Reviews from

in the past

Step down from MMZ3 but about on par with 2. I miss Recoil Rod but the Zero Knuckle had some merit to it. Mostly being using it on enemies with axes so you could get that weapon variant and enjoy its power and range. The levels in this game don't stand out in my mind like MMZ3's did, but I do recall the bosses being stiff challenges. Without focusing too much on the story, the final fight and resolution was a good sendoff for the series.

Es maravilloso como toda la narración le da tanta fuerza a saltitos, disparitos y espadazos. Todo lo que jugamos cumple un propósito en la guerra que se nos presenta y gracias a eso es que el final es tan jodidamente glorioso. Luchando hasta el final como un héroe que no se considera héroe. Matando como máquina de guerra salvas al mundo y lo sientes tras vencer al final boss. Zero nunca tuvo elección.

Really great game. While not quite as refined as Zero 2 or 3, the core gameplay and level design was still a lot of fun. However, I did find some of the changes and new mechanics a bit disagreeable though. The part system managed to be almost as obtuse as X5's, the new cyberelf system removed the fun of collecting them, the change in EX skill acquisition was dumb, etc. The removal of elemental chips was genius though, as it alleviates the franchise's long-standing issue with weakness abuse sucking the fun out of bosses. Serves as an amazing epilogue to the Zero series, too.

Unfortunately a step down in most regards from 3. However, it does try some new things in the gameplay department like the weather system, which functions as a pseudo difficulty select, which is neat. I don't really like it having such a large focus on story when Zero's arc felt like it was wrapped up neatly in 3. The final boss fight is definitely a highlight though, and serves as a decent ending to the series.

wow this was a step down from 3 but the final boss is still raw tho

it's a little boring after the last two. the last level might be a true work of art though

So here's the hot take of the summer: This is actually my favorite game in the series. I love almost every piece of streamlining that was done from Zero 3, as while that game is fantastic in its own right it was also a little bit too easy to snap in half (That and I was never too big on the Recoil Rod in general).

Zero 4 takes the best aspects of the whole series: The simplicity of Zero 1, the varied brutality of Zero 2, and the customizability and polish of Zero 3, and rolls them together in a conclusive, jawdroppingly gorgeous package. While the crafting system is a dud and practically requires a guide, the rest of the game is ace in design and the Z-Knuckle is an absolute blast to toy around with.

A bit of a step down from Zero 3, but still a great time.

this game makes me really angry, they took SO many steps back from zero 3 and you can really tell they were forced by capcom to churn this one out

the most effort that seems to have been put in was for the amazing ending (which prevents this game from being entirely a waste) and the music (which genuinely ranks among the best mega man soundtracks, imo)

I have a... conflicting relationship with this game. On one hand, it's a frustrating, direct downgrade from 3 in many ways. On the other hand, it's the game that I keep getting drawn back into.

Last in the series, while it's peak zero gameplay, i feel like had quite a downgrade compared to Zero 3

I appreciate that they tried to go for more gimmicky stages to keep things fresh for the 4th installment but a lot of it just ends up being annoying and the bosses are more similar to the unfair nature of 1 with attacks that are really difficult to dodge in the small space they give you. I generally liked what I saw of the writing in this one more than the others but the humans in the settlement are pretty obnoxious. The changes to the elf system seem cool enough but the weird crafting system feels stupid.

It feels like they resorted to some X5-tier stage gimmicks that are kinda annoying and assholish but not impossible, in fact 2 stages are literally the same gimmicks from that game, noble mandrago's is like axle the red's and heat genblem is like mattrex's. It even has ziplines but slightly worse because you can't slide across them, you can only jump, and there's some where it's a platform too but you have to fall through it while timing it right to still grab on to the zipline as it's also moving itself because there's also spikes that'll kill you if you keep standing on the platform and you can tell from the way I'm describing it I really did not like the 2 or 3 parts of the game that had that. Other stages felt like they had a little less interesting design overall too, but combat and movement is still good and they didn't ruin it with any annoying new enemies, I even cried a little at the ending (this is normal for me) so I can't really hate it, I was just not expecting this game to remind me of X5 in some ways and that's really fucking funny to me.

I want to like this more, but this game just has a lot that I don't like. So many levels are either boring, unmemorable, or uninteresting that I find this to be a chore to play sometimes. I'm not a fan of the new Zero Knuckle as most enemy weapons are pretty bad. I like the new ex skill system, but that's like the only positive change. The elf system is worse than 3's, only limiting you to a couple elf effects, some of which are largely the same, and the crafting system is awful. Unlike games with a proper crafting system, this game doesn't tell you the recipes of over 80% of the parts in this game. It's bad design and forces the use of a guide. I got every part in this game, and the grinding was honestly not that bad; it was kind of relaxing at times, but I also learned that a majority of the parts in this game are useless. Quick Charge, Double Jump, Rolling, and the Junk set are all you really need. If you're playing this game, look up how to get those, and you'll be fine.

its more consistent than zero 3 but its weird part system and removal of the cooler weapons from zero 2 and 3 makes it bit more shallow imo

i dont get why this is considered the black sheep of the series besides some jank with the collectibles

New ability to destroy enemies with your hand and steal their weapon from them or to get weapons in the environment, can be used as a straight upwards attack but weapons grabbed usually aren't that useful. Removed your other weapons other than the sword and gun. Stage rankings no longer do anything but give bosses an extra attack if you keep an S rank. A weather system where you can set an easy or hard weather for the stage with hard giving you a boss attack if you beat it and both altering the stage. One elf that grows many times and equips three abilities one from each class of former elf. No longer any elemental effects other than by using EX attacks. Crafting parts for head, body, leg chips, your options are much less interesting and the guessing nature of what makes what was poorly thought out. Narratively seems like a complete afterthought, even removing characters that they later decided died in the previous game for no real reason. Normal length like Zero 2 not with more bosses and stages like 3 or shorter like the first. Better than the first but disappointing after the third.

THIS is how you're supposed to end a series, X5.

claims to be pro life
dies anyway

it made me so FUCKING mad that I punched the closest wall so hard that I probably broke my right wrist!!!! FuckfuckfuckfuckfuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUCK!!!!!

Zero não se vá, por favor :"(

A melhor parte de MegaMan Zero 4 com certeza é a história, um final épico e uma digna conclusão não apenas para a saga Zero quanto pra MegaMan no geral. (Eu sei que tem o ZX, mas eu n joguei ele ainda, então shhhh)
A trilha sonora de Zero4 é espetacular, novamente, é quase tão boa quanto a de MegaMan Zero 3.
É aí que nós somos levados a um ponto específico do jogo... o level design.
Ok... ok... sem enrolação, esse é o pior level design de MegaMan Zero.
MegaMan Zero 2 já tinha me revoltado bastante com algumas fases chatas e frustrantes, mas puta merda, não teve uma fase de MMZ4 que eu não sentia vontade de socar meu monitor.
Talvez eu esteja exagerando, mas mesmo as que não são tão ruins, só não são memoráveis, esse jogo não tem o mesmo charme e o carisma de MegaMan Zero 3, não é marcante.
Eu digo o mesmo sobre os bosses do jogo, ou são ruins, ou só não memoráveis.
O Boss final é o único que se destaca, com bastante padrões para decorar, morrendo, morrendo e morrendo.
Pode ser um pouco chato, mas é exatamente do jeito que eu gosto hehe.
E também tem os sistemas do jogo, por exemplo, o sistema de Parts, ou o de Cyber-Elfs foi completamente modificado, não está ruim, mas o do Zero 3 era melhor. (Tirando o sistema de Parts, o sistema de Parts é realmente terrível.)
O sistema de parts é tão ridículo que eu não coletei uma sequer durante o jogo inteiro.
É justamente isso que eu sinto com MegaMan Zero 4, "no Zero 3 era melhor".
Esse jogo não tem uma indentidade própria, não tem marca, não tem nada.
Ele é só medíocre na maioria dos aspectos, sempre perdendo pro Zero 3, seu antecessor.
Em suma, vale apena porque é MegaMan Zero, então você na certa vai se divertir, mas provavelmente passará raiva em certas fases, ainda mais se não tiver paciência pra ficar pegando upgrades e essas coisas, nem mesmo eu peguei.

The ending was awesome, but it still sucks.

Weirdest fucking Zero game but holy shit that finale had no business being that good

Sinto que deu uma queda meio forte do Zero 3 pra esse, tentaram dar umas diferenciadas nesse jogo pra não ficar mais do que foi os 3 anteriores e não sinto que fizeram tão bem, principalmente as Gimics de cada fase e a mudança do Sistema de Elfos (Nunca pensei que ia falar isso...).
A parte principal dos Elfos que é aumentar a vida, defesa e proteger de coisas especificas até que gostei, por mais que precise de novo de Farm pra porra é mais pratico doq ficar caçando a fase toda por algo e ainda ter que gastar os Crystals pra usar, aqui você já tem tudo só precisa farmar, mas cortaram muitos efeitos de Elfos para virarem Equipamentos que nem no Zero 3... mas que ao invés de ganhar no decorrer do jogo ou explorando tem que Craftar.... acaba que o jogo consegue ter um Farm que só não é pior que o Zero 1...