12 reviews liked by 2gay4themilkyway

Okay, you can't dress Link up like a girl in this one. But a cutscene of him being grabbed by mechanical tentacles happens multiple times and that's probably the next best thing for you people.

minus one half star for making Leon less of a bishounen hottie than he is in RE4

This review was written before the game released

My original review was removed. I guess my message wasn't clear enough when I told Activision/Blizzard to eat my ass.

This is a bad game made by a bad company. It is basically an update of the original (as it completely replaces it) and serves no purpose but trying to hide the rampant system of abuse taking place within the company by throwing the media coverage back onto this. I can't even call them allegations because they've been proven. . If you enjoy the game that's fine, but it is simply just a watered down form of the original that doesn't update, improve or innovate it in any meaningful way and is simply a distraction for a larger issue.

Eat my ass, Activision/Blizzard

Me when I'm playing as Lebron James and I get knocked by Master Chief but my teammate Travis Scott kills Master Chief and Naruto but Travis Scott gets killed by Rick from Rick & Morty but then

Bro how is the 'Lost Kingdom' lost if you can collect the gold coins, the standard currency of the game? I just think those stretchy caterpillars are trying to evade tax.

Did you know that the text chat in this game does not have a character limit? Somewhere between the length of the Quran and Anna Karenina, the game crashes

"Live in Your World. Play in Ours"

Astro's Playroom is a new-age tech demo that memorializes the history of PlayStation. Just like the games that defined the first home video console, it is a collect-a-thon platformer with an infectiously adorable mascot and style. While it could have been a simple 20 minutes demo showcasing the ways the dual sense functions, it instead transcends that to make a full game experience. It is about as long in length as a classic PS1 title, yet basks the player in new inventive ideas like adaptive triggers and audio/visual haptic feedback. It's a charming take on a freebie bundled in-game that manages to be a marriage of everything you could ask for. It has something new, something old, and something borrowed. From the rich futuristic features in the gamepad, to hundreds of references to characters and electronics that defined the previous four generations, to the classic try and true genre that kickstarted it all. A well-rounded and realized experience is here for all players who get this new console, utterly delightful in all of its ideas and implementations. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

We hereby award: The Silver Seal of Merit



turns out this dating sim has a pretty compelling action minigame attached