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This really did not work for me in any way.

There is the skeleton of a good idea here and I am easily sold on the idea of a short narrative game.

This isn't it. This felt like the bare minimum level of engine you could call a complete game. There was very little actual interaction and what is there is extremely janky.

The choice of narrative delivery is strange, you are basically behind the frame of one character in a two character play. It feels dissociative to just hang out behind the lens of this character that you have no agency over.

The dialogue and story themselves did not even come close to interesting me enough to carry this thing along. There's a version of this idea that I think could work but to me this feels like the beta test version of that or the student game before the big release. I'm all for serious narrative in games... but I really didn't care for this.

Adios es un pequeño juego narrativo tan pequeño que tiene poco más que la narrativa. Su historia y la interpretación por parte de los actores están bien pero poco más queda si le quitas eso, ni siquiera le puedo catalogar de Walking Simulator porque hasta andar por tu granja es limitado y casi siempre te teletransporta de un sitio a otro para pasar de escena a escena. Tienes elecciones de diálogo que al final están ahí para que las pulses y el personaje suspire y no la diga. Entiendo la intención pero se queda un poco floja cuando al final no ves más que lo dictaminado por sus creadores. Bien podría ser un cortometraje que un juego en sí ya que la mayor parte del tiempo estás parado, mirando al rededor mientras los personajes conversan. La historia está bien, es interesante pero es que no hay nada más, solo un par de pequeños minijuegos como cocinar o jugar a la herradura que funcionan regular y alguna que otra interacción graciosa, como disparar leche de cabra, pero es tan ínfimo que no sé ni como reseñarlo.
Sé lo que intenta y sé que no lo consigue, sé que su historia y sus diálogos están bien pero apenas aprovechan el medio. Sé que quiero que me guste más de lo que me ha gustado pero no lo consigo. Adios es y no es, Adios está bien y a la vez no lo está.

Adios is a cinematic first-person game where you take the role of a pig farmer who has to let the mob use his pigs as a way to dispose of bodies. You relive the day when he finally decided that he is done with it and what is going to be his last day.

The story is emotional, yet still very short (you will finish the game in an hour) and forgettable. You spend the whole time doing chores and talking to your old friend who, in the end, will be your killer. He tries to convince you to change your mind, since he knows that after ending up with the mob, there isn't a way out.
During the story you will find out why he decided that he can't do that anymore and why he has to dispose of the bodies.
The atmosphere gives you the feel of loneliness and emptiness the main character feels and how he has already accepted his fate, knowing what the consequences are, but he doesn't care as he wants to do at least one good thing before he leaves this world.
Voice acting is the best part of the game, but the character models aren't that good, and the character models are what you're gonna look at the most.
This game has dialog choices to keep players more engaged through the story, but unfortunately, most of the time you're limited to only one dialog option, which doesn't make sense as two of them are presented, but one of them is grayed out. So, even though you have the freedom to choose what the main character will say, most of the time, the prior choices heavily limit your next dialog options by giving you only one of the two options available.
The subtitles aren't always accurate, sometimes they leave out a part of the sentence, probably because they wanted to put the whole sentence the “person A” says on the screen, before the “person B” replies.

All in all, a very short experience that, in my opinion, isn't worth the full price, nor anything above 50% of the initial price. The only thing left to say to this game is Adios.

Wonderful short narrative experience. Worth your money and time.

I am very mixed here. I found the writing and performances to be absolutely excellent. The atmosphere was incredible. There are strong gut wrenching moments and even though you can see the ending coming it hits you like a truck.

But the way this story was told was disappointing and there isn't much else going on to substitute that. Most events involve little more than just standing around blankly staring while the characters talk. When interaction is at play its so limited like its almost an after thought. The strongest example is during the car repair scene when the hitman is just staring at the engine. He never interacts with it but eventually just says it's all fixed. Moments like that just took me out.

It's a shame because there is a lot of little touches to appreciate. The hitman has a cold stare but a warm voice that feels very sincere. You can hear his footsteps right behind you as he follows you around the farm, but it still felt like you were walking with a friend. It's a balance between threatening and comforting.

I recommend you play it because that narrative is great. I just wish it had more going on besides that.

Really good voice acting, good pacing, interesting story and characters. Gameplay is very limited but that's intentional, story is the focus.

A little narrative game, from the perspective of a farmer which used to do some deals with the Mafia.
It brings up a lot of emotional talk, about life.

I had to re-play it, and it's still very enjoyable.

One of the biggest pieces of shit i´ve played in a while, buggy, boring and with one of the most stupids and non-interesting stories

It’s a weird as hell game with a unique premise and a quiet story. It’s not long, has replay value (although I didn’t bother replaying), and was generally a positive experience.

A decent narrative with surprisingly solid voice acting. The gameplay is simple and the graphics are unimpressive but I enjoyed my incredibly short time with this game.

The story is intriguing, I really got into the whole "I feed the bodies the mafia kill to my pigs", the feelings about the farmer's family, but the gameplay is weird. I mean, why would you make a game with "choices of dialogs", but when you choose it, the character just says "hmm" AND DON'T SAY WHAT YOU PRESSED, AND OBLIGATE YOU TO SAY THE "RIGHT OPTION"

What the hell? I get when you do that as something crucial, at a point where the conversation asks for it, but for 5, 6, 7 times? It doesn't help for a game that is about 1 hour and you don't have enough time to get attached to it. Well, I got reflexive, but that was it.

Also, the best part of the game was exploring the house, with the options the game didn't put on the notebook, the telephone and bill's room mainly. You'll learn more about the story doing this, than reading the dialogs. The fishing thing was just extended more than it should.

The achievements made me laugh sometimes, there's also that

Well, if you got it for free, I'd try it, but honestly, if you have limited amount of money to spend, don't buy it. It's pretty mid and It's not replayable.

Short game, finished in less than an hour and a half, the voice acting for the characters were good, the gameplay was simple enough, and the ending was... full circle. Took me longer to finish because i wanted to platinum the game. And the dialogues between the characters were fluid and was carried out great. Overall, good game.

A neat, short experience. Feels more like an interactive film than a game and it may be too steep of an asking price, but the impactful writing and exemplary voice acting are really something.

o que é tirado. se faz algum sentido, é um tipo de dobradinha boa com o filme "cerrar los ojos", desaparecer

The main character and his son have some good voice acting, but the linearity with choice removed makes this basically a cartoon. During conversation, there’s often times where 1 or 2 conversation choices will be greyed out leaving you unable to say what you actually want to say. Lack of multiple endings, redundant “mini games”, the story is not enough to save this game.

This is a fine little narrative game, the story it chooses to tell is interesting and has some moments that really got to me due to it connecting to my own life experiences. I enjoyed my time with it but it's not something I'm going to remember in a few years, maybe even a few months. It won't stick with me even if it did elicit an emotional response out of me.

Just because something is emotionally resonant doesn't mean it's better than something that doesn't. That's my major issue, it's a game that rides on emotional connection and caring about what's going on, and if it doesn't land that, you're getting nothing out of it.

The overall presentation of the game is fine, though I'm not a big fan of the human models, since that's what you're forced to be staring at for most of the game. I'd like it if it was a bit more interesting to look at instead of just standing around with barely any motion.

The voice acting is excellent, DC Dougles and Rick Zieff do a good job with their performance, and all additional voices don't slack either, though some of the writing can feel a bit stilted at points, they are trying with what's given.

There's a issue with the subtitles at points not being accurate to what's being said and in one case just not bothering to subtitle a section of the game, if you're going to have accessibility features, actually commit to them. Minor nitpick but it annoyed me enough to mention.

This might sound like I'm being very negative and it's kinda because I am, the core of this game is good, but that's the most it'll get out of me. It's not great, excellent, amazing, outstanding, just good. I wouldn't pay full price for it, even at the 50% sale I got it in, £7 still felt like a big ask, but that's just me personally.

Well, after this review, I'll probably never think about this game again. Adios, Friendo, the time we spent together was good at best.

Kind of relaxing game to play: not very long not very memorable

The most impressive feature was one that appeared in Depression Quest. Even there, it was a mechanic that played into the game's themes and how you played the game.
That same feature here is only used as an emotional twist that doesn't land as well due to it being so removed from how the game is played or anything substantial. There is no gameplay aspect to this game's most striking trick. The game would be exactly the same if those choices were removed. You don't get points for showing me something interesting, and then preventing me from engaging with it. This is an interactive medium.

É simples. É divertido sim, mas é simples. Não me imagino jogando outra vez, mas achei interessante quando joguei.
A narrativa é bem dramática, então é bom estar na vibe para realmente curtir os diálogos.

Un Walking Simulator cortito que no está mal.

Loved the story and interactivity in this one a whole lot.

Good narrative, great voice acting. Wish the story wasn't so linear and there would be multiple endings based on the text choices, as some of them are grayed out (thought that I had to do or find something specific to unlock them, but nah it's just Ol` McDonald's more spicy thoughts). Try it if you wanna burn an hour or two.

This review contains spoilers

An excellent short narrative about a pig farmer who no longer wants to work for the mob. Really liked how you slowly learned about them and their reasons for wanting out as the story progressed. It's a story absolutely worth exploring.

This game is good, I liked his story and his atmosphere, listening to classical music at the beginning of the game cuz the tapes and the records was a cool experience, but unfortunately the game has many frame drops on Xbox One and without giving spoilers, the ending is a trash

its crazy that doc might be one of the best game writers in the indie scene

é uma curta experiência interessante. não é pra todo mundo, definitivamente. vale a jogada.