Reviews from

in the past

While not my favorite, the beat-em up genre is a great platform to play to Vanillawares strengths, with an infusion of some RPG progression on top to sweeten the deal. Arcade-style levels with questing and secrets, set in a D&D-heavy world with a Diablo-style loot grind in the post-game for people who want to keep going. Dragons Crown is also home to some of the most creative and dazzling boss fights money can buy, this shit rocks.

Something something Sorceress large tiddy yada yada, I know gaming sometimes has an issue with provocativeness but it also sometimes feels like gamers have a very repressed relationship with sexuality. The large chested woman wont hurt you - and shes shares a roster with a woman who has abs that can cut diamonds. The indulgent character design is on purpose.

I played this one as a kid, mostly with my friends. I bought it because i was (still am) an atlus fan. The gameplay is ok, never really grabbed me enough to finish it. The artstyle is nice but i was never a fan of the character designs. Luckly the Elf exists so i played her because i found her cute.

One of the unlockable artworks had some puppet girls i REALLY liked and it awakened something in me. Thank you/fuck you Atlus.

Ca ramouille par moments sur Vita mais l'écran oled sublime tellement les graphismes et la direction artistique du jeu que je ne regrette pas une seconde de l'avoir fait sur ce support.

This is the best verision of a beat'em'up that exist.
A shame beat'em'ups are bad.

Meu Beat´em up favorito! Que jogo maravilhoso!

A lot of fun with friends and very annoying that it hasn't come to PC yet so I can't really recommend it to any of said friends.

Big fan of Beat 'em Ups with RPG elements and this one manages that while looking consistently gorgeous. I always felt it was really weird how people thought this game unfairly sexualized women when in reality it sexualized everyone. The party is literally made up of exaggerated physicalities (and an Elf) ranging from a number of body types on every side.

Never won't be glad that Vanillaware values a girl with muscles.

Decent beat em up, solid gameplay, great dnd looks

Go ahead and add a full star if you live in a house with 3 other people who also care about beat 'em ups. Looks incredible but the gameplay and plot aren't enough for this to hold up solo. Beat 'em ups struggle in single-player in general but I'd still play a Streets of Rage 4 or Castle Crashers before this.

Big tiddy amazon design is hysterical.

With coop, this is a game you can sink way, way too much time into.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ESSE JOGO É MT FUN! o multiplayer é mt divertido e vira um caos, gosto muto das variedades de poderzinhos pra cada personagem, E PRINCIPALMENTE A HORA DE VC COZINHAR, É MT LEGAL!

oq me incomoda, é o fato de duas personagens serem COMPLETAMENTE sexualizadas, tipo. demais. mesmo. e algumas cenas serem tao????????? me deixa meio desconfortável mas fazer oq

mas o jogo em si é legal, gosto bastante!

Picked the Amazoness and would just spin to win, had a blast.

lolicon fantasy for people who like large breasts

Un Beat'em up muy "clásico", con distintos personajes con habilidades propias para que juegues con tus amigos con el estilo que más te guste.
Hace gala del increíble apartado visual de Vanillaware como es costumbre de la casa, salido como la copa de un pino, también costumbre de la casa, pero también como una carta de amor a los años de historias de aventuras de Dragones y Mazmorras, y en concreto del Shadow over Mystara.

Un juego divertido, espectacular, con mecánicas interesantes y que recomiendo probar.

I always look forward to Vanillaware's games. DC isn't my favorite of their games, but it's still a really great beat 'em up. If you're a fan of old beat 'em ups like Golden Axe and like in-depth skill builds and loot systems, you'll enjoy DC a lot. There's not much of a story, it's really only there to give a basic framework to move through and kill things to get loot. The graphics are VA's usual cell shade stuff. Only real issue I had is it can be hard to see your character in a group.

Played until my character jumped and presented her butt to me, followed by her boobs flapping in the breeze.

The worst character design I have ever seen along with the worst boobs I have ever seen in my life.

was a lot of fun to play this when it came out and the cute elf girl and art is very pretty but i got stuck when i had to grind with my friend to get our stats up to fight someone and we got bored and never came back to it

bummer, i think i missed the wave on this one. designed to be played with people, and servers were dead by the time i played. was a cool game.

The solo experience is rather drab, saved by gorgeous art and music. Combat is quite button-meshy, and the story is very basic. It is designed as a loot based ARPG with multiplayer, so I don's want to be too harsh on what effectively is just the tutorial.

dragon's crown babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. im not a guy that really loves fantasy a ton but this game just has too much personality and charm for me to not love it. i played it in like 2023 and the online was still active as hell due to crossplay between ps3, vita AND ps4 so props for that. worth playing several times, and even plat'ing if you're up for it. why the hell does backlogsgd list this game as a wii and dc game? what the hell? schreier can suck my you know what

Joguinho simples beat 'n up "Não sei o que me levou a jogar isso/10"

great game on ps vita that has so much replayability
already done with the fighter character so trying to platinum this game next!!!

I don't think I enjoy beat 'em ups but Dragon's Crown was fun for what I played of it. Vanillaware's visual style is incredibly addicting and the story engaged me simply due to how it was presented, however I think after 13 hours I've done all I want with the game.

Never did get to finish this but the gameplay was on point. Not sure why Sega won't re-release it considering they've owned Atlus for a long time.