I had no expectations going into this game and seen nothing about it, but it really surprised me with a very unique experience.
It was really confusing at times and there was excessive yapping constantly, but I think that adds to charm.

It's not a game for everyone, but it was for me.

Was fun for a bit, but gets old fast.

Also I cannot be the only one who has had to do a double take on the villians right?

I found my old dusty PSP and impulsively decided to replay this (apparently for the 3 time, found 2 saves from 2010).
It might be the nostalgia talking, but it surprising holds up, nothing compared to the new ones of course but it's a great hack and slash game that doesn't overstay its welcome.
It does get a bit repetitive near the end with the lack of enemy variety, but it was a fun 5 hours nonetheless.

I was slogging my way trough the game trying to find something to hook me but when they MJ'd me and took away my powers i just uninstalled.
The only fun thing was the combat for me and without that I had no desire to play anymore.

As BOTW is my favorite game expectations were high for TOTK and they were mostly met:

The new powers and fusing is an amazing mechanic that I'm certainly going to miss if I play BOTW again.

There was an actual story here with some great stories (but cringy dialog) that added a lot to the world.

The temples were mostly the same (I known Zelda fans hated them but I didn't mind)

The additional mini bosses added some much needed variation, and bosses were so fun that I actually enjoyed fighting them again in the depths.
(And the ganondorf fight oh my god that was amazing)

My only annoyance were from the depths, I did not enjoy exploring the pitch black darkness trying to fumble my way through to the roots, and the massive walls that just end exploration and force you to go elsewhere.
I ended up making an airbike with brightblooms just go get all the brightroots to make exploring more fun.

I can honestly rant all day about the boring designs of the depths but I don't want subtract from the rest of the game with the extremely dense overworld and very fun Sky Islands.

A amazing experience that sets its own atmosphere like nothing else, the freedom this game gives you to set out your own path and let's you explore freely is one of those things that is extremely hard to get right. But this game absolutely nails it. I do admit I had to look up hints a few times when I got stuck, but I'll tack that up to my own stupidity and lack of patience.

I've been think about things this game does wrong but I'm blanking, the only thing I felt was lacking was that the dialogue felt a bit lifeless because the lack of voice acting or any sound at all when talking/reading.

Also everybody acts like this game is like the second coming of Christ? Relax. I love this game but the hype around it is too big

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After feeling a bit underwhelmed after playing part 1, I didn't really want to continue, in fact it almost took me 2 years before i start part 2 and i'm really glad i did.
I really enjoyed part 2, it started a bit slow but it didn't have a dull moment.
The only think i disliked was the Abby parts, it just felt like a huge filler. It did add more story and made the ending feel more impactful but they could have trimmed that a lot.

Great game that iterates further on where they left last time. Exploration felt really rewarding and the combat was just as great as expected. They didn't overwhelm you with new shiny tools and weapons like most sequels do, it felt like they introduced just the right amount of things.

Only negative was the Atreus missions for me, felt a bit like the MJ and Miles missions in the original Spiderman but it did help the story a lot here.

I started playing this after I finished Control to understand the AWE DLC better, I loved Control but I'm kinda dissapointed by Alan Wake.

The atmosphere and setup in this game is amazing, but it constantly ruins it by alerting you to enemies nearby, I've had that mechanic break a few times and it was much better experience.

Honestly I think the worst thing about Alan Wake is that it is a game. The mechanics and gameplay are absolute dog shit, The shooting mechanics feel terrible and staring at enemies before you can shoot them sounds like a good concept, until it takes a good 10 seconds for the enemies later into the game.
I can't count the amount of times I got glitched on enemies and objects and don't get me started on Alan's two meter sprint distance.

Also the sound design is terrible, the cutscenes are too quiet and when the taken get near you the sound starts BLASTIN.

I'm kinda ranting here after I just finished the game but I would recommend you play this if you like atmospheric games, just don't expect a good gameplay experience.

Weird and fun short game, but I feel like the paid version barely adds anything noteworthy.

A great and emotional story with the best animations that I've seen so far in a game, the only downside is that the gameplay gets a bit stale at the end.


An adorable and unique game that doesn't overstay its welcome.

My brain like when I hit block good

Best FPS i've ever played

Amazing game but at some point it just gets repetitive and you just want it to end.