Reviews from

in the past

Hey there reference to the first game did you like reference to the first game here's 10 minutes of dialogue abstracting reference to the first game.

Bored of reading in a vn? Don't worry, here's an anime AMV depressed lofi beats to study and reference to the first game.

I have no idea how I feel about this 'game' and what it's attempting to say. I guess the visuals are improved, but it's rather bland when compared to the unique look of it's predecessor.

This barely even feels like a game. You mostly just push a single button and read text.

Also the ending made zero goddamn sense. So I guess you could say that this game is neither good nor bad.

O jogo que supera muito o original, todo o drama da personagem aqui se volta contra ela e a gente pode entender mais as motivações e os traumas da protagonista

tecnicamente o jogo é impecavel, um estilo de arte fantastico e uma trilha sonora maravilhosa, ainda nao fiz todos os finais, mas quero muito fazer pra fazer 100% desse jogo

simplesmente amei todos esses 2 jogos, queria muito que tivesse outro explorando mais ainda a mente dessa menina, é de fato uma viagem e tanto os pensamentos dela, fazem a gente perder horas querendo saber mais e mais dela, acho legal ter opções que só podem ser revistas em outra run, isso com certeza deixa o jogo menos chato

achei tão bom como o primeiro, melhor tecnicamente, mas a história é tão impactante como, é bom ver que os problemas dela não se resolveram magicamente no fim do jogo, afinal, não somos o herói dessa história, apenas espectadores de uma mente perturbada.


While this is a fantastic sequel to the first game, I can't help but prefer the first due to how much more unique it was. While this does go in a unique direction, it becomes a bit more generic in my opinion, leaving me craving more of what the first game offered. Still greatly enjoyed this, however, and I'll be thinking about this for a long time.

While the first game was an unsightly bag of nothingness that attempted to replace genuine depth and empathy with a facade of understanding and compassion, it did possess a hard-to-point-out element that made it stand out from the crowd of similar-looking indie quasi-horror games.

But alas, the same cannot be said for Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk, as it not only perpetuates the flaws of its predecessor but also adds an additional layer of distastefulness. The game pretends to be thoughtful while actively romanticising mental illnesses and portraying its protagonist as a caged pet with whom you must sympathize and humour, despite lacking any genuine reason to do so. Surely, the production values may be greater in some ways, yet the speck of personality that was present in the series is now long gone; what was left behind is a subpar, edgy visual novel that has nothing to offer, evokes no emotions and leaves no impact.

This milk is making me sick.

my absolute favorite game. I didn’t think a more expensive, higher-quality sequel would capture the chilling atmosphere the first game had but I was so wrong. This game is beautiful and a few of the endings made me cry.

there’s so much i could say about this game but in short, definitely an experience that felt all too personal at points but still one that was very enjoyable nonetheless if not saddening at times

I love her , I want to hug her . she will understand me and i will understand her

I’ve never seen such a crazy jump in production value/quality from one game to its sequel. Everything from the music to the dialogue to the atmosphere and changing art styles really sells it for me. Was a bit on the edge for the first bit because of the jumpscares in the first one but I’m glad this one was more tasteful with it. My first play though was definitely the best, kept me immersed the whole way. Everything after though made it kind of lose the magic, I only really liked a couple of the endings whereas the others lost me a bit there. Also clicking through half an hour of dialogue in minutes just to do things differently for the other endings made it all fade away and now I was just starting at pixels on a screen. This isn’t a criticism of this game specifically, just a flaw of having a short game with multiple endings you can just breeze by to see. Overall loved it and am glad I checked it out.

Milk Oustide... offers a very interesting look into the life and thoughts of a late-teens girl suffering from serious mental illness and trauma. You play as a sort of self-talk, inner voice of the protagonist, generally representing the more rational side of her thoughts. Sometimes you are presented with only irrational choices, though. It creates a very interesting dynamic where you're both playing as the protagonist and not; trying to help her cope but sometimes not able to. It's a clever framing that captures the hopelessness the protagonist can experience at times. I enjoyed the metatextual element of the main character viewing you as a person playing a visual novel/point and click game.

The biggest selling point is perhaps the absolutely unique atmosphere. The art does an excellent job of shifting to match the mental state of the protagonist. The color palette, detail, and even overall style change between many of the scenes in the game to create this effect. The music was similarly on point in creating the feelings of dread and joy that the protagonist could quickly bounce between. There are a couple of tracks in the game that would fight right in on an atmospheric doom metal album (e.g. Sunn O))) ), which fit the themes perfectly and was very cool to hear in a video game.

My main criticism is just that I wanted a bit more. The entire game takes place over the course of the main character getting ready for bed, and takes 1-2 hours to play, depending on how many endings you go for. Even combined with the original game and its 30 minute runtime, it's just not quite enough time to really get to get to know and empathize with the protagonist to the degree I wanted. However, that doesn't keep the Milk duology from being a worthwhile and unique way to spend an evening.

Just like how Loius Wain showed us how the world looked through his eyes, by his cat paintings he drew during his period of schizophrenia, this game does the same thing. It shows us how the surroundings are perceived by a teenage girl who's going through some kind of mental illness.
It brought out various emotions. More than being scared, I felt sad and sorry for this girl. It's kind of a unique experience and I would suggest this game and its prequel to everyone. It's a masterpiece.

Milk 2 is a significant improvement over its predecessor. The writing and visuals received a huge jump in quality. There were also some scenes that really pulled on the heartstrings. Multiple interesting endings to go for which helps with replay value.


For me this was an extremely relatable story about the complicated relationship we have with our pills. The benefits always have tradeoffs; they make you more normal, but they also change how you think and in many ways who you are. You’re never really sure what you’re putting in your body; you're placing an enormous amount of trust in complete strangers and making yourself both vulnerable and dependent.

I really like this creator’s work; it’s simultaneously cerebral and visceral. It’s validating in the ways it mirrors my experience and elucidating in the ways it doesn’t. I need to get my hands on more of this.

omg you people can’t do anything
we don’t talk enough about how stressful buying milk is for the bpd community

There are two routes you can take when rating this game:

- You can tear it apart for not being mentally ill enough, or for the protagonist being too cutesy in design, or for it not being real enough, or for the prose not being eloquent or pretty enough, or all of these factors plus a couple more.

- You can appreciate how the sound design gels perfectly with its combination of ambiance and low humming tracks, how the storytelling draws straightaway from the first game with new threads and a sharper, more striking art style, with additions like new endings to spice up the mix, while also appreciating how it joins with the first game to create a unified narrative of milk girl's life, but also be slightly put off by her having the Animal Crossing speech sounds.

I'm in the second camp!

The game is a definite improvement over the first one in terms of art style, music, and audio design. This time it also included some point-and-click elements, which, at least for me, didn't feel like they added anything to the experience, but didn't detract from it either.

Without going into too many spoilers, the story takes place shortly after the end of the first game and explores the psyche and struggles of the main character with far more depth.

The game is pretty short and there are 5 different endings, but getting them didn't feel very intuitive, at least in my opinion.

drink yo milk bitch damn! fuck you looking crazy for!

beautiful art direction and music with an even heavier atmosphere than milk inside a bag. this is a rare case where a fictional story depicting extreme mental illness and trauma does it tactfully and even manages to feel comforting to those who have similar experiences. wonderful, amazing game

cried twice in the 57 minutes it took me to finish this game. im assuming the developer has ocd

Ela ainda vai precisa de sua ajuda nessa continuação, agora não mais para comprar uma caixa de leite.

Se eu focar só no visual de visual novel, esse jogo é maravilhoso, não tem um frame que eu não queria apreciar, só que esse gênero ainda tem a parte da novel, que não é tão boa assim aqui. É só mais um dia na vida dessa garota, não tem um começo, meio ou final e que acaba com você sentindo que a narrativa tá incompleta, como se fosse uma demonstração. Ainda sim é uma experiência muito boa, a protagonista é humana e você realmente quer ajuda-la, eu só sinto que não fui de grande ajuda, talvez em outros finais? de qualquer forma vale a pena só pelo espetáculo visual, ainda mais que é barato e sempre tá numa ótima promoção.

The art style of this game is what caught my attention and made me pick it up. It's a very short game, but I enjoyed learning about the protagonist, despite some corny writing moments here and there. It has a solid use of sound design and uses an interesting combination of animation pixel art. As for the pixel art, it's absolutely stellar, both in aesthetic and detail. Playing through this game was thoroughly enjoyable just to see the various artworks, the story was passable and captured my interest enough during the short play through but nothing to write home about.

very similar to the first game in terms of themes and storytelling but with a big bump in visuals I really like the aesthetic of this game it's very eye-catching and it fits the vibe of this story perfectly