Reviews from

in the past

The story sucks, but it's not awful! It works! That's about it!

Mediocre piece of shit. Wasted time, I tell you. At least it works without much issue.

É uma ótima desculpa pra usar drogas pesadas.

Plusy: niezła grafika, świeże podejście do fabuły militarnych shooterów, sporo giwer
Minusy: długość kampanii, średniawy model strzelania, kilka problemów z dźwiękiem

Had a few bright spots, like the stealth mission through the trailer park with the Asian team member, but largely just generic poor man's COD MW2. (the original) Only issue with trying to be COD is that this game has an even shorter campaign with very little weapon variety.

Tomorrow when the war began but America

Unfortunately it didn't do so hot in sales with a short campaign.

It had a lot of potential to compete against COD/BF if it was done better. I like this game a lot however.. usually return to play its campaign.

Also has no bots so the MP is dead, bots should be default.

Very short and not quite memorable. I remember enjoying playing it the first time through though.

At its core, Homefront is a pretty bang average military shooter. It does have a couple of neat scenes and sections going for it that can help break up some of the monotony of the mediocre shooting, and the concept is at least somewhat interesting relative to other military shooters. That said, a lot of small faults make it really annoying to play. Friendlies constantly body-block you which can make for aggravating deaths, often times you're railroaded into following behind your friendlies which means standing still for a minute while they catch up with you and open a door or climb a ladder, there's a couple of occasions where you'll suddenly get hit with an RPG out of the blue and have no real time to react, enemies will frequently have higher ground while you're put in an awful position, small things but they all compound to make for a bit of a chore gameplay wise. The characters are also all pretty annoying, there isn't a single one I was particularly fond of and they also repeat voice lines A LOT if you don't immediately do an objective. Not something I see myself playing again, but the gunplay is at least tolerable and the latter half of the game is a bit more fun than the former. If you're keen on military shooters, it might be up your alley, but if you're looking for an especially good tactical FPS game, I would look elsewhere.

Beat on normal difficulty and guerrilla (hardest). This game is a bit of a guilty pleasure shooter, I'll admit.

The first half is really good, the rest is.....uhhh.....something....

Crazy product placement, insane tone. There's a "dramatic" scene where the heroes use white phosphorus on the baddies and they start wilhelm screaming, very deep! Aside from that, Chapter 3 and 6 were pretty fun. I'm a sucker for vehicle levels in FPS campaigns.

Dude how are u gonna shoot like that, get that out of your face

Generic but the setting is cool. Love to see North Korean some representation!

The worst singleplayer shooter campaign i have ever played

(Played before 2023)
How generic and short do you want a game to be?

Game was a free giveaway. Why the hell did I install it?

Interesting setting and concept but insanely short!

I remember it was a game I used to play many years ago when I was a kid. There's nothing special about it. It looks like a combination of Crysis and Call of Duty Modern Warfare. But I can say that it's much better than the second game.

Homefront's 2 hour campaign was a silly joke but this game had one of the most promising multiplayer components of any game on the cryengine.

Homefront (2011): Basura infecta. Propaganda en forma de película en la que a veces te dejan disparar. La historia es ridícula e incoherente, aunque lo peor es cómo te toma por estúpido, poniendo un personaje guía permanente para que no te pierdas en sus pasillos lineales (1,50)

Not a bad game but it isn’t memorable at all. The beginning news segment is awesome though. The opening scene that shows the brutality of North Korea is horrible though.

i have the sudden urge to go to white castle

Moins de 4h de campagne, on sent le jeu coupé en plein milieu.
Ça manque de spectaculaire (genre ça bougeait enfin à la dernière mission), malgré une idée de base intéressante.
Pas non plus un étendard graphique, c'est un FPS ultra générique.
Du sous-CallOf meh.

Errh... has potential? The ending was pretty abrupt, especially with how short the whole game is. Some set pieces were surprisingly dark but then it's like potential that's never fully realized. Otherwise, another one into the bin of pretty generic on-the-rails military gallery shooters.

Anti DPRK propaganda.
Doesn't play well.
Waste of time.

Getting into a shoot out in front of a Hooters to save America