Reviews from

in the past

Es el mejor de todos los Crash, qué te puedo decir xd

Igual, 100% completado

This game have bit of a huge problem of gimmick but lucky when the levels are good is really good

Uka Uka be doin my boi Cortex so dirty, give that mf a raise smh 🤦🏽‍♂️

I'm one of those people who prefers Crash 3 over Crash 2; but shout out to Crash 2 Niggas, y'all seem cool

Cierro la trilogĂ­a original con el que ha sido mi favorito de los tres.
Sigue teniendo el mismo problema con los mundos “repetidos” y otros defectos, pero al menos el plataformeo me ha gustado mucho más, tiene una dificultad mejor ajustada, los bosses molan, mucha más variedad de situaciones y es sobre todo más divertido.

The remastered version is yet again an incredible game which is no surprise in this collection. The controls for the vehicles, especially the bike and jet ski feel worse than on the PS1, but overall the game is still fantastic.

Also do not run into the frogs they will sexually assault you :(

Did it. FINALLY did it. I can now at least say I've made it through every OG Crash Bandicoot level. And that's enough for me. If you're patient enough for this kind of platformer, hey, more power to you.

It shares the same issues that I had with the Crash Bandicoot 2 remake, however the blow is softened by having the added abilities that you obtain. The super spin and double jump saved a few of my time trial runs.

The jet ski levels were also a nightmare due to controls yet conquering them and getting the gold time trial relics gave me a great sense of accomplishment. I can't imagine going for platinum relics though, that's where I drew the line.

Overall the time trials in this weren't as bad as the second game in the trilogy so it felt better to complete and get 100% of achievements.


I have played the original Crash 3 many years ago and thought it was very good. After beating the N-Sane Trilogy version, it is still a very good. The best in the original Crash trilogy.

Crash 3 has great level design and movement. The double jump and death tornado spin are great additions to Crash's arsenal.

I am still mixed on the tiger, jet ski, ,motorcycle, and plane levels. The tiger levels are like the animal stages from the previous games; the jet ski levels are alright, nothing spectacular; the motorcycle levels can be fun, but you need to get first to get the crystal; and the plane levels are too open.

Even with me being mixed on the non platforming levels, Crash 3 is still the best game in the original trilogy.

EDIT: I forgot to mention this: The bosses are still lame in this game.

One of the best platformers of all time although I'm INCREDIBLY biased because I grew up with it. The remake is a little clunkier than the original but still looks great and doesn't lose out on too much.

This game is easily the worst of the quadrilogy, now that dosent mean this game is necessarily bad, as I personally believe all of the crash games are good. It is just the weakest of an amazing quadrilogy, I think a main contributor to this games mediocrity is the gimmick levels (the races, planes, boats) every time I had to do one of these I was annoyed as they take away from the otherwise good platforming levels. I will say I really enjoyed the level design and themes in this game, I also liked the story and felt it improved upon the story of 2. In conclusion, this game gets weighed down by its lesser parts making it the worst of the quadrilogy but still a fun experience.

After replaying the PS1 version just moments before revisiting this one, just to try the additional Future Tense level. My mind is made up that this is indeed my favorite Crash Game of the trilogy.

I do prefer the original version on that old hardware, just because I think its a little tighter around the edges, whereas I feel this has some hitbox complexities that urk me the wrong way. Especially after playing both versions back to back.

Either way, I stomped this game into submission and have earned the platinum and done everything there is to do. Than I can physically complete. Love this game dearly

an actual video game, made for entertainment purposes.

Crash Bandicoot Warped is still one of the best Crash games out there, and the remake is honestly everything you want it to be. It's literally just the same game with a graphical overhaul and the ability to play Coco.

As for the game itself, Warped has always been the easiest and most accessible Crash game out there. While it certainly doesn't have the challenging might that the first one had or the cryptic secrets of the 2nd one, Warped instead balances both those out into a far easier and more manageable game. In a lot of ways, Warped just doesn't have any real painfully hard levels or drawbacks you have to deal with and really ends up being a rather nice walk in the park in comparison to the first 2 games. The game does provide challenges via Platinum Medals, but largely they are optional even for 100% completion.

Really it's an oddity for me because I recognize Warp's difficulty curve being exactly what it should be and I still resist the idea to say this is the best game of the trilogy. Like they made so many improvements to the game series, from easier to collect gems, less backtracking, more power ups, and even giving us speed run trials for when we finish the game. Honestly Warped is kinda the best package Crash Bandicoot ever had, but there is always this sense of roughness that I wish it had more of, or maybe I just wanted to play more of the game?

Either way, Warped heads Crash to the right direction of what it should be doing, and it's rather sad that the franchise fumbled so hard after this that they literally had to remake the original 3 games to restore Crash's honor as one of the best trilogies in Sony's history, let only gaming.

o mais fácil dos 3, mas muito divertido e inovador, muito boa a remasterização

Não é tão divertido quanto os outros jogos da série. As novas mecânicas são meio frustrantes e o platforming raiz fica meio ofuscado, mas não é ruim

This was such a pleasant run through. Didn’t want my Crash play throughs to end.

Crash 3 if it were a cashgrab instead of one of the most ambitious PS1 games ever made.

All of those remakes are fine but why do they exist again?

Technically, I've only beaten this one and not the original.

IMO it doesn't have the same charm of the original, but it's still a modern great remake. Probably over-filled with variety, unlike Crash 2 that had a good balance, but since it was very similar to the first Crash I've ever played (the second GBA one) I have a soft spot for this regardless.

The N-Sane remake of Crash 3. This time around series baddie Neo Cortex teams up with evil mask Uka Uka and fellow mad scientist N. Tropy to send their forces throughout time in order to gather crystals, forcing Crash and his little sister Coco on an adventure across time to stop them. The cartoonish vibes are still strong - don't expect a serious time travel story! There's even more level variety than in 2, but it's not all for the better; some, like the racing or flying levels are a bit rubbish, but the core stages are as good if not better than they are in 2. The difficulty is finally in a perfect sweet spot, the boss fights are finally fun to play, and you even learn new moves as you progress that are well implemented into the level challenges. A worthy finale to the trilogy!

Same as Crash 2 and is equally as fun.

Is just a very good platformer. Very satisfying controls, a faithful remaster of a still fantastic game.

105% super divertido. Mi unica queja con el juego es que es demasiado facil, pero mejor diseño de niveles by far

They do a lot of new things here, some cool, some bad, but I still respect it

Hello, hnnnngnh yes I want Crash the Bandicoot to go through Agrabah and if possible I never get a game over also I want to have him use the four elements: water (swimming levels), air (plane levels), fire (bike levels bro he can ride a mean engine doe) and earth (ok guys i dont have one but he goes through levels where we cant see anything, that's a cool thing to mention). Also Coco is mandatory what will she do? Oh that's the part where she gets bonked on the head and the scene transitions to KH2's opening.

This game's vibe is exactly what I was expecting playing through the previous games. Bike levels have been compared in the "die & retry" approach but I'm not throwing a fit over restarting a race, overall they're good designs (BUT, and this comes from deep in my soul, why tf do I have to finish the race to be allowed to retry!! stop screwing with me!!!). Finally we hear Aku Aku mansplain his wisdom but even he can't explain what his words in the first game meant.. is it oola buga? uwa baka? Backloggd how do you interpret his wisdom?

Sem dúvidas o mais divertido! Cheio de mecânicas novas e fases muito interessantes. Gostei muito desse sistema de poderes e talz, principalmente do canhão kkkk. Esse também é mais fácil entre os três, nenhuma fase me deu muito trabalho ou coisa do tipo. Gostei muito dessa trilogia de clássicos e de como evoluíram os jogos. Me diverti bastante com todos, mas em especial com esse!

Un clásico más de la saga. Me encantó, sin embargo no lo completé al 100%. Lo planeo hacer.

Warped es un juego curioso, ya que es una especie de Cortex Strikes Back en esteroides. Si en el juego anterior había niveles con mecánicas curiosas, Warped es directamente un juego plagado de gimmicks. Esto resulta en un juego muy variado, pero también muy inconsistente.
Me gusta la gran variedad de escenarios y enemigos que se presentan, hacen que el juego no se sienta para nada repetitivo. Aún así, creo que por momentos terminan siendo demasiados niveles gimmick, y se echa en falta algún que otro nivel plataformero clásico que se destaque. Las partes en moto en un principio no me gustaron, pero después pude disfrutarlas un poco más.
También solucionan las quejas que tenía en cuanto a la historia del juego anterior, acá simplemente Cortex es muy malo, hay que detenerlo, y cuando aparecen para hablarnos los demás personajes no se termina haciendo molesto.
Las peleas contra jefes continĂşan bastante en lĂ­nea con los anteriores, aunque la pelea final contra Cortex mejora bastante (sigue sin ser la gran cosa, pero algo es algo).
Una cosa que creo que empeoró fue la dificultad. Es curioso como el primer juego es terriblemente difícil, el segundo consigue un buen balance, y el tercero fue tan fácil que estuve prácticamente todo el juego rondando las 20 vidas. Además, siento que está falta de dificultad le sacó parte de la satisfacción que tenía superar un nivel complicado tras varios intentos.
Algo que me sorprendiĂł gratamente fueron las mejoras que te dan tras superar un mundo, son una buena recompensa para el jugador y hacen que te plantees afrontar de otro modo ciertos niveles.
Es un juego que claramente tiene sus problemas, pero aún así creo que es un buen cierre para una trilogía que, aunque haya envejecido regular con los años, aún continúa siendo bastante disfrutable.