Very fun bosses, one achievement that is complete bullshit tho


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I think it's a decent game wish there was more done with going out the game and changing the game files because thats what really stood out to me.

Level design is amazing it's great how much freedom in your approach you have really fun to play around with the mechanics

Takes quite a while to really grasp all of the combat system but it's very satisfying

The best coop game it's really fun even after 400 hours

Amazing bossfights very good combat and the artstyle is very unique. The dlc is also great

Interesting premise, i liked the destructability of the environment the combat feels quite good launch is overpowered tho. The ending was also a bit unsatisfying

The most overrated game of all time. Gameplay is so boring and the story is nothing but pretentious without saying anything. I don't understand the appeal

Amazing game every mechanic feels very smooth and the levels are well designed. When you beat the game you can also play a huge amount of modded content which is equally as good

Ok shooter with a gimmick but that's it really

Age really shows and there's nothing really interesting to do in the open world. The story missions arent really of good quality too


I feel like this game is very overrated, the puzzles were ok but nothing groundbreaking and it's also a bit clunky

Quite enjoyable way to get into half life, last few chapters were definetly too long. And as a standalone game i think its quite decent

Columbia is an amazing setting, memorable characters and powers are a lot cooler. Altough it might have plotholes i really enjoyed it