Reviews from

in the past

It's a cool game with interesting ideas, if they remade this game with more fleshed out combat, it'd be one of the best things ever made

absolutely blinded by nostaglia, game gets so repetitive, borderline relies on rng to beat and has 0 story, my favourite game as a child and is incredibly charming

- One of the most interesting RPGs to come out early at the PS2 lifecycle, the village building mechanics and the cave exploration mechanics give this game good pacing.
- Some of the dungeon mechanics can be a bit cumbersome but never too annoying to stop you from exploring and delving deeper.
- The ost is forgettable sadly but it does fit the feeling of what the game is going for.
- The plot is an anime plot that feels dragged and bare at the same time.

Procedurally generated dungeon crawlers were apparently my jam back in the early 2000s. The weapon "breaking" system was by far the worst decision they made and ultimately made me quit but I had already beaten the game by then so no big deal.

Extremely fun! Star removed because one of the back levels is just broken in the English release and also the fortune teller at Queens...

I picked this game up randomly as a little kid and you know I honestly wonder if my love for games that are about creating/rebuilding the world from treasures you find out in dungeons and the like came from here. It's...pretty rare.

But it's something I adore about this game. Going dungeon crawling feels so rewarding because when you find buildings and characters you tangibly see them in the world and then they interact with the other characters in their lives etc etc. The fact that you can be creative with how towns look as well just makes the whole prospect of going into dungeons exciting.

Dungeon combat is pretty rudimentary and kinda tough at times (it loves its risk and reward) but it's also pretty comfy. Going back to it, I'd forgotten that it had survival elements as well, which I guess were pretty commonplace in dungeon crawlers at the time but either way that added lair of preparation and carefulness it asked for was kind of interesting considering it was never too heavy handed with it.

Miss this series a lot.

I'm rating the game 2.5/5 but I don't hate it.

Dark Cloud is a charming gaming that strikes a niche I really enjoy. It's one part dungeon crawling and one part town sim with puzzle elements. It is fun to develop weapons, fulfill requests for villagers, and roam the dungeons. The problem is that is all the of the gameplay, that loop over and over again. I finished the 5th dungeon/town in about 30 hours and I knew there was at minimum 10 more hours of this game. I really did enjoy it but by the end of the first dungeon you've experienced everything Dark Cloud has to offer.

I hope to return one day and finish it.

Kinda fun at the start but the dungeon crawling gets too repetitive/boring, can't bring myself to finish the second dungeon everytime rip. i feel like if they cut the number of floors in half the game would be much better. soul blazer was a much better iteration of this idea just because it had hand-crafted dungeons, even though the city building aspect is much better here. but you don't get to that when the dungeon crawling is what it is...

Definitely an early PS2 game, it still held my attention for awhile and I was intrigued by the potential. I need to return to it but by the time I played the sequel I was more engaged by the newer title's look and feel.

Great music. They town building was pretty fulfilling when you'd bring a house together and get a wholesome cutscene. Progression is slow unless u know the mechanics to boost weapons quickly.

dark cloud is an amazing rpg. really. was a journey to play through last year.
basically you help rebuilding destroyed towns by collecting several lost pieces scattered in dungeons.
and its really fun!
the dungeons have really nice music, the designs are incredibly cool (my faves being the owl forest and the sunken wreck) and as a whole this game really tried to bring this genre in a nice new direction. crafting weapons, looking out for your weapons breaking status and your own thirst is a mechanic that somehow even added little survival elements to it.

however, its sad this game doesnt really embark in its world. it feels a little soulless, the teammates and characters in general have no real human feeling to them. they are just kinda there. we get some backstory on goro and the elder dude from the desert but other than that the game just wants you to treat them like a abillities more than real team mates. its sad because this is a big minus in depth for this game. it seems shallow at times and at certain points, especially the boss battles, you can notice this was level 5 first game. some bosses dont work at all, some are just incredibly weak and others, like the final boss, are just unfair.
dungeons having two parts, the front and back, was also a nice idea. just not really great put into work, not to forget that in the final dungeon, in the pal version of the game, the item which lets you go to the back of the dungeon simply doesnt spawn at all.
its also sad they forgot about the quick time events as the game progressed, i always love these kind of things.

but other than that this was a great entry into the franchise and still a really cool, magical journey! cant wait to play the second part :)

Very much a classic PS2 dungeon-crawler, in both good and bad ways. The story is not too complex, but the combat is fun (with the exception of the weapon-breaking mechanic). Unfortunately after about mid-game, 4 of the 6 characters are basically outclassed, so you only end up using them in the couple levels where you're forced to use them. But still enjoyable, even if it shows its age a little

Peak PS2 gaming imo. No other game is as fun and addictive as Dark Cloud 1. Just an immaculately put together product that is super cozy while at the same time super fun and engaging.

My favorite game of all time but definitely not the best I’ve played. The sound and visual design are beautiful and are so nostalgic to me. The story and world are unique and overall pretty decent. Without my rose-colored glasses, the dungeon-crawling and combat are very dated and highly repetitive. However, other game mechanics like the simulation building do well to freshen up gameplay. That being said, Dark Cloud has a special place in my heart thanks to its charming nature.

why does the music in this 24 year old game that four people in the entire world know about sound so good!!!!!!!!!!

Creí que iba a ser más como Zelda, pero fue más como Ni No Kuni 2

un JRPG qui aura bercé mon enfance; Histoire relativement simple, impliquant cependant une mécanique de remontée dans le temps qui n'est pas foireuse ce qui est un grand plus pour son époque!
Certaines cinématiques se rejouent encore dans mon esprit à ce jour, avec évidemment les musiques telles que The Spirit King et Ocean and Moon (énorme banger, les niveaux sur la lune)

Feels clunky compared to Dark Cloud 2.

The game's got a really solid idea mixing randomized dungeon crawling with a city builder. Game's got that early PS2 launch year feel, but it executes its mechanics decently. Now Dark Cloud 2... that's a good game.

It's definitely a good game but it has major flaws, it's incredibly clunky and the dungeon crawling kinda feels like it stunts progress, making the game harder and longer than it should be. The weapons and thirst mechanic can be added to that too, honestly.
Really wish this game got a remastered version with less booboo tier controls but that'll prolly not happen. I'll definitely pick this game up again at some point tho it's just some mechanics that annoy me a bit.

BE CAREFUL with your weapon health. its more important than your ACTUAL HEALTH. BUT pretty fun. you gotta have patience for the grind of leveling up weapons and not almost breaking them as well as repeating dungeons

never met anyone else who played this game but it has a special place in my heart

This game was p awesome and finished it a couple months ago, but holy shit that final boss fight was atrocious. Having to pause, switch to whatever element the boss was hitting you with killed the mood. Getting to finish it was cool since i had seen my older cousin play this game back in like 2005 made my little kid self want venture the world that was dark cloud. The cover art had a sort of a mystical aura that I HAD to play it. Putting towns together after going dungeon crawling to get the Atma orbs and listening to how the townsfolk wanted things arranged was nice! All the playable characters were lovable but only found myself playing as Toan, Ruby, Osmond and Xiao. Ungaga and goro were literally useless lmao and weapon customization was cool but I hated that they had a durability meter and having to pause and fix your good weapon would kill the action, i know there were auto fix powder but that shit was expensive and I don't really know if there was a better way to get money. Could've done better but this was the first game in the series and they probably fixed some of the flaws of the first game.

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Dark Cloud gets a lot of extra credit from me for a couple reasons. For one I grew up watching my brother play it, so it has a nostalgia buff. Second, I went in knowing it has some shortcomings that can be mitigated with a little foresight. The weapon system is really cool but it's also a little overwhelming and leaves many doors open that could potentially lead to endless grinding. The level of commitment required to make a decent weapon is so high that breaking your main weapon is a reloadable offense. That said, the game isn't nearly as grindy as I was expecting and you can build up at least a couple decent weapons on your favorite characters that will float you through most of the challenges. The post game is a whole other beast though which I don't dare approach.

Just gonna rattle off some of my gripes now. Weapon durability is really just a pointless mechanic. I came to terms with it but in retrospect it's just a money sink since you just hoard repair powders. Some enemies just annihilate your weapon and you can't always just ignore them. There's way too many mimics and they are both costly and unrewarding to kill. Xiao's attack sound is wildly annoying. The battle music is laughable and your stuck with it the whole game. This especially sucks because I think the music is mostly excellent otherwise. Duels are underutilized. The boss fights are the worst parts of the game and are truly abysmal in their execution.

I thought there was a good chance I'd get filtered out by this game but the gameplay loop was fun enough that I actually found myself excited to play more. As far as I know there's really nothing else like it. It's not something to recommend lightly but there's enjoyment to be had, especially with a guiding hand.

A creative take on dungeon crawling, but sadly the combat is clunky and the overall experience is repetitious and grindy. This series is absolutely begging for a remake or reboot, as the core loop of combat, crafting, and constructing has the potential to be very satisfying.

Finally finished this game, 21 years since I first got it. For a PS2 launch title, Level 5 knocked it out of the park. Is it perfect? Of course not! The story is extremely weak for an RPG, having your weapons break and be gone is devastating, and the bosses are either laughably easy or annoyingly hard. However, the combat is satisfying when you discover how to swap characters and statuses to counter enemy types. I also finally understood the point of status breaking weapons and adding them to other ones to counter the XP grind, which I regrettably never understood in either this or it's sequel when I was younger. Finally, the base rebuilding is fun, and I like how it's tied to upgrading your character stats.

Played it as a kid and recently replayed it to completion. A fun part city builder part dungeon crawler that fully welcomes the PS2 graphics. I remember back then this was marketed as the PS2’s Zelda and while not as engrossing story wise as one I felt like I enjoyed it as much.

The combat isn’t too annoying and is pretty straight forward with many different styles to fight. As the game goes on and you make the villages “perfect” it feels not only rewarding but cool because you can just plow through dungeons. While there’s the novelty of it being an early PS2 title I’d highly recommend the sequel over this as it just expands on everything better.

really cozy ps2 game. it's pretty dated, and still had a lot of ps1 action game dna, but it's definitely worth a shot if you're patient with older game design. the dungeons are random so they're kinda bland and the gameplay is nothing special. but as a whole this game is comfy and fairly engaging. it's pretty cheap so i was able to play this on real hardware. a really sweet early 2000's town building/dungeon crawler. tons of charm.