Reviews from

in the past

What if the mario golf guys created a jrpg?

Golden sun

on my replay, it is still my favorite combat system of any rpg i’ve played. finally going to start lost age now, and i’m really excited. i adore golden sun i couldn’t recommend it more.

I like this game a decent amount. I like the gameplay somewhat, the look of the game and the music. However, sometimes the battles can be a bit frustrating because there are a lot of moves the enemies can use that are one-hit. I also don't like the way it does magic. It's a fun game overall, though.

Une belle aventure, des graphismes très cool pour de la GBA, de très bonnes animations, une histoire bien amenée, et CETTE BANDE SON 😍

Toutefois un "défaut" (mais c'est ma faute) : je cherchais très souvent quoi faire/où aller...

mais le jeu était top

Favorite RPG on the Gameboy Advance.

Golden Sun is my 2nd ever JRPG and was the one that really got me into the genre. And for that it'll always hold a special place in my heart. I've given this game several playthroughs and it was nostalgic gem to me for many years.

This game's aged like cheese though. Characters truly go on about mostly nothing, tired villains and side characters, a class system that is slow to open up and isn't all that rewarding to experiment with, loads of forgettable encounters including bosses. The strengths of this game - the graphics, music and exploration - are strong, but nothing else surrounding these features is worth experiencing Golden Sun for.

I've heard many people say Golden Sun is a great JRPG for beginners who want to dip their toe into the genre I think there's far better games out there that don't run the risk of boring the player while being beginner friendly.

No fast travel turned annoying when searching for the missing djinn, but still a pretty enjoyable experience

This childhood classic holds a special place in my heart and the presentation is still wonderful. However, the fighting system and story seem a bit basic in retrospect.

Merecia mais reconhecimento

This one is an experience that reminds me of the Tales of saga thanks to its charm and colorful approach on the presentation side and of course with Motoi Sakuraba making the music here makes it even more familiar. Definitively this was Camelot Software Planning's golden era and I think Golden Sun is, as a whole, its masterpiece. There is... something unique with Camelot's GBA games and this is no different in that regard.

Story wise is on the classic side, almost like a fairy tale that progressively turns into its own thing, never losing the lightweight dialogue. Quite warm even in their darkest moments, tho a little bit rough at the last second of the game. Clearly they already had the idea of two games separated to tell the same story complete. There are a lot, and I mean, a whole lot... of puzzles during the adventure, some of them feel too "gamey" but when not, puzzle design shines, having to play with the environment using different magic spells, here called psynergy. Combat is probably my favourite thing of the pack. Golden Sun has a very dynamic class system when you have to be constantly using djinni and summon them all over again and viceversa while constantly changing classes during the same battle. This gives the four characters access to different psynergies depending of the class they're on. It's just great.

Overall a very good experience and probably the best GBA game I've ever played. I'll do the second one someday.

Switch online expansion pack has it in the gameboy adv

Got about 5 hours in before I gave up. It has a great visual presentation, and the gameplay is good! But the story and characters are so painfully bland that I just cannot keep myself engaged. It fails in one of the most important aspects of an RPG. I don't get why people hold this game in such high regard.

Finally beat after procrastination and welp, for some reasons to achieve 100% because of the password system for The Lost Age. I don't know how much it will be worthy, but I feel so satisfied by that.

Anyways: this is an amazing fast-paced turn-based JRPGs belonging to the golden era (which I think starts in the 90s and ends in early 2000s) with charming visuals, puzzles, interesting battle system and a nice colored cast of party.

I have to say: dialogues felt like a chore sometimes and kinda tedious. But beside that the game is a gem and objectively one of the best games avaiable on GBA.

If you would love a turn-based RPG that has some intricate levels, then this game is for you. While it may have flaws with the verbose dialogue, I can't help it but love the semi-strategic battle system, entertaining bosses, great puzzles and dungeons, and overall a sense of art and world-building that I'm going to miss.

good bye mother i have touched the elemental stars

Pretty stellar RPG with unique mechanics using the djinn through the game. Much of the issues around this game that I had were some late game grinding required for the final boss. Other than that, fantastic game for any GBA collection.

One of the best JRPGS ever :) Hard af tho :D

This was such a good game. I think about it frequently.

It’s almost impressive how these games manage to have 5x the amount of dialogue of other games and yet have absolutely none of it be interesting in any way.

Absurd that Nintendo have left their flagship jrpg series in the ground for so long, absolutely unforgettable game and series.

Amazing rpg especially for it being on the gba

My first game. Have a special kind of love for this, still haven't beaten it however

extremely boring and the graphics aged like milk

Un reencuentro tardío con la infancia y bastante sorprendente, la historia es peor de lo que la recordaba pero aguanta el tipo y el juego no es muy desafiante pero entretiene

Very large amount of meandering, repetitious dialogue gets in the way of very good looking GBA game. Cool but pointless class system that you can't really fully utilize until the second game.

- Combinaise Puzzle + combat JRPG bien dosée et plaisante
- Visuellement incroyable pour l'époque
- Une histoire plaisante à suivre MAIS des dialogues qui me semble parfois dénué de sens ( mauvaise traduction ? )
- Plaisir de collecter les Djinn pour découvrir de nouvelles animations de combat

- On parcourt le jeu un peu trop facilement
- S'arrête en plein milieu de l'histoire

played this shit during huge blackouts happening in my country. we used to go days without electricity. didn't expect much, i got blown away by how fking good this shit is.

i was a huge pokemon fan before playing this and at the beginning i felt the combat was kinda similar, but when i discovered mixing djinns and shit it blew me over how dynamic the fights were in comparison to pokemon.

w story
w ost
w graphics

Un monton de ideas geniales, pero se hace simplon