Reviews from

in the past

Really great and easy to pick up game mechanic. It still has that PS1/PS2 quirk that the old Hot Shots had. I love the shit talking features when playing multiplayer. Creates Mario Party level beefs. This is also one of those games that can easily hook in non-gamers/older people.

A sort of strange online multiplayer homunculus of Hot Shots Golf (they killed off that name :( ) that is still essentially the only good golf game anyone makes. I think the fun hole modifiers make this one of the easiest golf games for a new player to enjoy (notoriously rough genre for new players)


I've always kind of liked golf games but this and golf story was the first time I ever embraced the chance that I might really like them and not just think they're 'all right'

Out of the two this ones the better one, it's incredibly frustrating at times but then again I feel like anyone that plays any golf game has said the same thing.

When its going well though and you're nailing shots theres nothing like it.

Golf is the best game to exist and when you can't play that you can play this instead and it's great.

Undebatably 'gacha' in its progression system, but for a low-key podcast-supported golf itch, this was amazing. Claphanz's mechanics and course design are at their absolute peak here - every hole layout perfectly optimized to challenge your route-taking, approaches and spins. Character customization was also a sleeper surprise; I think about 25% of my playtime must've been just making cool fashion out of the parts I unlocked. Lite-RPG mechanics and stat progression also help make up the difference on the usually-grindy design of Hot Shots.

Really the weakest part of the package is the writing. Most of the instructional text is repeated ad-hominem like a Genshin Impact exchange - informational beats that could be communicated with iconography get entire paragraphs in un-natural character dialogue. Also, they try to act like they've made a plot out of the campaign mode, but there's absolutely no meat here. I don't even know how I could describe it, but like, it really wants you to care about the Everybody's Golf hub like you're participating in a larger world and competition, but they make no effort to earn it. None of the characters actually have human character traits, and there's a sub-zero amount of weight or conflict. I don't think it even needs a plot, but listen: You can't have short cutscenes of shadowy figures scheming over your fledgling career, and then completely fail to elaborate on this. What Are You Doing.

monster hunter if it was golf

there's an insane amount of grinding required to unlock everything, but it never becomes tedious; rewards trickle down at just the right pace as the championships constantly push your own personal progression with new abilities, courses, and special opponents at a fairly brisk pace

definitely worth grabbing if you're a fan of the previous games or any other arcade-y golf series. shame about the microtransactions, but thankfully all the predatory elements associated with them are postgame-related and can be completely ignored

lucky bumps

Way too grindy to unlock everything, but great in pretty much every other way.

I love this game. It's a really good three-tap arcadey golf game with a fun aesthetic, good music, and tons of character customization. Total blast to play alone or with friends. Probably my favorite golf game.

Extremely fun to play when you have some down time. I absolutely love the character creation and amount of outfits you can make. I wish some of the event items were still obtainable. Playing online open course is very fun, doesn't require a PlayStation Plus subscription either, which is a big plus. The gameplay is as simple as it can get and the challenges are perfect. Smooth transition of difficulty, physics are the best they have been.

I got an albatross once but the game crashed and it didn't save

A really good take on the playstation golf genre.

Being a huge fan of the Hot Shots/Everybody's Golf games, this is easily the peak of the franchise. Everything from visuals, physics, customization, and just the overall vibe is absolutely on point. It's a great golf game with quite a curve in difficulty and a weird assortment of characters.

I don't know how they made a golf game go so hard, but it's especially fun to play online where there's players all over the course with their custom characters.

It's not super in depth or anything but it's just a fun, casual game which I have too many hours in.

I've been playing the Hot Shots Golf series since I was just a kid, and I always adored the Japanese charm of the game's settings and characters, as well as the addicting golf mechanics. However, I've never actually "finished" any of these games (i.e. defeating all the main golfers) until now. Everybody's Golf acts as a full-fledged, AA-budget reboot of the Japanese series...and I say "reboot" as a mixed impression.

Most of everything is here from the previous games. Wacky characters, fun gameplay, gorgeous courses, the works. It retains the charm and blissfulness of a world that I would love to live in, particularly backed by a fun opening movie with an original song by Owl City. What's a completely different turn here (aside from the added fishing mini-game, which I just won't talk about) is the way of progression and customization. Whereas the previous games would have you select a character to play as, with their own indicated skills, Everybody's Golf has the player create their own character and level up their stats through tournaments. It's very RPG-esque, and the EXP learned goes towards unlocking a new character to face. Once you defeat said character, you unlock their clothing and such, and the game loops from there.
For me personally, I couldn't stand this. The original formula was already fine by itself, but I get why they modernized it like this. My gripe is that the grind to get EXP (and even coins for unlocking clothes) is heavy, forcing you to play tons of randomized tournament sets. It gets very repetitive after a good while. I just prefer the original design of just playing tournaments to unlock characters and coins that you can use to buy non-cosmetic items in the shop. This was clearly designed to be more of a social online golfing game than a traditional one.

If this is your first dive into this series, I don't think you'll have too many issues with it. Otherwise, the grind is apparent.

It's exactly what I want out of an arcade-y golf game. Except for the RNG grind mechanics for late-game clubs. Get out of here with that nonsense.

Another sequel to Hot Shots, and in some ways, I love this game, but in other ways, it's detestable.

The gameplay itself is wonderful. Skill shots are slowly unlocked through progression and the game rewards you for amazing shots and staying on the fairway/green. When you get the hang of reading the greens and the different modes, you'll really feel unstoppable, but there's even harder challenges in this game waiting.

Speaking of those "harder challenges", they're hidden behind some of the most difficult shots in video game history. They come in the form of secret VS characters, and most can be achieved while regularly playing the game. But the actually good characters? My god, good luck. You'll have to hit a couple albatrosses (1 & 5, hole in 1 in par 4, or hole in 2 in par 5), and 1 and 3 condors (hole in 1s on a par 5). This took me a solid 5-10 hours, and even better, the counter glitched on displaying how many I had, so I had to wait for another day for perfect conditions to make the shot again. Wow that sucked.

Along with these arbitrary and stupid challenges, the "endgame" of this game is pathetic. They expect you to grind for gems by either playing against unforgiving CPUs, or to go on the daily Multiplayer courses and pick up all the gems they hide in the asscracks of the course (servers will shut down by Oct 2022).

When you get that set amount of gems, you have to give it to an NPC who crafts a new "better" set of clubs, but how many levels he upgrades your clubs is determined by pure RNG. No suprise it can also be purchased by tickets that the game expects you to spend money on. Super scummy for such an inoffensive golfing game.

Overall, a good game, but I wouldn't really suggest this to Hot Shots fans. They're actually better off playing the PS2 and PS3 games before they got as greedy and bold as they did in this one.

Everything I could possibly want from a golf game is here.

Chances are that you've heard of, seen, or played Everybody's Golf in your life. Unless you're American, then you'd know it as Hot Shots Golf (YIKES).

Either way, you're probably familiar with the gameplay formula here: arcadey golf that is simple enough in theory but complicated enough in application to be really engaging for hours. What's different here compared to the other games in the series (which at least had numbers or subtitles, so I can recognize which ones they are) isn't the gameplay itself but what's around it.

Namely the character building. You now create your character (or multiple of them if you so desire, the creation suite is really robust) and it will get better at specific things gradually, and depending on what equipment you use and how you play. This actually adds a lot to the game as every player can come up with their own solutions and perfect plays, while refining their own skills with the control system and physics.

But that's not all, as Everybody's Golf fancies itself a great "fucking around" game. You can fish, which comes with its own leveling and equipment, roam around various camps either on foot or with various types of carts, play online, do all these things in online courses, exchange profiles, and so on. It even comes up with a meaty single player experience if you don't desire to pay for PS+ (which I don't).

Everybody's Golf is a game that gives you a lot to sink your teeth into, while still doing it with style and remembering that it's all supposed to be chill and fun. Can't really ask anything more out of this game, which goes above and beyond giving players reasons to come back time and time again, making it a great purchase for anyone even just tangentially interested in golf games (or just fun arcade sports games).

A good game that can't get out of it's own way. I was a big fan of the original Hot Shot Golf games especially 3 and finally picked this up. The easy to grasp, hard to master simple golf mechanics are still there and the natural golfian drama of watching your putt sail slowly towards the hole, is all still there...

But the game is a fuckin' grind. You don't unlock characters and you gotta grind your ass off to unlock courses. I've put a good 5 or 6 hours into the game and have 2 courses. Each are also only 9 holes. So really... I have one course still. The aesthetic is also hub world based and micro transation heavy so hard to recommend this game even tho it's pretty fun (especially online with friends).