I will never forget my excitement when I found out that Isaac released on New 3DS. I've been wanting to play it for soooooo long, but never had a PC to run it.

It's so weird, people always say that the new 3DS had no games, which is kinda true... Yet Isaac being on there made it completely worth it for me. I just love Isaac so incredibly much.

But tbh, going back to Rebirth is rough nowadays. Nevertheless, I'll never stop appreciating the new 3DS for what it accomplished for me: Letting me play what is now my favourite game of all time for the first time

Look, I'm sure this is a good game if you get two friends together and play it with them. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to do so. My frustration with the came comes with how specific the conditions for enjoyment are. Maybe one day...

From a level design standpoint, I prefer this game over Super Mario Bros. 3. It's so damn creative and iconic, wow! But there is one thing that turns me off here: The controls. Idk why, but they feel a bit too slippery for my liking. I'm falling down so often here, it's weird and feels a bit unfair and frustrating.

Repetitive game that is both horrible at explaining its mechanics and sexist

A nice Metroidvania game. Unfortunately, I am too stupid to understand the plot xD

The world design is alright, but I would have appreciated more moments, where the map cleverly loops around itself, like Super Metroid. What this game also lacks (at least until the end) is movement. There is just one basic running speed and it works, but it's just kinda boring to control, not very exciting. Some bosses towards the end are also just annoying without any recognisable patterns, the same goes for some of the game's enemies.

But damn it, I still enjoyed it overall. Everything here screams Metroid and it was incredibly refreshing to not know which upgrade would come next for a change, since there are some really creative abilities here!

The only Picross game I ever played and I actually kinda liked it!

A fun, goofy 2D platformer with very cool level ideas. Anything can happen here! I just love how unique the Wario Land series is. However, the controls feel a bit too stiff for my liking. Idk, movement is very important to me in 2D platformers.

Picked this one up at a small video game store without expecting anything. I was pretty impressed when I played it. This game started a tradition of playing billiards video games with my partner. It's a lot more fun than you'd imagine.

Cool Shot is easily the best one we played so far. The physics are satisfying, you can do so many cool shots (hehe) here, crazy spins and bank shots, I love it. The soundtrack is super repetitive, but that element of stupidity is part of the fun. Absolutely a hidden gem and I got it for like 3€, wtf!! Makes me want to buy more random games from my local video game store.

This game is the definition for "causual street football" for me. It all screams casual fun. The somewhat improvised courts, the low-key outfits, the casual rules (anything is allowed), it all comes together in a game that is really great for occasionally playing a few matches with your buddies. This is one of the many gems of the GameCube library!

I don't even remember playing this game

I really was so Minecraft deprived that I bought this fucking game, huh?

Frustratingly difficult, but the controls hold up surprisingly well, making it quite fun to play

I had some very cozy sessions with Stardew Valley and my partner. I didn't really understand the game back in 2016, but now I get it. It's special and lets you take your time and be happy. I like being happy.