Reviews from

in the past

A review mesmo: era um jogo bem divertido e bem feito e eu sentia que era relativamente mais simples que outros Tycoons da época.

A história que eu quero contar: tinha um brinquedo bem específico, chamado Tapete Mágico, que era O MAIOR SUCESSO. Não importava o tamanho da fila que eu colocava ou o número deles que eu comprava (eu já cheguei a colocar 5 deles com filas que davam metade do parque), todas elas sempre ficavam cheias pra sempre. Sabe se lá o porquê.

One of the first markers of innocence lost was when my cousin showed me when he launched an unfinished roller coaster and sent dozens of guests to their death. And then we watched an Avenged Sevenfold music video on the Internet pre-YouTube.

quite possibly the definitive construction/management game. there's just this air of joy that can almost make you feel you're actually at the amusement park as you build it.

was going to hit this with 4.5 stars and then i remembered it's a perfect game actually. absolute masterpiece, still hasnt been bested all these years later.

Great customization without compromising functionality, unlike some modern roller coaster games. Great challenges and park templates that brings many late nights of fun.

the type of thing you get when a passionate game designer is at the same time a passionate programmer

Alone the fact that the entire game was made by one single madman warrants 5 stars.

Admittedly, it's kind of clunky and janky. It takes a while to figure out how to build things and how to earn money reliably. But once you get the hang of things you'll have fun for hundreds of hours.
Albeit dated, I find that the art style holds up. It's charming, well readable and nice to look at. I always liked how the water looked.

Roller Coaster Tycoon but better

Making baloons flew off and explode

One of my favorite games of all time and a classic. Mostly upkept by the community now.

Wonderful simulator, I played so much of this one. As a kid I don't know I really understood how to make good roller coasters or how to keep paths from becoming perpetually covered in puke, but that didn't stop me from playing a ton of the game and creating loads of rides & parks. There's one massive desert based park I always think of when I look back. I wish I still had the save file. Anyway, this game incredible. So creatively satisfying. <3

Timeless. OpenRCT2 makes it even more timeless

Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 war eins der großen Spiele meiner Kindheit. Teil 2 hatte ich allerdings bis jetzt nie gespielt. Doch jetzt ist vielleicht die beste Zeit überhaupt um RCT2 zu spielen, da es eine sehr erfolgreiche open source mode gibt, die das Spiel ein wenig modernisiert und auch noch Multiplayer Features bietet.

Und mit diesen neuen Features macht RCT2 tatsächlich nochmal deutlich mehr Spaß als Teil 1. Open RCT erlaubt es einem die Restriktionen bezüglich Parkgröße und Auswahl verschiedener Attraktionen aufzuheben und dadurch kann man die größten, abwechslungsreichsten Parks aller Zeiten bauen. Der Multiplayer funktioniert auch super und erlaubt es einem zusammen mit anderen Spielern ohne Probleme am selben Park zu bauen.

Zum Spiel an sich bleibt nur zu sagen dass RCT2 sich wirklich den Ruf eines zeitlosen Klassikers verdient. Die Grafik ist mit so vielen liebevollen Details gefüllt, dass man ihr das Alter kaum ansieht. Bauen und Management-Features sind auch unglaublich gut und lassen nichts zu wünschen übrig. RCT2 kann auch heute noch mit den neueren Park-Managern mithalten und wird diese wahrscheinlich auch noch lange überleben.

making the stupidest fucking rollercoasters and ignoring what my guests say about them is self-care

also used openrct2, it improved the games QoL literally tenfold

(sounds of parkgoers screaming)

An all around improvement to the first game.
While I personally prefer the original this one is more polished.

The same but slightly better than RCT1!

Actually only started playing this recently, having played the first one a whole bunch as a kid / occasionally dipped back to it as an adult.

What can I say? I thought rollercoaster tycoon was perfect but 2 is More Perfect and I'm excited to lose literal hundreds of hours decorating my rides individually, a thing that nobody but me will ever see or appreciate

The game is worth playing just for The Bressingham Voigt

i'm obligated to give it 5 stars solely because of the amount of hours of my life i've spent playing this, at several different ages. i don't even want to think of the amount of time spent.

hell, i'm sure i'll go back to it eventually, too. i've got OpenRCT installed, so the possibilities are endless, really.

Did you know that this game simulates the weight of each guest, and it can affect your coasters? Each person can weigh between forty-five and seventy-six kilograms, and if a cart is filled up with low-weight guests, it will lose speed more quickly than if guests had high weight values, where it will maintain speed for much longer. It won’t make a difference most of the time, but in coasters like the bobsleigh, it can be the reason a cart flies off the track after working flawlessly for years. This is never explained or mentioned in-game, but it’s a useful thing to know when designing coasters.

Did you know that each coaster type has hidden criteria that, if not met, incur severe stat penalties? The most common requirements are hitting certain benchmarks for drop height, number of drops, maximum speed, ride length, and maximum negative or lateral G forces. For each missed criteria, the coaster’s excitement, intensity, and nausea ratings are usually cut in half, so failing just one of them can make for a cost-inefficient coaster, and missing two leaves you with a money sink. However, the game never mentions any of these stat requirements, nor the fact that they even exist. It can be useful to look them up before designing a coaster, so reloading a save or aimlessly making random tweaks isn’t required.

Did you know that guests will regularly pay more than $10 for a ride on each coaster? The price they'll pay isn't just affected by the excitement, intensity, and nausea ratings, but the age of the ride and whether there’s another of the same type in the park. Also, each stat weighs differently into the price calculation depending on the coaster type, so there isn’t an easy formula to figure out how much each ticket should cost. However, the bonus given to a new and exciting ride is significant enough that visitors will often pay the full $20, way more than anyone would actually pay in real life, especially when framed with the knowledge that this game came out in 2002. The way the optimal price is determined isn’t explained anywhere in-game and is mostly figured out through trial-and-error, but once you get the hang of it, even the toughest scenarios become trivial.

You may have discovered a little pattern in these facts, in how Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 is a simulation game that’s uninterested in explaining how its simulation works. Players are just told to build a park with so many guests or earn a certain amount of money per month, and that's it. It’s fine to let players discover some things on their own, with ride prices probably being the best example, but when designing a compelling coaster can take so much fine-tuning, it would be helpful to give players an understanding of how they’re being evaluated. It’s good to know why coasters might randomly crash, it would be nice to know how scenery actually affects your park, and so on. Since so much is left totally ambiguous, it makes sense that the majority of players simply ditched scenario challenges and made the most lethal or silly coasters they possibly could. I suppose that might be true to the game’s title, being “Roller Coaster Tycoon” instead of “Theme Park Tycoon”, with the most fleshed-out elements being those that surround the coasters themselves, and the rest of the game is just a shallow framework to let you keep building. If you wanted to revisit this game after remembering it fondly from your childhood, the coaster madness absolutely holds up, but if you were looking at it as a tycoon game, there are much better choices out there.

Addendum: I found the best information about how RCT2’s mechanics work from an excellent Youtuber named Marcel Vos. He has videos breaking down all the interesting little details about the game which go otherwise unexplained, and they're definitely worth checking out. Also, for running it on modern systems, check out OpenRCT2, an open-source re-implementation of the game with some light-touch new features, bug fixes, and compatibility improvements. It’s probably the best way to play the game nowadays.

Fantastic sequel to cereal that improves upon it in every way.

i wish i had a record for the hours i put into this game as a kid

when i was 6 i played this game and one of my coasters crashed. the extremely angry emotion faces that popped up in the visitors list scared me so bad i screamed, cried, and punched my computer monitor. i didn't play it again until i was 10

I was addicted to this game as a child...

super nostalgic for me, best tycoon game