2015 Reviews liked by 2manyW

Mostly caught up to the current update, really promising start for me but the outlier that really got me in it was the gameplay and the designs as a whole. Can’t wait for more updates.

One of the most intelligent, unique, and beautiful game ever made by none other than Kojima himself. The ability to make a game that’s “deep” that’s often held back because of the story and gameplay is very difficult but not for Kojima at all. I’ve been letting this game marinate in my mind as I’ve find it not difficult but just too much to describe in its entirety to talk about death stranding especially with how the finale was. The message is so simple that Kojima portrays but the way he does it in this format of video games is an art within itself. I feel like the people don’t understand this game, it’s just really difficult to see that because of how this game calls out humanity and a lot of current problems that we a whole need to do and that’s to connect with each other because together, we are stronger.

Being able to grow up and accept yourself, accepting your own emotions, reconnecting with people and not isolating yourself. No matter how scarred we are as a person, no matter how much trauma or what we are going through, there is always a light at the end of tunnel to keep on keeping on. Connections matter and we can do anything as we are stronger together. That final stretch of the game was one of the most unique experiences ever and I absolutely love Cliff, Sam and Lou. "When I found out I was going to be a father, I was so scared. I had to be there for you and your mother, no matter what. I couldn't just go off and get myself killed anymore. But I had it wrong. Being a father didn't make me scared, it made me brave.” This game is just generational for everything it does from story beats, to emotional feelings, to the gameplay, etc. I could go further into depth about this game but it’s way too special to even describe and even if I did, you really should experience it for yourself.

“Keep on keeping on.”

This is a surprisingly good port of Street Fighter IV to the 3DS, however there is also surprisingly little to talk about here. It is essentially just Street Fighter IV but on the 3DS. The main issue people tend to have with this game is the fact that your only controller happens to be a Nintendo 3DS, but after playing the mobile version of this game I'm grateful to even have a joystick at all, and it honestly doesn't feel that bad. My inputs were pretty consistent and even most combos were pretty easy to pull off. The only thing that I found slightly annoying was inputting super/ultra moves, but the ability to do special moves by tapping the touch screen completely fixes that, even if it is a little busted on characters like Gief. There is also new headache inducing 3D mode that I would never recommend playing, but otherwise this is a pretty solid port.

I don’t know how in the world Atlus came up with an idea for a game that was half visual novel half puzzle with a splash of social sim/questions that would shape the many endings the game offers and revolve all of that around mature themes like love, death, and sex. But they did and it is brilliant.

I don’t know what I was expecting coming into this game but it was way more wild than I ever could have imagined. The story is goofy yet also very interesting and awesome. I loved how many of the choices they give you in the social sim are not so black and white and answering them can change Vincent’s romantic life as well as spell life or death of minor characters. I also loved many of the characters in this game especially the three “Catherin”s and Vincent’s main core of friends.

The puzzles were at first very frustrating, maybe because I am dumb, but once I got the hang of them I really enjoyed them. I think it’s awesome that they give you an option to skip the puzzles in case you want to just see the story unfold as well. I didn’t use that feature but it’s nice they added it in especially if you want to replay several times to see the multiple endings.

I never played the original but I know that Rin wasn’t in the original. I didn’t choose her path so maybe I would feel differently if I would have but I feel the game was clearly about Catherine and Katherine and you could feel Rin was an add on. For instance, again I’m sure if I chose her path it would be different, but in my playthrough it was building up to something big with her but then she legit just left and never came back. It felt off to me and knowing she was an add on to this version it made sense to me but if I didn’t know that I would have been wondering wtf that was all about.

The story has some amazing twist and turns and kept my interest for the 12 hour playtime. I only finished one path but I am going to go back and see how many different endings I can unlock but using the puzzle skip I spoke on earlier. But I am very excited to jump back in and see the various outcomes. If I enjoy them enough I may come back and give this game an extra half star or so but I feel like I know enough to rate and review it.

Catherine is a very unique game and it’s one I feel like you owe it to yourself to at least give it a shot even if visual novels aren’t your thing.

My 2024 ranked


It made my top 100 (preliminary ranking. Will finalize after getting all endings)


For as much as I liked Post Void, I simply can't leave it a positive review, since it is deeply flawed; but bare in mind this is just my experience, as you can see in the steam page, it has overwermingly positive reviews, so that's just my 2 cents, and by no means I hated the game.
With a roguelike gameplay loop, you'll die, die and die, until you reach the 11th stage and finish the game, and everytime you die, die and die, you're sent back to stage 1, with a new level design. I personally hate roguelikes, and I believe Post Void would be god tier, if it offered a decent hand-crafted linear structured level design, with longer stages, just as hard as they are now, but without the need to replay the entire game again once you die. It is really frustrating when the algorithm decides to leave a long corridor with no enemies to regenerate you health in the last segment of a level, just for you to die in front of the ending portal, perhaps the game would be shorter, but so what?
Again, I'm just annoyed because this game really got on my nerves lol, but most people beat it in around 1 and a half hours, it just took me around 3 hours because I really suck at FPS smh, so you should be fine, the gameplay loop is undoubtedly addicting.
(and btw some seriously weird performance issues for such a simple game, especially in stage 3).

Nano Assault EX is a good game, just not one I'm fully capable of enjoying. Its a rather standard twin-stick shooter/Bullet hell hybrid that at has decent levels, gameplay and graphics, but there are a few fatal flaws that hold it back:

-You can't skip cut-scenes, even when returning to a level after dying. You will die a lot.

-Projectiles are way too small to see, especially on the 3DS screen.

-The 3DS nub is an AWFUL way to aim.

-Enemies are capable of spawning directly on top of you and killing you instantly.

-Though the graphics are unique, they are very repetitive and make the game feel quite bland over time.

If these few flaws were eliminated this would easily become a 4/5 game. As it is however it can still be an alright time and is best in short play sessions.

The most stylish and edgy Castlevania I’ve played yet. Excellent anime cutscenes with cheesy but cool voice acting. Nails the music with its funky yet spooky feel.

It’s probably the most difficult Castlevania so far, for me. I struggled with most bosses, especially the fight where 4 bosses in a row spawn. However, the Dracula fight was surprising easy.

Obviously, Bloodlines and Super Castlevania IV benefit from more powerful hardware, better graphics and level assets, but I can see why this one is most people’s favourite due to the above.

Symphony of the Night comes next!!

Very fun and good game and easy to play, please give us more paper mario games nintendo.



From a technical perspective, it's a damn impressive arcade port for a handheld. The frame rate was a bit lower than I would've liked, but it's manageable.

However, I didn't enjoy my time playing it nearly as much as the NES port as it retains the unforgiving arcade difficulty and limits you to just three continues. This would be fine if it weren't for the fact that some of the hitboxes are extremely questionable. There were several times where I died when jumping on an enemy that seemed perfectly fine to jump on, and the mine cart section towards the end has pretty awful checkpoint placement.

Still worth playing just for how amazing it looks and sounds for an 8 bit handheld port but definitely not my favorite way to play.


We saw our great hero gather up many items so that he could join a parade, because that is a thing that people generally do in order to feel happiness in their lives, and not only was that parade QUITE the spectacle to see, but it also let Putt-Putt make plenty of new friends along the way, including his new trusted companion, Pep. But, things weren’t all so great in the world of Putt-Putt, because shortly after that, Putt-Putt and Pep were both BRUTALLY MURDERED! They were shot out into space by Crazy McScienceCar whose name I am too lazy to bother looking up, and they were sent to the moon to live out the rest of their lives, but it’s ok, because they managed to find a way back home, so they can live out the rest of their lives on a planet that has oxygen instead, even though cars don’t need oxygen to live, but IT WAS ALL FOR THE DOG! And now, as we approach the next chapter in the epic Putt-Putt Does Things Saga, we will find Putt-Putt taking on his greatest challenge yet…. SAVING AN ENTIRE ZOO…………………. yeah, it’s Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo.

Gonna be real with y’all, it has been a LONG time since I played this game, so I barely remembered anything about it. I do know there was a zoo, there were animals and cars in said zoo, and there was indeed a saving of said zoo, but aside from that, I don’t remember much else about this game. So, after one quick YouTube video later, I then realized that “Oh yeah, this was actually pretty good, wasn’t it?”, and you know what, I think I would have to agree with myself from 10 seconds in the past, as this is yet another solid entry in the Putt-Putt Does Things saga. It may not be as exciting as going to the moon, and it may not do…. anything different from other games to make it stand out, but it still manages to be a very solid adventure game for kids, and it may just be the best game in the series we have had so far.

The story is, once again, spelled out in the title, where Putt-Putt and Pep take a trip to the Cartown Zoo, which is about to have it’s big, grand opening for all of the people, but unfortunately, things aren’t going so hot, as six baby animals have gotten out of their habitats and are now lost somewhere in the zoo, so logically, it is up to this random kid and his dog to go exploring the zoo, find all of the baby animals, and make sure they are able to open in time, which is a decent enough set up, and it does make you wanna save the baby animals, cause you don’t wanna see them sad, afraid, or possibly dead! That would be tragic. The graphics are pretty great, getting rid of the hideous art style of the previous two games in favor of a new fancy hand-drawn animated style, and it works a hell of a lot better here, making the characters look much more appealing and alive rather then the soulless husks they were before, the music is… kinda whatever, just being full of a bunch of tracks that I just could not give a shit about, but I can’t possibly forget the greatest song in video game history, so it at least has that going for it, and the gameplay/control is……… well, if you don’t know at this point, then you have, like, four reviews that you gotta go catch up on, so get to that.

The game is a point ‘n click adventure game, where you take control of Putt-Putt once more, go through the many different standout locations in this zoo, as well as one or two areas outside of the zoo, interact with the many different cars, animals, and random things that you will find throughout the zoo to either learn about the place, help them out with their issues, or to get a new item to help you proceed forward, click on every single thing that you see to either get a new item or collectible, or just to see whatever whacky shit that this zoo has going on inside of it, and also play a couple of minigames on the side as well, just in case you are too bored of the EXCITING adventures to be found in the main game. It is definitely a Humongous game alright, and while this is definitely one of the best ones they have put out so far in terms of presentation, it is permanently trapped in a gameplay loop that may work out for them now, but will probably end up killing them fast.

Once again, we are back to boring car land with boring car people, which almost managed to make me fall asleep, but what helped keep me from doing that is, once again, the visuals. This is, without a doubt, the best looking and sounding Humongous game that we have played so far, as while the animations are still pretty limited, and the movement can be janky at times, everything is really colorful, the designs on all of the characters are very fun and charming, and the environments you travel through are very colorful and detailed. Plenty of effort was put into all of this, making it perfect for any younger players checking the game out, and the gameplay is still solid enough as well. There are plenty of things you can interact with, plenty of places to go, plenty of naturally goofy animations to witness, and even some instances of puzzle solving and quick-reaction times are put into here, making you finally use that brain of yours that you haven’t let be active for the past however many years.

But of course, this is still a Humongous game that we are talking about here, meaning that in terms of gameplay, what you have seen before is exactly what you get here. Ya run around, ya poke things with your mouse, ya watch the funny cartoon do things, and ya wonder how the hell this zoo is gonna be able to stay afloat with such horrible safety regulations on display. If you have played one Humongous point ‘n click adventure game, you have played them all, and this one is no exception, with it being able to appeal to the younger crowd that it was made for, but for literally everyone else, you aren’t gonna be getting any new experiences here. But hey, just like with most of those other Humongous games, the charm and appeal of these games are usually what elevates them in the first place, and this one definitely does that, so I see it as a memorable title regardless of all that.

Overall, despite the ever-occurring lack of change that has become common in these games, Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo is still yet another decent entry in this franchise, one that manages to take the series to new heights with its art and animation, keeps the main gameplay focus just as fun and charming as ever, and has plenty of personality all throughout. I would recommend it to those who were big fans of the previous two games, as well as those who have children who you wanna get into games in some way, because right alongside all of the other Humongous games, this would be a great place to start, and a memorable time for them all around. But anyways, NEXT TIME ON PUTT-PUTT DOES STUFF… Putt-Putt and Pep are going to go on their most dangerous, horrifying, and deadly adventure yet…… TRAVELING THROUGH TI- wait, that is actually all of those things……. huh. Well done, Humongous.

Game #620

This review contains spoilers

It's very rare I despise a game, let alone a game that most people seem to enjoy. But I absolutely hated this game.

First off this game has some incredible looking envrionments, UI and great sound design, I don't think it's enough to carry how bad the rest of the game is, and I don't think it really does anything interesting with these elements, but it would be dishonest to not mention it.

I noticed very early on that there was no fail state in this game. If you don't do something, or do something wrong, there are absolutely no consequences. This remained true throughout the entire playthrough, and I'm not saying that not having some way of failing a task or making the player repeat sections is bad by default. But it does mean that it's kind of impossible for the game to create any sort of tension or fear in the player through gameplay. And the game needs to rely on something else to engage the player.

I also noticed very early on that while you play as an artificial intelligence, there is a human NPC that acompanies you. For about 80% of this games length, you might as well be playing as this character, you don't make any decisions or have any influence on the story or environment, either in gameplay or cutscenes, and you experience new things at exactly the same time as this human NPC. So why are we playing as an AI in the first place? I'll get into this later but I don't think the game does anything interesting with this premise.

And two more things I noticed very early on, the game is extremely linear, with things only progressing in an extremely specific order. And also, as soon as anything important happens, all your controls are stripped away from you and you are forced to participate in the mediocre story excatly as the game intended. For example, a fire occurs in a part of the space station early on, and as soon as this happens you suddenly don't have access to any of the games mechanics that have been introduced up to this point untill you put out the fire. But because there is no fail state the fire will just keep burning forever until you put it out. Situations like this happen constantly throughout the entire game.

I want to say that I have no problem with slower paced, more experimental gameplay systems, or extremely linear games, or games with lots of cutscenes, or horror games that don't exclusivley rely on tension and jumpsares. But there needs to be something to engage with on a gameplay or story level (but preferrably both). Sadly this game has nothing.

The closest thing to gameplay in this game is looking at stuff through a camera, which honestly could have been enough if the game was structured differently or had a better story. The other gameplay element is solving 'puzzles' that are more basic and less mentally engaging than the tasks you do in among us, which again, are impossible to fail in this game so they just end up being busy work.

The story is trash, both in the way that you experience it and as a story by itself. The game clearly takes inspiration from cosmic horror sci-fi films like Annihilation and 2001 A Space Odyessy, both in it's story and visuals. This is especially true in it's vague, trippy ending, which unlike those previously mentioned films, it does not earn or build up to at all.

The story is a complete disaster in basically every way, it is structured in a way to allow for some build up, establishing the characters aboard the space station through audio and text logs, getting some information about the mission and the world the game takes place in without some crazy disaster to prevent. But almost nothing is actually revealed about any of this until the end when the plot is just explained to you by a computer. This game basically spends 3 hours making you do meanial tasks where you can't even explore the station on your own, with the only story element expanded on being that the captain has been acting kind of strange lately (holy shit no way), and that the crew thinks they are doing research to prevent climate change (which has absolutely nothing to do with the themes of the story and is never mentioned in any dialogue whatsoever).

The game does absolutely nothing with the whole, playing as an AI thing. You blindly follow instructions from beginning to end with no agency at any point, weather it's a person or some alien entity near the end, you just follow orders. I think it was a mistake for the big disaster to occur as soon as the game starts, I would have loved to play as an AI when everything is going well, being this cold outsider among humans, watching them from afar, only participating when needed for something practical.

This game is like the experience of watching Annihilation, Arrival or 2001, except someone has edited out all the interesting dialogue and storytelling through visuals and dubbed over it with the most generic uninteresting narration you've ever heard. And every five minutes the film pauses so that you can fill in a wordsearch from the back of the kids menu at a local space themed restaurant.

I could keep ranting about how much I disliked this game that no one gives a shit about for hours honestly. I REALLY did not like this game. I have so many more points I could cover: The alien entity being represented as creepypasta tier black goo all over the spaceship, I could go more into how bad the dialogue is, how often the game makes you play as drone moving around 3D space, which must have made the game so much more expensive and time consuming to make, and yet provides nothing new in terms of gameplay or story and only serves to distract from the unique presentation of watching all the games events unfold through security cameras. Also the captain in the game has been lying to the whole crew about the real purpose of their mission, and yet even though the main character and the AI you play as discovers this they never even mention it to him? There are plenty of times in this game where two characters talk to each other, but all the dialogue is solely focused on boring functional shit like. "We need to release the couplings to ventilate the cooling system." I don't fucking care about this boring practical information! I want a story! Some character traits! Some emotion! What is the fucking point of this game!!!

Caramba, essa DLC é muito boa. Apesar de muito curta, adorei me aventurar por ela. Logo no começo ela já nos coloca em uma situação muito confusa, e é claro que logo já começa o terror e a tensão, que são ótimos! Pensei que ela seria maior, mas depois de completa-la acho que o seu tempo é perfeito para oque ela propõe. Assim como a campanha principal joguei na dificuldade normal, e nessa DLC morri apenas uma vez, me surpreendendo voltando do inicio, bem típico desse jogo. Logo conclui com tranquilidade.

Que DLC pica, 1 horinha e meia de muito conteúdo, todos os 3 capítulos são bem divertidos, o mais fraquinho é o da Jesse e ainda é bom, tiveram uma puta atenção aos detalhes, a paleta de cores diferente em cada capítulo, movimentação diferente pra cada personagem, mecânicas novas pra cada um e as várias referências pelo cenário, isso sem contar o final épico do capítulo do Breaker onde fizeram um jogo antigo e um adventure de texto bem legalzinho.

O fifa que é a CARA do Brasil

É quase impossível ter vivido a era do PS2 e não ter jogado Fifa Street, esse é o tipo de jogo que a gente pegava pra jogar ali numa tardezinha ensolarada de domingo, com o Raça Negra tocando de fundo no churrasco do vizinho e a gente la, sentado de frente pra telinha metendo varios dibre e as vezes esse jogo até servia de aquecimento pro saudoso Bomba Patch.

Mas saindo do passado, deixo claro que Fifa Street permanece um jogo de ponta. não envelheceu nenhum pouco tem uns controle muito fácil de entender e responsivo até hoje, eu nunca havia feito o seu modo carreira e me surpreendi como ele é divertido e nos ensina a jogar direito o jogo de pouquin a pouquin.

Não tenho nem muito pra falar, JOGUEM fifa street mesmo que não gostem de futebol, esse jogo é muito divertido eu mesmo não sou la muito fã de Futzinho mas Fifa street me pega MUITO então joguem por favor!

Don't forget to sally your face every morning before going to work! Otherwise... face, meet pavement, pavement, meet face. Sally Face has the tact of a podcaster and you can smell the same putrid odor through the screen. There is a marginal difference between Axe spray and whatever awaits in Sally Face, but a difference nonetheless. It's more interested in dangling a mystery in front of you than delivering a fun experience, ultimately deciding to to close up shop permanently while every worker was on active shift. I think I expertly performed every action to miss extra dialogue I could in episode 4, I've got a knack for this. Some of the things these fellas say are very surprising, so I really missed an opportunity to read gross conversations.

Sal Fischer is not like the other girls. He's a boy. Poor poor baby he went through so much 🥺 he may or may not have Hatsune Miku chilling in the family tree. Let's see how the lack of a mother figure will impact this child. On the other end, how the lack of a father figure will impact his best friend. That would be Larry not Butz. mf Larry's nose should be considered a lethal weapon, he could have stabbed all these residents in a jiffy. He's a good guy though he won't do that. I thought it would be big enough to smell ghosts though, or bullshit, or anything but that damn bologna. Aside from him, there's a fat ass cat lmao and aside from that cat, Sal has a friend group. A woman, gay people and a black dude. He's meeting the Netflix quotas to a T. Good for him.

It's a game made on Unity by one guy. With that in mind, it still doesn't fare that well. There is nothing that would have matched the game's vibe as perfectly as fighting an eldritch monster midair by playing the guitar, following a cult doing its best to enjoy the game's age rating to the fullest. Kids these days. Anything but a job 😭 All the complaints about episode 5 are pretty much true in my highly educated opinion. I feel the air leaving my lungs as the characters begin to yap the most generic sentences just to fill air. If this was done on purpose for the vibe, congratulations, if this was not done on purpose, congratulations (he believes in celebrating the work of independent creators). Actually, building a quick 3d project for 10 minutes of gameplay is pretty cool. The finale went through a few artstyles and none felt particularly out of place.

If you played this and think you ate, think carefully about what you've just eaten. Does it matter whether you knew what were the ingredients? Eh. Call it Google the way I have the Drive to choke on my plate. The episodes might almost work as standalones ngl. Don't jump in the middle obviously, although I don't think you can. I wonder what's the pipeline with Sally Face diehard fans btw but I have a feeling the fandom overlaps with Hetalia or some shit idk why. Well, lovely venture. Moral is never let an eboy in church again unless he's professionally trained for it. Nah even then. Never forget the bite of '88 it comes after 87 the previous number yep