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she turned into crystal sora

I love to go pow pow 👊🏽

I never thought I wanted to fistfight mold creatures in the bayou in RE7 but this DLC gave it to me and let me hit a boss with a powerbomb, truly incredible stuff. I wanted Joe's Eastern European vacation in RE8 so bad.

Short, sweet and very fun to play. A great little epilogue with good bonus content.

fuck yeah!!!! i played this months ago and forgot to log it, but FUCK YEAH!!!!! nothing is more hype than punching the shit out of monsters and doing sick combos. i love this dlc so much, the only reason it doesnt get 5 is cause its so short and it made me want an entire game like this. first person survival horror character action game where you punch things and learn combos. give it to me NOW!!

I feel pretty conflicted on "End of Zoe".

On one hand, it's easily the best DLC of the bunch. It features the largest amount of new stand-alone content, a new gameplay style, and a final conclusion to the main story. It feels the most fleshed out and thoughtful of all the DLCs; its the only one I'd feel confident saying you have to play. (You don't really have to though).

But on the other hand, its just so overly ridiculous and impossible to take seriously. You play as a grandpa who eats bugs, spears crocodiles, and obliterates the evil scary monsters from the main game with his bare god damn hands, all while carrying around little straw men in his pocket that somehow make him even stronger. I won't deny that it was fun, because I had a pretty fun time with it, but its just way too silly to take its mostly serious story all that, well, seriously.

I also thought that the final boss was kind of annoying. Not in a gameplay sense, but in a story one. I won't spoil what it is, but it just kind of takes away from one of my favorite scenes from the main game, not enough to ruin it or anything, but just enough to annoy me.

Overall though, I still believe this is the best of all the "Resident Evil 7" DLCs. It feels the most complete and thought out. And even though its way too ridiculous to take seriously, that doesn't stop it from being a blast.

i'd play a whole game of Joe Baker beating the shit out of everything with his bare fists

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Joe right off the bat is instantly the funniest RE protagonist, just seconds into the game being depicted as a paranoid, unreasonable old man who grabs bugs off the ground and eats them while punching shit that gets in his way. gun-free combat is kinda weird to get used to, but it's at least enjoyable and fitting for the kind of guy we're playing as, although fighting the 4-Legged Molded is a pain with Joe's moveset. Other than that, the gameplay is relatively standard and i really hated the alligator sections, it was weird making it seem like they all had to be dealt with via spears but then making you awkwardly avoid some of them by hugging the walls as you walked by.

Still, my favourite thing about this DLC is what it's able to do for the characterization of nearly everybody in the story, even after they're dead. Joe is characterized extremely well given that he's introduced just to do this one thing and then never be seen again, and his taunts and bringing up childhood stories during the final fight with Jack give it this bittersweet feeling of finality and the notion that Jack is truly gone, but that they're both kinda enjoying being able to fight as brothers one last time. Even though Zoe spends most of the time unconscious here, near the end we're given a brief glimpse of her actual thoughts on the situation once she's finally removed from the state of no-nonsense desperation she's in during the main game. She shows some vulnerability and Joe's line about the Bakers still being her family deep down reemphasizes the tragedy of the whole situation. Finding objects like a family portrait Zoe made in the 4th grade might be a little too on-the-nose with the way it tugs at your heartstrings, but it works to give the impression that they once had a close relationship. It also, surprisingly, gives a bit of characterization to Ethan who was sorely lacking it here during his first appearance. It's nothing crazy, but the idea of him telling Chris "hey, there's someone still in there" and the slight comfort both he and Zoe can take in knowing that they both survived after everything they went through together is nice.

As short as it is, it's nothing that'll change your life, but it's really good. even down to the ending notes of the credits this feels like the definitive ending to RE7 and the Dulvey Incident and a good way to cap off the game.

I died to gators more times then I'd like to admit but playing a dude who just punches the shit out of the enemies, and then get a weapon that lets me punch the shit out of them harder? Badass. Goated DLC.

The definition of "fine." I really loved Joe and I thought the melee focused combat was fun, but like the base game I thought it really didn't reach the potential it had. The final act is fun, but it feels way too short. I feel like it needed at least one more good setpiece for me to really consider it a campy fun time.

This DLC sadly did not change the fact that I still find RE7 to be one of the most disappointing entries for me. Its place in Resident Evil importance can not be understated, as its the only reason we are getting good RE games again. But honestly, the potential that the actual game had was just never reached imo. Still love Ethan tho.

A parada é sair na mão, isso já me ocorreu no ensino fundamental

A very clear and concise dlc adding more exposition to critical moments of the game while simultaneously introducing fun gameplay mechanics. Great close to the Baker story.

100%ed this and it made me want to die

Never knew I ever needed to see an old man suplexing the mold. 
But holy god, guys, this is epic.

I liked how the gameplay changed from conserving ammo and shooting enemies to beating the heck out of 'em. Though I will say that the first half of it was not too difficult.

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i don't know who it was in the re7 dlc pitch meeting who said "how about one where you play as zoe's uncle and eat bugs and fistfight mold men" but they deserve a fucking promotion because this is delightful. Best RE dlc so far, although if I had to complain about anything I would say that I wish there were more combo options with the fists as doing the same combo over and over does start to get old by the end. Also I'm not crazy about bringing Jack back, but whatever his bossfights were really fun

If the base Resident Evil 7 is Angel Heart, then this is Hobo with a Shotgun - guffaw as you eat worms, chuck spears at gators, have bare-knuckle boxing matches with swamp creatures, and 'splode through rows of enemy heads with an electronic Iron Man fist attachment. A totally unpretentious crowd-pleaser of an expansion, think Barry's sections in Resident Evil: Revelations 2 if they were good. Like Not A Hero the combat here has been completely overhauled from the base game, much more methodical this time around - very tight windows of opportunity that don't leave much room for error. Joe Baker as a protagonist is a gift that keeps on giving, I want more of him! While this is all very productively hokey, it still retains the base's bleak themes of civilian minds being betrayed by corporate recklessness - your life will be upended in a curdled attempt to stop other 'more important' lives from being upended, so pure that your body even rots differently. Simultaneously a meat tenderizer to the brain and a twinkle of hope in the fungal cesspool. Biggest flaw is how short it is, and level design leaves something to be desired.

Foda demais🔥🔥🔥 Joe boxeador vs Jack Man thing. Que negócio foda. Como que eles poderiam fechar com chave de ouro o RE7? Simplesmente botando você pra socar os bichos que te infernizaram o jogo inteiro. Isso além do fechamento super satisfatório da história.

Essa DLC é um ótimo jeito de fechar com chave de ouro toda a experiência Resident Evil 7, o jogo todo é uma catarse onde você deita na porrada todos os mofados que te encheram o saco anteriormente, também é um ótimo ponto final de toda a história dando a todos os personagens um fechamento, é curto, divertido e o boss final é um X1 com o melhor personagem do jogo base.

Joe is such a loveable overpowered protagonist I love him for it
My personal favorite of the DLCs of the game, just ridiculous enough that it made me wheeze at moments.

Although the weakest and strangest of the 4 DLC packs of the amazing RE7, End of Zoe has some memorable moments and a charming protagonist with powerful fists. Also, it felt nice to beat Jack's ass a final time.

End of Zoe is perhaps the best of Capcom's post-launch support for Resident Evil 7, being much more substantial in terms of original content than all of the others, which while decent mostly consisted of reused assets repurposed in different contexts. End of Zoe does feel entirely at odds with RE7's tone, but it carves its own path while still weirdly enough expanding on its world setting. EoZ features an almost entirely melee combat system which while not particularly deep is still fun to pull off within its short runtime. Joe Baker as a protagonist does come entirely out of nowhere but his ignorance and his determination to save Zoe are immediately endearing. The game consists of primarily new environments meaning it's the first of RE7's DLC to feel truly fresh. The boss fights are also really fun, especially the two against the swamp man, whose abilities rival your own, and the second fight especially feels like a brutal fight to the death. It still manages to feel enough like RE7 in some ways, like keeping some degree of stealth and atmosphere despite the more goofy tone. The only real flaws I can think of are that the alligators are fairly annoying as enemies, as they practically instakill you when you get too close. It's easy to overcome but it can lead to a few cheap deaths. Nevertheless, its fairly clear to me that End of Zoe is the part of RE7's DLC that shines the brightest, and is therefore the easiest to recommend.

I found this DLC pretty fun. I thought the gameplay was really unique. The character of Jack was wild and hilarious to control. The story was alright and I liked the locations the game takes the player to.

Dumb fun, a nice wrinkle to the RE7 story