Reviews from

in the past

Lovely little Indie Zelda like game, enjoyed it a lot!

It's a bit confusing (story and dungeon design wise) but basically a fun little adventure with very interesting visuals.

i love the premise but the level design is kinda confusing,still a good game

Main character looks like that fella who made Commonplace!

a really good zelda-like with highly charming dialogue, compelling and fun dungeon design, and an intriguing mystery beneath everything... i enjoyed it a lot and i'm looking forward to completing the postgame and playing the sequel

It's cool but it's sequel blows it out of the water

In a pleasant surprise for a surreal-atmosphere indie game, Anodyne never insists upon itself.

It's trying, and it's trying some interesting things, but the result ends up a bit too esoteric and fractured to really work for me.

Kind of like a mashup between Yume Nikki's surrealness and Zelda's world structure. The puzzles can be boring and the gameplay a bit janky...but the atmosphere is truly incredible. Some areas are majestic, others are unsettling, and it's all worth seeing. Also unexpectedly violent? Great stuff.

I think about the ending of this game alot, I don't know why

No sé cómo llegué a este juego pero está muy bien tirado y constantemente tiene referencias a cosas que seguramente están sacadas de los sueños turbios de alguien. La banda sonora es un pasote, usa mecánicas la mar de interesantes, y tienes siempre la sensación de estar en un viaje que no acabas de entender muy bien, pero te lo estás pasando en grande.

A mysterious little gem stuffed with inspirations from classic Zelda games. The whole world here is bizarre and surreal. You never know fully what the point is other than what you may be able to gather and theorize yourself.

My favorite area is when you visit Young's "home town"?? or whatever weird alternate dimension of it that it is.

Yes, this is a game with the subgenre of "Zelda games", but I really liked it. The game as a whole is divided into two parts, the first is the game itself in which we travel through the worlds, and the second part in which we are given a tool after finishing the game, which... otherwise there is no point in spoiling, otherwise all the magic of the game is lost. A very good and non-standard project for a small indie company.

Да, это игра с поджанром "игр про зельду", но мне дико понравилось. Игра в целом поделена на две части, первая это собственно сама игра в которой мы путешествуем по мирам, а вторая часть, в которой нам дают после окончания игры инструмент, который.. в прочем спойлерить нет смысла, иначе вся магия игры пропадает. Очень хороший и нестандартный проект для маленькой инди компании.

ehhh... i enjoyed the exploration a lot in the beginning, but the tedium of the mechanics sets in fast. some of those platforming segments are a pain in the ass because of how precise you have to be in an imprecise system, and the enemy i-frames are kinda nuts, especially for bigger ones that do a lot of damage at a time. by the time i made it to the final boss, i felt pretty soured overall (and the lack of clarity about that fight in particular didn't help).
good music. nice, well-developed atmosphere. i liked the nonlinear nature and evident yume nikki inspiration. the coolest part of the game for me was accidentally going to the blood world as my first level. but the story and dialogue (and eventually the gameplay) left much to be desired. not sure if i'm interested enough in playing the sequel anymore.

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Esperienza particolare, a volte mi sono chiesto "perché ci sto giocando?", altre volte mi sono ritrovato coinvolto completamente dagli eventi; devo dire che alcune parti sono un po' frustranti, ma l'atmosfera da "sogno dissezionato", con un hub centrale che sembra connettere frammenti di inconscio mi è parsa un'idea geniale. Alcuni NPC me li porterò nel cuore [gatto (non) sto pensando a te], soprattutto dopo i titoli di coda, in cui sono congedati come fossero stars di una sitcom alla loro ultima puntata; anche questa presentazione "meta" dei personaggi in qualche modo indica l'amore che i 2 sviluppatori provano per la loro creazione e per i suoi abitanti. C'è tanta passione in Anodyne, e sinceramente non vedo l'ora di vederla esplodere negli altri giochi dello studio

Anodyne's a lovely game. A little scattershot in its execution and ideas, but I think it comes together into a weird and somber take on the 2D Zelda formula very nicely nonetheless. Stick around for the post-game, that's when it gets really interesting.

Fun old school Zelda-lite adventure game. The map is kind of annoying, and the nexus is super annoying trying to remember where each portal leads to. The combat is basic as hell, puzzles are ok, enemies are ok, bosses are pretty basic, I just tanked most of them with no real strategy. The final boss difficulty ramps up pretty hard, and I just gave up and uninstalled. The story is kind of non-existant, you're some guy called Young (?) who goes around beating dungeons and collecting keys and cards, some of the NPC's just blather complete nonsense at you.

Like, its a good effort from just two guys who made it, but there are some deep flaws with the gameplay, UI, map, and the story and characters were very forgettable. But its a decent way to spend 10 or so hours in an 8 bit world.

I struggled with this game because not a lot is explained so I didn't feel all that encouraged to finish it.

I have a soft spot for games like these

Anodyne did it's job in satisfying a lot of the simple puzzle-solving and engaging mechanics I remember enjoying from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, while concurrently not satisfying my want for SNES-like difficulty in boss design and challenges. Although some of the dungeon designs and concepts that were attempted to be built upon did not ultimately come together to create a cohesive/consistently polished Zelda-like title, I found that Anodyne made up for that through stellar environmental and atmospheric design. The game built upon themes of isolation and disconnection quite well, even during moments where the dialogue seemed somewhat clunky. Though as far as my general perception of the writing goes, I think it's off-kilter design lends itself well to a narrative centered around escape and guilty discomfort. Overall quite an enjoyable game experience, looking forward to see what this team accomplished with it's successor.

Indie Zelda-like (exactly my jam)! Weird vibes, weird dialogue (affectionate), creepy/dark. Boss fights solid but a small part of the experience. All of that is good.

The level design was basically just a maze. No mechanics are more interesting than locks and keys, very few items that do anything, and rarely any puzzles. Not engaging, not innovative. Only challenging because the world is so overly vast for what little it has to offer.

I reached the final gauntlet dungeon and decided I didn't care enough about the story to bother with janky parkour.

I will certainly try Anodyne 2, however! There's good here, I look forward to seeing how they expand in the sequel.

It's fine; I get the ideas they are going for, they just don't do anything for me.

Doesn't help that I'm pretty sure I softlocked myself because the last two cards I needed were behind key doors and I couldn't find any unopened chests.

What if social anxiety was a Zelda dungeon?

gnawing insecurity surrounding this hobby is not a phenomenon. the corners of young’s mind crumble, voices sneer and penetrate the fantasy as we retreat further:
is this medium valid?
are they right?
do i need to grow up?
am i an artist?

am i alone

you’re overthinking it, dude

Really great atmosphere, vibey soundtrack, and a phenomenal post-game.

Really interesting game. Not sure if it's what it was going for but it's REALLY great at giving the player a sense of dread, at least for me it did. Especially with the second dungeon area and the third dungeon itself; maybe it's going from the quiet solitude to something very much not that but it freaked me out a bit, in a good way! Also the way the postgame reward is handled is really cool, and in my opinion they hit the exploration and puzzle aspects of Zelda dungeons pretty well.

Atmospheric, dreamy and engaging. The combat really fails to be interesting though and your restrictive move-set but high health pool makes every fight a face-tank and spam situation. It feel very hard to lose most fights fairly (you have no i-frames meaning getting repeatedly hit by the same projectile is very possible) but most bosses are different enough (especially The Briar) that they are at least a little memorable. The post-game is great but the final boss-rush section bugged out for me and after trying every fix I could, I could not complete it. Enjoyable all around.