Music is so good they didn't even bother with sound effects

I mean I'd take David Wise's masterpiece by itself.. but a funny monkey game is surely a nice inclusion.

I just wish I started with this game first cuz it is definitely better than the first one in every regard.
That said, after putting some 10-15 hours into gr1, the charm of controlling the gravity and flying around starting the wear off. And sadly, that's what there's to those games.
Cuz other than some bangers in the soundtrack (as usual from the SIE composers).
It's really hard find a reason to keep playing with the bare-bones combat, fuck awful writing and ubisoft-ass missions.

The only game that rivals dmc3 as "the coolest game ever"

It ain't perfect.. but goddamn this game is made for me

More like.. backtrackemous

One of the most gorgeous snes games.
But the puzzles of each level felt really annoying the more you go on and the animal friends are kinda too broken.. even for a Kirby game.
Gets an extra point for that Samus cameo tho

Fantastic game.
I don't wanna ever touch it again

Best bosses in any fromsoft game..
except the tree, fuck the tree

Played it for like 8 hours and I still feel I'm a worst person because of it.

This is the devil may cry 2 of resident evil..