Asura's wrath can be described as a very shallow experience when it comes down to it. But despite that this game has so much charm and style to it that it more than makes up for any big issues that come from the style of game it is. Probably like 60-70% of this game are qte cutscenes that will present you with some of the sickest shit you've ever seen in your life. Meanwhile that 30-40% is a mixture of a 3D fighter and a on rails shooter. Don't ask me how it all works cause it just kinda does. The story and characters have all the subtlety of an atom bomb but I think the over the top nature of it all works and it sucks that the true ending of the game is locked behind dlc that can be hard to experience nowadays cause I think those last 4 episodes have easily the best story and character moments in the whole game. This game is in desperate need of a definitive edition so the dlc can be preserved in a better way cause I emulated this game and getting the dlc to work that was a process in a half but seeing how we've seen hide nor hair of this game since it's release i have my doubts. Regardless the game itself was very sick experience that I'm glad i got to experience.

A fun little game with a neat concept. I uh, I don't have much else to say than that.

Well after like 2 years I finally finished smt 5 and yeah game is pretty fun. Despite taking 2 years the game only took me about 45 hours. It's a good light 8 to high 7. Plenty of fun combat, demon fusing, exploration, etc. To go around, managed to make myself pretty busted near the end. I think I chose the neutral ending which was pretty lame all things considered and I might go back and see the other ending but I also might just wait for vengeance to come out before I do that tho. Uhhhhhh yeah smt 5 is good game.

A really stupid and fun game to play with friends. My migraines will never be the same again after bearing witness to the sheer amount screen shake some of the levels in this game exposes me to.

A perfectly fine little co-op puzzle game that is short and sweet. my biggest issues is that some puzzles just didn't make any sense. the map stuff took a second to actually understand what was going on and even then it was hard to help my partner navigate, the chess puzzle was just annoying, and there was one with a book that I still don't know what it did. All the other puzzles were fine tho. Solid 5/10

My 5th yakuza game done and by no real surprise it's easily the weakest out of the games I've played thus far. Now this isn't entirely fair has I played 0 and the kiwamis before this and this is a much older game compared to those but I feel like even considering that this game has a lot of pretty large issues that unfortunately plague it and make it very hard to enjoy to the same extent as the others. Combat in this games just feels like a slog, yes you got the infamous never ending guarding enemies and yes it's just as bad as you've heard, a argument in favor of it I've seen is that it warrants a more cautious and patient playstyle from the player and while that sounds nice on paper in practice it unfortunately doesn't work that. I studied the A.I. fairly closely due to me wanting to make sure my tiger drop timing was on point and I noticed most enemies don't attack or will at least take forever to attack if you do nothing and will instead wait for you to make a move meaning you will always be at some sort of disadvantage to Starr off with as you have to punch first and then react to what the enemy might do instead of just waiting to react. Story was alright but it's got some bad pacing issues mainly in chapter 4 and chapter 10. Honestly this game probably deserves more of a 5 than a 6 but I feel like that baseline yakuza charm and quality still exists under the surface and giving it a 5 just feels a bit too mean as there are still plenty of activities to enjoy but this game is definitely bottom of the rankings without a doubt.

This is game that is really stupid and has it's share of flaws but it jives with me in so many areas that I can't help but love it. This might be a bit controversial but it's up there with 0 for me. While I think I would still rate 0 above this it's very close as I think these games have strengths where the other is weaker. The narrative of this game is stupid and gets mega messy near the end but the I like ryuji as an antagonist way more than any of the antagonists from 0. 0 had overall stronger side content but I think I like the sub stories of kiwami 2 more. 0 gives the multiple battle styles to help mix up combat but it makes upgrading a bit messy and some styles are just better than others in a lot of situations and the single battle style of this game makes combat and upgrading more streamlined and makes me feel like I have better grasp by the end. While I can keep going I hope those points help highlight how I feel about this game and why I rate it where I do. Otherwise yeah stupid and fun game really glad I played this one as well, so far this series is 4 for 4.

That's my third yakuza game finished and if I had to say probably my favorite thus far. Now it had a it's issues most of which were piled up near the end game, but the meat and potatoes of this game tasted Damn good. This is one of those games that would probably be rated a bit lower if the positives weren't as big as they are. This game hit a lot of right notes for me but I can see it hitting a lot of sour notes for some with the somewhat limited job system, MASSIVE difficulty spike in the endgame and fairly grindy sections, and while usually this stuff is a no go for me as well, I think it just being in the context of yakuza and the charm and personality that brings made it way more enjoyable and bearable. This game's got a lot of flaws but it's for just as many if not more positives. If you got a similar brain worm as me you'll probably enjoy this one.

An honestly really good game that was a joy to play from beginning to end, both in terms of gameplay and story. Really glad I played this after kiwami instead of what people usually say of playing this first. I definitely think kiwami is a better starting point as while it came out after this game both in terms of story and gameplay it feels a lot more primitive, which makes sense since kiwami is a fairly faithful remake of a ps2 and this is a newer game made after 5. This game has that "yakuza" factor which the series is known for in spades which is another reason I reccomend playing kiwami first as I feel going from this to kiwami would be weird as that game is pretty tame for the most part with only a few hints of insanity (most of that coming from majima go figure). Anyway 0 by itself was a good time, lots of fun side content to do wirh an overall ok battle system, a fantastic ost, and overall good story and phenomenal characters. Definitely a keeper.

Never thought I'd have to play outrun in order to further my real estate business.

Great game, basically just a straight up improvement over the orignal game in basically every where gameplay wise. Storywise tho I can see what RC fans don't like this one cause what the hell evern is it, it's so disjointed and it feels like parts of it are just straight up missing, which they much be since this version is based off the movie and there are just cutscenes that just use clips from the move which just adds to the disjointed feel of it all. But what I care about is gameplay and I plenty of enjoyment out of that so this game is a good one.

Finally got around to finishing kiwami after being stun locked on multiple occasions by the pocket circuit mini game and my final thoughts after all these years is that the game is pretty good. Despite being a remake with added improvements it is very much a first game in the series type deal. Game has a lot of good but also a lot of annoying bits. Combat as whole was very hit or miss, most big fights were just kinda annoying slogs where you would get punished for trying to go for combos either do to the enemies just randomly being able to put their guard back up mid combo or suddenly unleash a super armor attack with no warning. Boss fights also just ignore and don't let you use some moves like grabs so you can't even use half your upgrades in them either. The whole kiwami system of them regening health and you having to use a specific style heat action to stop it just broke the pacing in some fights especially early on when you don't even have access to those skills yet. Now that was a lot of negative but don't get me wrong I did have a good time, the story and side content which is the main meat and potatoes of a yakuza game was really fun, with kiryu just as a character really pulling the weight of the game. Idk how a man in organized crime can be such a lovable lunk who is mega into shit pocket car racing and whatever the fuck mesukings was but it really just adds that personality that yakuza has become known for.

Fun little co-op experience that I got to play again for the first time in like 10 years. I definitely didn't remember as I thought I would but I think that made playing through it again all the more enjoyable. Me and a bud had a fun ol time playing through intentionally and unintentionally screwing each other, abusing game design, and having trouble at the worst of times. Plenty of laughs to go around, although fair warning story and dialogue is very much 2000s to early 2010s new grounds.