Reviews from

in the past

Fun game, flawed gem. Some really fun mods for it as well. A shame it didn't sell better.

Also ich muss sagen die einzig fadere Sache als das ist wohl an einem Samstagabend mit den Großeltern die eigene Briefmarkensammlung zu vergleichen, während im Hintergrund am Fernseher eine Powerpointpräsentation zum Thema Münzsammlungen läuft, die von Ulthar aus Gothic 2 vorgetragen wird. Ich würd mir echt lieber den ganzen Tag Youtubevideos, die ich sofort wegklick nachdem die Werbung aus ist ansehen als das ich dieses Spiel 4 Minuten zock'. Naturwissenschaftler die nach einem Weg suchen ein Serum zu entwickeln das einen Menschen das Gefühl gibt eine Eintagsfliege zu sein reissen sich um das Game, weil die wohl wichtigste Komponente dafür in diesem Spiel vorhanden ist, nämlich das komplett gestörte Zeitgefühl, denn eine Spielminute fühlt sich an wie 4 Wochen. Jeder der multikaskingfähig ist kann mithilfe dieses Spieles binnen einer Stunde mit seiner freien Hand jeden Skill am Planeten perfektionieren, ich sitz zum Beispiel da und hab meine Einstellungen so abgeändert das ich nur mit Tastatur spiele wofür ich ausschließlich die linke Hand nutzen muss und mit rechts bin ich nun bereits so gut wie Kobe im 3er-Wurf, mein Aufschlag im Tennis übertrifft den von Boris Becker bei weitem und man kommt wortwörtlich echt lang auf seine Kosten wenn man sich eine Escortdame nach Haus bestellt die einen am Pimmel rumwippt während man die Linke immerschön auf WASD liegen lässt. Der einzige Contrapunkt war das es echt schwierig ist sein PC samt Setup zu Baskettball- und Tennisplätze zu bringen und dort zu vernetzen. Ein endlos langer Remix von dem was Zero in Borderlands 2 sagt wenn man zu lang rumsteht könnte man über jeden Dialog im Game legen und man würd die Story exakt so verstehen wie die Entwickler das wollten. Wenn der Inhalt des Spieles sich exakt durch den Titel definieren würde hätte ich statt "Marvels Midnight Suns" lieber den Namen "Laberts mich net an", denn das Spiel schickt einen alle paar Dialoge (in dem Kontext könnte man das Wort Dialoge mit Jahre austauschen) auf eine Mission wo man kämpft und nach dem Kampf kommt scho wieder eine Cutscene wo die fade Scheisse erzählen und dann kommt man zurück ins Hub, was in diesem Fall ein altes Anwesen ist wo die einem dann ua viel fade Scheisse im RPG-Dialogformat erzählen. Mit anderen Worten man spielt immer 4 Minuten und darauf folgen dann immer 30 politisch korrekte und kinderfreundliche Minuten, die auch gern mit der einen oder anderen starken Frau bestückt sind, meine Vermutung ist ja das jede starke Frau gut bestückt ist weil das in wahrheit voll die Transen sind, denn lasst mir die Chance euch mal was zu sagen:"es gibt keine starken Frauen!"

Das eigentliche Kampfsystem ist rundenbasierter Hurensohnscheiss vom aller feinsten, ich würd fairerweise eigentlich mal ernsthaft sagen es geht so. Es wirkt etwas simpler als die anderen Spiele dieser Natur, aber vermutlich kommt einem das nur so vor weil das Spiel einen sehr an der Hand nimmt (man ist gezwungen auf Normal zu spielen bis man genug Missionen absolviert und Sterne gesammelt hat, dann schaltet man andere Schwierigkeitsgrade frei). Der Kampf spielt sich so ab man hat 3 Helden am Feld wovon einer immer der Main Char ist den man sich erstellen muss, was ich echt Scheiße find denn das ist ein Marvel Game und ich möchte einfach die bekannten Leute spielen und nicht diesen uninteressanten Hunter zu dem man immer sagen muss nimm die "Hand da" weg weil der einen sonst ständig am Penis greifen würde, denn der ist so unfassbar schwul das kann man sich nicht ausdenken, nun gut zurück zum Thema also gezwungenermaßen ist man Hunter und 2 andere Helden das können dann Doctor Strange, Blade, Iron Man, Spiderman, starke übermächtige Frau die jeden Kampf immer ohne Kratzer gewinnt und co. sein. Gekämpft wird nicht mit der üblichen Taskleiste wo Aktionen gelistet sind sondern mit Karten der Kategorien:

Angriff: das kann ein Standartangriff sein wie Blades Pistolenschüsse die 6 DMG dealen oder aber auch sowas wie diese Telekinesmagie von Dr. Strange wo er einen Gegner in einen anderen Gegner oder in z.B. einen Stromkasten schleudert was dann auch einen gewissen DMG an die Gegner dealt.

Skill: sind meist Fähigkeiten die keinen DMG dealen wie Heilung oder auch Schilde und so Fickrotz.

Heldenmut: das sind Specialabilities wie Iron Mans ich treff alle mit Sprenkörper-Attacke die broken ist, diese Art von Karte auszuspielen erfordert eine Ressource namens Heldenmutpunkte, die man bekommt indem man am Schlachtfeld normale Angriffe macht oder aber auch Skillkarten nutzt die einem diese Punkte geben. Mit Heldenmutpunkten macht man allerdings auch einen Großteil der Umgebungsaktionen, wie einen Stapel am Boden liegende Zeitungen mit unerwarteter Zerstörungskraft auf Leute pötzen die dann sofort krepieren. Eilmeldung, Eilmeldung! Wohngegend gleicht einem Schlachtfeld! In einer Nachbarschaft Südkaliforniens blieben Heute Morgen von den einst so idyllischen Familienhäuser im Cape-Cod-Stil nur noch Trümmer übrig, ein mit Fahrrad ausgestatteter Zeitungsjunge wird derzeit als Täter verdächtigt, wir halten sie für neue Erkenntnisse auf dem Laufenden.

Am Feld hat man außerdem 3 Aktionspunkte die sich die Helden beliebig teilen, mach ich mit Iron man eine Aktion ist die dann auch für Spidey weg und in der Theorie kann ich alle 3 Aktionen mit Iron Man durchführen bevor dann die Gegnaz drann kommen würden, es gibt 1 Movementpunkt der nicht angezeigt wird, beweg ich mich also mit Iron Man kann sich Spidey nicht mehr vom Fleck rühren außer für ein paar Umgebungsaktionen oder wenn er für seine eigene Aktion näher an wem rann' müsste, dass passiert dann automatisiert. Es gibt auch Angriffe die zufallsbasiert den Zustand "Schnell" im Kartendeck haben, da ist es dann so wenn man mit dieser Angriffskarte einen Gegner ausschaltet dann kostet das keine Aktion, aber wie auch mit normalen Angriffen, Skills und Heldenmutaktionen verschwindet die Karte dann aus deinem Deck. Man hat außerdem die Möglichkeit zwei mal die Option nachziehen zu nutzen wie auch ich wenn ich mal wieder Natz vom Tisch zah wie Tony Montana, nutzt man diese Sache dann tauscht man eine gewählte Karte vom Deck gegen eine Random andere Karte vom Stapel.

Ist man also bedacht setzt man schnelle Karten gegen schwache oder geschwächte Gegner ein um Heldenmutpunkte zu kriegen und keine Aktionspunkte zu verbrauchen und verwendet diese Heldenmutpunkte dann für Umgebungsaktionen die auch keine Aktionspunkte kosten und teils für Specialmoves. Wenn man da die richtigen Gegner mit gut gewählte Angriffe attackiert kann man teils Runden haben wo man 7 mal oder mehr angreift wenn man dann auch die Nachziehenoption in richtige Momente nutzt. So hab selbst ich Volltrottel schon teils 6 Gegner pro Runde ausradiert ohne Damage zu nehmen, aber das liegt auch am zu leichten Schwierigkeitsgrad.

Fazit: Es bietet vom kämpferischen Aspekt her ähnliche Dinge wie etwas zwischen X-Com und Baldurs Gate 3, ist jedoch einfach vom Anspruch her viel zu leicht, es sei denn man grinded für höhere Schwierigkeitsgrade

Spielerisch und Inhaltlich hätte ich mir etwas mehr gewunschen als bei einem Level up automatisch mehr HP zu kriegen und meine Fähigkeitskarten im Deck beliebig zu tauschen, gebt mir doch volle Charakteranpassung ist das echt zu viel verlangt?

Ich bin auch anscheinend nach 2 Spielstunden immer noch nicht aus dem Tutorial draußen vielleicht wird es später ja besser und hat mehr Tiefe.

Ein Ingameshop für Skins ist vorhanden aber immerhin nix Gameplayrelevantes was verkauft wird. Wenn man die ich zahl mehr für Pixel Edition kauft dann hat man die meisten Skins glaub ich von Haus aus, es gibt nur einen Skin fürn Blade wo man irgendiwie einen Account bei diese 2k-Spasten braucht um den zu kriegen.

Außer Kämpfen, das Hub erkunden, die Helden anpassen und labern kann man in dem Game eigentlich net machen.
Und Alles in allem finde ich haut einem dieses ewig lange gelaber zwischen den Kämpfen non stop aus dem Spielfluss, man kann sich den Fluss des Spiels so vorstellen als wären in dem alle 4 Meter ein Hooverdamm und wie man dieser Metapha entnehmen kann wär das in RL höchst unnedig und noch unnötiger ist das in dem Game. Aja und die Grafik ist wieder mal so a die Umgebung schaut wesentlich besser aus als die sich darauf bewegenden Menschen mit an Detailgrad einer Playmobilfigur.

Entertainingly B-tier comic writing and an A tier combat system (at least, once you advance far enough to pick up an interesting variety of cards). Pacing lets this game down. It just takes too long to get anywhere, both in terms of how the combat plays and how the story is doled out.

Enjoyable but flawed.

Better than I expected and it launched my chronic addiction to X-Men comics so I thank it for all the moments where I sit in my bed, fetal position, knowing my favorite X-Men are currently do-nothing racists and Disney is gonna be casting Chris Pratt, Awkwafina, and a 90 year old Samuel Jackson gorilla glued to Professor X's wheelchair.

An addictive deck builder superhero game, with some weak writing (though not unsimilar to Marvel's current work) and performance issues. They really could have optimized this game a bit more.

I wish this game would've sold enough for a sequel. I enjoyed it and it would be a full 4 stars if I could've romanced them.

don't tell Dr. Umar about Blade's sideplot in this game

There are really two sides to Marvel Midnight Suns. The sunshine and rainbows side is that its XCOM with superheroes which, like... yeah... that's the greatest pitch of all time. It's the equivalent of someone saying to me: "Callum. I'm going wild and serving you Ice Cream and Jelly together. Hope that's okay". Of course you can serve god to me in a bowl, I don't mind.

Midnight Suns' tense combat and "make every move count" mantra is why Firaxis is unrivalled in the strategy space, and as usual, they absolutely deliver in that department. Every hero is so unique and fun to experiment with, and the way you quickly grasp how to seamlessly merge their talents is sublime. I maybe would've preferred the game let me create my own team of superheroes so I can give everyone funny haircuts, name them shit like "Snakey Bones Johnson" and turn their armour toxic sludge green, but I'm happy to compromise for more of that sweet, sweet XCOM combat.

But the flip side of the coin is that everything around the battles is just really, really weird. And not weird in a way where I'm like, ooooh, how quirky and fun. Weird in a way where I'm like, this was a... creative choice... you... uh... could've made... that's for sure. Like, why does this feel like a self-insert fan fic? Why am I taking Wolverine for evening tea and a picnic outside a picturesque cottage? Why is every character utterly in love with me and committed to spending their whole lives waiting on my beck and call? Why are there like 70 currencies and all of them revolve around me potentially buying Captain America a new pair of swimming trunks? It's just a bizarre game. So much of it is runtime is spent fleshing out the downtime between missions, but the downtime is spent with such cliche and uninspired takes on these characters. There's no creative liberty or attempt to add a spin to these heroes that's unique to Firaxis' universe. Instead, they all just say variations of "YoU Ain'T HALf bAd HUnTeR" and blurt out their backstories like walking Wikipedia articles. It doesn't help that the writing isn't great either, making most of the dialogue cringey, while the NPC animations are static and lifeless.

Everything outside the combat just makes this feel like half a peak Firaxis strategy experience and half one of those bargain-bin-destined licensed games that I'd want for Christmas as kid but quickly realise were actually shite the moment I sat down to play them (I see you Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer). Don't get me wrong, there are much worse things out there than a game that's half XCOM 2 and half X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse, but I couldn't help but dread everything between the moments where I'd kill 9 demons in one turn by making Ghost Rider surf on a Chevy Impala while screaming about vengeance at the top of his lungs.

I’ve never been a big fan of this particular genre but I am glad I took the time to play through this. The writing is excellent, the presentation is pretty nice, and I found the gameplay encounters to be suitably challenging but fun to master. This game truly reminded me why I love these characters, and it was great to go through the motions of learning people’s backstories and getting closer to them in-between missions.

The core card game gameplay is really, really fun, but holy shit this game is way too bloated.

This a 15-hour game stretched out to over 30 with the mobile game-esque hangout elements and the fact you're often forced to do randomly generated side missions between main missions.

Also not making attack animations skippable during combat is INFURIATING.

A good game that just doesn't respect your time at all.

A fantastically fleshed out deck building ‘x-com’ style tactical action game with a generous sprinkling of Persona relationship building.

You can fight streets full of demons then go home & romance the pants off Blade with video games or book club meetings.

The only reason I mark this down is because I tried to obtain the platinum after around 50+ hours into my single playthrough. Unfortunately it was so heavily bugged, I couldn’t get it and was told to ‘start a new playthrough’ to get it. 50. Hours. Of. Work.

After playing the DLC, it is criminal y'all let this game flop because it is exactly what comic fans want out of the MCU. Not to mention people criticizing the fact its a "card game" when it really isn't.

Excellent dialogue, incredible story, awesome character moments, and a tight combat system.

A game that obviously went through a tough development cycle and it shows in its performance issues, though those are partially due to the 2K launcher which is dogshit and ass and needs to be retired.
Full disclosure that I have not finished the game but the only reason why I haven't is because the 2k Launcher gave me a catastrophic bug that wouldn't let it launch. This game is endlessly charming, its so fun to have a comic book game that isn't afraid of being comic book-y. its bright, its got color, its interesting, you have goofy outfits and big bold attacks. Its well shot which is insane for a video game, most video games don't know what a camera angle is and this game busts out some genuinely inspired ones that create some evocative cutscenes. The character writing ranges from corny to incredibly well done, with it being some of the best appearances of many of these characters in years. It's content rich and mechanically dense with a lot of fun shit that comes from the way that its card based system interacts with the multiple mechanics that it gives per character. Its progression is a little jank and the game's very stingy but this is pretty easily managed with some very slight modding. I dunno. There's definitely issues, but this game really deserves acclaim. If I wasn't a mega Disney hater, I'd be pimping this thing everywhere.

Not a groundbreaking, amazing game. But it's really fine. Living a good Marvel arc with turn-based card combat is a great sit back and relax experience.

As a card game it’s pretty fun. As a life sim with feature creep, it’s painful. Tutorial after tutorial explaining every mechanic in agonizing detail. I played the game for 10 hours and I was still getting tutorials frequently.

There is so much bullshit the game throws at you. You can upgrade your room and different areas of the Abbey, buy cosmetics for you and your friends, make consumable items, upgrade cards, run missions with your characters, researching stuff, so many different currencies to keep track of, train with your friends to rank up relationship, give them gifts, go on hangouts, read their boring posts on the in-game social media, reply to their posts, etc. it’s insane. All this stuff requires you to run around a bland abbey and outdoor area that has barely anything in it. Mostly collectibles. Yippee.

What hurts this experience the most is the excruciating dialogue with your teammates. Every character will prattle on and on about every topic. They clearly went for quantity over quality. Especially Iron Man and Dr Strange. These guys are insufferable with their quippy arrogant personas. It makes the Marvel movies seem like competent writing in comparison.

Even the battles became grating with unskippable and long animations for every single card played. You can’t skip the enemy attacks either. It doesn’t feel dynamic enough either for your hero, since you end up using the same moves. On normal the game is pretty easy and I didn’t unlock the next difficulty until I was already thinking of abandoning this game.

I really wish this had just been a bare bones card game because there is quality here, but it’s buried under a pile of superfluous features.

Really got sucked into this. Part Turn-based Strategy game, part almost Persona-esque SocialLink game, Midnight Suns caught me off-guard with how much I ended up liking it.
Combat is tactical and deep, the constant need to play every turn as resource efficiently as possible was very rewarding to me and kept me engaged during every state of encounters.
Out of combat progressions kept me hooked the whole time - Deckbuilding has a lot to it, especially once you get to building synergies between multiple heroes. Reforging and customizing cards can lead to some absolutely obscenely powerful combinations which, again, are a joy to use.

The difficulty-scaling is one of my favourite things about Midnight Suns has 6 higher difficulties you gradiually unlook through good performance in missions. Every higher difficulty increases enemy HP and damage, but also entices you with increased Hero xp.
Only unlocking higher difficulty once you re proven to be ready, and luring you in with rewards as well as risks made for an addiciting loop in which I constantly pushed myself to play missions optimally on the highest difficulty available, to unlock new ones to push myself even further.
On Ultimate III (the highest difficulty) Midnight Suns is hard as nails, without ever truly feeling unfair. Individual enemy moves might occasionally feel like bullshit, but the game gives you so many tools, abilities, and environmental objects that every challenge can be overcome through brainpower and creativity, and doing so feels damn good.

While the main story is nothing to write home about, and the Abby parts of the game suffer from bad pacing due to mandatory exploration phases that are not all that interesting, the character writing is really strong. That shines through the most in the individual Social Links, but even past that, in their one-liners and banter, in fun activites like book clubs or movie nights. The whole cast, Avengers and Midnight Suns, are loveable, complex people that are a joy to spend so much time with.
(Especially Magik my beloved)

Midnight Suns seems to have come and went without leaving a mark in the gaming zeitgeist, and I think that is a damn shame. Excellent video game

X-com com cartinha, mas não é X-com e nem jogo de cartinha, mesmo mantendo o DNA de X-Com com heróis da marvel.

Bom pra caralho!

Tem seus defeitos e se alonga um pouco, mas o que esse jogo é divertido não tá escrito.

For months, I was in doubt about paying for this game. I saw some reviews, but I was not certain if it would be fun to play. So, I decided to give Marvel's Midnight Suns a chance, and I can confidently say it was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had in the gaming industry in recent years.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is a unique blend of real-time strategy games like XCOM and card games like Hearthstone. I'm a big fan of games like XCOM, but I usually don't enjoy card games, which made me hesitant about this one. However, in the end, the card aspect is the heart of this game, and it enhances the strategy element, adding complexity and an element of luck.

About the gameplay, you have a stage with certain objectives, and you control a group of heroes facing off against enemies. Each hero has cards that require a certain amount of power to use and a designated area to cause damage. This requires you to strategically position your characters to attack your foes while avoiding enemy attacks. Meanwhile, you also need to manage your deck of cards.

The story is interesting and focuses on lesser-known heroes, although you still have a team that includes Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Captain Marvel. The connections between all the heroes are well-developed, and you'll become more interested in these lesser-known characters and how they come together to prevent the end of the world.

One downside for me is the hub area where you spend time between missions. It's quite large but not very enjoyable to explore.

The graphics may not be top-notch, but that wasn't a problem for me. During the missions, the game looks more beautiful because you get to appreciate the stage from an overhead perspective.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is a delightful surprise, and it's a shame that it doesn't receive more attention. It's a fantastic game that deserves more recognition. If you enjoy strategy games or are looking for something unique, I highly recommend giving it a chance. In my opinion, it's worth every penny!

Very fun and entertaining. The reviews made the "sim" part to be so much worse than it actually is. Only mechanic I didn't like was the light/dark paths, as they do nothing to the story and only serve as gates for unlockables. Everything else is fun though and the battles are really good. Hope they make a sequel.

On paper, I should love this game. It's Marvel characters with Fire Emblem Three Houses interactions. In execution, I just kept feeling shorted. I kept forcing myself to play in hopes it would get better. I finished the first Act (or was it Chapter) and had to be done. I don't know why the elements just aren't gelling for me. It feels like you're a character interacting with the world instead of being a part of the world. You also cannot romance any of the superheroes. I cannot put my finger on what je ne sais quoi is not there. It's just like the Walmart brand of both Marvel and Fire Emblem: Three Houses, fine but not great. In roughly 20 hours of play, it crashed 10 times. It has a pretty good autosave system, but it got really annoying. People complained like crazy about Saints' Row (2022), which I had one crash in the whole game, but not about this.

It's taken me eight months to complete this game and while there were times I set it down, I have over 100 hours of playtime and I don't regret a minute of it. From the interesting story to the engrossing social aspect of building your team, this game was everything I wanted from an X-Com-like.

The few complaints I have is that the story does drag a little towards the end and the combat never really opens up in a way that is really rewarding. That being said though, I thought it was a phenomenal game and even though the likelihood of a sequel is low due to the game's underperforming sales, if there is one, I will be there on Day 1!

Ultimately the combat didn’t justify all the bloat, and I had pretty significant technical issues

Surprisingly, the story treats most of the Marvel characters with dignity and due to having dialogue options you can roast Captain Marvel and Nico Minoru, so their existence is tolerable. Besides that, it does good job of giving every character a reason to be present, and mitigates the bloated cast size. Unfortunately, the very nature of a crossover such as this with a self-insert protagonist ends up making the plot feel very generic and safe, and the dialogue is very lenient on "call and response" type sitcom humor for EVERY character.

Gameplay is fun, but mission and enemy variety are incredibly lacking, Especially considering the fact that you're required to do many generic missions to progress. Which is only worsened by the fact that the self insert main character is basically required on higher difficulties because no one else has healing. Every mission has swarms of reinforcements. Then, after each generic mission you have an additional two Three Houses esque interaction segments, which further slow the pace to a crawl. So what you end up with is 30% fun new missions, 40% interacting with characters, 30% repeated missions.

Overall, a very good effort but I felt I had experienced all I wanted by the beginning of part 3, and the game burnt me out pretty quickly. It's not an offensive or even mediocre game, so I give it a lot of credit for Marvel standards but it doesn't really elevate any of its characters either. I''d recommend it for fan service or if you want Xcom like gameplay.

This review contains spoilers

This game could have been incredible, but it feels unfinished. Several characters, including the main character, have myriad outfits, but some characters only have a handful. Collecting items around the Abbey has no real payoff. Several storylines and relationships are not impactful. It seems like someone made the decision that the game couldn't be delayed again and pushed it out the door before it was ready. Such a shame; with a little more polish this game could have been another gem like X-Com.

One of the most frustrating elements is also the most engaging: the combat. The main character has dozens of cards, but every other character has 9, plus a legendary card. Oftentimes, the legendary card is significantly weaker than other cards. Even upgrading cards adds no major changes to gameplay, just random modifiers that aren't always helpful. The cards often don't even compliment the player or the team members well. The player can make their own team, but the archetypes in the game are so poorly defined, it is almost always neccessary to have the main character in the party.

All of the characters, except for the main character could benefit form a rework. For example, Spider-Man can knock enemies into environmental hazards with no penalty as part of his character kit, but environmental hazards get destroyed when used and Spider Man can't create new hazards, rending him ineffective very quickly. Wolverine taunts people, but can only regenerate health by discarding cards. There are almost no reposition abilities (except for a shove that each character can use once per tern IF they haven't already moved) which makes any line of sight or area of effect attacks a constant gamble.

This game is still great - I put 107 hours in it and loved most of the experience. However, although the end result is still fun, this game could have benefitted from some more time in development .

It's fine I guess. I know there were a lot of pleasantly surprised reviews for this when it came out, so I was hoping to have the same reaction, but I thought it was merely OK. I have no interest in the story, maybe I'm just getting a bit tired of Marvel stuff?

The gameplay is alright, kind of like a very small scale xcom where your moves are determined by the hand you're dealt. Literally. I've never been a big fan of card based games, no matter how they're dressed up. Unless it's solitaire. And this is no different.

Looks good though, and making the goofiest looking creator character is always fun. Unfortunately the game just didn't tickle my tits.