9 reviews liked by Abd_almuez

Worse than you'd hope but better than people say it is

The most homophonic game I've ever played

Trans people can double jump

this game was something
I haven't played any game that brakes the 4th wall in this brilliant way
you are literally one of the main characters in the game
So if you want something nice and short, you have to play Oneshot
Also please do the solstice route (true ending route) after completing the game, It's only 2 hours long and worth it



Truth be told, I had never actually heard of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective before, but when I noticed its exceptionally high average rating on Backloggd, I decided to eventually give it a go. That was roughly a year ago, and despite how I've only just beaten the game a few minutes ago, that doesn't mean that I wasn't constantly thinking about how good it was all this time. Right from the very first frame, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective had me hooked, and I knew that I was playing something special long before I even reached the halfway mark. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is one of those games where I can barely put my love for it into words, as it accomplishes everything that it sets out to do with flying colors and does it all in such a charming, unique and lovable way.

Above all else, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a combination of a visual novel and a puzzle game, and not only was I surprised by just how well this combination ended up working, but also how each of these two main elements of the game were executed perfectly. The gameplay consists of possessing and manipulating objects in order to save people's lives, access new areas, and just generally progress the narrative, and I thought that these mechanics were awesome. On top of being a brilliant use of the touchscreen on the Nintendo DS, the actual puzzles are all incredibly well-designed, and the amount of satisfaction that came from their "Aha!" moments made me feel like an absolute genius for solving them each and every time. Along with the fun gameplay and terrific puzzles, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective features a gripping and superbly written storyline. Every single member of the game's cast is linked together in some way, and it helps that the characters were all incredibly likable and loaded with eccentricities. What starts out as a quest to find out more about the protagonist's past turns into a sprawling mystery filled with jaw-dropping twists, but despite just how many directions the game's story went in, all of its many plot points came together brilliantly, and the game's lighthearted sense of humor had me laughing the whole way through while still knowing when to be serious in order to have its emotional moments be as impactful as possible.

Although the mystery plot and the puzzle gameplay were the two core elements of what made Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective work so well for me, that doesn't mean that they were all that it had to offer. Like everything else on display here, the presentation of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective oozes with personality, as both the music and the visuals were terrific in their own ways. This game has some excellent art direction, as the distinct character designs meshed really well with their lively in-game animations. Masakazu Sugimori's music here was also incredible, as pretty much every song is catchy and funky while still perfectly matching their context within the story and the puzzles. I loved absolutely everything about Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, and I'm really glad that it's getting a multi-platform remaster this June, as it means that more people will get to experience this wonderful game.



The game starts with this speech:

"Weiss you dumb, you better start making sense you rotten book, or you're gonna be sorry. Maybe I'll rip your pages out one by one, or maybe I'll put you in the gddamn furnace. How can someone with such a big, smart brain be hypnotized like a little ***, huh? Oh, Shadowlord, I love you Shadowlord. Come over here and give Weiss a big sloppy kiss, Shadowlord. Now pull you're head out of your g*ddamn and start *ing helping us!"

Need I say more?

Probably one of the most overrated games i've ever played

most of the time when i don't like something that's mostly well regarded i can maybe understand what people see or value in it. not with this one tho

a lot of the praise about this game is how out in the world and "Unique" it is. i guess grinding and doing boring meaningless chores between each boss is unique? being unique doesn't mean you're good espically when most of the "unique" doesn't even fucking work properly

Combat also sucks with horrible enemy design and most importantly bad bosses, the one thing i thought that would actually save this game is actually the worst part of it. most of them are just damage spunges with random invincibility animations. not to mention they're tedious and take forever

The story is good but it isn't as much as people are hyping it up to be, the story feels rushed even though the game itself is drawn out af. why would i care about villains that show for literally 5 mins and die? I know it's supposed to be some "Big Brain symbolism" shit which nobody is gonna notice unless somebody tells them

visuals are pretty cool

Overall i didn't enjoy this one bit, the only saving grace is some parts of the story and the visual style

tbh i would've given it 1 star but the games i've got in my 1 star list are way worse than NMH lmao

oh, did i mention the PC Port?