Reviews from

in the past

This game is horror for actual babies, but even at that, it isn't any good. Part of me wants to like this for some odd reason, maybe just because I think it is silly, but it is so short it doesn't even feel like a demo. It is in general just rather poorly made, and I hear the Roblox version runs better. I think kids deserve better horror since we grew up with stuff like FNaF and they get this and Poppy's Playtime.

she garten on my of till i banban

i wonder if i'm gonna regret playing through this game like 20 times cause i thought it was funny when im on my death bed pondering how little time i spent with my family or something like that

edit: divided my playtime by how long it usually takes me to beat the game and realized ive played garten of banban about 50 times

this game changed my life. I am now a Banbillionaire with 3 wives and a husband. Thank you so much Jumbo Josh

Oh, the tumultuous tale of Garten of Banban, a game that not only earned the disdain of players but managed to create a digital racist entity that rivals anything seen in the last 78 years. The developers, bullied off Twitter, might have sought refuge from the justified criticism. This game is not just a bad gaming experience; it's a societal misstep, an unintentional harbinger of a virtual racist apocalypse. Let's just say, if the gaming industry had a Hall of Shame, Garten of Banban would be an inaugural inductee.

Garten of Banban transcends traditional scoring; it's a gaming abomination that defies numerical evaluation. Consider it a cautionary tale rather than a scored review.

Score: Scale not low enough, game defies numerical evaluation

bad bitch said she don’t fw banban

It's fascinating how a soul-less game so clearly made with the only purpose of making money gets away with it.

But not gonna lie, it's so bad i had actually a lot of fun playing it.

The Jumbo Josh plush I impulse bought in a fit of rage at an amusement park is glaring at me as I write this, pray for me.

I will give this singular game in the series one whole star. Mostly because the bird jumpscare on the crane was pretty good. Everything else is utterly garbage. Buggy and crappy graphics so poorly designed that a decent mid level pc chugs to sustain a drone remote with more pixels than 2B's ass. Gameplay that is designed to waste your time and get your steam time longer. Their are games that do not deserve to be played even if they're free, this is one of them.

If your five year old is jumping up and down telling you about pancreases and some weird red guy with dumb birthday hats on this head you are justified turning this game on. Morbid curiosity is the only reason I could see someone genuinely wanting to subject themselves to this.

I'm #Freaky 👀 for Jumbo Josh

It gets one star for that.

The only reason it isn't half of a star is because it was an absolutely hilarious experience. One of the worst games I've ever played, easily. The game crashed once 5 minutes in and sent my computer into constant errors to the point that I had to restart it to fix everything. There's a good chance my computer is completely fried from the fucking Garten of Banban. Took me less than 20 minutes to beat and was hilariously bad, there's no way this game was made without the intent to be so bad that it's good, right? Right??? Overall, Garten of Banban was easily one of the video games that I've ever played, and I think this 19 minute romp was one of the most interesting parts of my entire life. Thank you Jumbo Josh

Stream this in VC for the funniest 15 minutes of your life

wow... these reviews are a INJUSTICE... this game revolutionized the horror genre, clearly everyone here is a poser and knows nothing about the history of the genre

allegedly one of the video games of all time.

Meu primeiro do ano de 2024 pra começar com o pé direito

I thought these were satire but my little brother can't stop playing them so now I realize children are fucking stupid and people like to take advantage of that.

nigga tht shit was scary as fuck oh my god who's adam though??? and why was his plane ticket in that shit.. and was jumbo josh tryin to help? I wonder if the playable guy in GoB2 is the same guy or if its a different guy... that bird was makin me shit myself bitch ughghghjbhkgnrkbjn im so glad there was only one monster walkin around :(

mr. shitty drone, youre the realest ik
uhh i liked the game,,,.., though..,,,,,
so,,, yeah. ill be playing the second one....

Garten of Banban x Persona 5 Royal
History: Garten of Banban
Cast: Garten of Banban (Jumbo Josh stomps)
Graphics: Persona 5 Royal
Worldbuilding: Garten of Banban
Backstory: Garten of Banban
Mechanics: Garten of Banban
OST: Garten of Banban
Character Design: Garten of Banban
Gameplay: Garten of Banban

Garten of Banban >>>>> Persona 5 Royal

All memes aside, the Euphoric Bros are talentless hacks.

Phenomenal art style, unique cast of characters, and a handful of expertly crafted horror sequences.

This review contains spoilers

I'll try my best to review this game in a vacuum without having to over-explain the situation with mascot horror games, and how this one is practically an unoptimized mess of a "game" just for the sake of having to have something out.

Garten of Banban is a "horror" experience of no more than half an hour, in which you are investigating a kindergarten in where a kid went missing, I think? What matters is that you go in there and find yourself being stalked over by the characteristic... Creatures, that reside there for entertainment purposes. You have to do a couple of puzzles with a lobotomized drone that will actually stoop into anything and not go where you ask it to, coupled with the basic mechanics of collecting keycards to open doors that you previously couldn't.

In this iteration of Garten of Banban you are chased down by a very ugly looking pink bird, called Opila Bird. Nothing more to say that she follows you around sometimes and once you defeat her that's pretty much it, probably the most engaging part of the game was when she goes out of her way to go past the pit to the site you're on to kill you, and honestly I was a bit despaired to get out of there as soon as I could but with the game's lack of visual identity and language, it took me a great 5 minutes more of my playtime actually figuring out how to outrun her.

And once you do that, you go down an elevator and are met with the guy that appears in all the promotional art, he does nothing and so do you so the game ends like that. Fin.

Not something I would recommend to anyone to play besides for irony reasons, but if it is your thing then that's with you I guess, advised to have a beefy computer because the game is so badly optimized that my computer makes the same sounds it does when I play Fortnite, and that's saying something alright.

The absolute bottom of the barrel of mascot horror and horror in general. And this goes for all of the sequels, since they were too pretentious to release them as chapters and instead called them fleshed out games, which I won't be paying for.
Other than the first game, which is a boring nothing-burger, the other games are repetitive walking simulators with god awful voice acting and a story that so far could be written by a middle schooler. The character designs are idiotic and in no way scary, and hardly even resembles what most people would consider a "mascot".
The game is basically everything people complain about in mascot horror accumulated into a game. It's the most uninspired and soulless series of horror games to date with nothing except a meme following and I would be suprised if any game in the future can top it. I consider Garten of Banban to be a cautious tale of just how bad things can get when people allow themselves to consume any cash grab that gets churned out by the machine.

better than silent hill homecoming

if my son made this game i would slam him into the ground until he exploded

definitely the best game i've ever played

Born to acknowledge peak
forced to 1.5 star rating