Reviews from

in the past

This game really speaks for itself in all honesty. The ost is amazing and the combat is very simply but engaging to the point it created 2 follow up series. The only problem is the immense diff spike dragon fight and on, tho I went for bowser and geno so it might just be me.

Se nota que está lleno de talentos. Es super bonito artisticamente, y la verdad se siente poco que es de super nintendo. La dificultad es muy buena, es facil pero no botado. La historia es bastante divertida (divertida de entretenido mas que de graciosa, para mi gusto). Los personajes muy bien hechos, y el sistema de equipacion y que cada arma tenga una forma de usar en combate diferente es muy cool. Un poco lástima que solo sean 3 miembros y uno es obligatoriamente Mario

You'd better watch out. I know about timed hits!

mario, há tempos, deixou de ser uma figura equivalente à jogos da nintendo pra ser um personagem popular no mundo todo (literalmente), tantas séries, produtos, desenhos, propagandas em seu nome que torna impossível alguém que não o conheça, e essa popularidade torna esse jogo, em específico, tão honesto e especial.

na quantidade imensa de jogo que esse cara tem, se sobressai a imagem do "mario" como herói capaz de tudo (até de jogar tênis), e justamente isso, pelo menos pra mim, implica como o mario é uma representação perfeita da infância, aquele que, ingênuo porém bom, carrega consigo o entusiasmo e energia de uma criança. Dentre todos os jogos dele, o qual melhor resgata a pureza da infância é mario rpg, jogo que por natureza envolve incorporar um personagem e não seria exagero meu compará-lo a uma brincadeira de quintal, você e seus primos, talvez irmão caso tenha, fingindo ser seus personagens preferidos pra derrotar um vilão maior da história completamente nova que vocês criaram.

é fantástico o quão singelo esse jogo é em simplesmente ser, o conjunto de tudo dele remete os tempos simples de antes, e pra alguém como eu que cresceu com mario, jogar isso enche o coração de nostalgia. Sendo mais objetivo sobre o jogo, tive alguns problemas na dificuldade dos boss, sofri demais, mas acho que foi só skill issue mesmo porque sou horrível em gerenciar rpg de turno. No mais, jogão mais que especial.

Always saw this game talked up on a forum I frequented back in the day. I certainly saw the appeal when I played this on Wii VC. Everything I loved about the original Paper Mario, but a bit older and still just as fun.

Finally decided to finish this after starting and stopping 3 different times. This game is mad charming. Its surprisingly short and also very easy lol.

An incredible little JRPG thats got so much charm to it. The character writing that's there is brilliant (especially Mallow) and its just a clean 12ish hour experience. Bowser also kind of carries here Nintendo gotta let him show more personality

When I play the game, I get lost in a phase...

Un clasicazo súper sencillito y disfrutón, pero que funciona a las mil maravillas. El experimento que pretendieron Squaresoft y Nintendo salió a las mil maravillas y dio pie a futuras sagas como Paper Mario y Mario y Luigi. Tengo ganas de jugar el remake, pero de momento recuerdo la experiencia original muy satisfactoria.

It's really goofy and fun. A little bit too easy I'd argue.

Poucos RPGs que tive paciência de jogar e realmente me divertir.

Un fantastico inicio para lo que seria la travesia de Mario en los juegos RPG. Con un sistema de comabte simple pero efectivo, con un ritmo de juego lento al principio hasta que desbloqueas a Geno siendo desde este punto una experiencia mucho mas dinamica y divertida.

Me gusta mucho las caracterizaciones de Bowser y Peach aca como personajes

This is one of my favorite games of all time. I love the gameplay, the music, the story, the humor, and having Mario doesn't hurt this game's appeal. If I had a few complaints I think it can be a little too easy, the absence of Lugii is odd, and the graphics haven't aged amazingly. Those flaws don't hurt it too much and don't detract from an otherwise fantastic game.

this game taught me that jrpgs would be so much better if they were beatable in less than a million hours

GooeyScale: 80/100

I LOVE THIS GAME. The first Mario RPG!!!
In this game, you have to stop the Smithy's Gang in their attempt to take over the Mushroom World.
I love the turn-based battles, the items, the special moves, everything!
The only flaw is that this game is difficult to master.

Not much to say that hasn't already been said. Fun characters, fun plot, fun albeit simple battle system with Action Commands, and fun overworld exploration/platforming all tied up nicely with excellent prerendered 3D visuals and a fantastic catchy soundtrack, Yoko Shimomura's magnum opus.

Like Chrono Trigger, the game's biggest strength is how quickly it moves from point to point. Around every corner is a new enemy type, a hidden treasure, a platforming challenge, or a fun minigame (shoutout to the beetle game). The overworld and dungeon areas are so tightly designed; every room feels unique and has some memorable obstacle to deal with. There are dozens of small secrets and easter eggs hidden throughout, from the famous Culex to the casino which few seem to know exists.

It's a very simple game to be sure, but the execution is practically flawless.


I loved seeing Square's take on Super Mario, and this game definitely left an impression on me.

Engaging combat, bright graphics, and just a touch of secret hunting makes for a nice light JRPG. As usual for Square/Nintendo, the music is great.

Squaresoft took control of this RPG with Mario characters with a hope of it doing better outside of Japan. However, it was never released in Europe due to the RPG genre being very niche.

The story does not take it seriously because the people have seen this before. Bowser is definilty a highlight, this is because he has lost his castle and he wants to keep up his image. Whenever Mario needs to describe something he puts up a show and changes characters which is very funny.

Each character has different abilities. Mario is an all rounder, Bowser being pure strength, Princess Toadstool is a healer. Newcomer Geno can boost a party members attack power and also has offensive magic abilities. Newcomer Mallow can also use healing abilities and offensive magic abilities.

The game uses the classic turn-based battle system. You have all the time in the world to make a turn. You can choose to attack the enemy, defend an upcoming attack, use a magic attack or use an item. If you use an item there is a chance you could obtain a freebie. At the right time if you hit the A button you could deal some extra damage. If you hit the A button at the right time you could take less damage from enemy attacks, if you hit the button at the exact right time, you won't take any damage.

This is a very easy RPG, so if you have played other RPGs then this one would be very basic and nothing interesting. Mario fans will find something fun about it.

simplesmente maravilhoso!
square é boa demais nos rpgs e com esse aqui não foi diferente, gráficos bons até hj (na minha opinião) e uma boa trilha sonora. apenas a movimentação do personagem que achei de certo modo estranha, principalmente em sessões de plataforma que eu não consigo ter noção de profundidade.
a história não é das mais incríveis e mirabolantes mas ainda sim é muito boa, e os personagens são bem carismáticos, sem contar em ver o bowser junto com a galerinha do bem. uma pena eu não conseguir jogar o remake

super mari-o-o r-p-g it is the only one just for me

most underrated mario game its genuinely amazing

Mario's incursion into new genres continued with the Square/Nintendo collab of Super Mario RPG, that also paired action game precision with JRPG menu selection. Its combat is essentially Beyond the Beyond done right: Turn-based gameplay that grants bonuses upon synchronizing inputs to the impact of one's offense (e.g. heightened stats, extra turns) and defense (guarding), but with guaranteed damage rather than purely chance-driven side effects. Instead of magic types, Square's version of timing-oriented battling offers variety in a more tactile context. Weapons and abilities are characterized not only by their effects, but also by their skill check, and those variations are enough to distract from its below average pool of options (whether skills or allies) while helping them disguise what is - ultimately, the same battle approach of many console RPGs at the time (i.e. partitioning damage). What follows is straightforward and almost barebones, albeit with something to do in-between commands, an apparently simple feature which ends up distorting combat's flow (focused less on the menus and more on the animations) and tension (stemming from performance over prediction).

Outside battle mode are small, isometric 3D stages with traces of platforming and on-map mobs, alongside numerous ventures into minigames, unique scenarios, secrets (invisible blocks) and even Zelda-style challenges. The rest is - instead, little more than JRPG traditions dressed up with Super Mario's vibrant, colorful aesthetic, although with a few major exceptions: Stat-allocation (whose inherent replay value benefits from the game's length), the charming cast and above all a prevailing cartoony sense of humor. If its low difficulty leaves a bit to be desired, the experience is nonetheless well-produced and radiates wacky fun.

It is a good first Mario RPG, but the remake just fixes most of what I dislike about this version. So, if I want to replay this game, I will replay the Switch remaster.

I fail to see the charm in this. The music is excellent and some elements of its visuals are at least good, but that’s pretty much all there is. It is extremely combat focused and while it isn’t nearly as reliant on tedious grinding as other big RPG’s of its time, it is mostly uninspired and flat. Mastering the timing of the basic attack is always the winning strategy, that and healing, and it never asks much more of you, and I just never felt enamored with the gimmick to compensate for the lack of a more engaging system.

I love that it’s short and simple and ideal for novices but I would’ve loved more a better though out combat.

Though I have beaten the game on the SNES several times (this is probably my 4th time beating this game), this was my first time beating it in Japanese! I bought the SFC Mini almost entirely to have a convenient easy way to play this game XD . I enjoyed Paper Mario so much in Japanese that I really wanted to see the localization of the previous game, and it was great fun just like Paper Mario was~. This time I played through with a team of Bowser and Mallow, despite Fast's warnings against it, and came to the conclusion that Mallow is indeed terrible and made the game FAR harder than it needed to be XD

The translation of the English version is quite faithful to the Japanese original, at least as far as my memory serves (and what I occasionally looked up online). Things like Booster's eccentric speech being similarly silly but in a different way (he has his own kind of punny words he uses for himself and switches between SUPER casual and very formal speech a lot), Johnathan Jones speaking much more about the honor of being a manly man's man, and a couple silly naming conventions and puns here and there that didn't make it into the English version. Regardless, the English version is a fantastic companion piece to the Japanese original, in my opinion. Neither is better; they're just both good in similar but different ways.

Dunno if the game was just a lot harder than I remember, or if Mallow and Bowser are just a terrible team combonation, or if the Japanese version is harder than the US version, but the end game was definitely harder than I remember. I still enjoyed it either way though. A nice nostalgic trip down memory lane with a foreign-language twist~