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in the past

hate the school sequences with all my soul

Alright hear me out as mid as a lot of this game is when its not being shitty its a really insane ride with some scary stuff I think this game is pretty good for some parts of it and I think specifically the stuff like the blood rain is pretty interesting and there is some parts of this game that I like now please don't pitchfork me gamers.

Although it is not as good as the first entry, Outlast 2 still has its' moments where you can only feel the pressure from whatever is hunting you.
It does have some scarier, twisted sequences sprinkled throughout the game, but it is not enough to carry the overall confusing and messy story. It feels like the plot keeps itself vague, not allowing for the player to truly understand what they're surviving for.

Not as good as the sequel, but it still stands on its own. Outlast Two is an amazing experience. The only downside is the flashback portions of the game, the transitions are cool but the two over arching stories did not work for me. Who knows, maybe it will on a second playthrough?

the story is kind of cool if you can comprehend it without watching a video about it, or if you do watch a video about it i'm sure it's still cool but i honestly don't get it idk what i'm typing anymore it was just outlast 2 that's all it is if you like the first one you will like this one

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200 reviews! I had a hard time picking my initial 100th post, but it was easier to pick this one. Truthfully, I mainly wanted to choose a game that had "2" in the name for an aesthetic purpose. But I happen to have a lot to say about this game as is.

Let's start by saying this: Out of all the games I have played, Outlast 2 has been burned into my mind as the most "dark." This is a game with no light at the end of the tunnel. There's no hope, or joy, it is all miserable and bleak and intense start to finish. I'm sure you can name many other games that are similar, but Outlast 2 is the most agressive when it comes to that. One of the first things you see in the game is a basement that has a floor made of dead babies. And the dead babies are positioned to form a cross. I tell most people about that when I describe the game for how overly messed up that is. It's almost comicial to write it out but that's the tone of the whole game.

In the first game there was some ultimate goal of escaping, both in base and Whistleblower. You literally and figuratively are descending into madness here. Like by the end of the game you are underground, the elevator has descended into your own hell. No one is coming to save you. You have no allies, you are alone and trapped in this nasty cave as the world falls apart above you.

So that's the general setup for the game and what you're going to experience. So let's talk about the good here. First of all the game is utterly stunning visually. I must highlight how good it looks even on Switch. It looks identical to every release. The lightning, the wind rustling over fabric. The liminal space on display here is impressive. There are hallways that are so intriguing in design that make you wanna take a screenshot. There's so much purposeful framing on display here. The sound design and music are spectacular as well.

One thing this game does perfectly that I need to highlight is how it transitions into segments, this game plays a lot with time and it jumps back and forth between Blake's childhood vs the present. The way in which you transition into these school sections are unbelievable. It's mainly how smoothly it happens, no loading, no big reveal. You open a door, hide in a locker and come back out, boom, you're in the school. You turn around and you're in a new area. They are all placed at appropriate moments and the space between those sections are great.

So overall presentation wise the game is a knockout. But the rest of the game, sadly, for how much I love parts of it, is really lacking, messy, and ripe with problems. While it is intense to run around and be chased, your first time through, you have no clue what's going on and the map design is really bad. The area you're meant to go in is almost never marked, save for a few sections that are obvious, and visually the game is extremely dark a majority of the time. So you are just bumping into everything like an idiot and dying on repeat your first playthrough. The first game was a lot more linear with tight corridors, while this game is more open with empty space. But the window in which you need to progress is still the same size. So that dosent work.

I find this game really fun to speedrun. By design it's a running simulator, so speedruns to me just make sense. But that brings up a big issue with the game which is that running is really the only thing you ever do. It's actually not worth it to hide at all unless you don't know what you're suppose to do. You can just dart past everything, even most encounters on the hardest mode are able to be brushed over like this. There were times I legit ran the past the enemy and got into the checkpoint which despawned all the enemies. So about half of this game mechanic wise isn't worth doing. On a technical level, it's a very sufficient and beautiful experience, but in terms of structure, the game is poor. It's like having a stunning environment to play in, but the items you're given to play with are not that fun.

These issues also sink into the story as well. There was a lot of cut content here and it shows. The villains to start are non existent for majority of the game. Papa Knoth, who I consider to be the central antagonist, appears exactly twice in the game. His servant Martha is in the game more than he is. Val is the same story. You see her once in the beginning and then at the end, and you never find out what happens to them. Lo and behold, by looking at the cut content there are files that show Val and Martha getting into a fight. So that's what was meant to happen. In general, you'll find that basically all the cut content would have helped the story a lot.

Blake in particular has this the worst. There are audio files of him going crazy, repeating songs out loud, laughing like a maniac. It's reasonable to assume he is going crazy because he thinks he's a school child again, but then you play as him in the present and he seems totally normal. The only weird things he says are in the stuff you record with your camera, the commentary he gives shows his grip on sanity waning. But why aren't those other audio clips in the game? Dont get me wrong, I understand cutting out rape sounds and stuff, they felt like that was going too far. But they straight up removed parts of their game that give you a good idea of what's going on. I don't understand. Your first time through you have no clue what's going on unless you pick up a very very specific note really far off your path. In an area you don't have to go to and that you never would unless you knew about it. And for whatever reason this one note is the one that explains basically the ENTIRE story.

So ok, we established that thematically this game is lacking. But let me pose this question: what is this game aiming to do, and how does it want you to feel? Because my answer to that would be it's trying to make you uncomfortable and unnerved, and it does that very well.

Heres what it comes down to at the end of the day: despite all the issues this game has, it delivers on what it wants. Even with the weird story, forgettable characters and poor gameplay. This isn't like Blair Witch where you feel like the experience is a waste of time. This is so visceral and intense and in your face. Normally for average games I don't think of them much, yet this one has been burned into my mind since I first played it.

I've never played a game that is so mixed but I end up appreciating anyways. I personally enjoy it a lot.

So what do I rank it? I won't actually. Out of every post on this page, this will be one of the only games I will not assign a score out of 5 to. I think it exists on its own scale. You can't really evaluate a game like this if you ask me, with a score system, for all it does wrong and right. To me, this is one of the most bleak and dark games I've ever played and it will stay that way for a while.

Tune in to my next post as we look at the Freddi Fish games!

Not anywhere as good as the original. Kinda stupid.

Never again, made me lose my shit

Compared to the first game, the story is definitely far from extraordinary and it has a more realistic story, but it's definitely not a shallow story. The atmosphere of the game reflects very well, I felt my loneliness throughout the whole game and I felt like everyone in the game was my enemy. As someone who was never scared in the first game, this game is definitely scarier. The missions are more fun and immersive.

Okay beginning, but then you realize it's just pandering message-first cutscenes with mid graphics, horrendous, trope-filled plot, and literally nothing to do but put down your controller and wait for the game to decide its over.

legal, não tem tanto terror e uma história bem mid

Como eu começo por essa bomba..... Outlast 2 é falho em todos os quesitos, nada aqui funciona, os vilões são horríveis, o cenário é genérico e a história é esquecível

Pff... It pains me to say it, but Outlast 2 has been a disappointment to me if you compare it to the first, I didn't like it very much, and now I'm going to explain my experience and why I didn't like it, and the things that I did like. liked.
First let's start with the bad ones, since there are many.
- The gameplay is too repetitive, not only the controls, the scenario itself, the ways to escape, hide and everything.
- Hiding in this game is useless, I have only hidden twice, it is useless since you can do absolutely the entire game running without any stealth. That's why there's the trophy for finishing the game without hiding, because it's totally easy.
- Way to guide the player in a stupid way, it's okay that you guide the player, but not in this way, I don't want to be treated like a stupid person and especially coming from Outlast 1, they guide you the way all the time, whether with torches, lights, enemies and behind them is the exit, obvious things that even though it is dark, you cannot miss, with a little intuition you can follow the path extremely easily. Something that hardly happens in Outlast 1, the path is more enigmatic and makes you think more, it is guided, but not that much, you have to think a little.
- Excessive enemies and bad AI, it's incredible how in every fucking corner, in every place there are 70 enemies, especially in the final part, enemies that are absurd and their AIs are totally vulnerable to any fast movement, and they are easy to fool. Even the strongest enemies like the one at school, it's useless.
- I totally abuse screamers, it's incredible how badly the screamers are executed, every 10 seconds you have one, okay at the beginning of the game it can scare you, but then they are absolutely repetitive and worst of all, predictable, if you have seen many games of terrors like me or played, you will be sick of this, unnecessary screamers to scare, and they don't scare if you have some experience.
- The tension of this game is painful compared to Outlast 1, it tries too hard to provide tension, and in my case it has not given me any type of tension, it tries too hard to make the player scared, like other games it tries to make you empathize too much with some acts.
- The level design and absolutely everything is just decent.
- The story seems interesting to me, but it lacks much more context or another way of approaching it.
- I have too many bad things against this fucking game, the villains are fucking sad and cringe.
- The protagonist is a bad copy of Ethan (Resident evil 7/8)
- The religious theme is very good, but it is too typical and unoriginal.
- It follows the same aesthetic as the end of Outlast 1 but done worse.
- Too extended meaningless
- What's going on in the end
- I am a person who is incapable of playing horror games, in fact it took me months to finish Outlast 1, and when I was playing I was scared to death, but this game has not scared me, it has not caused tension because of everything I have played. said, I don't mind the scary atmosphere, even TLOU 2 and 1 have scared me more

Well, I'm going to say something good and it's...

- Jessica's Lore is good.
- Part of the School is decent.
- The graphics are good.
- Some dialogues are good
- Good Lore
And I don't know what to say anymore.
I understand how it can scare many people, in fact, when the demo of this game came out, I couldn't advance because I was too scared, but after seeing so many horror games, it seems pretty meh to me, it's not bad, but Outlast 1 It is better in every way. But it's a decent and short experience.

The antichrist sucks me off. (2.5/5)

Best immersive horror game and the best horror to speedrun IMO

Meu jogo crashava na parte do gerador.

o que o 1 tem de bom esse aqui é horrivel

На релизе прошёл пиратку, каюсь. Но потом купил игру, потому как она меня впечатлила не на шутку. Мастера из Red Barrels добились такого уровня реалистичной графики и при этом уделили должное внимание оптимизации, что даже на моей тогдашней GTX 650 картинка выглядела крышесносно. Не забуду школу, кровяной дождь, концовку, школу и эпизод с песенкой в туалете. Воистину шедевр. Быть может, в один день мы получим полноценную сюжетную новую часть в духе первых двух.

This review contains spoilers

Esse jogo mescla bem o terror slasher com o sobrenatural.

AVISO: Outlast II trata de assuntos sensíveis que podem dar gatilho. Se você tem problemas com temas de agressão/violência sexual, suicídio e pedofilia, não jogue esse game!

Outlast II conta a história sobre ponto de vista de Blake Langermann, um câmera-man que viaja de helicóptero com sua esposa Lynn Langermann em busca de desvendar um caso de uma garota grávida que foi encontrada morta no interior do Arizona. Durante a viagem, um forte clarão vem em direção do helicóptero, o que causa um pane no sistema e o mesmo cai. Ao acordar, Blake está sozinho no meio de uma área rochosa e ele deve seguir caminhos estreitos e perigosos para encontrar sua amada esposa.

Ao jogar pela primeira vez, você é pressionado pelo sentimento de estar sendo observado, sentimento esse que vai se aliviando conforme você vai passando pelas áreas do game.

O jogo tem duas passagens: o mundo real e as ilusões da escola.
A ambientação do mundo real é bem bonito e passa a vibe clássica de "culto bizarro afastado do mundo moderno". Os casas, as igrejas, as plantações e lagos são bem bonitos e te deixam imersos no game.
Agora a parte da escola MEUS AMIGOS, aqui o terror puro rola, e como rola! A escola em si é como qualquer uma escola americana, porém ver esse local vazio, com certas luzes apagadas e um eco do caralho, ai sim você sente o peso do horror. O sentimento desse grande espaço liminal é de agonia e que em qualquer momento alguma coisa vai te pegar, e você não tem para onde fugir.

O protagonista Blake reage como qualquer pessoa reagiria com as loucuras grotescas que acontecem nesse culto. Blake é muito realista (apesar de umas mentiras aqui, outras ali) e jogar com ele tem um peso maior conforme você vai prestando atenção na história.
Seu passado também é abordado e eu falarei na sessão spoiler.

Existem diversos personagens que se destacam na história.
Jéssica é a que mais aparece para Blake, sendo um fragmento de trauma que aparece na escola, como se quisesse "punir" o nosso protagonista.
Além de Jéssica, Temos o maior antagonista do jogo, Sullivan Knoth. Esse cara é o criador do culto assassino e a maior pedra no sapato do jogador durante a progressão da história. Todos os personagens possuem uma profundidade, e são contadas através de cartas espalhadas pelas áreas da vila.

O game trata de diversos assuntos durante a trama que tem diversas interpretações. Algumas mais claras e outras que abrem margem para teorias (o final, por exemplo). Cabe ao jogador ter sua interpretação das coisas "sobrenaturais" que rolam nessa área abandonada.

A gameplay em si é baseado nos "walking simulators" de horror que existem aos montes.
Sua mecânica principal é utilizar sua câmera de filmagem para enxergar no escuro (através de visão noturna), ouvir em maior distância e obviamente filmar os horrores que você está vivenciando.
Ao meu ver, a jogabilidade é a parte mais fraca do jogo. Aqui não temos como atacar, o que pode aumentar a tensão do game mas, o fato de que os desafios do jogo se mantem numa espécie de "padrão", faz com que nos acostumemos com o terror e do meio pro final do game, realmente é perdido o medo de se jogar (com exceção das partes da escola), fazendo com que você fique com vontade de sair na porrada com os bixos. A previsibilidade do jogo acaba enjoando um pouco o jogo, tendo partes de perseguição que, depois de acontecer 3x na porra do jogo, acaba enjoando e perdendo a parada do "estou enrascado". Eu mesmo só fiquei até o final pela história, por que a gameplay é de fato "fria".
O jogo também tem puzzles, mas eles são muito simples, nível: qualquer macaco passa com maestria.

A exploração em si lhe recompensa com papéis que contam fragmentos de história que servem para ampliar o universo que você está, além de você também achar pilhas para sua câmera e curativos que, são encontrados em montes e talvez você nem consiga pegar tudo.

Os inimigos do game são separados em dois grupos: Os cultistas e os Hereges.
Os cultistas são o que você espera de pessoas do campo. Só que eles estão insanos pela fé distorcida de Knoth.
Já os Hereges são totalmente o contrário dos cultistas. São pessoas bestiais, algumas nem da pra reconhecer como "humano". Eles são liderados pela(o) Val, que também é bizarra.
Ambos os grupos são bem feitos em seu design.


Pesquisando um pouco por fora, podemos entender que Outlast II tem certas ligações com o primeiro jogo (que eu não joguei kkkkk). A fé das pessoas nesse jogo são fruto de um experimento com ondas de rádio, que deturpam a mente das pessoas e que Sullivan Knoth se aproveitou para cultuar Deus, mas escrevendo seu próprio testamento, que é doentio. Ao longo do jogo, Blake tenta vencer seus traumas com Jéssica, sua amiga de infância que foi violentada sexualmente por um padre filho da puta e o mesmo fez ela "se suicidar" (é debatível). Enquanto Blake flutua entre a realidade e a dissociação, ele reencontra sua esposa que também foi possivelmente violentada por Knoth e está grávida do "anticristo", ser que o culto não quer deixar nascer. Percebemos que todos no jogo estão sendo afetados pelas ondas de rádio e ficando loucos, sendo que até a gravidez de Lynn é debatível. O fim do jogo, assim como qualquer evento paranormal do mesmo, cabe a interpretação se é ou não realidade...

No geral, recomendo a quem quer um jogo de terror só para tomar um sustinhos ou para quem quer uma história pesada e sufocante e não liga para a gameplay.


A visceral experience. While it's story doesn't go much deeper than the "Religious Horror" concept, it manages to delivers some very memorable scares and imagery that sticks in my mind even years later.

The gameplay loop does get tiring after a while even with the school flashback levels there to break it up. Especially in the cave level near the end. Still, I enjoyed it though haven't been able to stick through with another playthrough.

Pas trop mal, pas mieux que le premier

História legal final mt melhor que o primeiro
Joguei em call e foi mt engraçado 3 manos tomando susto ao mesmo tempo

starts off kinda weak imo but ends off pretty cool the cult reminbds me of silent hill's " The Order" but still a very good psychological horror

Holy shit, man. I'm telling you.

saio decepcionado desse jogo, os graficos sao legais a gameplay é ok, o terror desse jogo comparando com o 1 é PATETICO kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, e a historia na minha opinião é bemmm mid

Shi scary af (way more than the 1st)

Só desaponta quem cria expectativa e eu mesmo tô sussa.

basicamente a mesma ideia do primeiro jogo, mas a construção do universo é tão boa quanto o primeiro, eu sinto que o 2 tem muito mais foco na história.
O ambiente não é tão impactante quanto o primeiro, mas é basicamente a mesma sensação.