and you might want to reload your last quicksave like I did, many times.

However, this game is old and save-scumming is inconvenient here. If you mess up and decide to load a save, you will be forced to replay the whole turn regardless of when and at which point you saved during the turn. That means you'll have to do quite a bit of replaying to get your desired outcome of each turn. Your waifu might get assassinated or catch a deadly virus during an unavoidable event and the last turn you could've prevented that is 10 turns ago. It's stuff like this that can be frustrating sometimes. The unpredictability coupled with the inconvenient save/load system forces you to either cope and adapt or go insane. And that's also what makes this game the brilliant strategy game that it is. Wars are chaotic and can be unpredictable and I felt that while getting fucked by RNG events and quite a few battles with the Demon army.

So yeah, I think this game is phenomenal but you need time and patient to truly enjoy it.

P.S. Sill is bestgirl even though she died during an early mob battle early and I didn't even realize it for like 20 turns and I couldn't bother to load an older save.

This game is fun but it has way too many moments that make me want to oof myself

Sengoku rance with the heart (kino)

I softlocked my fucking playthrough because the spy bitch poisoned my food will replay it later

Rance X + Sengoku Rance, but in 1996

First competent playthrough and haven't finished it yet, but having reached the demon war stages... I don't think that it would ever deserve less than this.
I don't know if I want to know everything about this game or not. It's enchanting.

I've always wanted to conquer the world.

Sadly I live in modern America where guns the greatest thing known to man, bayonets are completely impractical, swords are fucking useless, and those amazing european suits of armor with dick protectors (yes those exist) are obselete. Thankfully, video games exist nowadays and I can kill my unquenchable thrist for this unknown type of urge I want. After years, I found what I was looking for. Strategy RPGs. For a while, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War had what I wanted. Massive interconnected maps with a simple battle system and a great storyline to boot. Also, the game has a rating system which begs you to get a perfect game (which I plan to do one day) along with a generation system where the relationships of characters can lead different troops you get down the road. But the game wasn’t enough. The map was confined to a dozen or so maps that you couldn’t go back to and check on later. Plus, Fire Emblem had gone back to their regular old self and never tried this type of approach ever again. Plus, that rumored remake is probably not happening. Thankfully, I decided to graduate to grand strategy games and test their waters. There’s just one problem, they all fucking suck. Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Total War, and Liberty or Death were tailor made for hardcore players and insane PC gamers who can multitask like gods and know how to work their extremely advanced and complex UI and mechanics. They were a little too big for my taste. But thankfully, I found this game, Kichikuou Rance.

It has what I wanted. It’s immersive like wow I’m conquering the fucking world! It has a pretty simple UI design (being made in 1996 by a bunch of wack jobs who only made Dragon Quest but with pornographic twists and turns) and a simple battle system that just clicks. And, they are so many variables to take notes on. All main characters (side notes: there’s 167 characters I’m not joking) have good and bad ends depending on your actions. I want to go back to this game one day and just make the absolute limit of a strategy to get as many of the good endings of characters as possible. Ah yeah. The sex. It’s fine. Not the best. Not the worst. I was kinda shocked that one of the women in the game had a dozen guys with blue, pink, green, whatever hair and I was like “oh zamn thats nice”.

Anyways, good game. And before anyone asks, no I'm not a Rance fan.

Kino,Soul,Based game.

Jogo desgraçado de difícil, vai se foder baleia arrombada

O fato que até hoje (tipo literal hoje) to descobrindo coisa nova sobre esse jogo acidentalmente só prova o quão grande essa porra é.

O Trabalho feito nisso é genial e não foi atoa que conseguiu salvar a empresa da falência. O Fator replay desse jogo consegue facilmente ser maior que milhares de jogos AAA por ai.