I dropped this game mainly because at the start i thought i could do it in hard mode but then i didnt expect to encounter the absolute worst combat ever,every fucking enemy blocks every hit you throw them and the battles last so long because of that,but apart from the gameplay i think the story is still really good and sad

One of the best rpg i´ve ever played,even tho it last more than 100 hours you never get tired of it,this game is peak

The mods make the game more fun but even without them i still think its a solid game

Subspace emissary its so good and the interactions between the characters makes it even better,althought the gameplay may be a bit weird i still enjoy playing it

Very short game but its so charming like the interaction between the characters,the scenarios,music and overall its a solid game

Very original artstyle and really fun

Banger soundtrack,Really cool story and characters,the ambience is really creepy and adachi exist,what else could you ask for.

Excellent game with a very good artstyle and challenging gameplay

The best of the classic 2d sonic games mashed into one game and its sooo good the music,gameplay,artstyle,everything about it its so charming,definitely the best 2d sonic game

A classic that despite its age its still a really fun game, although it can be frustating sometimes

My favorite story in any videogame ever,but i know that the gameplay is really frustrating and i wish with a remake that could be fixed so that it can become even better