Had so much fun with this game, can't recommend enough 10/10

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I can say after finally beating it today that its a great game that still holds up very well. The story had alot of things going on it gets very convoluted near the end but I loved the journey and destination. I can see why some people might not like what is done to the characters/Timeline of CT but I really didn't feel like it impacted anything much and honestly fits the theme of CC and CT's time fuckery, I was just happy to see chrono, and the gang at all personally. The party members did feel bloated especially because it feels like you need atleast 1 slot locked for someone who can steal, also the game is pretty slow I played almost all of it sped up. But besides that I can say that CC was definitely worth the playthrough.

Almost none stop action, bullet time and bullet holes everywhere

I don't even have words to describe how perfect this game is do yourself the favor and just play it

Idk how to describe the game besides Ark with magic, not terrible if you like the way that game plays and with some friends good times can be had but that's any decent game with multiplayer. I enjoyed my time with the game I got it cheap and played with a couple friends but I cant recommend unless that's your situation as well.

I love old games and I have a high tolerance for jank but SH4 just feels bad to play, which I don't enjoy saying. Terrible enemy sound design ,uninteresting main character with the only saving grace being the soundtrack by Akira Yamaoka. Can't recommend sadly unless you really want to finish completing the series

If I had one word to describe AC1 it would be tedious, from the plenty of towers you have to climb to backtracking between cities often AC1 can be a bog to playthrough sometimes but underneath is a very ambitious 3rd person stealth/parkour game with a decent story.

Another masterpiece hard to figure out which SH i like more between 2 and 3 but each is perfect in their own way. Another must play for survival horror fans and gamers who can appreciate a classic that pushed the system it was made on.

A survival horror must play not much I can say that hasn't been said a million times from the characters ,story, to the music and ambient noises SH2 is a masterpiece in everything it tries.

Stupid criminally underrated

I know the saying is very tired but Ds2 is a good game just not a good dark souls game. The mechanics they introduced are very cool like power stancing but a lot weren't like adaptability affecting your estus drink speed and none invulnerability when walking through fog doors or doing anything for that matter. I think if you're a fan of souls you should try the game yourself and form an opinion

Fucking, god hand man what can I really say, probably the best and most fun combat mechanics of any game I've ever played. I'd sacrifice for a remaster