This might just be the best Mario Party game out there in my opinion. Crazy that we really got to see such an incredible modern Mario Party game. It makes me feel optimistic for the future

What a banger. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe always works and it still holds up incredibly well

The first Zelda game I ever played from start to finish. To this day, Wind Waker remains one of the most charming games in the franchise. The ocean is exciting to explore and the entire game is refreshingly lighthearted and goofy, but it also knows when it needs to strike a serious tone.

The only sections of Wind Waker that I enjoy less than other Zelda games are the dungeons. They are a bit too straightforward and simple for my liking and end up boring me (except for the last main dungeon, that one's a banger). But even then, an argument can be made that the game's simpler dungeons lead to Wind Waker being perhaps the best Zelda game to start with.

They don't make Mario Golf games like this anymore :/

This is the definition of first game syndrome. Fun, but super basic

I love short video games. Pikmin has the perfect length, it doesn't overstay its welcome. It's also highly replayable (although I don't really replay games lol). There's something so refreshing about seeing Nintendo try their hands on creating a new IP. Pikmin is just so unique and different as a result. This is one of the many proofs that the GameCube library aged super well.

I really like this game's weirdness and charm. It has a unique style and aesthetic, which is why I'd say that it aged pretty well. There are so many creative levels in this game, because the devs could go all out, due to the unique premise of entering people's minds.

However, the controls feel a bit clunky at times, depth perception is surprisingly difficult and pretty much all boss battles are very lackluster imo. Some level objectives are also not really clear. What is more, the game's upgrade system seems super enganging at first, but I realised pretty quickly that the upgrades just aren't really worthwhile. This game could have used some more time, because it feels a bit rough around the edges.

A fun ROM hack with a lot of love and care and nice levels. I enjoyed it!

Underwhelming, but the core gameplay is fun

The only Picross game I ever played and I actually kinda liked it!

Persona 5 Royal changed me. Its themes of identity made me reflect on myself so intensely that I legitimately feel like this game helped me grow as a person.

Its art direction is so beautiful and its characters are so lovingly crafted, I couldn't help but actually feel like these fictional people are my friends. It's a bit scary to be honest.

Yes, it takes a lot of time, yes, it's sometimes very repetitive and yes, sometimes I just wanted it to end, but playing through Persona 5 Royal was truly worth it. It just goes on for a bit too long in my opinion. But the amazing soundtrack you'll hear through these countless hours really make up for it.

I remember the insane hype all over the SM64 community when this hack came out. It seemed like the most ambitious Mario 64 ROM Hack yet. And clearly, a lot of love was poured into this one. It really is that ambitious.

But idk, it never felt fun to play to me. There are a lot of weird glitches and it all comes off as very awkward and unnatural. The hack has some very weird difficulty spikes as well. It seems like despite all of the time that Kaze spent on this one, there is a severe lack of polish. The hack did not live up to the expectations in my opinion.

I don't even remember playing this game