Cammy I love you. I truly love you, You fill the void in my heart and stop the pain. I really need you in my life, you complete me. I would do everything for you, I would sacrifice everything just to be able to spend a day with you, I'll do everything please give me a chance

Having your writing be carried by side content doesn't make me care abt the story or characters more.

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The amount of glazing for Cassius in this game is insane.

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This was the first ever JRPG I've ever played and the game that led me to branch to other genres in gaming, but that's just a little side note I wanted to add. I love this world and its lore, it looks amazing, the music is peak (my favorite ost that's not from a fighting game), I love the characters (minus some), and then there's the gameplay. When I learned how the game worked (the tutorials in this game are shit but I think that's common knowledge), it just kept getting better, love the game and love the variety. I love the "boy meets girl" aspect of the story as well, even if it's also kind of a coming-of-age story, which btw I think they did well. You can tell that Rex grew throughout the story. My complaints with the game is the same as everyone else's. Field skills, the maps being shit, and some parts of the story just either being boring or actually shit. I didn't mind the tropes in the game, hell, I thought Ch 2 and 4 were really fun chapters (minus the factory for Ch 4). Now for the party, I loved Poppi (and I liked what they did with her in the story, makes you feel for her). Zeke, the best part of the game, and one of the realest in the game. I liked Pandoria too. I liked Morag and Brighid too, their relationship with each other and their interactions with the rest of the party (especially after everything before Chapter 5). Speaking of relationships, I love how the game shows the relationship between blades and drivers so well with the party. Dromarch, classy fellow (not much else to say). Nia might as well be one of my favorite characters in gaming. That quote "What's the point in living if I have to hide" is amazing. One of the best parts of the game (and one of the saddest when I think about her past long enough). Now finally, Pyra and Mythra. These gotta be some of my favorite characters in gaming as well, but I put them on a way higher pedistal. Two characters just wanting to find their way out, tragic characters that are also just a fun time to be around (sometimes, I'm not counting Ch 4 for Mythra). Now Rex, I've mentioned before that I like the coming-of-age story for Rex. Even if he irritated me at times with his decisions, I still remember that he's a kid, and he learns from those mistakes (and it was sad seeing him lose his drive in Ch 7). I'm not going to say much about the villains in this story either, I love the villains (minus Bana, fuck Bana) and because I think he's a good villain, I can say this too. Fuck you Amalthus. Now for some other things, blade quests were good overall, blade designs same thing (even though some of them looked really weird). Whoever was in charge of the voice direction in the beginning of the game needed to be fired, but it got better as the game went on and I can't imagine playing this game without the dub.

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Seeing how I fell out of love with this series is upsetting. Even if I didn’t like 5 as much as 3 and 4 in the past, I enjoyed 5 for a time. Now my feelings are more sour towards the games. Overall, it's an alright game to me, nothing too special. So far I've only seen people being able to relate to the story or characters when they rate it 5 stars, maybe that's what I'm missing, or perhaps I just don't get it and I don't know what I'm talking about. This is the same with Persona 3 and 4 too.

Rockstar: "Yea ik GTA VI is coming out soon. Guess I'll just...drop another GTA Online DLC"

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Every review for this game starts with "I was in a dark place".

(Check Persona 5 Royal Review)

Y'all don't know the disappointment I had when playing this. Why did it have to be like this?

An average fan of this game gets their game opinions from youtubers.

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FF7 disappointed me. I don’t hate the game, I think it’s really good, but I believe it’s a product of its time. The characters were alright (especially Tifa, the most I got out of her was only at the end of the game), the gameplay was also alright, and the story was really good too. Maybe there’s something I’m just not seeing because for a lot of people praising this game’s story, I really don’t care too much for the beginning of Act 1 (which might be foreshadowing for my opinion on FF7R).

The majority of good reviews for this game is just "I had no friends, I played Persona 4, I have friends, thank you Persona 4"

This being K’’s first game is pretty cool. I'm not too big on the added mechanics to the game though.

So this is a weird one because I wasnt expecting to like this when I got into it. I was expecting it to be worse than XC1 or Persona 3. I didn’t like a lot of boss battles and shrines, but I loved the story and characters. The ATB in this game is really good too, and I had a lot of fun with it, and this is my second favorite love story in gaming. Right next to Noah and Mio from Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I’d put this game above XC1 if I liked its gameplay more. (P.S. This is the game that had me fall out of love with Persona)