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Sequels can make the mistake of going bigger just for the sake of it and dilute what was already great or just surround the lean, meaty parts with unnecessary fat. But then there are sequels like OlliOlli World. This third OlliOlli game is still spiritually the same board Roll7 has been riding since its debut, but it’s been tightened, freshly painted, upgraded, and waxed to a mirror sheen, making it one of the sturdiest and pleasing decks to ride in the entire extreme sports genre.

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yet another magnificent skate game. i wish u could wear a maid dress ingame. i will probably never finish it because im stupid and too much of a perfectionist in games about getting points and i take too much time replaying the same levels

OlliOlli World wooed me with its charm, but I fell in love with its challenge. Its best levels are layered and loop back around on themselves in a way that's reminiscent of 2D Sonic, and they dare you to replay them for optional objectives and higher scores. Mastering the game's mechanics is something I found deeply satisfying, and nailing the perfect run after dozens of attempts feels transcendent.

went back to play olliolli2 after beating this and oh my god they tightened up the controls so much in this one it's like night and day. this game rules

I am really enjoying this, aesthetically it's so joyous, and I find pushing myself to accomplish some of the more demanding things the games asks of you to be very satisfying. That said, I wish it didn't show you all of the "optional" challenges initially, because "optional" means "have to do it before moving on to anything else," for me.

I reached Gnarvana. Taking the core elements of the original Olli Olli titles but improving on the pacing, adding optional objectives, checkpoints and expanding the scale of levels with multiple branching paths - there is a ton to unpack.

The input demand in later levels can get intense, but again, with the optional objectives in play, you can just focus on finishing the level first and coming back later to clean up any other tasks. Still, I found pulling off special tricks to be difficult and more often than not the game would detect a simple trick instead. It may have just been me but this was my biggest frustration overall and I still can't get the knack for it.

One thing I do appreciate is the game slowly rolling out different techniques you can use, but not locking them off till you reach that section - so if you remember things like manuals from the prior games, you can use them from the start.

The Adventure Time aesthetic and lo-fi beat mash-up is a constant delight throughout - even when you bail on a specific grind for the 50th time. If Roll7 want to go full 'Tony Hawk's American Wasteland' next time with this style - I'm all for it.

Wow, truly incredible. I've been a big fan since the first game, and somehow the 3rd game is still improving the formula by leaps and bounds. Masterful branching semi-linear level design like 2D Sonic games, great music, beautiful graphics and art direction, and incredibly tight gameplay and controls.

In short, if a rhythm game was mashed up with the wildest Tony Hawk combos.

My only real complaint is that velocity is under explained in game. It's critical but hard to grok.

I've beaten every high score challenge. Few gaming accomplishments have felt this awesome to me. A must play game.

Visualmente lindo com uma OST ótima, porém, o level design é o maior aprimoramento. As fases funcionam em 2.5D, um recurso que aumentou muito as possibilidades de manobras e caminhos possíveis pra se explorar, com diversos atalhos, locais tanto na vertical quanto na horizontal o tempo todo, variando as possibilidades, áreas quebráveis que liberam novos caminhos, além disso, novos recursos como o Wallride, manobras de cima a baixo com rampas, giros em 360, manual melhorado, assim podendo ser utilizado nas escadas e troca de grid, tornando seu gameplay mais rico do que em OlliOlli 2, ainda sim, tem seus defeitos em outros aspectos.

A quantidade exagerada de textos que pouco agregam, onde apenas são comentários cômicos entre os personagens ou tutoriais e dicas de manobras demonstram que a ausência de texto ou uma suposta história nos anteriores, tinha motivo. Simplesmente não combinam com a proposta do jogo, logo, torna tudo isso irrelevante, apenas são planos de fundo pra justificar as fases, algo que se justifica por si só apenas jogando. Os próprios personagens são sem graça tbm, apenas esteriotipos típicos sem nenhuma personalidade própria ou carisma, nesse ponto, OlliOlli World tentou ser ambicioso demais sem saber o que queria com tais recursos, criando problemas em sua estrutura que os outros jogos não tinham.

Aside from the last handful of levels, which I just wasn't up to par with the standard the game expected of me, 80% of this game is a joyous, beautiful, well-soundtracked hybrid of a platformer and an extreme sports game. But there is a serious difficulty spike at the back end, which may suit people better equipped with lightning reflexes and adaptive muscle memory.

OlliOlli World is a near-perfect skate masterpiece that should join juggernauts like the Tony Hawk franchise in sweet gaming Gnarvana.

The gameplay is smooth, responsive, and layered for those who just want to beat the game and those who want to master it. Challenges are tough and will feel unfair at first, but by figuring out what makes this game tick, you can truly dominate the leaderboards and challenges. I think one of the best examples myself when playing this game was the insane amount of jumps in this game that seem "impossible" to make. At times, I even spent hours on this, convincing myself I was in the midst of a much harder game than it let on. However, after realizing the fact that some rails are slanted upwards, meant to be ridden off, and the fact that the game considers and boosts tricks a couple frames off of a rail, you can hit almost any jump in this game, sometimes even saving a run in which you lacked momentum thanks to you knowing the tech. Games that really make you appreciate the technical abilities and creations of the devs usually shoot to the top of my favorites, and OlliOlli World is no different.

The story is quite basic, but the dialogue is often satiristic of skate culture, oft mocking its "dude-bro" and "radical" perception in the media and replacing it with a lot more sensical characters. Critiques are often satirizations of commercialization and commodification of skateboarding, something with humble roots being turned into a product by our modern markets. I don't want to be the snob who looks super deep into this stuff, it's a skating game for gods sake, but it feels refreshing rather than most games just saying "Good job!" and "Nice!" and "Fail!". The people who made this game obviously were comfortable to make it something deeper.

The art-style is fantasic, reminding me of the early 2010s cartoon franchise "Adventure Time" with its colorful world and cutsey graphics. Players have a variety of choices for their wardrobe and character's bodytype, along with the fact that they'll unlock more gear by doing challenges and setting high scores.

The low-fi soundtrack puts you into a trance while playing, combining tracks meant to put you at ease, with tracks that really are mandatory to listen to while you're setting full combos of the levels, making you feel like a badass as you put down your last trick and wait in anxiety at where you placed on a global scale. Although, it was fun to play with the audio muted and switching over to the Tony Hawk soundtrack. Don't think I'll ever grow out of "Guerrilla Radio".

For the few complaints I do have with the game, they're all relatively minor. The last area, Los Vulgas, is underwhelming often in design whereas the previous four areas makes your jaw drop with visuals. This could also just be attributed to the fact that it is the fifth world, and you're starting to get the hang of the formula much more than the previous levels. They're also designed pretty anti-player, with WAY too many pathways, creating confusion on where you can and cannot go in certain areas. Nothing was wrong with the more linear starter levels, in my opinion.

The only other complaint I have is the fact that it seems like Take-Two has their hands somewhat in this game, and it feels somewhat dirty that there's a multiplayer component they lock some of the coolest stances behind (They put the goddamn Steve Buschemi fellow kids thing in the game, and the only way you can do it is playing the multiplayer until they decide to "give" it to you with a streak of days in a row played, or some other stuff. Ew!). Again, relatively small complaint, but the fact that some of the coolest boards or things that could fit better with your character are locked behind mandatory multiplayer, but I know everyone isn't a progression-obsesser as much as I am.

Overall, buy this game now. I think it's the best thing I've played so far this year, we'll see if I make it to the souls-like-that-shall-not-be-named, but, this is an epic start to a franchise that has always been underappreciated.

OlliOlli World is what you would get if you mixed a Tony Hawk game with a 2D platformer. It feels great to play, and is a classic "just one more run" type of game. The art style is a visual treat and the lo-fi soundtrack fits perfectly.

I only had a couple of qualms with the game. While I didn't have any trouble finishing the campaign, the bonus goals and high scores in the later levels increase significantly to the point where I stopped even trying to attempt them. The later worlds also felt less visually interesting to me and were not quite as memorable as the early game.

All that said, I had a great time with OlliOlli World, and it will definitely be among my favorite 2022 games. As far as skateboarding games go, it's not quite Tony Hawk or EA's Skate, but it's the next best thing.

Uses a questionably legal (but totally rad!) recreation of the Adventure Time art style to conceptualize skating as a sport about expression, enlightenment, and above all, fun. The gameplay expresses this in different ways depending on skill level by demanding precision, style, and consistency to different degrees in its main and optional objectives. The game desperately needs some remappable controls and the campaign's difficulty curve is wonky, as it peaks in the penultimate chapter before mellowing out substantially, but at its core it's engaging enough to keep me coming back.

The story of the game is light on conflict and drama; the goal is to improve at skating for its own sake, more-or-less, but the cast at least provides a nice sense of community and comradery. An odd wrinkle, however, is the presence of some half-hearted complaints about capitalism; left unengaged as they are, such lines of dialogue only presents a missed opportunity to envision a revolutionary world where's one only concern could be just skating for fun. It's a small aspect of a great game, but I think worth pointing out to demonstrate how our cultural imagination can be limited even by deliberately unrealistic cartoon games, which I think is rather unfortunate.

El juego es indiscutiblemente de 10, el único problema aquí soy yo como jugador.

- La cantidad de mecánicas con las que hacer combos es abrumadora.
- Las pistas son un absoluto derroche de originalidad.
- Tiene desafíos suficientes como para estar jugando durante meses.

- Soy
- Muy
- Paquete.

Posiblemente uno de mis videojuegos favoritos del año. Es dinámico, divertido, exigente y un remanso de paz. Un juego que pide de ti que estés atento, que no tengas distracciones y podrás conseguir lo mejor. El DLC, Void Riders, es una maravilla.

The same Ollie Ollie as before, a side view skateboard-runner with the ability to do tricks on the go, only now in 3D and simpler.
Here you just go through the levels, open the next ones, there are optional hardcore levels, for extra. tasks you recieve cosmetics for the character. By the way, you can make a normal character, but, according to other characters and the game, its seems like it again LGBT.

The visual here is very weak, it seems like the picture should be cool, it’s cartoony, but take a look, for example, at the "Sable" videogame, it has exactly the same graphics, but what awesome views in it and what kind of generic graphics are there, they didn’t try at all on the visual part.
About the same thing with music, it is very simple here, as if from some kind of fitness center)
Don’t expect any story here either, they just added a certain concept that there is a skateboarding planet and there is a skateboarding master, he / she is tired and wants to retire, now you should to become a master) Before the start of the levels you will always have dialogues with characters, they more for jokes, and even then they can only be funny or funny to children. The characters are also not memorable.

Otherwise, the controls is good, the game is not difficult, the original Olli was harder for me. There are tricks, as in the original, perhaps there are fewer of them, well, I don’t know, I didn’t pass the whole game. I can also note that the game is very fast and the eyes get tired of playing it for a long time.

And, Olli Olli 2: Welcome to Olliwood is still the best part for me.

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Тот же Олли Олли, что и раньше, скейтборд-раннер с видом сбоку с возможностью делать трюки на ходу, только теперь в 3D и попроще.
Тут вы просто проходите уровни, открываете следующие, есть необязательные хардкорные левелы, за доп. задания вам дают косметику для персонажа, которой тут очень много, но она такая себе. Персонажа, кстати, вы можете сделать нормального, но, по другим персонажам и игры можно подумать, что тут опять закос под вездесущую лгбт повестку.

Визуал тут очень слабый, вот вроде картинка должна быть прикольная, она же мультяшная, но вы взгляните, например, на игру Sable, там точно такая же графика, но какие офигенные виды там и какая тут generic графика, над визуальной частью вообще не старались.
Примерно тоже самое с музыкой, она тут очень простая, как будто из какого-то фитнесс-центра)
Сюжета тут тоже никакого не ждите, тут просто добавили некую концепцию, что вот есть планета скейтбординга и есть мастер скейтбординга, он/она устала и хочет на пенсию, теперь вы должны стать мастером) Перед началом уровней у вас всегда будут диалоги с персонажами, они больше для шуток, да ито смешны или забавны они могут быть только детям. Персонажи тоже никак не запоминаются.

В остальном, управление для джойстика хорошее, игра не сложная, мне Олли оригинальный еле еле давался, но тут основные задания вполне нормально проходил. Трюки, как в оригинале, есть, возможно, их меньше, ну тут уж не знаю, не проходил целиком. Ещё могу отметить, что игра очень быстрая и глаза устают в неё долго играть.

И, Olli Olli 2: Welcome to Olliwood всё ещё остаётся лучшей частью по мне.

Ну и самое важное,
КАКИЕ НАФИГ 1750 РУБЛЕЙ, новый издатель Private Division???
Тут игре цена 500-1000 рублей, особенно в русском регионе уж точно и 100% тут нет ничего, чтобы стоило вообще каких-то бюджетов, это дешёвая, простая инди-игра, тот же Олли, без всяких рисков и экспериментов в плане геймплея, что, кстати, жаль. Ну, издатель - это дочернее подразделение Take-Two, издателя GTA 5, это всё объясняет.

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Very fun gameplay but I didn't really care about the dialogue/story, just wanted 2 grind some railz

LOVED creating my character, thrilling time

Fantastic game. Great sense of speed. Input density gets a bit high when you try to incorporate all of the different things you can do in a trick, but that's part of the challenge. I still have a lot of content to go back and get through.

The improvements to the controls are great. The addition of the narrative was a minor annoyance, but thankfully skippable. Maybe would have been less annoying with shorter load times (I played on Switch). I really disliked the later levels of the game. And the way the camera zoomed in and out made it easy to lose where my skater was in the new 3D visuals. Makes it a weird combination of the most accessible OlliOlli game yet, while also having the most friction points.

Alguien en mi Twitter dijo que "la única diferencia entre OlliOlli World y las drogas duras es que el primero es más barato" y la verdad es que es buena review.

When I played OlliOlli 2 years ago, my main takeaway was that the game had incredibly fun mechanics but was just brutally difficult.

Years later, playing OlliOlli World, my feelings on it are...well, it has incredibly fun mechanics but it's brutally difficult. But!

I do want to mention a few things - I love the new Adventure Timey visuals that give the game a much stronger visual identity than the minimalist nature of the first two, and I do think the game does a much better job of presenting a gradual difficulty curve that gets the player comfortable before really stepping on the gas. It's also very cool to see the game take advantage of the shift to 3D by having levels with multiple paths that often intersect and loop around each other.

I will never, ever be good enough at OlliOlli World to do some of the later challenges and high scores, but it still felt cool as hell when my emo skater avatar blitzed through an entire level with a full combo. Few things are as exhilarating, which balances out the screaming at my TV when I bailed at the last obstacle before the finish line.

I really did not like the other OlliOlli games but this game has a much better sense of style and charm, a lot more fun too.

Divertidísimo y muy exigente, pero nunca injusto. La estética de dibujos es una idea buenísima y el diseño de niveles es de lo mejorcito que ha dado esta saga.

Los niveles en sí no son tan difíciles, pero dominarlos y sacar el 100% puede llevar muchísimo tiempo, especialmente en el último mundo.

Añadir puntos de control, facilitar la jugabilidad en general y castigar menos al jugador se compensa con una complejidad en los niveles que antes era imposible gracias a las tres dimensiones y funciona de maravilla.

Es un juegazo, pero hacen falta buenos reflejos y memoria muscular para sacarle todo lo que ofrece.

For what this is, it's perfect. They've tweaked the formula to work for a full length game, while adding tricks and mechanics to keep things fresh, the essence of the original titles is still front and center. The levels and soundtrack are incredible, and the game plays smoother than ever. It could be seen as a modest package, and it is for a niche group of people, but it's more refined, polished, and fun than 80% of the indie games I've ever played.

Excellent vibes, characters, and music, paired with a mechanical loop that is endlessly satisfying. Allows the player to take challenges how they see fit. A wonderful experience.

This is such an amazingly put-together game. The gameplay and visual design work together beautifully. Completing every level was a blast and the fact that each individual level felt as unique as it did is a feat. The game's "narrative" was uninteresting to me however and I wish the main cast of characters were less basic.

While I didn't get into the world or the main cast in OlliOlli World, I did have a decent time getting the hang of the skateboarding controls with this iteration. I think this is the first OlliOlli game I've seen credits for.

While it didn't vibe with me personally, I do feel like this is a great game for folks more invested in the world of skateboarding.

An incredibly chill game with a surprisingly not-chill back half.

OlliOlli World is all about the vibes and it truly has some of the best vibes. My play clock for this game ran several hours longer than it should have simply because I'd leave the game running while I did stuff around the house because the soundtrack is perfect.

The first 3 worlds were a relaxing trip. Playing a few levels were a perfect way to unwind. I found getting the highest score on every level to be a nice little accomplishment but not too challenging. I'd feel good if I did a whole level in one go. I'd do some challenges when I felt like it or when I really wanted the article of clothing to make my skater look cool. Some of the challenges were maybe a bit poorly worded as I would swear I did them but it didn't count. No matter. It's chill. No stress.

That all went right out the window when I got to World 4. You enjoying a nice relaxing game? No sir. Not anymore. Time to get sweaty palms. Hope you didn't want anymore cool clothing because the only way to get any bonuses now is to do an entire level in one combo.
My entire relationship with the game changed. Instead of being a chill way to relax, I just gripped the controller and barreled through the rest of the game.
Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

+ Most chill video game soundtrack in years
+ Good vibes
+ Wonderful aesthetic
+ 60% chill

- Unclear challenges
- Way too much dialogue
- Massive difficulty spike
- 40% not chill

Hacía años que no me divertía tanto con un videojuego de skate. Los primeros OlliOlli no me dieron más, me parecían demasiado arcade y complejos para disfrutarlos y me impidieron meterme de lleno en ellos, pero este OlliOlli World está diseñado de tal manera que te lleva de la mano para aprender las mecánicas durante la gran mayoría del tiempo que te pases completando la historia principal. Y se agradece.

La trama no es muy allá. La aventura de un skater en busca de los dioses del skate de su mundo para alcanzar una especie de nirvana del skate. Una fumada terrible, pero que le da sentido a la estética casi onírica de muchas pantallas del juego.

A nivel jugable es increíble, de lo que sabes hacer en el primer mundo a lo que puedes llegar a hacer en el quinto el salto de nivel es apabullante y apenas te das cuenta de algunos saltos de nivel, aunque el más claro y evidente es entre el tercer y cuarto mundo. Pero la curva de dificultad y la profundidad jugable hacen que este sea un título indispensable para los amantes del skate.

Outstanding art direction and even better level design, controls are simply fantastic.