Best in my memory, still fun for kids I assume

A very refreshing change to the LEGO style of games. Bit repetitive and levels weren't anything spectacular but the variety of things to do was immense. Hope to see more LEGO games like this in the future, but can we finally be done with Skywalker shit now? I wanna see more of the SW universe that's not them plsthx

Fighting was way better than the first one imo. Other than that the dialogue is way too tedious and I really don't wanna continue

Like the good ol days of Newgrounds

Awesome remaster
I hope IV gets one as well

Spiderman 1: Now with electricity!
More or less the same game with a few things added, a fun time. Recommended if you like the first Spooderman game

Extremely fond memories of this game, making my rating a bit biased. I REALLY want this game remastered someday but i very highly doubt it will.