405 Reviews liked by AlbertAK


to brincando esse jogo é lendario

hmmmmmmmmm esse e bom em seloco mt bom

Meu avô fumou a vida inteira. Eu tinha uns 6 anos quando minha mãe lhe disse, "Se você pensa em ver seus netos se formarem, você tem que parar imediatamente". Uma lágrima escorreu dos olhos dele quando entendeu exatamente o que estava em jogo. Ele parou na hora. Três anos depois ele faleceu de câncer de pulmão. Foi muito triste e me deixou completamente sem chão. Minha mãe me disse "Nunca fume. Por favor, não faça sua família sofrer do jeito que seu avô nos fez". Eu obedeci. Aos 15, eu nunca sequer encostei num cigarro. Mas devo dizer, eu sinto um leve arrependimento por nunca ter feito isso, porque esse jogo me deu câncer mesmo assim.


I'm not sure how to put into words how I feel about this game. It has really become my comfort game whenever I'm stressed or anxious. From the storytelling, to the gameplay, everything just feels so personal and really makes me happy like no other game I've ever played. This game really means a lot to me

After completing this game and thinking on it for a few days, I've come to the conclusion that I really liked this game. I had some issues with the mechanics of the game (mind you, I REFUSED to play with motion controls so partially my fault) I thought the story was solid, the dungeons were solid, the bosses were challenging. Though, environmentally sometimes repetitive ("Go back to these three locations AGAIN."), I never really found myself bored playing this game. The character development was outstanding (#TeamGroose). Though I can't say Id ever replay it, I really enjoyed it for what it was.

This took me a long time to complete. After walking away from it out of frustration for months at a time, finally got around to finishing it tonight. The game is great from the start and extremely challenging at some points (there were a few random levels that were the death of me). Even though I was really frustrated at times, the challenge was perfect. It kept me engaged the entire time and kept me excited for the next level. I never once got bored. This is definitely one of my favorite games I’ve played in recent years.

There’s so much content and so many puzzles in this game to keep me playing for hours even after I finished it. Though it does feel like a Breath of the Wild reskin at times, the dialogue is hysterical and the customization options are amazing. The stunning visuals make this one of the prettiest games I’ve ever played. It’s a must-have if you’re a fan of Greek mythology



One time my mom asked me to put on Irish music on St Patrick’s day during our family gathering so I asked Alexa to play this games soundtrack and slowly started increasing the volume, I got 8 minutes into it before anyone noticed that it wasn’t Irish music.
Game is great.

unironically a masterpiece, I can’t shitpost on this one