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in the past

honestly wanna come back to this when i can stomach the load times, bc while Marvel does nowt for me i really like firaxis and what they're going for here. and the hits feel NICE

but these load times man. ooft. the part of AA that nobody wants

There's a small chance I may come back to this one day as I did genuinely enjoy the turn based combat and I really wish it was mainly just going from battle to battle with some upgrading characters in between. But the time spent in the Abbey was just too long and boring for it to put me off pursuing with the game.

Marvel's Midnight Suns attempts to merge superhero dynamics with tactical RPG mechanics, but it stumbles due to a lackluster story and repetitive gameplay, failing to fully capture the excitement expected from a Marvel title.

Did I seriously go out of my way to play through a honestly pretty mid-strategy card game and pay an extra 20 dollars for DLC just so I could get the privilege to enjoy a good version of Deadpool..........well....yeah........... :/

I mean don't get me wrong if you like X-Com and other strategy games I'm sure you'll like this, it's just that I honestly don't personally care for strategy games and if I'm being 100% stright with you the game is beyond easy for like the first 20 hours; I just wanted to see a character I once loved actually done well and not like how's they've been portraying every single medium since the movie. Does this make me possibly the most reddit pilled out of all my friends? OH YEAH 100% UNDOUBTEDLY, but at least for me I can pull out the long time fan card and say I like this character before they became completely insufferable and a tool for Marvel's neverending slop machine of a cinematic universe.

When I say that Deadpool that we have in this game is probably the most well written and suddle he's been since his 2013 run that should probably tell you how dire it's been for the last 10 years. For some reason for the longest time Deadpool has been a hard character for writers to work on for some reason, see most hacks writers looked at the movie as their main influence or they think they've understood the character through cultural osmosis which is pretty the much equivalent of thinking you've understood the character by reading an unfunny bumper sticker. Deadpool at his best is when he's an annoying jackass but everyone around him either hates him or feels some sort of pity, He's not a character you wanna laugh at he's a character that bottles up his emotions and pushes other people he perceives to be his friends away while hiding all of his more nuanced aspects behind a super thick wall of irony so no one can hurt him. He can sometimes get better and in the case of his 2013 run even work on himself to be a better person for him and his kid, but at the core of his character he's a sad pathetic worm that can't die and refuses to go away. The movies kinda did that but as soon as Ryan Reynolds signed on to play the character the films stopped being Deadpool movies and instead became another linchpin in Reynold's adventure capitalist money chasing one note acting nepo career.
The game gets this dynamic down almost perfectly, although it stumbles a little bit here and there at times. He still has traces of his "lol chimichangas aren't I clever that I know I'm in a video game" that gets on my nerves but that dynamic of everyone else in the game just hating Deadpool constantly is still there and it works really well; especially with Blade. He’s pretty much an outcast for a majority of his time in the game and since the game gives you the ability to go on activities and hangouts with him you get to see a much more personal side of him. More a majority of the time you try to make a somewhat tangible connection with him he’ll either bounce off the question with a stupid joke or make a light-hearted threat until you get to the very near end of his relationship arc where he’ll finally open up just a tiny amount but enough to where your words actually get to him and make him care, granted it’s not a lot and he’ll still push you away with his annoying jokes but he’ll care more about you as a friend; which is technically growth for him and you know what that’s better

Out of the other characters in the game and even it’s DLC Deadpool feel ultimately out of place because this a game centered around the supernatural side of the Marvel universe and having a pudo-XMan running around killing vampires, demons, and a supernaturally corrupted Sabretooth with Blade and Ghost Rider is…..well…………it’s really fucking dumb. But like in a way that’s very camp and comic booky and honestly I’ll take this over any of that MCU coded poorly written Insomniac slop shit (My opinion on Spider-Man 2 has soured in the months I played it in). So yes I did indeed play a 50 hour long strategy card game just for Deadpool, and I will probably never touch this game ever again. Could I have just gotten all my info from clips on youtube instead of paying 20 plus another 20 for the season pass…..probably, but do I regret it? …………… it’s still a better version of Deadpool then last comic run so I’d say it was worth it.

(Also in case anyone was wondering what my thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine are, it looks like a movie scientifically designed to piss me off and to make Reddit soy. I will not be watching because I have standards and would rather go see Sonic 3 or a real movie instead.)

Midnight Suns was a huge surprise for me! I loved the mix of XCOM-style combat with the relationship building and exploration of the Abbey. The characters from Marvel are awesome, the dialogue is often hilarious, and there's a surprising amount of depth here. It can get a bit repetitive over time, and sometimes the card system feels limiting... but if you like strategy games and superheroes, you'll probably dig this way more than you'd expect.

The combat is fine, even good.
However, the story, to be more precise the acting and script is unbearable. Every character is quirky, "sassy," like if you got MCU's RDJR's Iron Man and cranked it to 11 - and made this the personality of pretty much the entire fcking cast.
Holy sh

the only good thing about the game is its combat

Enjoyed my time with it, but really just want a cleaner loop of strategy and levelling up powers. The amount of busywork between missions completely robs it of the 'just one more battle' aspect I'd need to pull me through it.

Story left me a little underwhelmed but the card aspect was actually fun. I feel the game is at its worst when it tries to be a Marvel Persona game, but despite that the social interactions are decent and the rewards make up for it.

I just wish more people played it because it's fantastic

Not too much to add to what's been said already. It's weird, combining some really fun card strategy battle stuff with a load of weird, bland social interaction stuff. It feels like Fire Emblem Three Houses, if all the Houses were slightly bland takes on Marvel characters. Tons of good ideas, more than a few bad ideas, and a lot of stuff that's just not executed as well as it might be. Case in point- after every level it mocks up a comic book cover for that adventure with your heroes splashed all over the page, except all the titles are just like "Good Guys Win", "Spider-Man does Punch", etc. Kind of sad it didn't do well, because I could easily imagine a more polished version of this that's absolute dynamite.

uma otima surpresa mas dropei pra jogar no ps5 com melhor qualidade futuramente

Um jogo com gráfico ate bonito! Mas ele é tedioso por ser muito repetitivo e as batalhas não terem muita emoção, um game que recomendo pra quem curte estratégia e não tem problema em ver as coisas acontecendo devagar... É bom, mas poderia ser melhor

É bonito, mas não fez nem um pouco meu tipo, além de parecer entediante.

This was a Steam Deck play. Had a lot of fun grinding this game out actually. I hit nearly 100 hours on my first playthrough since I was being somewhat thorough (but not super thorough).

The strategic card-based gameplay is excellent, but absolutely everything else is total garbage, and there's so much of it that constantly gets in the way of the one thing the game does well. Everything in the abbey sucks ass, and you're forced to spend so much time there engaging in cringy nonsense that you can only skip through one line at a time. Some of the worst writing and voice acting I've tried to endure to get to enjoyable gameplay, but I just can't do it. The one good bit isn't worth sloughing through all the other garbage

Loved my playthrough. Felt that the combat shines through and the open ended social tasks got tasky and checkboxy towards the end.

Would have loved this if it directed itself a bit more.

The upgrading and leveling meant to evoke XCOM progression of troops fell flat for me. The deck building was a little flat but the combat and story really shined.

Being a comics fan the story and dialogue function as intended for better or for worse.

I'm glad I played it. The DLC characters were great. Loved the ending. Hard to recommend if you don't love turn based games, comics or XCOM.

shelved due to crashing on startup all of a sudden. a lot more going on than i thought (in a bad way!) because of all these weird dating sim/AAA bloaty elements that are just kind of ridiculous to interact with. also i hate iron man's voice and performance why does he sound like a shitty sitcom cop its so grating!!!!!

This game should be the poster child of a game ‘getting in the way of itself’. What I mean by that is, the actual combat encounters and card based gameplay is top tier and genuinely so enjoyable. I loved setting up a round to just sweep through the enemies while constantly having my attacks refunded - so satisfying when it all just works.

The flipside on this is that between these great missions that have you doing a cary of objectives and countering many different enemy types, is a terrible cringe inducing Disney Channel Show for tweens.

It honestly felt like they couldn’t work out the demographic for this game, as part of it feels like aimed at older people who like slower strategy games, and the other part feels like it was made for kids who grew up on Iron Man firing off constant zingers for a couple movies in a row.

As I found out in my Need for Speed review, I really have less patience for this kind of dialogue and game setup than what I thought, and ultimately it marred my experience and interrupted the flow of the game enough to make me shelve it.

My advice, play this muted and go watch youtube while you spam through the dialogue between the excellent missions and gameplay.

both the main story and the DLC questline end with cliffhangers teasing popular characters which is pretty funny now that we know we're never getting a midnight suns 2 because no one bought this game outside of a sale (including me). so lmao.

Midnight Suns is a pretty cool game with a unique and satisfying combat system that actually had a lot of layers in it. Most of the other stuff isn't that interesting.

It's a card based SRPG. It doesn't sound good on paper but it's from Friaxis (xcom devs) and while I dont think they have any card games under their belt they clearly knew what they were doing with the system. Despite the fact that on paper you can "only" play 3 cards a turn, good smart play of a combination of your cards/deckbuilding, map interactables and movement skills can lead to very explosive turns. While a quick fear of it being card based is that sometimes you get complete bricks of turns, I had very little turns over the course of my 60~ hour playthrough that felt like i just couldn't do shit. Recycle often can ungum up hands and if your hands are still getting gummed up while skill issue man put less heroics in your deck.

To go with the good core is both varied enemy list with each their own rules and missions with their own unique rules. The dogs all aggro on the same target, giving you pause to either try not to have 3 dogs hit your squishy hero, or abuse a hero with taunt/counter to force all of them to hit them with one taunt skill. The nest mother summons towers that you dont want to keep alive, but also damage her if you break them, and shes always protected by a guardian that makes you unable to target her. Do you prioritize killing her rocks and whittling her down, or do you have a line that lets you just sheer brute force it? These kind of decisions are often, and it's really just enjoyable even when you're grinding.

Your deck is made up of what heroes you bring to a mission, each hero comes with their own unique card pool and gimmicks. Deadpool gets a stacking buff based on how many people he kills and his cards improve in various ways basd on his stack. Most of Iron Man's cards dont get recycled when you discard them, but instead improve in various ways from either extra keywords or more damage. Ghost riders cards do great damage but all come with downsides like forcing you to discard or taking damage. I think the card pools per character are oddly small which is disappointing but the characters are varied enough that it doesn't get that repetitive, and also there's an endgame grind mechanic to let you roll for extra effects on cards for even more deckbuilding options

Outside of the combat is a combination of xcom base building and like hero social links. Interact with the heroes between missions to build relationships giving individual heroes boosts while getting permanent boosts by upgrading the abbey, or also exploring the abbey grounds for its own questline. Unfortunately, the not combat parts of this game are definitely its weakest part.

The main story is pretty sauceless. It's a very clean cut heroes fight corrupting evil elder god for the most part. It tries to mix it up with some hero drama between, particularly like between the original midnight suns getting frustrated with the avengers abruptly showing up taking command, but it's not good and feels like highschool soap drama. Most of the social links stuff is also pretty unmemorable opening up about their doubts and anxiety dumps or just talking about how cool the protag is. There's a couple fun little side things but it's played almost too straight most of the time for how weird the cast of characters are. And also when its trying to funny it's often not.

Most of the xcom building stuff doesnt have a lot of depth either. While the things they unlock are good and add layers to combat, there isn't much to them other than Do Unlocks Requirement (probably do X missions with Y hero or upgrade Z amount of skills with Y hero) > research it > unlock it next day, maybe gotta spend money to actually unlock it.

DLC is pretty good. If the game is on sale the complete edition is probably also on sale and I think the DLC is worth the on sale price upgrade. The season pass gets you 4 heroes and around 15~ missions and its own story line about killing vampires. The story still isn't good and the social links have the same issues but the missions are the equally high quality and amongst the hardest in the game, and also you can get Venom. Everyone loves Venom.

It's good. Playing it is fun and it's a unique and well designed combat system with good missions to back it up. But the story, writing, and in-between events are uninteresting and lets down what should be a fun setting of standoffish super heroes working together. I learned I like Magik a lot though, she's cool.

It just depends on whether or not you like superheroes. If you don't, it won't change your mind on them. If you do, it's a fun ~50 hour game with a lot of meat on its bones. The dialogue is lighthearted and ultimately persistent - it got chuckles out of me through quantity, not quality. There's a bit too much technobabble in the cutscenes, and hearing characters say "Erm, could you repeat that in ENGLISH, doc???" for the billionth time did get an eye-roll from me. The story is wholly original which is nice, and the variety of heroes here means that you'll find yourself attached to somebody, eventually. There's a support system in place mechanically identical to FE Three Houses, and it works just fine. Getting close to different heroes means new combat perks, and there are some solid mechanics in place to hasten development. I enjoyed Wolverine's support the most, as it was the most well-rounded in covering his character.

I will echo the sentiment that the combat is the best part of the game - though I didn't see it that way at the beginning. The early game is rough. Enemies spam attacks that stun your allies, you don't have many ways to counter things, and the constant reinforcements are annoying as hell... It's just a bad time all around. The mid and late game are where it's at: better enemy variety, varied objectives, and deck-building opportunities save the whole experience. Heroes that you could bin earlier as "low-damage" or "too situational" become viable as utility characters, thinning enemy numbers or providing buffs. It's at this point where the hand of Firaxis is most obvious, equalizing the playing field and ensuring you can have fun with most setups.

Midnight Suns is fun, has a big budget, and is finely focused even if the delivery is flawed. It's a flavor of SRPG that's quite unique, and one we'll probably never see again considering how hard it flopped commercially. Even so, I'm excited to see what Firaxis comes up with next.

I'm not a big turn based tactical type game fan BUT you get to be besties and shoot the shit with Marvel's finest. Highly recommend

incredibly underrated game. I’m so glad I found this hidden gem, it’s such a fun time being able to choose from a huge roster of marvel characters to join your party but also being able to insert your own customised character into the fold!??

turn based games were not really for me but if you’re a fan of marvel there’s no way you won’t enjoy this

Começa interessante, mas com tempo se torna extremamente enjoativo e maçante. Queria ter animo pra continuar, mas infelizmente é difícil

A genuinely great card-based tactical RPG unfortunately shackled to ill-advised social mechanics and a story filled with sub-Whedon dialogue. I tried to just focus on the combat but there’s so much bloat surrounding it that it just makes the game feel like a chore to get through, so I’m throwing in the towel on this one. I just can’t play any more of this.

The main gameplay of Midnight Suns is its card-driven, turn based combat - and that aspect of the game is enjoyable. It's not exceptional, and indie titles have pulled off smarter, more engaging systems years before (see: Fights in Tight Spaces) - but the combat of Midnight Suns is fun nevertheless.

The fights unfortunately are few and far between, especially in the opening hours of the game where - instead of attracting you with its best feature - Midnight Suns actively tries to push you away with some of the most tedious life-sim side quests imaginable.

The frequent fetch and "run to marker" quests are tedious, the characters aren't overly interesting, the classic AAA item collection and crafting is as poorly implemented as always - and unfortunately the interesting and buoyant design of the main mechanic isn't enough to keep this ship from sinking.

The game is perhaps chattier than it needs to be and takes a few hours to get going, but the combat system is addicting and satisfying.

An sich hat mir Vieles an Midnight Suns gefallen. Die social Sim Aspekte sind schön umgesetzt und machen wir hier (auch danke Marvel Charaktere) deutlich mehr Spaß als in Persona 5. Auch das Erkunden des Hubs hat mich mehr motiviert als erwartet und das Fortschrittsystem kann sich auch sehen lassen.

Generell macht Midnight Suns Vieles richtig. Gerade die Kämpfe sind taktisch gerade anspruchsvoll genug, dass es Spaß macht sich hineinzudenken ohne dass man zu lange über jeden Zug grübeln muss und optisch ist dieses Spiel in seinem Genre sowieso unangefochten.

Trotz all diesen positiven Aspekten hat meine Motivation für "nur" knapp 20 Stunden Spielzeit gereicht (vielleicht gerade mal ein Viertel der Kampagnenlänge). Ich denke was mir gefehlt hat um mich länger bei der Stange zu halten ist eine interessante Erzählung. In dem Punkt schwächelt Midnight Suns dann doch. Es werden zwar immer wieder weitere bekannte Marvel Charaktere eingeführt und auch der ein oder andere Bösewicht taucht auf, aber im Großen und Ganzen ist die Geschichte vergessenswert. Die Helden und Schurken sind jeweils die oberflächlichste Variante ihrer selbst und auch der Hauptcharakter ist wenig interessant.

Spaß habe ich in meinen 20 Stunden trotzdem gehabt, aber ich hätte mich darüber gefreut wenn man die Kampagne vielleicht in knapp 20-30 Stunden abschließen könnte und es dann einfach mehr Wiederspielwert für Genrefreunde (nicht mich) gibt.

This was a pretty good game. I really enjoyed the social interactions between the characters and the player character, as I'm very into these social sims similar to Persona. The actual gameplay of combat with the cards was excellent and really made encounters unique with each character feeling special and their abilities fun to use. It's a shame this game didn't do well financially, as I'd really love to see a sequel with the tease at the end.

A refreshing take on the turn based game, adding a card somewhat straight forward deck builder. The game itself starts off very slow, but once you pick up on the mechanics and start making decks for your favourite marvel hero’s it becomes a joy. I did find towards the in between mission hangouts a drag towards the end but throughout really dug the friendship system. A good get for any marvel fan looking for a fresh challenge (blade is my guy!)