Reviews from

in the past

Haunted Castle is funny, and you're probably asking, "funny hah hah" or "funny peculiar"? Truthfully I think it goes both ways. I would like to first articulate the "funny peculiar" part as Haunted Castle sticks out from the rest of the games in the series like a particularly sore thumb.

It is of course an arcade game, an attempt at bringing the gameplay of the beloved NES title to the mean streets of the coin-op cabinet at your local pizzeria. You may have noticed it is also called "Haunted Castle" instead of "Castlevania", unlike the JP title Akumajō Dracula where it shares the same name with the Famicom Disk System game (along with later the Super Famicom and Sharp X68000 games, thanks lads I'm sure that's not confusing over there). I could actually wager a decent guess as to why they did this change. You see, the director was a massive fan of the Atari 2600 classic Haunted House, they just had to get their reference in. Remember the bat and the ghost? They in fact guest star in Haunted Castle, that's actually the same characters from Haunted House. I shit you not, my logic is infallible.

The game also bizarrely begins with an obvious Ghosts n' Goblins-esque intro with Simon peacefully walking along with his bride-to-be, only for an explosion to go off in the distance with Dracula flying in out of nowhere to whisk her away to god knows where (Ohio maybe) as Simon gives off a "curse you Dracula!" pose. Official documents state this was supposed to be a retelling of the first game, but I like to imagine that Dracula is constantly trying to inconvenience Simon at every turn. In the next Adventure Simon will be peacefully enjoying a meal at his favorite steakhouse only for it to be revealed that his steak was well done, then Dracula explodes from the background revealing his new ownership of the place and proceeds to put on the most annoying song in the jukebox.

This is where I stop farting about and actually comment on things that legitimately annoy me that have nothing to do with the gameplay, and that's the fact that Simon does not do his famous strut in this game. Instead he looks like he's clutching his tummy and needs to take a massive shit. It turns out there's no bride at all, Simon is just breaking into Dracula's castle to use his bathroom and ruin his plumbing. I am continuing the charade that this is all a childish rivalry between Mr. Belmondo and Mr. Dracula. There is also a second thing that annoys me, and that's that the best upgraded weapon in the game is a sword. That's right, Simon has sold out. He throws out his trademark whip for the most dull weapon to ever hit dullsville. The reason all of these peculiar things happen is most likely because Haunted Castle was originally not supposed to be related to Castlevania at all, and everything kind of got shoehorned in during the middle of development. It was also painfully early in the series' life, so maybe they figured they could just do anything since it was the new hotness and would probably make massive bank.

However! If you wish to make massive bank at the coin-op, maybe you should allow infinite continues! For the original release of these games, one credit was one life. That's all you got, and you could only continue with an additional credit three times, and after that? Do I hear wedding bells? Oh my, another explosion has taken place and Dracula took another one of your wives! Dearest me. Apparently Konami couldn't quite wrap their heads around how to properly gouge people of their money, because I doubt new players are going to bother with this kind of brutality, especially when the North American release features an insanely high damage boost to the enemies. In the original JP release of Haunted Castle, a bone thrown from an enemy skeleton results in a bit of damage. In the American release? One of those bones is now powerful enough to level the broadside of a Nimitz-class Supercarrier. There is also no pot roast in this game, and your health is not refilled between stages. You are given very little room for error.


To say Haunted Castle is a hard game would be the biggest understatement since they invented the word "understatement". It is a game designed to make you pull your hair out with how often your Boston Big™ hitbox will be nailed by everything in sight as you get to watch a bat pull some spectacular aerial maneuvers to somehow not get hit by your whip and nibble your face off in retaliation. To be frank as Frankenstein, I also think the game just looks ugly. Many sprites feel haphazardly drawn, which gives credence to the game being quickly rejiggered into a Dracula of some kind instead of whatever it was originally going to be. The rock golem that's the boss of stage 4 literally doesn't do anything after you kill it. The game just freezes as the victory jingle goes off and you're given no satisfaction for your patience, no explosions, no decapitation, no nothing. Stage 6 is literally just walking to the left and hoping you can get by all the bats flying at you without the collapsing bridge behind you catching up. It's meant to be a setpiece, but it's just painfully boring and feels like a creative setup to make the final stage quickly, and make it less obvious that this was rushed out to bank off the success of Akumajō Dracula's name.

Now you may be thinking, "where's the funny hah hah"? Well, there's these boulders in stage 2, they make an incredibly cartoonish Scooby-Doo "bonk" sound when they hit the ground.


I feel like I've done nothing but drone on here, but I guess that's what happens when it's both a Castlevania title and a bad game. Now imagine if it were also a fighting game on top of that, wow I wouldn't shut up. Oh god, I just realized something and had a vision please keep it away, oh god, oh jeez, oh god, oh fuck, oh jeez.

PLAY THIS GAME ON THE KONAMI ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION. Infinite lives is a godsend, without it, i wouldn't be able to get past the second goddamn level. With infinite continues, its still a grueling and pretty unfun experience, even after you get the cross, which can destroy basically all bosses within a few uses. Music is fucking incredible though, it doesn't deserve this game.

I played it for 10 seconds and died to an enemy disguised as part of the scenery
10/10 would never play again

Somehow didn't really mind this, in fact I actually kinda like it. I get why it's so hated though, with the main American version of the game being ridiculously difficult. If you played this in an arcade you probably had every reason to hate it, and even now with emulators, I'll bet most people still ended up playing the broken American version (version M) because MAME makes it so complicated to find alternate versions of the same game if you set it up with a merged romset. I played it on version K, which was much more tolerable, but I think the original Japanese version is meant to be even easier (I couldn't get that version to even show up in MAME after hours of trying so I guess I'll never know). If you need to make it easier you can change the difficulty through the DIP switches in MAME as well. It makes sense that this was meant to be pretty forgiving considering it sticks to Castlevania's original 3 continue setup despite being an arcade game. You can feed it more quarters but it just adds to your health bar in your current life. Die three times and you go straight back to the start. If I tried to play this on version M I probably would have given up before the first boss, and just glancing at other reviews on here I'm sure that's exactly what a lot of people did. It's a shame because this game really isn't that bad. Get one of the decent versions running and it's a very charming reimagining of the original game with really pretty visuals. Like Vampire Killer, most of the stages here have a direct analog in the original game, but the higher visual fidelity here leads to some great elaboration on the original levels. The approach to the Castle is more drawn out, the underground caverns are more expansive and foreboding, and the bridge before the final boss now crumbles behind you as you walk along it. At one point in the third stage you get sucked through a portal to this faded ruin of a castle to be attacked by harpies, only to be sent back as soon as you beat them. It's more like something out of Dark Souls II than Castlevania, but it's those moments where the game hits you with something completely out of left field that make it so effective. I dont think Haunted Castle even comes close to Castlevania I or II, and even on easier versions it still has its flaws. The lack of unlimited continues really hurts with the amount of traps and surprise enemies, a lot of the levels are a bit monotonous design-wise, and the boss on stage four is incredibly annoying. All things considered though, this game's reception seems really undeserved. It's a shame it's still so complicated to get arcade games working through emulators with all the different versions and settings they could have, if version K was the way the majority of people played this game I can't imagine it would be so widely hated.

A couple things.

Firstly, John Backloggd please change the game game icon to either the title screen or the Japanese artwork because I think the Western promo poster sucks!!!!

Secondly, it's actually okay. I 1cc'ed this bitch (technically? kinda sorta not really?? I mean I used up continues to refill my health because that's how healing works in this game but I never saw the "continue" or "game over" screens) in about 3 attempts because the stopwatch totally destroys this game and kinda makes it one of the easiest games in the franchise??? Like sure, without it you're going to have a bad time and I don't blame people for thinking this is the worst Castlevania related thing ever, but I'm talking easier than Castlevania 1 holy water spam. The hardest part is probably keeping the stopwatch, since there's only one in the whole game, but that just comes down to learning when and where item drops occur since they're fixed. Regardless, it works on bosses, and all bosses take 6-7 sword swings to the face before going down, which you should have by around the middle of stage 3 assuming you don't run out of health. Just make sure to use up your continues to refill your health instead of actually running out of it, and if you really hate the bottomless pits (there's like, 3 sections in the whole game with them and they're incredibly easy to avoid) you can play the Japanese version. Still some moments and enemy patterns that require trial and error to figure out but this might be one of the least offensive arcade quarter munchers of the time if you know what you're doing.

This isn't too dissimilar from traditional classicvania titles. Learn, get better, and conquer. Obviously getting sent back to the very beginning of the game sucks but considering this game is shorter than just about all the others, I think it's not as bad off for it as it otherwise would be.

Thirdly, I also like Castlevania II just as much as CV1 and a little less than CV3. I'm weird and have weird opinions. I can see why this game is particularly despised but I personally had a decent time with it.

I should not have spent 8 dollars on this garbage, lmao.

Could be worse. It has some realy dumb design desicions like how one boss is probably impossible to defeat in the time limit without the right weapon you get in the level before. So if you drop it or miss it you have to replay the whole game... Also the last level is just not fun and wants to eat your money. I wanted to play version K but played M.

A re-imagining of the first Castlevania game. By re-imagining I mean "how can we extract every quarter from you?". The visuals, animations and sound are just as good as in the other entries in the series, and even the gameplay is mostly serviceable, it's just a lot shorter and harder for questionable reasons.

Sim, essa merda é um Castlevania e, meu deus, que jogo odioso...
Foi difícil aparecer um jogo que me forçasse a dar meia estrela, mas esse aqui n tinha como.

O único elogio do jogo são as artes dele q, tirando a animação de andar do Simon que parece que ele tá se cagando nas calças, tem um visual até q bem dahorinha - agr o resto do jogo é tudo horrível.
É um jogo de arcade, então claro que ele quer que você morra igual um desgraçado pra vc gastar com fichas, mas esse aqui nem sequer tentar disfarçar esse aspecto. É tão na cara que o jogo quer que vc se foda que chega a ser cômico.

Não é uma experiência agradável e muito menos recompensadora de jogar, esse chorume é simplesmente uma total e absoluta falha mascarada por visuais bonitos.

Podem me chamar de louco, insano, ou maluco, mas eu fiz, eu fiz o feito de zerar o jogo sem morrer! Como? Simples, a programação desse jogo é idiota.

Pessoas reclamam que esse é o pior castlevania, e não conseguem passar nem da primeira fase, mesmo com a versão japonesa, mas elas nunca pararam pra notar a forma em que o jogo se comporta. Tudo o que acontece no jogo é programado e não há nenhum evento aleatório, tudo foi escrito para acontecer em um determinado momento em que você anda na fase. Isso faz que com decoração, todos os desafios são facilmente derrotados. Eu fiquei cerca de uma semana inteira aprendendo os padrões e analisando estratégias de speedrun, e foi divertido detonar esse jogo com a maior facilidade. Ele não era difícil! E sim facilmente desinteressante e frustrante para fazer as pessoas pararem de jogar.

Sinceramente, vá jogar outros jogos, esse é apenas um jogo de arcade papa ficha que nem os graficos ajudam à enganar. A única coisa a ser consumida desse jogo é a OST, que apesar dos remix, possui trilhas exclusivas únicas, como a "devil's revival" ou "basement melodies", a trilha sonora foi tão boa, que mesmo o jogo sendo esquecido, ela ainda foi mantida por remix através de vários jogos da franquia. É a coisa mais satisfatória do mundo terminar o jogo enquanto toca "sent to the devil's requiem" por ficar em primeiro colocado.

É um jogo estranho que um bom desocupado (eu) vai adorar ser desafiado.

divida de jogo do krai parece q o simon anda cagado vsf

Played this in front of some friends, died like five times in the first minute, then flipped an invincibility cheat on with no regrets. One of them described the experience as watching Simon stoically walking through 800 bats for 15 minutes.

First stage theme is a banger though! I'm glad it's been rescued from this game and put into better ones since.

What if Belmont controls like he costantly has to go to the bathroom (just like as he looks while controlling it)? Yep.
Couldn't pass the first stage mainly because of this, but it's still an interesting piece of history.

some people should not be given rights to make games

When it was omitted from the Castlevania Anniversary Collection, I tried this game using MAME on my laptop rather than downloading Konami's Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection. I made the right choice; the game is extremely unforgiving and I failed to clear even the first stage. I will not be returning to this game, it is not worth the headache.

Very very very short and very very very hard but fun and with good music.