Reviews from

in the past

lotta people don't realize that this is prolly the best Remedy game

Certainly a unique experience with the TV Show format. I'm conflicted about this game so I'm just gonna make a pros and cons list.
+ Originality
+ Actually embraces the physics heavy time-travel story instead of using it as a plot device
+ Makes you play as both the good and the bad guy, and choose for both of them.
+ Choices actually feel like they hold weight for the story as they all have advantages and disadvantages of them.
+ Good, relatively known actors have their acting abilities utilized especially with the live action sequences.

+ The combat. Just... All of it.
+ Story gets messy after two chapters.
+ Internet connection is required for the live-action sequences and it's problematic. Alternative is a 100GB download.
+ Even that much time powers shouldn't make you be able to overcome a gun fight with a bunch of trained special forces.
+ Not every story has to have a "world-ending" threat to feel overwhelming. A lot of games and movies suffer from this for a while now.

Review EN/PTBR

Imagine a game where it doesn't hold you back at all, yeah, that's the game

Not that the game is bad but nothing that makes it good, with only Alan Wake's Easter eggs and Sam Lake's face appearing in the game being memorable, this game doesn't captivate at all
The game tries to structure itself around the idea of being a game and a series at the same time and failing both in terms of keeping the viewer on screen.
I wasn't captivated by the game's gunplay and the game's difficulty only escalating in a way that turns enemies into bullet sponges absorbing all the damage and I wasn't even won over by the game's story, but everything within this experience comes down to what you would find in the early hours of the morning looking for what to play on gamepass.


Imagina um jogo aonde ele não te prende em nada, pois é, esse é o jogo

Não que o jogo seja ruim mas nada que o faça ser bom, tendo de memorável apenas os easter egg's de Alan Wake e o rosto do Sam Lake aparecendo esse jogo não cativa em nada
O jogo tenta se estruturar em uma ideia de ser um jogo e uma série ao mesmo tempo e falhando nos dois na percepção de manter o espectador em tela
Não fui cativado pelo gunplay do jogo e a dificuldade do jogo só escalando de forma que transforma os inimigos em esponja de balas absorvendo todo o dano e nem fui conquistado pela história do jogo mas se tudo dentro dessa experiência se resume ao que você acharia numa madrugada procurando o que jogar na gamepass.

The combination of videogame and TV-show reveals strong sides of both of this media. Quantum Break has strong narrative, interesting characters, nice gameplay, lots of lore collectibles and stunning visual effects. Shadows, light and animations surprisingly good even at 2023. This game was ahead of its time

By far the worst Remedy game so far. The story tries to do something clever with time loops but ends being incredibly predictable. Tons of really important stuff are relegated to missable collectibles that are walls of text. Gameplay is an generic third person shooter with bullet sponge enemies. Time powers never play an important, non-scripted role. It's just... Underwhelming. The good ideas can't carry this game because they were all poorly executed.

Jogo bom demais, historia sensacional, mas odeio a xbox que mesmo fazendo 100% não pipocou troféu

A pretty fun game overall with a really enjoyable story. I found this game to feel a little strange at first, being surprised by a full episode of a T.V. show when I was hoping to play more of the game. I can easily see these 4 T.V. episodes turning some people away, but I changed my expectations after the 1st episode and ended up enjoying this aspect and didn't feel like the last 3 episodes slowed the pacing. There is also an absurd amount of collectable readable objects that some people might find to slow the pace down, but I skimmed through most of them and only read some specific ones that I found interesting which didn't slow things down too much. I also really like how you get to make choices as the villain in each chapter that change the outcome of the story, these choices got me thinking and improved my experience, although I would need to replay the game to see how much these choices impact the story. The gameplay feels weird at first, because you have a lot more recoil on guns than most games, encouraging more close-quarters fighting with the exception of the sniper enemies who I found annoying to deal with. I also found some checkpoints to be spread thin and had to replay some sections by going much farther back than you would expect from a game released in the past 15 years which was frustrating. But other than those things, I liked the combat in this game, although I felt like it could've been better. I found that this game got more and more enjoyable as it went on and the story gained momentum, and my opinion on this went from iffy to finding it great. I also found the pc version to have the mouse cursor appear when a menu pops up despite me playing with a controller, which wasn't a big deal but was annoying. I also had the game crash once during my playthrough while skipping a cutscene, but I didn't lose any progress from this, so it wasn't a problem. I think this game is worth playing if you can get it for a good price.

nothing like stopping your gameplay to get into a 20 minute long episode of a tv show. neat in concept but i found it pretty hard to constantly shift gears between the two different ways this games storry presented itself

Holy shit, I'm so mad I waited as long as I did to play this. I've been a huge Remedy fan for years as it is but wow, this really was an absolute blast and I wish it were more openly appreciated. I'm definitely gonna stop sleeping on Control now.

Pretty fun linear action game. Underrated, but the ending left me wanting more.

I sure love having 1h to play games and spending half of it watching a bad Netlix series

This is pretty much the textbook definition of a 6/10 game, but I wouldn't be surprised to see many lower scores from other players. The gameplay is incredibly basic for a third-person shooter with a few extra abilities added in for some spice, and it's clear that Remedy was more focused on the story and cinematics. Four episodes of a live action TV show that tell part of the story may have been a novel idea, and I applaud them for being so bold as to do that in the first place, but...well, I'll just say this: thank goodness they decided not to do that again in their later games. I know Microsoft approached them to make this one, so maybe it was their idea? It would fit with the philosophy of the marketing for the Xbox One at the time ("it's not just for games").

At the end of the day, I found this to be a satisfying experience, albeit the ending feels really anticlimactic. It's interesting to see the various aspects that the devs would expound upon for Control and Alan Wake 2, as well.

a powerful game reinforced by fantastic audio/visual concept -- were that there was more of it.

Quantum Break feels like a game made by a studio that didn't want to make a game, and not in usual fashion of auteurship we're used to. the story's dimensions are directly linked to live action television sections that intersect its five acts to usually present a B-plot with characters who pretend to be as relevant as an already unimpressionable cast.

the gameplay all of this is built upon is serviceable, playing more with the concept of irregular time freezing rather than active travel, both in its combat and platforming segments. Quantum Break is easily at its best when it uses this to create destructive spectacle, but rarely in a way that it's an active threat to the player. much like the live action show, its meant to be more seen than felt.

the fantastic sound design and art style would normally make this forgivable, but the gunplay is missing too many pieces otherwise: i.e. not being able to switch weapons while reloading, a pool of 11 gun types only having one that's viable at long range, and an underwhelming amount of enemy types. meanwhile, the player gains all possible "time powers" pretty early on in the game, making the rest of it feel repetitive.

these issues and others are all things that could have been avoided with a bit more polish and a lot more ambition, but such holes are instead filled by an absurd amount of readable emails filled with eleven paragraphs with company chaff and one guy's horrible screenplay that ironically would have been a more interesting watch than the actual inter-episode productions.

there's just not enough gameplay in Quantum Break to begin with, and certainly not enough to justify replaying it while making different choices along the way.

An always-online singleplayer game that suffers from nearly every symptom of early 2010's "cinematic game design". Scripted, linear, animation-centric, sluggish and unresponsive. With unacceptable checkpoint design and ridiculous loading times even on very fast hardware. Half the story is conveyed via TV show episodes that are streamed from external servers instead of installed locally, and half the exposition of the rest is delivered via incessant overly verbose text-only readables. The only person I can recommend this to is a Sam Lake super-fan, and even then I advise only to watch a playthrough. It's not worth being an interactive product. Also, the day those servers go down, you will lose half of what you paid for.

I bet many players uninstalled in Act 4 part 1. A puzzle with multiple consecutive insta-death timing challenges, and a single failure sends you back before two ladder climbs, two walking sections, four cutscenes and an entire miniboss fight. It's obvious that the checkpoints didn't go through a single second of QA.

Идея с сериалом, как по мне, оказалась неудачной. Он выглядит вообще ненужным и местами довольно сильно контрастирует с самой игрой. В самой игре он, кстати, уже не воспроизводится, поэтому приходилось сворачивать игру и смотреть на YouTube. Но в целом сюжет норм. Графика до сих пор хорошо смотрится. Геймплей местами прямо неплохой, а местами корявый. Короче, сносная игрушка, пойдёт, но не более.

this game is an almost perfect, exist little problems but that not remove your merit, i played through Game Pass and was is incredible

As far as third-person shooters go, it takes a while for this one to pick up. The gunplay itself feels pretty shallow and stiff without the use of powers and not having many puzzles to interact with while playing the game can make you feel like you're just wandering around endlessly listening to whatever dialogue the game has in store for you. However, the dialogue and the lore are definitely the game's bread and butter. They have put so much love and thought behind it that they even incorporated TV show-like episodes into the video game where the consequences of whatever actions/choices you made in-game directly affects the outcome IN THE SHOW (I'll be the first to say that I've never played a game with that feature before and I welcome it) They also had a lot of "narrative" collectibles you could pick up (to add on more layers to the story) but the gameplay loop to seek those out while progressing through the campaign could've been more to be desired. It basically boiled down to constantly spamming the "Time Vision" power in fear of not missing one. It's definitely a slow burn but thankfully the game provides amazing visuals and a well told story. If time travel excites you then you're in for a treat with this one.

There is a lot of early Control ideas/vibes in this game. That, mixed with Remedy near its peak goofiness makes Quantum Break a pretty fun ride despite a nonsensical story (even by Remedy standards) and some generic gameplay mechanics. That final boss is absolutely brutal out of nowhere too.

While not Remedy's best work, falling short in some aspects, Quantum Break is uniquely interesting in many ways and has a lot of greatness within. All culminate in what I believe is an excellent game. NameBrand

I'm surprised it took me so long to play this one. I did hear some middling things about Quantum Break and that did deter me, but after my run-through of Control, I knew I had to give Remedy's previous game a go, and I'm really glad that I did. Quantum Break is quite the game.

I think you have to know what you're getting into or you're going to be disappointed. You have to know upfront that there are "TV Show" segments where you will be watching upwards of 30 minutes of REAL TV, with REAL Actors, shot on a REAL camera. This will happen four times per playthrough. What happens in these episodes directly correlates to a choice you make in the game. I LOVED these parts of "the game" for what they were and thought they were excellent at continuing the world-building and expanding the characters.

I think also the gunplay becomes one note pretty quickly. My best guess for why this happens is because you unlock many of your superpowers at the beginning of the game. This is great for letting you live the power fantasy, but because of this, you're left with maybe 6 or so hours of skirmishes that feel vastly the same. The time powers are SUPER cool, and the upgrades to them you earn along the way feel pretty rad. But they aren't quite enough to save it from the small enemy variety, and shallow pool of available weapons. Combat is still fun, but it certainly feels the same throughout. Well, fun until you're playing on hard mode and have to deal with the snipers one-shotting you, but beyond that, great time.

The thing that really holds Quantum Break together is the narrative and the plot. It's interesting almost right from the jump and it just sucks you in. I practically played nothing but this game after it got its hooks in me. It's kind of cringeworthy at times with its lame techno-babble about "time-science" but there's definitely some weird campy enjoyable charm in the midst of it all. Despite this, you certainly don't have to be invested enough to read the countless number of emails and notes scattered across the game, though they do give good insights into the intentions and motivations of the characters. But being just curious enough about the overarching plot will make you want to keep playing.

I do wish your choices mattered a little bit more and that they had greater effects on the story at large instead of being little immediate ripples, but they actually in a strange way, made the plot a bit unpredictable. It wasn't easy to see how it would come together and in that way was fun to experience.

That said though, I don't quite have the motivation to jump back in and experience the other choices that I didn't make. I may return for these after a little time has passed just because I'm really quite curious, but looking at it right after I beat it... I'm just not feeling like it. Which, is a little bit of a shame right? To have whole sections of this game unseen and unplayed. It's those little missteps in the minutia of the gameplay that make me hesitant you know? If it was just a little more polished or different, maybe I'd be right back in playing more...

Overall though, I thought this was a fantastic game. It's got that Remedy charm pulsing throughout. It's a bit raw in places, but I think it's all worth it to experience some of the awesome set pieces, and some of the incredible world-building, in this bizarre TV show, video game combo. If you're like me, waiting for Alan Wake 2 to release on Steam... This is not a bad way to spend your time, especially as a fan of Remedy games. One last aside: Quantum Break walked so that future Remedy games could run. You'll see that in every corner of this game, that DNA that courses throughout Control and (from what I've heard) Alan Wake 2, and it's beautiful and interesting to just experience a studio's history in a way like this. Give it a chance.

Depois de Alan Wake, segui na missão de explorar outros jogos do universo compartilhado da Remedy. Enquanto Alan Wake foi um jogo inovador, Quantum Break é o que eu costumo chamar de "joguinho honesto": nada nele é fora da curva, mas ainda assim ele entrega bons momentos de diversão.

A história é o típico enredo de viagem no tempo, com clichês sobre paradoxos e a impossibilidade de alterar o passado. Apesar disso, é uma história bem executada (apesar de algumas conveniências de roteiro que acontecem de tempos em tempos), com bons personagens e ótimos plot twists, dependendo das suas decisões ao longo dos capítulos.

Vale a pena destacar as decisões que o jogador pode tomar. Embora sejam poucas, elas realmente mudam a história e criam um bom fator replay, para explorar outros caminhos. Apesar disso, o jogo ainda te força em determinado caminho e no final eu senti que a história que eu estava criando com as minhas decisões foi deixada de lado em prol do roteiro já pronto do jogo.

Apesar do personagem principal, Jack Joyce, ser um dos protagonistas mais sem sal com o qual eu já joguei, o restante do elenco é interessante e variado. Nesse ponto, a série que intercala os episódios do jogo é muito boa, explorando outros pontos de vista da história e dando um peso maior para as decisões que o jogador toma.

A jogabilidade aqui é um grande salto em comparação com Alan Wake. Os poderes temporais são variados e dão agilidade ao jogo. Gostei de cada encontro de combate e não senti falta de variedade de inimigos, como li em outras reviews.

Mas o jogo tem seus problemas. O número de colecionáveis é excessivo e muito da história se perde no meio de informação inútil. Alguns bugs de áudio também tornaram algumas cutscenes difíceis de acompanhar e a falta de legendas em português (ou até mesmo em inglês) para alguns áudios e vídeos estragam muito a experiência. Sinto que muito do conteúdo extra do jogo (que foi um dos fatores que tornou Alan Wake memorável) se perdeu para mim. Também senti falta de uma trilha sonora mais inspirada, como é comum em outros jogos da Remedy.

No geral, me diverti com Quantum Break e gostaria muito de uma continuação, mas o jogo não apresenta muitas inovações nem narrativas nem em jogabilidade. É um bom passatempo, mas não espere um jogo revolucionário.

The game was shorter than I expected, but has the Remedy charm to it. Unique narrative and I personally enjoy the junctions similar to Telltale choices affecting the story.

Shawn Ashmore, Aiden Gillen, Lance Reddick. Need I say more?

Another unique narrative experience from Remedy. Like I’ve said before in other Remedy reviews, their games are so narrative heavy that you’re either in it or you’re not, and I’m all the way in. The gameplay was fast and exciting, and the episodic segments helped to build on the world that Remedy is creating. A must play for anyone who enjoyed Control and Wake. The only thing that kept this from five stars is how it ran on the Xbox One. Some cg stuttering in cutscenes and noticeable load times. Fingers crossed that Remedy gets access to this game from Microsoft and maybe a release for current gen hardware

with interesting storytelling and a very satisfying gameplay loop, quantum break is a common yet welcome retelling of the immutability of time.

There is a pretty cool time travel story in here... somewhere. You just have to read like 8 000 pages of text to experience it, because the stuff in the cutscenes and, god forbid, live action episodes, is whack.

The inability to shoot without aiming in a Remedy game felt like being castrated.

My thoughts on Quantum Break are somewhat conflicted, but I want to start by saying this: The soundtrack is AWESOME!

This is a VERY standard and mediocre game. It's by no means bad, but it felt very bland. The gameplay is what kept me going, honestly. Despite being... well, normal, it's fun as hell! Using Joyce's powers is a joy, the shooting is a bit shallow but it still does the trick and deciding how the series will "change" is interesting. The writing isn't all that great, but the action moments and the actors manage to convince you to stay, towards the final acts.

The thing is, aside from that, everything is just 'OK'! The story is bad on the first 2 acts, picks up on the 3rd and gets pretty good on the 4th & 5th, but it's all just TOO bonkers, without actually trying to explain it to you, in a cohesive way. There are files and audio logs spread around areas, but it's TOO MUCH reading and, quite frankly, it's all very uneventful and boring. In the beginning, the series' parts were weird, as if it didn't know what it wants to be. Some events happened out of nowhere and the whole time travel thing seemed empty. Things take too long to happen and when it does, it's too late. Also the game has some pacing issues. It seems unsynced and unconnected, sometimes. At times, it felt a bit buggy. It lacks challenge and checkpoints were badly done.

Despite the hollow identity crisis that Quantum Break suffers from, gameplay is still really fun and characters are actually well portrayed. I won't recommend it, but if you have Game Pass, try it out! Just don't expect anything beyond an standard experience.


Remedy постепенно становятся моими любимыми разработчиками благодаря их уникальному подходу к созданию игр. Их проекты отличаются кинематографичностью, с жестким акцентом на историю и персонажей, при этом с однообразным геймплеем (что, вероятно, будет исправлено в будущих играх, судя по отзывам о Alan Wake 2) и впечатляющим визуалом, и ещё немалым количеством достоинств. Они стремительно пытаются стереть грань между кино и играми, каждый раз пытаясь переплюнуть себя, даря необычное игровое кинцо. И в Quantum Break они решили расширить границы, сделав частично и сериал, и игру.

В основе сюжета легла научная фантастика о путешествиях во времени, и игра очень внимательно относится к различным феноменам из мира квантовой физики, создавая интересный и уникальный концепт путешествия во времени, и на первый взгляд может показаться, что подобного мы видели миллион раз, но если углубиться в происходящее, можно заметить очень много необычных подходов к сценарию и детальной проработкой событий, которые создают интересное поле для исследования временных парадоксов.

Кроме того, здесь, в лучших традициях крепко написанного сценария, центральной темой являются не только вопросы о квантовой физики и времени, а идеология двух играбельных персонажей, которые сталкиваются друг с другом, представляют диаметрально противоположные точки зрения о том, как управлять судьбой и чужими жизнями, отчего каждый для себя может по-разному трактовать поднятые темы. Но, к сожалению, на геймплей тут подзабили настолько, что его отодвинули далеко на третий план, и вроде играть было не скучно, но из-за небольшого набора оружия, врагов и повторяющихся драчек казалось, что Quantum Break не предназначен для прохождения, а скорее для просмотра.

И отдельно скажу, что ещё меня сильно удивил движок Northlight, который был создан специально для этой игры и для игры 2016 года он просто недосягаем. Благодаря ему удалось создать впечатляющие эффекты, физику и дать игроку возможность управлять временем, хоть и в обрезанном виде, создавая сложные и детализированные сцены

Бета версия Контрола. Ну реально
У нас тут у мега корпорация, которая имеет дела с паранормальщиной. Куча научных объяснений её.
ГГ, разбираясь с противниками, переворачивает всю локацию верх дном.
Отсылки на Алана Уейка)
Но Контрол мне импонирует больше. Бегать по зоне отчуждения в гнетущем одиночестве. И разбираться в устройстве мира с помощью интересных записок.
В Кванике же читать переписки персов (которые я почему-то могу открыть на любом компе) совершенно скучно. Перестал это делать уже после первой главы.
Геймплей здесь тоже всажен. Его мало и он однообразный. Но я дико рад, что они докрутили всё это дело в следующей игре
Ну а кинцо. Забавный эксперимент, но больше не надо. Хотя за Поперечного спасибо))

7 рюкзаков с патронами из 10

- Interesting game it sadly just feel like wasted potential where the game parts feel too little but at the same feel too long at the same time.
- The show/game dynamic is interesting but sadly does not really hit with the intended desire.
- The game itself is sadly just mediocre.

The silliness is too high. I can't take it.