Reviews from

in the past

Please SEGA, take this out of Apple Arcade exclusivity it deserves better

For what it is, it does its job well. A fun little arcadey experience with its repetitive missions, minor story, semi-reliable controls, but all carried by its fun and replayable level design. I mean, other than the fact that its locked behind apple arcade, this game really isn't worth keeping a subscription for. I think this game should've taken the Mario Run approach by charging you $10 for the whole experience since to me, this game is super short and having to pay $6 every month just to keep playing doesn't seem worth it.
If you do plan on playing it though, play on an ipad with a controller if you can, plus use up that free 1 month subscription while you're at it. Otherwise, you wont be missing out on much.

Also no this is not better than Sonic Frontiers.

Sonic Dream Team is a good game...and that's all it will ever be.
I finally completed the game on something that isn't an iPhone 12, and I definitely had a better experience. The platform says "Mac", but I played it on my dad's Apple TV with a Dualsense. If you ever plan to play this game, definitely go for the Apple TV or Mac route. The game wasn't bad, but it just felt like an average game that you forget about a week later. To be honest, I'm already forgetting specific elements of the game already. The game didn't feel as grindy this time around, probably since I was able to actually enjoy myself more. My opinions on the story and line deliveries, even after finishing it, remains the same. On the other hand, the gameplay did become significantly better on this second go. The air controls weren't very good, but the ground control on each character gave me vibes of Unleashed and Generations if they were slightly more open. The missions were pretty decent as well, requiring me to take short cuts that I had to discover on the fly. The game is an overall decent experience, but I simply cannot agree with anyone calling this game "peak Sonic" or "goated". It may be more visually appealing than Sonic Frontiers, but it lags behind it in nearly every other aspect. I can only imagine myself going back to this game if the Apple TV is right in front of me when I have nothing better to do.

somehow the best sonic game in like 5 years lol. it's simple with an arcade-like repetitiveness that feels great to play in small doses. the story isn't anything crazy but each character finally feels like themselves and it's sweet and charming all around. played this with a controller on mac so i cannot vouch for how actual mobile controls feel, but with a controller it's clean. the level/world design is also fun and fresh, unlike sonic frontiers.

i cannot see this getting ported anywhere anytime soon since apple directly funded it, so get a free 4-month trial from best buy while you can. the game is only like 3 hours.

When the acting is better then in Frontiers, you have to start rethinking how you make things Sonic Team.

Mobile games should definitely learn from Sonic Dream Team, talk about a genuine surprise for the series and 2023 games as a whole! Vibrant graphics, addictive pick-up and play gameplay, decent soundtrack, and a title truly made from the ground-up for mobile devices. It's rare we see many great mobile games in a post gacha world, but some gems from Netflix games & Apple Arcade prove there is a market for proper console quality games without microtransactions.

A different kind of Sonic game, but one that is a dream come true! Need this on consoles ASAP!

This game is really really good and although i don't consider it a "mobile" game (because you can play apple arcade in other devices besides a mobile phone) most of the negatives i have with this game exist because it was designed so it can work well in mobile devices, so it has some limitations, also people need to stop shitting on apple/sega for the exclusivity, apple IS THE REASON this game exists in the first place, you rather have no game at all because you can't play it? lmao
Besides the community is so talented that it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up remaking, porting or decompiling the game so it can work on pc like they did with project-06.

The animation in this game is wonderful, the characters look really cute and fluid, it can look awkward sometimes but those are really small moments, when the cutscenes are fully animated is when they shine so whenever the game starts using slides and static pictures for the cutscenes is really boring in comparison, at least they are better than the ones in generations 3d lol.

The controls are fine, i still think frontiers has better control and movement especially in platforming, but the level design complements the movement options you have really well, i think the game is lacking from a stomp/bounce attack because falling sometimes feels slow and i don't like losing the rhythm/momentum i have, also people seem to complain about the knuckles/rouge glide? the glide is fine, you're supposed to glide in pretty much straight lines and the level design is made so you can do it in straight lines, is not like sa2 where you had more mobility because the game expected you to move around all over the place to explore (sam really exaggerated that shit when he was playing lmao).

The music was good, i don't know if it was just me but the music was really low when i was playing so i couldn't focus on it that much, but i would say that this is tee lopes weakest soundtrack, there's nothing really THAT memorable in the game except maybe the final boss music, but is far from mediocre, i would say that probably sonic runners had a better ost than dream team.

I also saw a few people saying that this is how sonic is supposed to look in aesthetics? but i doubt that, because this is just lost world's aesthetics, sure they are better executed and a little less saturated in colors but they are pretty similar, and most people didn't liked how lost world looked so i don't trust that statement lmao, this aesthetic felt a more like "classic sonic" than "modern sonic" to me, not that modern sonic shouldn't look like that but this is far from my "perfect sonic aesthetic" lol.

The gameplay and level design were really good but i'm not a fan of the mission style levels like in sonic colors where the levels end up being really short, except the ones when you need to finish before the time limit, those work perfectly, the wall running was awkward sometimes because the camera changed positions quickly and disoriented me, the multiple characters returning in "duos" reminded me of sonic advance 3 and i love that and how they use them in the final boss, even though it was really easy and kind of underwhelming lol.

I have lots of thoughts on this game so i'll stop writing already, but in conclusion this game is really good, really fun and really worth it to play if you can, just borrow an apple device and try the free month of apple arcade and you'll be able to beat it, is really short (and that's another negative lol).

In my opinion the perfect sonic game would be the fusion of sonic frontiers and sonic dream team, using the strengths of both games, and for that reason i love both of these games : )))))

man it's so good! best game I ever played! 10/1- oh wait, it's on the Apple Store, FUCK!

Did a monkey’s paw come with every single Genesis? Astonishing number of curled fingers over at the Sonic fandom. So this time, one of the better Sonic games I’ve ever played is an iOS exclusive; I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad that I, a certified “Sonic is okay sometimes” gamer, got to play this day one.

And that it’s good, ackshually. Aping the mission structure of Mario 64 (it’s not identical at all but there are overt similarities) as well as vibrant visuals, solid level design, and liquid controls make this is a slick and thoroughly enjoyable Sonic experience. It seems like a 3D Sonic Mania type beat. It also ran well on all my devices, but a controller is the way to go. I don’t always talk about technical performance but we know which way the sonic monkeys paws been curlin these days.

I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, when people run in circles it’s a very very Sonic I forgot the title of the game and I’m too lazy to go to the top of the page. Soniiiiic the title of the game but again. The Dream Warriors?

Functional (and somewhat fun!) but ultimately unmemorable for a Sonic game. It’s interesting seeing a Boost game with far smoother turning and less hallway-like design, but in turn lacks a lot of the cinematography and impact of the Boost games, or momentum-based fun and endearing worlds of the Adventure games.

It doesn’t do much aside from providing some fun bitesized Sonic gameplay - which is excellent for an Apple Arcade title, but it always feels like it’s reaching for something a bit more. It feels like Apple gave them a good amount of budget to put into creating these really nicely designed models and level environments, but the general interface and storybook panel cutscenes feel really low budget - which causes it to sit on a weird in-between plane between substantial experience and Cotton Candy Fluff Of A Game. Nothing bad, nothing offensive, but also not much to stick your teeth into.

I was very surprised by how good this game is! This isn't what I''d expect from a mobile Sonic game. This is all but a full fledged Sonic game, which happens to only be playable on mobile. I wish you could customize your controls, and I wish I could play this on my PC, but other than that I really have nothing bad to say. The story and characterization is done expertly, all of the characters are fun to play, and it's wonderful to see Rouge and Cream playable in a "real" Sonic game after all this time. I truly hope Sonic Dream Team gets ported to PC someday in the future.

This makes Sonic Superstars look like a joke why is it stuck in the apple arcade dungeon

Why the fuck is this game good? Like it is really good and that's weird. For a mobile game I thought it will be at least "decent". But wow I changed my mind. This is how Sonic games should be! Small open zone levels with great locations. Gameplay was fun as fuck. Every character control was good expect the gliding with Knuckles and Rouge. Story was cringe.
But overall solid Sonic game!

Actually one of the better sonic games. The levels not only utilise the boost gameplay but also the level desgin compliments it better than most 3d Sonic games. Story is basic it could be nonexistent. Like the selectable characters, just wish that they would have done more than have half the roster just be the same character just to appeal to female players instead of making them unique. Still one of the best if not the best game on apple arcade.

Incredibly shocked over the game's quality being somewhat superior to the most recent Sonic Team games. Game flow, level design, animations (like how do they do it even better than Sonic Team), music and replayability are all highlights here. A few things I'm critical about personally is the short length, stiff turning for the characters, Knuckles/Rouge gameplay (specifically them feeling much heavier than they usually do) and Rouge's voice acting (like how the fuck did they mess it up that bad). Other from those, the quality for this game is extremely surprising for an iOS game. Recommend playing this game with a game controller for the best experience.
Shame that it's an Apple Arcade exclusive, but if you ever get a subscription or use your trial, this game is a must play for the service.

Please Sega give Sonic Team more development budget or allow Hardlight to assist development in the next game. And I pray for this game to get ported to consoles in the future.

I do gotta say, this is definitely an enjoyable experience especially for being a mobile game. It's a pretty unique take on a Sonic game that sort of feels like it blends elements of the Adventure and Boost formulas, even a few from the Lost World style. Level design and controls are generally pretty solid here - having a lot of freedom to move around and explore the levels with the different paths and whatnot (including some that take advantage of character specific abilities).

Which, on that note, worth mentioning that this game also offers 6 playable characters that are essentially grouped into 1 of 3 categories based off of their abilities - Sonic and Amy being the "speed" types with the Air Dash and Light Speed Dash, Tails and Cream having "flight" abilities, and Knuckles and Rouge being able to glide and climb certain walls. It isn't quite as varied as the different playable characters offered in the Frontiers: Final Horizon update (especially with Sonic and Amy playing the exact same here), but it is nice to see this feature present in more recent Sonic titles while doing so in a way that doesn't feel too intrusive. Plus it's especially interesting since this is the first time that Rouge and Cream have been playable in a Sonic game (at least as far as platformers go anyway) since 06 and Advance 3 respectively. The visuals also look really good here - very colorful on top of having some surprisingly good animation with it's character models.

That being said I do kind of feel like this is a game that's held back by the fact that it is a mobile game. What's there is definitely solid, but with how short the game is there's inevitably a bit of padding in the form of the missions that you have to do to obtain 'Dream Orbs' in which you need to progress, with that count of course getting higher even just between stages as you progress. I will give them that you can at least choose the missions you do to unlock the orbs and as such you are able to just go at your own pace, but I can't really deny that I did start to feel pretty burned out especially towards the end when I was just kinda playing the same levels over and over again in order to collect enough orbs. It's understandable as to why the game is structured as such as yeah, it's... kinda sparse on content and even with that requirement it only really takes a few hours to beat, but given the groundwork laid here, it really feels like there's potential to expand upon this formula but it does feel held back by being an Apple exclusive, and even while you can play it on a Mac computer if you have one, it definitely feels designed more around the limitations of mobile gaming with the intention of being played on an iOS device.

Kinda doesn't help that the only (actively supported) Apple device I have is a 6th gen iPad in which the performance in this game was rather... mixed. It wasn't completely unplayable or anything, but the game would often drop frames, sometimes to the point of feeling like a complete slideshow. In all fairness I should probably be thankful I had an Apple device at all to play this game because I'm sure there are a lot of Sonic fans who don't, but it all just serves to make me wish that this was more accessible on other platforms rather than just being locked to an Apple subscription service. And unfortunately since (from what I've gathered) Apple did help produce this game, those odds... aren't looking too great right now.

Overall, if you do have a supported Apple device, I'd definitely recommend trying this with the free trial of Apple Arcade, although I do hope some day that this game gets ported to other platforms. Even if it doesn't... well, I can at least hope Sega/Sonic Team builds upon and fleshes out this style of gameplay perhaps in a mainline title.

We need to free this from the Apple Arcade shackles

really solid mobile game that plays close to a proper sonic game and actually has some fun level design, not very long but it has a good arcadey feel and it's nice to play as rouge and cream again

It speaks volumes for the current state of this franchise that this 2 - 3 hour long mobile game was the best game release of the year.
They need to fix stuff up in Sonic Team and SEGA.

This review contains spoilers

Absolutely PEAK 3D sonic, I have only 1 complaint… knuckles and rouge gliding SUCKS (nevermind I’ve gotten the hang of it)! But other than that, it’s everything I’ve ever wanted out of 3D sonic, great physics, a sense of speed and said speed works seamlessly with platforming a lot of the time and is just in general a blast to play, one of my favourite sonic games ever now! Also I guess the voice acting is pretty weak at points… but it’s really really great! The game has one consistent gameplay style the entire time (not saying other gameplay styles are bad though) with variety in its level design and replayability, i whole heartedly recommend it for anyone with an apple device that can play Apple Arcade! Probably my favourite mobile games, I know that isn’t a high bar to clear but still! This game exceeded my expectations in a lot of ways. The game is pretty short but I’m not complaining, and it would be great for another sonic spinoff (I’m assuming it’s a spin off) to be like this! 9.5/10.

It's fine I guess, but on a phone screen things could be really hard to see ahead of you. Music was pretty generic, and all the repeat levels as different characters got annoying quick.

A surprisingly good 3D Sonic game, while it isn’t as fully fleshed out as the Adventure games it follows a similar formula with linear levels that you replay multiple times with different objectives. What is a fun twist is there are 6 playable characters split into three types that shake up the gameplay just enough to keep it fresh, and you often can hit swap mid level to find secret routes. Playing with a controller I had no issues and it felt good to play, minus a few camera issues (not a new issue in Sonic sadly). Also shout out the new character in the story, I liked the whole concept of the game and the comic cutscenes were a nice touch.

It’s cute and fun but I find the designs for the stages to be uninspired, Music isn’t that great either. The story doesn’t go off either. But I still enjoyed it for what it was

Well, not much to complain about here. Basically all I could wish for in a modern Sonic game. All of Frontiers' faults in my eyes are absent here. Dream Team is focused, has a great gameplay flow, sense of speed, momentum and generally well-functioning physics, responsive movement with both a controller and touch controls. The final boss was actually good for once.
The most striking thing, from it's initial reveal, was the visual identity of the game. It, oh great heavens, has one! Unlike a certain other Sonic game... The levels are vibrant, filled with actual character, the character models, after a few small tweaks, are finally expressive and well animated, and it all just looks really good, especially for a mobile game. Seems like they actually had a vision for this one. It also ran really well on my iPhone 11.
Then again, the game isn't without it's flaws. As it is, unfortunately, a mobile game, the difficulty level is... low. Understandable, as most people will play this with touch controls, but it is a fault nonetheless. It didn't really bring much challenge to the table. The soundtrack is pretty weak, with few songs that are repeated constantly. And none of them are particurarly good. It is, however, better than whatever Ohtani cooked up for cyberspace in Frontiers. It was also pretty hard to see stuff at times, but that is the fault of the device.
If I were to say what this game reminds me of, I would say Spark 3 and Super Mario 3D Land. Spark 3 because it really seems like Hardlight played the game and thought "Ey, why not try doing this?" and 3D Land because this feels like Sonic's 3D Land, if you know what I mean.
As sad as it is to say, the best 3D Sonic game since 2011's Generations is a mobile game not even made by Sonic Team. I do hope they make something in a similar vain to Dream Team but with a wider scope, a full console experience with beautiful graphics, even better gameplay feel, great soundtrack... but it's Sonic we're talking about. I wouldn't get my hopes up.

i think it says a lot about the current state of sonic that this is one of the best series games in recent memory.

pretty short yet very inspired with some quirky writing and voice acting, as well as controls that are easy enough for newcomers to grasp and for veterans to break to the extremes. and yeah, you can expect to go through the same levels a few times over like a lot of other mobile games, but hardlight has really nailed their formula with this one. a fun saturday afternoon adventure, sega's mobile games are their secret weapon! i also really hope this gets ported in the future, would hate to see another chu chu rocket universe situation 😵‍💫

would definitely recommend playing with a controller


Sonic Dream Team is a new Sonic game that has been developed by both SEGA Hardlight, the mobile division of SEGA, and Apple themselves, which led to the exclusivity in the Apple Arcade app. Now I can DEFINITELY understand the frustration of this move, because I was actually one of the people who complained. But now that I have an Apple TV 4K box, I can play this game. Let’s get straight into it as this is not a long game by any means.


Sonic Dream Team opens up with Dr. Eggman trying to bring his dreams to reality with a new device called the Reverie. But due to its design, only the pure-hearted could have their dreams be reality. Eggman tries to go around it by using Cream and Cheese as a conduit. Ariem, the sheep Dreamweaver puts Eggman to sleep before he could do anything else. Sonic and co. arrive shortly and find Eggman conked out. They too are knocked out to sleep and end up in the Dream World where 4 stages reside: Scrambled Shores, Dream Factory, Nightmare Maze, and Ego City. Sonic gets as many Dream Orbs as he can to free his friends, and eventually, they face down Eggman and heal Ariem within the Dream Core. And that’s pretty much it! It’s a much simpler, yet effective story all the same, and this was written by Ian Flynn (who’s really surprised) and Dan Rossati. Amazing stuff all around.


The gameplay of Sonic Dream Team is what you’d normally expect from Sonic games in general nowadays: Boosting levels where you go up platforms and get to the end as fast as possible. Of course, the gameplay is Sonic Frontiers mixed with the controls of games like Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations. It is very fun and I’ve really enjoyed myself here. The game is structured kinda like Sonic Colors where there is a main act that has you collecting blue coins and red star rings combined with missions that are the same; Collecting 6 Dream Shards, time trial where you have to get to the end before the time limit runs out, finding a Dream Orb on the stage, and reaching checkpoints before the timer runs out. It COULD be repetitive, but for me, with the new levels in Sonic Dream Team, it can actually be fun exploring them. Of course, it would be even more fun if there was a DAMN STOMP! I have no clue WHY they did not include the stomp as it can make platforming precisely a chore. Something that I think Hardlight should add in the future. The levels in and of themselves are quite open. Not as open as Frontiers (obviously), but it’s not as linear as the previous boost games like Forces, Generations, Colors, and Unleashed. And all the playable characters are paired up into 3 duo groups kind of like Sonic Heroes: Speed, Flight, and Power. Sonic and Amy are speed, Tails and Cream are flight, and Knuckles and Rouge are power. But they all play the exact same. Not that there’s anything WRONG with it by any means at all though. And while you play the game, when you unlock the rest of the playable characters, you can actually switch to any of them with a press of a button, but you have to be idle for it to work. And can I just say this? How EMBARRASSING is it to be Sonic Team right now? If SEGA Hardlight can program the character switch actions to a single button, then SO SHOULD SONIC TEAM. IT IS NOT THAT HARD. But NO, unlike Dream Team, you have to go to the Master King Koco to switch characters. IMAGINE THAT.

And finally, you face off against bosses that are quite easy and I’m very happy it’s not the type of BS that the Master King Koco trials and the Superstars bosses were, because holy SHIT, THOSE were a mess. Dr. Crabulous, The Four Man, and Guardian Hunter are great bosses, especially the 3rd one in particular. That monster would honestly be quite terrifying to face in your dreams.
And that’s pretty much the gameplay. Yeah, this is a very short segment, but hey, this game was very fun to say the least. I loved it!

Let’s list off the stages that you can play in.

Scrambled Shores is the first introductory stage in Sonic Dream Team, and I won’t really lie here, this was a very nice change of scenery after the Open Zone in Sonic Frontiers. It’s more akin to a Seaside Hill type zone with lots of water, sand, grass, hot air balloons, etc. It’s a really cool setting, but it’s not as visually appealing as the next three zones.
Dream Factory is a very cool looking zone here. You can see Magination, a fuel used to…well, fuel your dreams. It’s a really fun zone to run around in. Not much to really say here, but Act 3 is fun. You get to see the LITERAL Nightmare Fuel that Eggman creates in this factory. But that’s no surprise to anyone really, Eggman really wants to make his dreams a living nightmare for the heroes.
Now THIS is the best zone in the entire game. This is a labyrinth of Eggman’s inner insanity. This is a pure anti-gravity zone and it makes it a lot of fun. The fact that you can explore the labyrinth-like zone with the fun anti-gravity gimmick makes it a based level on its own.
This is quite a fun final zone. And Ego is right, because holy shit, this zone is what Eggman wants the future to be, and we all know that it’s going to be QUITE a bad idea. Eggman IS egotistical after all. The final boss, while disappointing, does have some fun level design that you go through with all characters.
And that’s all the stages! If I had to rank them from best to worst, they would be:
1. Nightmare Maze
2. Ego City
3. Dream Factory
4. Scrambled Shores
All of them are fun in their own right, but if I was to come back and replay the levels, it’d mostly be in Nightmare Maze no question about it.

Now for the music!


Sonic Dream Team does have a good soundtrack on its hands, but like Sonic Lost World, not all tracks are really memorable. However, I have some favorites. Let’s list them off.
1. Scrambled Shores/Dream Factory/Nightmare Maze/Ego City Ambient (Yes I’m grouping them together.)
2. Nightmare Eggman
3. Intro Song
4. Guardian Hunter
5. Green Hill Remix (even though it’s in the files, it’s not in the game, and not a Green Hill level in sight).
6. Nightmare Maze Act 2
And last but not least:
7. The Four Man
All composers of the tracks did honestly great with the OST overall.


I really, REALLY enjoyed this game. Even with the honeymoon phase still in effect, I thought this game was very fun. The levels were great, the gameplay had a simple but effective loop to get more Dream Orbs, the music was fantastic, and the story is very simple, but for what it sets out to accomplish, I really like it! My only real gripes with the game are the voices of Rouge and Cream not being as good as they should be; Rouge sounding like an OLD WOMAN AT TIMES, and Cream having a nasally and squeaky as fuck voice (and I say this with no disrespect to Michelle Ruff, the voice actress for Cream), and my other gripe is that Knuckles and Rouge’s gliding controls are DISGUSTING. That is MUCH worse than Frontiers, and it got an UPDATE to FIX its gliding. The wall climbing is disappointing as well as you can only climb on certain surfaces instead of on any surface like in the Adventure games. And finally, while backtracking is not really an issue for me anyway, often times, if you go on really fast to try and beat the game, you’re pretty much going to have to play the missions I listed in the Gameplay Section to get more Dream Orbs. They shouldn’t really take you that long.

Is this game perfect by any means? Not even CLOSE. Is it terrible? HELL no. Is it good? Yes. Would I understand that it could be mediocre for someone? Absolutely.

Now, would I recommend Sonic Dream Team? Absolutely…if you have an Apple device, that is; a Mac, an Apple TV, an iPhone, or even an iPad. And considering this is an Apple Arcade exclusive…this might be a turn off to some people. I hope that Apple allows SEGA to bring Dream Team to consoles and PC. With that said, my ranking for this game is:


Why do rogue & cream sound like that

It’s an alright game that can pleasantly surprise you in many ways, but there are still flaws that stop it from being truly amazing. I personally like most Sonic games, even the ones that were disliked. It’s kind of perplexing to see this one receiving more love. I have been hesitating between giving it 3.5 and 4 stars but went with 3.5 in the end. Let’s start with the flaws:

-Camera can still get in the way
-Controls can still act weird sometimes but they’re still pretty good
-Not a fan of the boss fights, they seem a bit boring and slow compared to the rest of the game
-Ditto with the cutscenes/story, I’m not sure if me getting older (=less tolerance) or this one being considerably worse than many previous ones. It didn’t help that the cutscenes were images instead of actual videos and the voice acting wasn’t always good
-The game can be very grindy if you want to get all the in-game statues (more on that in a bit)

-Lovely graphics and art
-The way the stages have been made is great. You usually have one big stage and a couple of challenges like reach checkpoints on time, collect 6 orbs etc. that are separate stages based on the big stage. You only have collectibles in the big stage which is better imo. The challenges are fun and quick to do
-6 characters have been divided in 3 types and all 3 are well thought out and fun to use

The game has 101 dream orbs (I got 91 and a YouTube videos speaks of 101 total), 30 blue rings in every big stage (12 big stages total) and you can do Tails challenges. Tails challenges look like the challenges you already did only randomised and you get 100 XP for completing each one. You get to do 5-6 per week. All that I mentioned earns you statues based on certain milestones reached. The reason I mentioned getting the statues can be very grindy is because of one where you need to earn 10k in tails challenges and you can only earn around 550 XP a week. This mode is basically the one to keep you playing and paying if you’re a completionist.

I’ve had a good time but I started feeling the game was overstaying its welcome. The blue rings can be annoying to find and I’m not falling for collecting all the statues and tails challenges.