it's like smoking 10 packs of cigarettes in one second. feels awful and sticks with you for the rest of your life.

Very very good. Perfect blend of serious and gripping story, but really fun and weird side activities. Very easy to get into and it's a great introduction to the Yakuza series. The only real flaw I can think of is the combat being a bit clunky and unresponsive at times, but it's overall a very good combat system.

delusional game. they had a good thing going on with the first one, but this one just lacks everything. power-stancing and majula cool though


very creepy game about human consciousness and the bridge between human and machine. gameplay brings it down a bit. the monster sections are scary for a bit, but become very tedious.

one of the best action games. crazy fun combat and is very replayable.

look at this's so jazz...........jazzpunk.....


very brutal and visceral type of horror. the game does take a little bit to get fully started, but it's really worth it.

lovely visit to the museum. awesome exhibition and makes you appreciate the songs on the albums even more.

i'm too stupid for this game, but it's really well made and is very deep with its city-building features

great hidden gem. very very fun fps game and it makes you feel really cool. reminds me a bit of superhot

one of the best games of its genres. really good combat, creepy atmosphere and it really makes you FEEL like you're the average citizen in london.

it tries, but not hard enough. everything is mediocre