Reviews from

in the past

the weapons sucks and the best boss is locked in the bad ending, otherwise great(has my favorite stage selection music)

Este título es de mis preferidos de la Saga X. Lo probé para la Legacy Collection de Switch xd

buenardo menos el sigma en este juego esta medio feon y la pelea es mid

I wasn't too impressed. The level design seemed pretty meh based on the three I played. All of the stage themes were very short and repetitive.

É relativamente mais difícil, principalmente se for para pegar cada upgrade nas fases, com lugares bem injustos. Porém, considero igualmente bom ao seu antecessor. A armadura completa é bonita, e muito divertida de usar, por causa do Air Dash e da recarga dupla do canhão, deixando a gameplay mais dinâmica.

unica coisa de nova q tem sao as armas de resto é o literal jogo anterior

Mega Man X2 is a very weird game. I think X1 is much better, but it isn't dogshit.

Writing a review fueled by salt may not have been my best idea.

My initial review gave this game a 3/5 and called it inferior in every way to its predecessor. I had a rage quit moment during the final boss which led to me having to start from the first X-hunter level, which only further fueled my anger. I finally proclaimed that I would never touch this game and went to bed.
After sleeping on it, I decided to give the game another go from the start the very next day. Well, what do you know? I had a blast this time around!

I must say that I found less utility in X2's weapons compared to X, but I vastly prefer the new armor abilities, as well as the game giving you the dash from the start. Not having the dash from the get-go was one of my minor nitpicks in Mega Man X, so I'm really glad that they fixed it this time around.

Mega Man X2 is a splendid sequel, and I sure am glad that I gave it another chance.

Nope, no thanks, I'm just gonna leave this game unfinished.
Finding out that turning off the game at the final boss means replaying all of the X-hunter stages and losing the ability to use shoryuken felt like such a kick in the nuts that I just can't be bothered. So much for taking a well deserved break after that tiresome series of stages.

Didn't enjoy the sequel as much as I enjoyed the first X title, which is really sad. X2 just felt inferior in every aspect.

Parts of this game I like more than the original. A great follow-up.

Weaker than its predecessor on all fronts, it's still stands taller than other no-name action platformers of the time. Two games into a series where bosses are based on animals and we're already scraping 'sponge' off the bottom of the barrel?

Basically the same thing as Mega Man X but the stage and boss design doesn't quite reach the same levels of near-perfection the first game had. Still very enjoyable despite being a bit more irritating to 100%

Pretty much just more of the same but less memorable of an experience overall. If you liked the first one, you'll like this one.

Update: After a month of thinking about it, had to bump the score of this game up. I really had a wonderful time with this game now that I've had time to reflect on my experience with it after having played the subsequent ones. This is something that happens with me a lot where I often bump up scores of games I enjoyed (rare for me to do the opposite though). I even did the same with X1, where I bumped it from a 4 to a 4.5 very quickly lmao. So the things I say in this review might be a bit outdated in some parts (I don't think the Zero thing bothers me as much as it did prior).


I was initially not going to do a review for this, but I decided why not. And I'm going to try and make a review short for once lmao (try being the operative word).

I think X2 is definitely a solid follow up to X1 in my opinion. In fact, I think it does a very great job creating its own identity for itself and making it distinct from X1. There's a lot to love here, whether it be the new gimmicks such as utilizing the hovercyle and air dashing, or many of the varied levels that I really loved going through. I really liked how wonderfully unique in themes the levels were this time around, such as a desert stage, a crystal mine stage, and even a volcano stage too. All of them were really well thought out and creative level designs that I really enjoyed, with really sick setpieces too (such as the climb in Flame Stag's stage as the volcano was rising). And the bosses were just as engaging to fight as they were in the last game too (even if just like in the last game, they made me pull my hair out with how difficult they could be lmao).

I also thought the music in this one was like---I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but just as good as X1's to me? Like, the soundtrack for this game REALLY slaps. I think I like pretty much every level stage theme in this game (with the exception of the junk yard stage, just wasn't my cup of tea). My absolute FAVORITE stage theme though would definitely be that of Wire Sponge's stage theme, which might just be among my favorite tracks in this entire series for me. I swear, it sounds like a fusion between music from the Classic Sonic trilogy and the Sonic Advance trilogy---if that makes sense lmao. Loved the boss themes too, such as the X Hunter's, Sigma's first theme, and of course... I mean... ZERO'S THEME IS LIKE, PEAK MEGA MAN MUSIC. I-I've known about that theme even before getting into the series (and especially the amazing MvC3 remix of it). It's just so legendary... like seriously...

But uhhh, speaking of Zero though, erm... brings me to the only thing I didn't like about X2: the X Hunter subplot of having to get Zero's parts. I know whether or not you get all the parts doesn't really matter that much, but just idk... the principle of not saving Zero the right way just didn't sit well with me lmao. I ended up restarting the game over completely just so that I could get the "good ending", even if it didn't matter that much (of course, this was before I found out about the password generator, making me facepalm). Anyway, idk, I just felt like it kind of messed up the pace and structure for me. I don't think I'd have a problem with it if it was handled differently, but it just rubbed me the wrong way though. I also do kind of wish the Zero fight was canon though, but instead of fighting real Zero, maybe we just fight the fake one. Because even though I wanted to save my boy, it still would've been pretty hype having to fight an enemy Zero even with all of the parts obtained (and then maybe real Zero shows up to deal the final blow or something). Though, it was pretty cool how in the actual story Zero just shows up and EASILY takes care of the fake one like it was nothing, what a badass lmao.

But I digress, aside from that, not really many other issues with the game. I think it definitely made some improvements over the first game, even if I think in some ways I still prefer the first game more. Story-wise, I'm happy that Zero was brought back from the dead. Of course, I knew he was never dead, being on the Internet and all, but I'm happy to see one of the coolest motherfuckers ever created to be alive and kicking again lmao. Sigma continues to be an antagonist I find to be really cool with how every time we kill him, he just keeps coming back stronger and smarter. But I like that despite that, X and Zero are going to be ready to kick his ass again each and every time---just simple good guy vs bad guy stuff is all I need sometimes, haha. And I love the growing bromance of X and Zero, it's becoming one of my favorite gaming duos for sure. Anyway, X2 was quite fun, I really enjoyed my time with it, despite a couple of frustrations here or there.

(...and this review ended up being long AGAIN, son of a---lmao.)

Buster upgrade in this one makes me happy.

Time to rant.
For the longest time, I've been lied to. Internet discourse and general consensus gave me this idea that X1 was the best X game. The one that's more tight, the one people recognize as THE game.
No it isn't!!!!
The sequel is so much better and interesting. Better setpieces, better level gimmicks, multi-phase boss encounters with more varied attack patterns, better music (debatable, but I feel that way), level design has been tightened, it's quicker, snappier...
Bro, you didn't have to get to the later entries to find out!!!! It's number two!!!!!!!!! It makes the first look like a mere warm-up for the real deal!!!!
Also, just emulate this one. I tried going the official legal route with the X Collection but it's just not as responsive. Input lag is not horrible but it's enough to make the whole experience less enjoyable. Snes9x all the way baby.

As I mentioned in my review of Megaman X. I played the crap out of the first 4 games in the series growing up and just replayed this again. Playing this again after the original reinforces what I always believed (and is not a popular opinion) I prefer X2 over X.

It's more of the same but a little better. The stage design and art is overall better than the original. Most of the music is an improvement It even has two of the best tracks in the series (Zero's Theme and Neo Sigma Theme).
Starting with the dash is an improvement and the two new armor abilities (Giga Crush and Item Tracer) are a nice addition. The air dash is also an amazing addition. Only downgrade I can think of is that none of the stages change after beating certain bosses like they do in the original.

There is also the addition of the 3 Maverick Hunters that rotate around the 8 boss stages adding a bit more action into the game. They can be found in somewhat hidden rooms in each stage and you'll want to beat them to revive Zero and get the "good ending".

it's peak just like the first one

Mega Man X2 é um caso meio complicado pra mim... Ele tem uma ótima trilha sonora, uma gameplay superior ao X1, tem o Buster da second armor que é um dos meus favoritos na franquia, ele tem fases bem divertidas, e o mais importante, ele não tem o dash cagado do X1. Porem, em contrapartida a qualidade dos Bosses do X2 são como uma montanha russa, alguns estão entre os meus favoritos da saga, e outros eu simplesmente detesto. O X2 no geral é uma ótima continuação, eu gosto bastante dele, é um bom jogo! Mas diria que tem melhores na franquia.....

Mega Man X dejó una impresión tan fuerte en mí que sentí la imperiosa necesidad de empezar la secuela nada más terminar. Necesitaba más de lo mismo y Mega Man X2 es más de lo mismo pero casi mejor.

Los niveles son más memorables (la secuencia de moto en Overdrive Ostrich, las cajas mortales de Magna Centipede, la lava ascendiente en Flame Stag...), los jefes tienden a ser más interesantes (en virtud de ser menos débiles a su debilidad y que el X Buster se siente más poderoso) y hay un cambio en las capacidades de las armas que desbloqueas (que enfatizan el combate en X y la exploración en X2) que creo que favorece al juego en su totalidad. Los jefes finales son al mismo tiempo más exigentes y menos injustos que en el original.

Por otro lado, el orden en que derrotes a los jefes no cambian los niveles como lo hacía en X, los jefes opcionales se sienten mal integrados y la estructura en la que ocurren los rematches contra los Mavericks en el nivel final me gustó menos que en el original.

Teniendo en cuenta todo esto, creo que prefiero Mega Man X2 a X. Puede que tenga que ver con que empiezas con el dash desbloqueado y que lo reasigne al botón L antes de empezar la partida, pero creo que X2 es una experiencia más depurada que utiliza mejor sus partes. Una vez más, no puedo sino recomendarlo a todo el mundo.

This review contains spoilers

what happened?? the bosses were good except wheel gator
but the level design holy shit what the hell happened x1 was perfect then like x2 decides to have half of it be utter ass then the other half peak
X-HUNTERS BASE THOUGH HOLY FUCK those levels SUCKED the bosses SUCKED the only good boss was zero
neo sigma was ok
then sigma virus was.......... w h y
overall a major step down from x1

The first X game is one of my favorite games of all time so this was going to have a tough time following it up. I think that the music, graphics, gameplay, and story are all really good and almost close to the original. The air dash in particular is a great addition. Despite all those pros, this game has one major flaw that makes the original better: the bosses. The Maverick bosses in this game suck with some of the worst in the series. I don't think this game was as innovative as the original and because of its shitty bosses, I think it falls short and isn't as good.

basically just mega man x but slightly worse

Emulador, é claro.

Jogo bastante inferior ao Megaman X1, mas ainda diverte. Não zerei, cheguei no penúltimo boss e tudo que senti nas fases finais do jogo foi tédio.

Os 8 primeiros bosses tem fases legais, mas depois o jogo se perde. Gostei, mas tá longe de ser bom como seu antecessor.

Excelente como o primeiro, level design continua bom, e a identidade como um todo permanece intocável

Sigma Virus é um filha da puta