Reviews from

in the past

So boring and that movement speed is insufferable.

I still have to try the good ending but I must say there is no a single second wasted on the experience, every wagon is a surprise, and so much of it is an aperitif of very immersive and very interesting visuals. Every character is also a surprise (okay, the first seemed a bit introducary). It even got me to play a jumpscare game which is very hard to get me to do (I never could play fnaf). Stop blaming the gameplay for being too slow because it literally gains the weight of the atmosphere and the suspense, especially in time-sensitive events, but you can expect this game to throw a fit even when it feels secure (Colin's Game). This game may not be as substancial as stylish but it's not as far as you think.

Also, I kin the painter girl

É uma experiência mais contemplativa, visual é bem bonito mas não achei nada demais, é ok.

Sim, eu tomei susto naquela parte do joguinho, mó sacanagem aquilo lá kkkkkkkk

I'm somebody who tends to judge games on their best moments. Perhaps it's unfair, but it's those moments that stay with you, not a few boring moments in between.

Subway Midnight makes that very difficult.

Subway Midnight is a game with a bunch of really cool rooms, most of which could make for a really interesting part of a different game - and that's it. The only gameplay in this one is bad puzzles and awkward running. Sure, you will see visuals like nothing else in gaming, something that usually launches a game into 9/10 territory for me, but something about Subway Midnight not having a solid normal gameplay loop to subvert just really hurt it.

And the first ending you'll get is genuinely the least satisfying ending since NES games that ended with 'you saved the day' on a black screen.

Game #5 of 2024, January 19th

colins game scared the living fuck out of me for no reason

for a game thats barely 2 hours i sure was begging for it to be over. the art is cute but the horror is generic and the puzzles if you can call them that are sooo boring. the story is interesting at least, and i like that it’s all pantomime

Bought the game near its release from its art style giving off some real Newgrounds/James Lee vibes and got intrigued, sadly the overall gameplay is nothing short of a walking sim with events and jumpscares happening every so often. Would like to see something more from this dev cause obviously they have ideas and can create an atmosphere, hopefully with more diversity when it comes to what you can do

i found this tedious in places but overall enjoyed the experience

This game looks good. Everything has nice animations and every section has it's own artstyle. Even the gameplay changes at some point, which I never have seen before. Still. Most of the gameplay is very boring, only moving up. In my opinion, if a story has a great plot and is interesting to follow, the gameplay doesn't have to be very good. But only moving and having to solve very easy puzzles has really challenged me to play this game 'till the end. The story is confusing, I still don't know exactly, what this game wanted to tell me. No means to be mean, but it really feels like a fever dream and at some point my head even started to hurt a bit. The sounddesign is great and gives a great look into the theme and feelings of different sections of the game. If the game wouldn't have that one great jumpscare, when the gameplay changed it would've ranked lower. But that jumpscare, it scared me to death.

Wasn’t enjoyable, though I feel that this is a developer who should stay on your radar for future releases. Very cool game in concept that felt like it fell flat for me. The effort and love put in is something that should not be ignored, and shows real promise for future works

it looks cool but I kept falling asleep while playing it. maybe I'll give it another shot

The game focuses more on the unique artistic segments achieved by the simplistic 2D art style combined with the semi-realism of the 3D backgrounds so there's not much in the way of "story" however the game is short enough that if you're only interested in that aspect you don't have to wait very long between the segments that are more character focused.
The characters are all pretty funny and interesting (Especially Benny, I <3 Benny) and although you'll have to play the game multiple times to see everything it's short so it's not too hard to get through again even though you'll be seeing a lot of the same content again.
You can pet a dog exactly 5 times.

i'm bummed out to be mixed on this game.
cause like, the visuals and the atmosphere are so unique and cool, making your playthrough one hell of a ride through its dark and weirdly more light-hearted moments. I love the artstyle, the character designs and I don't mind one bit the shortness of the game, I like when a game isn't that long of an experience!
but certain aspects of the game ended up backfiring :
- the puzzles are really cryptic, which adds to the experience and atmosphere on a casual playthrough. BUT, if you want to see the true ending, you gotta do everything right, and doing everything without a guide is pretty much impossible. it's a bummer cause I like the themes but I didn't have the will to play through the whole game again just to see it pan out.
- the controls are a bit of a hassle, they aren't the tightest thing in the world, which makes navigating some rooms kind of a pain (even more of a pain if you're trying to get the true ending).
- though i don't mind its length, the price tag is a bit high, which I do get cause you know, gotta pay the bills and eat when you're an indie, but I remember kinda feeling sad at how short the game was when I first finished it because of its price.
so yeah, even though I may be a bit harsh, I'm so glad Subway Midnight is a thing that exists, and I think we should get more games like it. just keep in mind that this is a rather short experience which might be a bit frustrating depending on what you want out of it, and I think you'll like it even more than I did!!

It's very atmospheric. The visual and audio effects are done perfectly. The gameplay is a bit monotonous, but during the game you will not have time to get bored because it is not long.

Очень атмосферно. Визуал и аудиоэффекты сделаны отлично. Геймплей немного однообразен, но за время игры надоесть не успеет так как она не длинная.

I got what I was expecting, the game was cute lol, but sometimes the tone kinda clashed and idk it was kinda weird (lol) it's a good time, I know 2 is a little low, but it is definitely worth a playthrough, but there's this stupid ass gamer section in the middle and it's not great.

editando a review porque terminei com o melhor final, a arte é linda, os personagens são muito carismáticos e a lizz é uma fofuxa, a ambientação é muito interessante, mas a gameplay... eu nem ia levar ela tanto em consideração porque considerei o jogo mais como experiência ou walking simulator ou qualquer coisa assim, mas no fim fica tudo tão CHATO (principalmente nos últimos labirintos) que suga completamente qualquer divertimento e faz ser INCONCEBÍVEL eu ter que jogar mais uma vez depois de meia noite (isso é legal pelo menos) pra pegar o final secreto

Looks aight but damn this shit kinda borningn you feel on me?

It LOOKS cool, but playing it is super boring.

it was fun but nothing to write home about