Reviews from

in the past

I'm going to admit it, I'm absoLUTELY biased for this one. No out there inventive bosses, no overly complex gameplay, but this is one of my favourite games of all time easily. Almost no other game is as charming to me as this one with its heavily improved visuals and music, and despite how primitive the gameplay and levels are I still somehow always come back to them due to how appealing they are. This is a HUGE reason as to why the SNES is my favourite console.

The beginning of one of the greatest franchises of all time.

Same as the original but with worse controls and better graphics.

I was always wondering why I never beat this as a kid and now that I've played it as an adult I realize why. The game is just not designed all that well. Platforms are too tiny for how slippery this plumber is. The game constantly feels like it's rushing you and with how short each level is, which means you can beat the whole game in like an hour, even if you're taking your time. Enemies don't provide anything other than points that add nothing to the gameplay. Breaking blocks more often hinders than helps so it's better to just ignore everything and reach the end as fast as possible. If I played this in 1985 I wouldn't think its the future of gaming. I would think that somebody ported an arcade game to a home console and thought to change nothing. Because that's what it is, an arcade game. It feels designed to waste your time and suck tokens out of you through cheap deaths and crap mechanics. It's really just frustrating to play all around. I think people would look at this a lot differently if it wasn't one of the best-selling games of all time and didn't start one of the biggest franchises in gaming history.

The game that popularized platformers. It's surprisingly aged very well. I've played both the NES original and the SNES remake, and both play really well. It's a classic for a reason.

why does mario control stiffer than an erect cock in this game

A timeless classic and a great remake, making it the definitive way to experience such a fun and, albeit, time consuming game.

I feel like at some point in my life, I did briefly dabble in this game, but my impatience prevented me from ever progressing anything above World 1-1, which seems like such an idiotic oversight now. This time around, I enjoyed it pretty thoroughly for what it was and took my time to learn the mechanics before I really committed to trying to beat it. Though my run for this port of the game was a bit shorter, I did spend another week or two trying to learn the mechanics of the original port on Switch's NES emulator before I even found out there was an All-Stars remake of the first three games on the SNES emulator, which kind of saved my life. Nothing against the original, I surprisingly enjoyed that too, but graphically - the All-Stars version is just so much better.

A great platformer, definitely a huge influence to it's successors. Whilst it can be grueling at times, I think for a game this old, it has aged almost like fine wine. Visually, it looks really old, but the mechanics themselves hold up substantially well by today's standards, so I'm very interested to see how it was improved upon given this isn't even considered the best in the series by many.

mario game is fun because you can jump.

Good game and a piece of pop culture.

It's simply Mario in its purest form - super simple and super fun!

How many of these do I need to play to understand the Mario movie

Pretty good remaster. There is no wrong way to play this game.

What can I say about Super Mario Bros.? It's one of the most important games in history and the start of one of the most recognizable franchises in gaming. The gameplay is still fun and appealing to this day, the music is classic, and the story has been recycled countless times in future installments. This game exists in its original NES format, on the SNES, and the GBA, it's been ported to dozens of consoles so it's easy to pick up and play. If you have never played this game, you must try it.

Just the fact that when you lose all your lives you return to the first phase of the world instead of going back to the beginning, makes the game much less frustrating. The only aspect that I find inferior to the original game is the music, but otherwise it has improved a lot

Wow this is a better Mario 1. Probably the best version of it even

Despite this game being arguably one of the most important ever made from a Western market perspective, I had never bothered to actually play through the game in its entirety until very recently. I always saw it as a neat iconic relic from the past and only ever played the first few levels. But, my interest in the early games of the Mario franchise did spark up a bit recently, which led to me playing through this fully.

The actual game is…ok! It’s the most fundamental Mario title, but also potentially the most basic. There’s nothing really super flawed or bad about this game; I think it’s actually probably as perfect as it could’ve been. It’s just nothing that crazy to begin with. And that’s fine for the first entry, but it makes this game all the worse in retrospect compared to its peers.

Regardless, the game is still enjoyable. If you have the will to actually try it, you’ll probably enjoy some kind of fun from its simplicity. You just need to actually get past the first few worlds for the game's addictive nature to set in.

A classic 2D platformer that hasn't aged particularly well but is still pretty okay. I like the simple gameplay and short length but the heavy controls and lack of variety make it so I don't often come back to this one.

Have you ever stopped and played the original Super Mario Bros. before in full? Like, no warp pipe shit, just going all the way through until 8-4? It will take at most an hour of your life, but it's an hour you're never going to get back. This game controls worse than I can control my anger. The amount of actual "good" levels is shorter than the "shit we forgot to get from the grocery list"-list. Just one of the most miserable platformers of all time. There's barely anything holding it up besides the pretty nice graphical overhaul and the fact that it's Mario.

The Mario All-Stars version of the original Super Mario Bros is very good, and my preferred way to play. The added extras really help to cement the game as a classic.

a virtually perfect remake of Super Mario Bros. tbh. I don't think it could ever replace the original but you could make a strong case for it. the backgrounds add so much charm and variety, alongside the new snow theme. they really help make every level more distinct, and they look very good. I didn't use save states this time, but I did the infinite lives exploit on 3-1, and let me tell you that makes this game a lot more enjoyable when you don't have to worry about lives.

at the end of the day, it's still Super Mario Bros., with no changes to physics or level design, so it's still the same enjoyable game.

esse remaster do primeiro Super Mario Bros ficou impecável, a melhoria no visual faz realmente este parecer um jogo totalmente novo mesmo que todo o resto permaneça idêntico
acho que não tenho muito no que comentar, Mario Bros é possívelmente o jogo mais importante na história da industria dos videogames e não é por menos, porém todos os que vieram depois aperfoaçaram sua formula e hoje em dia ele parece básico até demais
de todo jeito, é um game lendário de uma das mais lendárias franquias do mundo do entretenimento, foi aqui que tudo começou

Yep, this is an oldie but a goodie. The updated graphics look great, its overall pretty short to go through, but the controls/physics feel kinda strange, a bit stiff or whatever. I'm willing to chalk that up to first game syndrome tho, and maybe All-Stars itself screwed with it I dunno.

Classic mario at its best this mario Allstars version is among the best just like the 1985 original.

Bro this shit is fucked up, I cannot game like this. I sorta kinda had to cheat by save stating at the beginning of each level in world 8 because it just gets too fucked up and this is even the easier version lmao. But fuck you idc, I beat it and it counts. Eat my ass Mike Matei!