Reviews from

in the past

Man, this game kinda stunk huh?

Talk about a game that does not hold up. This was pretty novel when it came out, and I had a good enough time with it, but even just playing it like four years ago I realized it's not fun, poorly designed, looks much worse than I remembered... I wish I'd just let it stay in my memories.

The first game I played by Klei Entertainment, pretty solid 2D hack-n-slash with a standout artstyle.

Shank is an artistically stunning game about a man named Shank (voiced by the same man who voiced Kratos in God of War) who is trying to get revenge on the death of his girlfriend. It doesn’t quite go according to plan, but he heads for the people responsible anyway. The game has gory melee combat with a tad bit of platforming. The game can be beaten in less than 4 hours, but by the end, you will have wished it ended long before that.

The combat consists of light attacks (your shank), heavy attacks (weapons that are picked up like the chainsaw, katana, chains, and machetes), as well as three different guns for distance combat. You can toss grenades to clear crowds, but that’s pretty much all there is to the combat. There really aren’t any combos to learn, or gain, which is a shame because by the end of the first couple of levels you will get bored with the combat. There are problems despite the hacking being fast paced. Sometimes the controls will feel a bit sluggish when trying to counter people behind you, and when you get knocked back you can get bounced around by multiple enemies with no way to get back up until it stops. This really frustrated me throughout the game. I always felt like I wasn’t 100% in control of Shank. Even some of the weapons had problems like the shotgun only firing a couple of rounds, but then he puts the gun away and during this animation you are vulnerable. The problem is you’re not even done shooting it so he has to take it back out. Things like this crop up while you are playing, and by the end, you just have had enough. There is some minor platforming, but it’s not very challenging and feels like just some lame filler content.

One major issue was that the health pickup button was the light attack button. Who’s bright idea was this? During boss fights, this poses a real problem when you are trying to conserve health and then you accidentally use light attack near the pickup and drink it. Other than this other problems consist of repetitive boss fights, but the few that are different are the only things that break up the monotony. The visuals change between levels, but other than that you just get bored. I wish there was a level-up system or some way to earn combos. Hacking and slashing enemies in a gory fashion only is fun for so long until you want more. Hell, even some more varied level design would have been nice, but no such thing exists here.

Overall, Shank provides a mediocre story that barely keeps your interest. The game has a beautiful art style but is lacking in design change, and the combat is very shallow and monotonous. This game had a lot of potentials, but what is here is enough for a quick play through then you will forget about it. Even playing again in different costumes isn’t enough to drudge through this repetitive side-scroller.

This is a great looking game to be sure with great animation and a fair amount of style, but yeah... I just didn't playing it, like at all? Mash buttons swing knife hit enemies. It's just mashy, and that's all there is to it. On paper swinging a chainsaw sounds fun, but you hit the button repeatedly and enemy health goes down. There's no substance to it.

A stylish action-platformer that felt competent but uninspired.

really cool art style and just an enjoyable little game. Plot and gameplay is nothing crazy but I still had a good time throughout and it's a bite sized experience that's memorable

Indie from AAA studio. Small and simple. This game didn't need new part

Es un clásico Beat 'em up, en donde jugas como Shank un ex-mafioso que fue presuntamente asesinado y vuelve a buscar venganza. Los controles responden perfectamente, hay ciertos combos que están rotísimos como escopeta y caminar hacia adelante pero en general esta bien porque cuando te rodean te parten la madre. Dura lo suficiente como para que no se vuelva repetitivo y va agregando distintos tipos de enemigos como para meter variedad

A simplicidade de Shank é o que me conquista, adoro jogos do gênero de "Beat'em Up", e só de fazer algo minimamente aceitável ao bem-feito que quase não tem erro de eu certamente gostar, o que é e foi o caso desse aqui, nada de novo que você não tenha visto, seja na gameplay até a trama que bate naquela "mesma tecla" de uma história de vingança após matarem sua esposa, mas faz de forma decente que não tenho do que reclamar. Afinal de contas, tudo aqui é interessante; A temática do México que por si só já é bem legal e convidativa, o enredo e a forma como os vilões são apresentados, a gameplay gostosinha de jogar, a duração do jogo ideal para já não ficar repetitiva ou cansativa, enfim, tudo!

   Todo o seu traço/estilo visual é muito bonito e me lembra bastante a animação "Samurai Jack", mas que as inspirações diretas que acho que tenham se baseado dentro da construção da história foram a da duologia de filmes "Kill Bill" (Flashback da Igreja, e a forma como se desenrola a história dele lembrando cada um dos que causaram a morte da sua mulher e indo atrás de sua vingança), e um pouco do conceito base da história do jogo com a do filme "Balada do Pistoleiro", tanto que até o começo do filme com o do jogo são relativamente iguais; num bar com o Barman tentando coletar a recompensa pela cabeça do protagonista para o vilão central do game, mas que no filme tem todo um contexto diferente. Acho que o ponto mais legal desse jogo é o conceito dos vilões, onde o melhor sem dúvidas é o tal padre (Angelo) daquele grupo que todas as duas fases dele é marcante e daora, uma pena que o jogo é um pouco corrido e não desenvolve mais do que o básico nos demais personagens que aparecem.

    Único "problema" daqui é que esse game sequer tem legenda alguma a ser colocada nas opções do jogo, nem mesmo em inglês, nem em português, nem em qualquer língua, é literalmente sem legenda alguma, o que é uma pena, pois tem que entender pela própria fala dos personagens, que para quem não é fluente em inglês, é uma "pedra no sapato" para pegar a maioria das piadas e detalhes, mas pelo menos acredito eu que dá para entender o que está acontecendo pela história ser bem simples e visivelmente clara, só que é triste saber que muita gente irá perder os detalhes de alguns momentos no jogo (como os diálogos da cena da Igreja com frases bem daoras do protagonista e do Angelo ao se encontrarem pela primeira vez no game).

Para concluir, Shank é uma ótima pedida para quem gosta de um "Beat'em Up" e quer algum jogo do gênero para jogar e platinar em dois dias de forma rápida, mas não pensem que a platina é 100% fácil, ela até é, mas vai ter um certo suorzinho para conseguir ela por uma única conquista relacionada a jogar o jogo no Difícil, que o Difícil desse game realmente faz jus ao nome e é bem chatinha de conseguir, já que não terá checkpoint algum nas demais fases e você terá que aprender como cada fase funciona morrendo e voltando toda a fase de novo, e de novo, e de novo. Ah, e não basta zerar uma vez no Difícil que irá considerar a conquista de zerar no Normal, terá que zerar duas vezes o game também, tanto no Normal quanto no Difícil, e zerar a campanha cooperativa também, mas isso é tranquilo de fazer caso tenha algum amigo para quebrar esse galho, que a campanha cooperativa é isolada e conta eventos antes do que ocorre na história principal do jogo. 

it's called Shank... get it? since he SHANKS people

You really get the feeling what it is like to live in London

Fun gameplay with some neat gimmicks, but largely the ultra macho story and visual style turned me off. I was willing to beat it, but only because it felt great as a run n' gun.

There isn't much depth to either the gameplay or the story and the graphics are nothing to write home about, but it's not the worst way to kill some time. It's a good pick-up-and-play game for the Steam Deck.

he shanc, he protecc, but mostly he shanc

Pretty neat 2D beat em up. It's kinda slow and dull gameplay but still enjoyable. The sequel is better tho.

i played this game as a kid and i don't think it was healthy in the slightest for me to do so
overall pretty solid, i liked killing the dudes at that one part

Fun little indie/art-adventure game. Don't remember much about it.

Complete playthrough. Even in this early release from the studio, Klei's fantastic sense of style is on full display. Shank is a fairly simplistic side-scrolling beat 'em up, with some light platforming mixed in to provide a bit of variety. While there's little in the way of a complex combo system, a wide range of different enemies and a selection of weapons - the basic 'shank' dagger alongside several heavy weapons and guns - serve to provide some depth. With around 3-4 hours needed for a full first playthrough, the game is fairly short, but the limited mechanics on offer here (to some extent inherent in the genre) mean that you wouldn't really want it to be any longer. A hard mode and co-op option are there to provide some replay value for those who want it. Overall, Shank is a decent entry in its genre, but doesn't do much to stand out besides its stylish presentation.

A short, but very fun and violent game all based around revenge. It's a old-school side-scrolling beat-em-up where you fight your way through henchmen on a quest for revenge. If you have a controller, great, but if you don't you'll have difficulty as the symbols for actions are not keys, but just pictures, making combat quite confusing and difficult at times. Either way, you'll have fun with this giving you unlimited live and on normal difficulty, checkpoints. Worth the label price.

Cool story, cool bosses (even if they're a bit gimmick), feels cool to control. Just a badass overall game to spend a few hours with

A very tasty beat-up for its time. Plays great in Co-op.

Очень смачный beat-up для своего времени. Отлично играется в ко-пе.

I bought this game randomly a long time ago, because I was gifted the sequel. It's a 2D slash fighting game, and it's very intense. It's fun. The story it's a little too Tarantino, reminds me to Kill Bill. And pretty macho, macho. So It's quite questionable. The platforming it's also somewhat clunky.

Stylish, bloody, and exciting. There's not much beneath the hood, but it's short and sweet; elevated a bit by great art direction and an enjoyably cheesy plot.