I adore Spider-Man (2018). I love literally everything about it. So naturally I love this one too. The characters, the combat, the soundtrack: all of it is perfect. A common criticism I hear thrown towards this game is that it's too short and honestly, i think that kind of makes the game even better. The real meat of the game is in the side content, which was kind of average quality-wise in the first game besides one particular quest. However the side-quests in this game heavily tie into the main plot that in my opinion it's required that you do the side content to get the full experience out of the story. My only issue is that I wish I could have played it on PS5. I can't afford one but I can't believe how good it looks on next-gen hardware.

Edit: I just got a PS5 the day after typing this lol. My thoughts haven't changed. This game is still ultimate.

I think the potential for deep and emotional stories about Batman as a character is VERY strong. This game more than most really takes advantage of that potential. While there is a focus on action, it's a super hero game so of course, more often it plays like a typical TellTale game which really serves the plot. It's not often where we see Bruce Wayne as the main focus over Batman but I really appreciated that they do it here.

The real drawback from this game besides a noticeable lack of the action you'd expect from a Batman story, is the game runs pretty roughly. From what I've heard that is a pretty common thing in TellTale games so if I'd assume anyone interested would already be aware of this.

Overall, a very great Batman story. I can't wait to start Season 2.

I've never played the original Blaster Master so I don't have anything to compare this to, however if it's as good as this then I don't think I would mind. This is just really fun. There's really not much else to it. However the game can be pretty easy which is weird for a retro revival like this. Otherwise amazing game that I totally recommend for fans of classic platformers.

I'm not super big on puzzle games that go for this kind of style however this one was surprisingly fun to me. I enjoy games that don't feel the need to be super long and know just when the right time to come to an end is. My main issue was that the entire game is VERY easy. I never needed any hints on the puzzles. I know difficulty is subjective but I usually have hard times with games like this so saying that I didn't need help is really saying something. If you're in the mood for a quaint little puzzle game then you can't really go wrong with this.

I've never enjoyed a game so much that I was left speechless by the end. I have no idea what to say about this game to express my love for it. Celeste's plot had me in tears at multiple parts and very, very few games have made me cry. The platforming in this game is exquisite. The game never berates you for messing up because failure is an integral part of it's message. The game is never unfair either. Every challenge can be overcome with practice and patience. I genuinely don't know how else to express how much I adore this game. While I still prefer all the Xenoblade games that are on switch, this is easily one of my favorite games. If you haven't played this then you are missing out.

This game is the definition of an NES classic and to this day is one of the best Mario platformers. While I think the feel and controls are outdated and very rough by today's standards it's still very clear how much quality this game has. If you're a Mario fan and you somehow haven't played Super Mario Bros. 3 then you are very behind.

Like Super Mario Bros. 3 this game is very outdated and plays extremely roughly but to an even bigger extent. Nevertheless this game is still fun and somehow is still packed with a lot of charm which, for a game with an artstyle as simplistic as this, is saying a lot. However I've developed a personal connection to this game. I can't say I love but I will say that it does represent some positive memories in me. I can't recommend it to literally anyone but it's got it's niche charm.

I really have nothing to say about this that has never been said. This game is the peak of classic Mario's quality, enough said.

I absolutley adore Super Mario Land for all the wrong reasons and that's mostly the same with this one. Luckily this time we have more than 12 levels to work through. This game is great but comparatively nothing special. I can only recommend this to people who are just curious about the game boy era of Mario games because a casual fan isn't going to get anything from this.

I usually think very highly of Mario RPGs however this one just really wasn't as great as everyone makes it out to be. It's definitely a classic but personally I've got a lot of issues with it. I think the artstyle is just generally bad. For a lot of bosses I spend the entire fight just trying to comprehend what I'm looking at. The gameplay is very emblematic of classic JRPGs which I can't say is bad but it's very outdated.

Genuinley have absolutley no idea what to say about this. It's Mario 64. You know it's amazing and nothing I say will offer a new perspective. If you haven't played this then you need to get on it like... now. There's a reason this game is so beloved.

I absolutely adore the Mario & Luigi series and just because this is the oldest absolutely does not make it the weakest. Everything about this game is just pure fun. While modern Paper Mario may be a bland mess of bad and basic ideas, this is the origin of something special. However the graphics and a few other minor things do hold it back and I believe those issues are just tied to the passage of time. This is why I all around prefer the 3DS remake because it fixes every issue I have with this game. Either way, no matter what means you have to take, you NEED to play this game.

Similar to the original, I think this game is something amazing. Don't listen to people saying the controls ruin it because it by no means does. This game is great and everything 3D Mario should be.
And I'm definitely not just praising it because I have a lot nostalgia with this version specifically...

I'm struggling to find the words to express my opinon on this game. To put it simply, this is the first game I've ever played and is something I've come back to over and over throughout my life. Needless to say, this game is important to me.

When I play this I see everything that makes Mario what it is. Everything here is amazing. While in some aspects, the gameplay can seem dated, I find it as just another part of the charm. Overall, this is an amazing platformer and tbh it's one of Mario's best games ever.

I wouldn't say I'm a massive fan of Pokemon. I started playing the games more than 6 years ago with Omega Ruby and had decent fun however these games have got some big issues that they just never seem to shake off and this one in particular has plenty of new issues all it's own.

This game has a lot of issues admittedly however this game has even more in it that makes it great. Don't let the negativity deter you from playing this game like it almost did to me. The story is one of the best in a Pokemon game, which granted isn't saying much (however Pokemon fans think a single well written character means the story is good so I'll just play along...) Of course the new Pokemon are pretty good. That has never been something these games struggled with. I particularly like Meowscarada because she gives me Nia from XB2 vibes who is my favorite character in any game. Like the Pokemon the music has never been something these games struggled with so obviously it's good here too. Ok... time for the bad...

I wish I could ignore the technical problems. I REALLY wish it wasnt such a mess because if these games had better graphics and had more time to iron out bugs it would have been great but no... big companies gotta big company...
Also to those people saying its held back the switch... umm no? The switch is home to absolutely huge games like Xenoblade 3, Breath of the Wild, and Monster Hunter. All 3 of these are not only bigger than this but also have MUCH better graphics. No one would mind if they took extra time to make these games. No one.

Overall I can't say this is a bad game. It's very good however the issues that people have been bringing up are real problems and for the first time in a while not just people bitching for the sake of it. I think this is going to be the last Pokemon game I play unless these issues get fixed.

Also the generic Pokemon trainer designs are ugly as fuck like holy what the actual fuck am I looking at? I want to cry when I look at these NPCs because of how ugly they are. They upset me just picturing them in my mind like holy fucking shit...