Watch dogs is a open world game in present day, based mostly on hacking.
Thanks to their world, it can be similar to gta 5.

Good things:
Firstly, one of the best things for me, that this game can or could offer is the story.
The plot isnt really mindblowing, but that dosent kill the aspect of good and emotionaly written story.
Even most of the characters arent much annoying, if you actually get why are they actin that type of way.
Another good thing is the graphics.
For 2014 game it is very good, plus you can actually feel that you are playing game made in like 2016 thanks to the graphics.
The gameplay is fifty fifty, what i liked about it, was the gun gameplay and the stealth.
I also liked additions like virtual drug trip or hacking in general.
By hacking, i mean mostly puzzels, because that is pretty much hacking in this game.
Last good addition and also interesting one was the fact, that you can automaticly hack in small way every npc that you see.
By hacking in small way, i mean being able to see basic information like what is their name or how much they make a year etc.

Bad things:
The most hated aspect i have for this game is its optimilization.
For a game that is going to be 10 years old this year, it is a shame. Its not that tragic but still not good.
Another thing that i didnt liked was the repeating side quests.
I mean you can make your mind to not do them, and they are not bad, by that i mean they are kind of mediacore, but either way they will stop being fun and entertaining after few hours.
Last thing that isnt really bad but still unpleseant, is a few visual glitches that i experienced trough out my time spent in the game.

Good game that has its flaws.
Bought this game on sale for like 7euros, so it was definitelly worth the price.
If you are thinking about buying this game, i recommend buying it on sale (as most of us do tbh).

8/10 - (I really liked the story)

(Copied from my steam review)

cant even write a meaningfull review cus i got a small brain damage playing this game...
Its still good tho :D

(Copied from my steam review)

Literally an example of how should squels look like.

What is this game about:
Its a very atmospheric platformer with amazing story and even more amazing soundtrack.

Good things:

- Story
- Soundtrack
- Level design
- Graphics
- Side quests
- Mechanics
- Puzzels
- Collectables which arent annoying and fun to collect and look for
- Ability to speedrun some sections and compete with other players
- Map / game world

Bad things:
- Visual bugs

The story isnt really special in terms of structure (You can sometimes easily predict how the story is going to continue or you are not really surprised of certain verdict of the story etc).
What is special about the story tho is its form of telling its self.
The game tells its story visually in cutscenes instead of dialogues.
Dont get me wrong, there are dialogues in this game between npcs, but its in form of "click and another sentence will apear in the bubble”.
The reason why i said “in bubble” is because the npcs or more like creatures have its own language.
The soundtrack gives the story a one of a kind atmosphere, so i think you can understand now why cutscenes dont really have dialogues.

Level design + mechanics + side quests:

The level design is very good and i think i can safely say its better than in the first game.
Unlike the first game, the sequel actually improved combat as a whole, plus you unlock new abilityes via shop, skill trees (like in the first game) and some of them trought out the story.
Another nice addition is side quests.
Side quests in this game have actually some little story and your actions that you take not only in some side quests actually mean something and will show trought out your whole playtrough.

Map / game world:
As it was in the first ori, the world is much more colourfull and alive, i think the game trailer and gameplay show its self, so theres no need to say anything about it.
Its just amazing.

Bad things:
The only “bad thing” that i can come up with are visual bugs.
These bugs werent frequent (actually it only happened to me like three times or so), but still it was pretty wierd.
Thankfully, it isnt anything game breaking and will fix basically automaticly.
To be exact, it was a wierd texture bug with mobs, which made them significantly bigger than they should be.

Overall its an amazing game which should every platformer player give a chance (its basically need for them/you).
If you arent a platformer player tho, i still think you should atleast give it a chance :).

The one bug i came across with didnt really affect my experience.

I recommend it even for the full price, even tho if you will buy it like me in sale for 10euros, its basically a steal lol.


(Copied from my steam review)

Assassins creed liberation was originally game for ps vita, which you can see from the first minutes you start playing.

Good things:
- Persona mechanics
- Persona abilityes
- The story is in the same timeline as AC 3.
- Citizen E missions
- Cognitive system
- Cityes that feels alive

Bad things:
- Primitive puzzels
- Wierd and sometimes boring story telling
- Boring missions
- Wierd swamps area design
- Wierd controls

Good things -

The first interesting mechanic, that you will be introduced to, is persona stealth/social stealth.
Basically, theres 3 options/personas that you can change to.
Slave persona, lady persona and assassin persona.
Each of them have special abilityes, for example, with lady persona you cant parkour and you are weak at combat, but you can make guards fall in love with you, plus you notriety is pretty low.

As another good thing mentioned, is the fact that the story involves AC 3 protagonist a bit thanks to the fact that both games are in the same timeline.
Its a nice addition, but dont expect much, because "Connor" is there only for few missions.

Another great idea that is there, but for some reason isnt in the main games, is citizen e missions.
Basically the whole modern story is based on some random individual playing an Abstergo game.
Unofrtunatelly Abstergo cut out some cutscenes because they arent showing the templars in a good way.
For this reason, unknown hacker wants you to see the truth, so he makes a random npcs a ”citizen e”.
If you chatch the npc, it will show you what really happened.
As i said, its a good idea, but unfortunatelly the potential isnt used to the max.

As for the Cityes and cognitive system,
basically theres an option to buy for example ”cotton” (how ironic considering you are trying to free slaves ect.) and after that you can sell it to whole bunch of areas trough ships.
It isnt nothing mind blowing, but atleast it is there.
Cityes also feel alive, which is surprising considering that the game was originally developed for ps vita.
By that, i mean theres a good amount of nocs in the cityes.

Bad things -

First of all, the story telling.
I understand that its for ps vita, but the fact that like 40% of the story is told by a text sitting in the loading „cut scene“ is just wierd.
Also the story is kind of mid and boring, it sometimes picks up your attention a bit, especially at the end, but its still nothing special.

As you can see up there, at the start of this review, theres a lot of wierd things in this game.
That includes wierd missions with puzzels.
I think of my self as a bad gamer who mostly needs to search up some missions in different games, because iam retarded and cant figure things out, but i didnt need to do that in this game.
Its so easy, especially the puzzels.
Not even considering the primitive design of some missions, which also makes it kinda boring.

And the final thing that i want to criticize is wierd swamps area design and controls.
For the controls, its nothing experience breaking because its not hard to get used to it, but it still feels wierd.
For example sprinting with your right click ect.
But maybe thats just me.
For the swamps, theres a bunch of obstacles that looks like you can climb on based on AC logic, but somehow you cant.
Sometimes its frustrating, but i guess you can live with it.

Overall -
I think its not really a bad game, considering that it was made for ps vita.
For the price its kinda worth it, if you want to extend your AC experience or trilogy.
If you are poor and just want to play an AC game, i think this game is enough thanks to the price and hardware requirements.


(copied from my steam review)

Assassins creed black flag is a 10yo game that aged well.

Good things:

- Story
- World
- Game mechanics
- Random events
- A lot of pirate/overall content
- Mixing the AC and pirate spirit just right
- Music
- Modern day

Bad things:

- Visual bugs
- Too many tailing missions
- Not being able to open Edwards ship settings for some reason
- No modern day protagonist
- Game disobeying my commands


The story as a lot of AC fans will tell you is very good if not one of the best.
You play as a pirate by the name of Edward Kenway, trying to get wealth.
This is an AC game tho, so expect some Templars x Assassins plot.
Overall Ubisoft back then did a great job of mixing piracy and classic Assassins creed type story.
Not even talking about the modern day.
Its a bit weaker than the previous modern day story line, but still good.


The world is good structured too.
The cities are alive, thanks to different kind of guards (spanish or english) and random events like rescuing a potentional shipcrew member and so on.
It would be a shame if i didnt mention the sea.
You can fight different ships with different level and loot.
Random events like spotting a whale jumping out of the water are there too.
You can also dive, trying to find loot that sunken ship had, or you can try to hunt whales for some profit.
Speaking of profit there are also a lot of options to make some.
For example doing missions for the assassins or finding a treasure on a abandoned island, plus the ones i mentioned before.

Game mechanics:

Game mechanics are good for the most of the time, sometimes the game disobeys my commands, but i guess thats a basic problem with controls doing multiple things at a time.
Overall, it isnt nothing special for current day, but i understand the fact, that having multiple options how to take down a ship for example must have been a great addition back then.


Music/soundtrack is great and put in a good spots in this game.
For example when you are traveling for some time on the sea, and random pirate from your ship starts singing.
It motivates you to use the fast travel less.
Not even talking about the perfect timing with a perfect type of music in some main missions or when you are chased by guards.
By the way, you can also hunt down papers with songs, that your crewship can sing, as i mentioned before.

Visual bugs:

Unfortunatelly, i experienced some visual bugs. They werent everywhere, but i wouldnt say they werent frequent either.
It isnt anything game breaking, but for sure it was kinda wierd sometimes.

Too many tailing missions:

I mean all it is, is annoying sometimes.
At the end of the day, you still play as an Assassin, so i guess its a part of the game?
But still, i think they could be there a bit less.

No modern day protagonist:

All it is, is disappointing.
I think it could have add some more bond to it, but i guess its fine.
The modern day story is still decent, and that is the main thing.

Not being able to open Edwards ship settings:

I dont really know if its just me, but for some reason all it did, was just loading and loading.
It wasnt anything game breaking for me tho, so i guess its also fine.

Overall it is a great game which every AC fan should play.
If you arent an AC fan tho, i still recommend it.
(Epecially on sale)


(Copied from my steam review)

AC Freedome cry is a good game, when you dont want to pay the full price for AC Black Flag.

Good things:

- Soundtrack
- New mechanics
- Interesting missions
- Story

Bad things:

- Visual bugs
- Very few side quests
- Requirements to start the next story mission
- World

All i can say about the soundtrack is that its very good and matches the vibe of the game that it should have.
Also to be honest i think its better than Blac flags…

New mechanics:
As for the mechanics, there are quite a few.
Firstly, the slave liberating, which was kinda fun, thanks to the multiple options of liberating them.
Secondary, the new weapons.
There were like two new, but still it wasnt literally “boring” using them.

Interesting missions:
By interesting missions, i only mean the ones you are liberating slaves, which i enjoyed quite a bit.
However the game isnt really “filled” with them.

For like 4 - 5 hour game, the story is decent.
Thanks to the size of the game, there wasnt really a character development, but still you can sometimes see some signs of it.
Overall it was no doubt interesting to see Adewales story, especially if you played Black flag first.

Visual bugs:
Unfortunatelly there were still some visual bugs.
For some reason tho, they fixed themselves
right after i started another story mission.
So i guess its nothing to worry about.

Very few side quests:
From what i remember, the only side quests you can play are the ones where you liberate slaves.
Those quests are kinda repetetive i must admit.
Fortunatelly there is atleast for me very little of them (not counting random slave-liberate events).
Overall the whole reason why i put it into “bad things” is because i think it could have been better at filling the emptiness of the world.

Requirements to start main missions:
To be honest, this feature was applyed only like two times trough out the whole story, but still it was a bit annoying.

As i said before, the world feels kinda empty.
It isnt all because of lack of side quests, but also thanks to the spots on the map you can actually be at.
Which is like 60% of the map.

Its a nice dlc i guess.
Definitely worth the 4 euros or something around that amount.
To be honest, i only recommend this game for people who either played Black flag already, or are looking for very cheap pirate/ac experience.


(copied from my steam review)

Grind, but kinda worth it and fun ngl

(Copied from my steam review)

Far Cry 3 is a must play for the ones who play Ubisoft games.
(Not saying that i like Ubisoft)

Good things:
- story
- World
- Healing animations
- Main quest level design
- Crafting system
- Vaas

Bad things:
- Annoying pirates
- Story lenght
- Game saving system
- Navigation system


Story in Far Cry 3 is very good, in fact, even tho i played only few games from the franchaise, i still think its one of the best if not the best story.
To explain the story a bit, you are playing as Jason Brody, who got captured on an island with his friends during some kind of holidays it seemed.
Obviously, Jason manages to escape and tryes to rescue and escape with all of his friends.
I know, the plot is pretty basic, but the villain makes it 10 times better.
(The villains name is Vaas).


The world it self is pretty big for a 2012 game.
Its also alive.
For example: if you travel by foot, theres a lot of wild animals who will attack you.
However if you choose to travel by a car, there are pirates who will attack and follow you everytime they see you.
As for the exploration, there is an option to fly via rogallo, which is quite nice.
You can also harvest plants and hunt animals.

Healing anmiations, crafting system, main quest level design:

As for a lot of Far Cry games, healing animations are quite brutal and to be honest kinda creative, so if you dont like a bit of gore, i guess blind yourself :D.
For the crafting system, all i can really say, is that its made decently.
And at last, i really enjoyed the main quests, which are very well designed and obviously fun and interesting.

Annoying pirates:

As i mentioned before there are pirates who will hunt you everytime they see you, which can be kinda annoying when all you care about is getting to the destinatiom of the next story quest.
Dont get me wrong, it wouldnt be a problem if there wasnt a pirate on every corner of the map, which i know it should be, because after all its literally a part of the plot.
But still….

Story lenght:

I only put this in the “bad things” just because its kinda short, which isnt necessarily bad.
(It took me about 10 - 11 hours to complete)

Game saving system:

This is another annoying part of the game,
Its probably fixed by now, but sometimes even tho i clicked on “save”, it didnt necessarily save as it should.
All quest progress was still there, but i spawned on a bit different spot and for an example car i drove and parked wasnt there.

Navigation system:

The last annyoing thing about Far Cry 3 is the navigation system.
I dont know if iam just retarded (which probably iam), but the whole navigation system was kinda hard to read.
Not impossible tho, so i guess it just takes some skill.
Either way, i found my self turning the wrong way multiple times thanks to the navigation system.


Its a great game that i recommend.
Yes its old and has some flaws, but the story still holds up.
On sale it goes for like 5 euro or something like that, which is very worth it.


(Copied from my steam review)

Hogwarts legacy is a game for true Harry Potter fans.

Good things:
- World/map
- Story
- Relationship side quests
- Animations
- Combat
- Minigames
- Beasts mechanics
- Special mission for every house
- Puzzles

Bad things:
- Memory leak (random stuttering even with high pc specs)
- Spell learning mechanics
- No morality system
- Small bugs

The world its self is very detailed, especialy the Hogwarts castle and its surroundings.
The rest of the world is decent, even tho its clear it isnt equal to the Hogwarts castle and its surroundings.
There are a lot of puzzles, dungeons ect to explore, plus some collectibles which i suprisingly enjoyed collecting.
Unlike some games, those collectibles were actaully worth it collecting, thanks to the rewards.

To be honest, the main story its self is kinda mid.
Dont get me wrong, it isnt for sure bad, i just expereinced a lot of better storyes in games.
However, if you are a big Harry Potter fan, i think its not hard to enjoy it.

Relationship side quests:
Ironically, the “Sebastians” quest line was atleast for me better than the whole main story.
What iam trying to say, is that the devs actually put some effort into side quests.
So if you are planning to play this game, dont miss out on those!
They also give you some in game rewards for completing.

All i can say for this aspect, is that animations are very cool.
I guess you need to make your opinion about this aspect kinda on your own, but still i liked it.

Combat in this game is also decent.
It for sure isnt the best of the best, but i personally enjoyed it.
I think theres a little something to it to think about spell comboes, potions, plants ect.
For more casual gamers, it isnt hard to pick up and on easy difficulty its basically free.

As with animations, all i can say for minigames is they are not bad for this small kind of side content.
I guess you again need to experience it for your self.

Beasts mechanics:
Beasts are important side of the wizarding world, so they included interesting things for people who love interacting with them.
For example, you can: catch beast, feed beast, collect beasts, brush beast and with some of them even fly.
However, to unlock this option in the game, it takes some hours to get to the quest which unlocks it.

Special mission for every house:
Maybe iam only the few poeple who like this feature, but there is a special mission for every house. Which gives you the motivation to come back.

Puzzels in this game are kinda cool, fun and most importantly (atleast for me) not stupidly hard.
There are kinda a lot of puzzels with different kinds of difficulty around the world, so if you are into those, i think you would like it.

Memory leak (random stuttering even with high pc specs):
This is very unfortunate for this game.
To explain my problem, i played this game on rtx 4060 and intel i5 13gen.
Which is more than enough for this game.
However, around 30 hours into this game, it randomly started stuttering on random places in random times for about 20 seconds.
From what i red, this is a long existing problem on pc and a lot of people with similar pc specs experienced this.

Spell learning mechanics:
This isnt like a big problem or something, but i feel i need to point this out.
Its just kinda lame, thats all.
All you need to do to learn a spell is to complete an assigment, press a few buttons on your keyboard and thats it.

No morality system:
This is i feel a bigger problem, because i dont think its hard to do, especially on the low level of effort.
Bascailly you can kill any student in hogwarts, and no one actually cares.
I think that this makes the world kinda dull and “empty”.

Small bugs:
In my whole 53 hour playtrough i experienced a few buggs.
All of them thankfully werent game breaking, they just were funny.
For example: npc with open mouth not talking when it should have talked (happened only 1 time), spinning dead spider (also only 1 time) and so on.

I think its a great game, and even better Harry Potter game.
If you are a Harry Potter fan, i highly recommend it, especially on sale even with the kind of “expensive” price tag of 30 euros.


(Copied from my steam review)

Road 96 is a great “story” game, and even better “chill” game.

Good things:
- Story
- Graphics
- Minigames
- Soundtrack
- Your choises matters
- Mechanics

Bad things:
- Short game

You play as a random teenager with basically no background.
Your only goal is to get yourself across the border.
Simple enough huh?
Well, what makes the story great is the characters you meet along your journeys.
(Yes there are multiple journeys because you play as a random teenager 6 times).
Along your journeys, you can meet 6 characters.
Missions with all of the characters are randomized, so theres a chance you dont meet a certain character trough out some journey/s.
What also makes the story good is the fact, that your decidions matter.
Not exactly every decidion, but some of them.
However at the end of every mission there is a “question” that affects the story, so dont worry, they are kinda frequent.

What can i say, the graphics are great.
Certainly it isnt focusing on “realism”, but more of the cartoonish way, but i still think it matches the game vibe.

There are multiple minigames trough out your journeys.
Some of them you can modify to a certain point, some of them not.
However i need to say they are not bad and kinda fun also.

All i can say for soundtrack is, that it matches the vibe of a certain situation every time.
So basically it serves the purpose how it should serve.

Another aspect which i enjoyed are mechanics.
Basically every mission has its own “mechanics” to a certain point.
Dont expect nothing mind blowing, but i gotta say they for sure werent boring.

Short game:
Yeah, this is literally the only thing i find about this game “not good”.
I understand that for some of you, short and chill games sre exactly what you are looking for, so dont take this aspect personally.
I managed to complete the game (story) in about 8 hours with being afk for some time, so think about that whatever you want.

Overall its a great game if you just want to just chill out after for example a long day at school/work.
For 5 euros (on sale), its definitely worth it.


(Copied from my steam review)

I usually dont buy DLCs, but thanks to the trailer and reviews, i had to buy this one.

From my experience i must say, i dont regret the 25 euros that i payed for the DLC.
The new Dogtown area looks amazing and definitely has the “hood” (or idk how else should i explain it) vibe it should have.
Side content, as i expect is great too, i really appriciated the whole side story expansion with Mr. Hands.
Speaking of stories, the main story missions and overall the main story expansion feels like a movie.
And iam not talking only about the cutscenes, but about the whole main story mission structure ect.
Even the intro was badass af.

Overall, you can feel the positivity from this review, so if you finished Cyberpunk 2077 and liked its world, you wont regret buying this dlc.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a good “role-playing” game.

Good things:
- Story (ig)
- Graphics
- Multiplayer
- Soundtrack
- Mechanics

Bad things:
- Cheaters
- Paywalls
- Grind
- Short story
- Un-equality

The story is pretty mid i must say.
However its not “mid enough” to be bad.
As stated in the bad things column, the story is short.
It takes about 7/8 hours to complete.
You play as a pilot of the first order, who troughtout the story leaves the first order and becomes a rebel.
During your playtrough, you also ecounter a few familiar faces, which is nice.
By the way, the main story is pretty good tutorial for the multiplayer.

To be honest, developers did a very good job in structuring different parts of planets you play on.
The lightning etc, was really good too, especially the optimization.

As for the multiplayer, i must say that if you want to “roleplay” a certain character to a certain point, its doing its job pretty well.
The different modes you can choose from are original and fun.
However, as i stated in the bad thins column (again), its a hell of a grind.
You cant enjoy the multiplayer experience to the full atleast at the start, because most of the players you ecounter are either cheating, or are high level.
So for newbies like me, its a rough start.

I guess “as expected” the soundtrack is good.
Especially for Star Wars fans (obviously).
I dont know what else should i say, i just enjoyed it.

It is almost surprising how well they focused on developing mechanics.
Basically, every character in this game has 4 abilities you can use.
Some characters has a similar abilities, some not.
However trust me, theres a quite a few characters in this game.

Bad things i havent wrote about:
All i wanna say under this “title” is that there are some paywalls in this game or more like microtransactions.
If you sticked around in the gaming community when this game released, you could remember the big controversy around microtransactions surounding it.
Personally, i didnt really payed attention to this controversy in that time, but from what i heard, it got a lot better.

It is a great multiplayer Star Wars game with (at the time iam writing this) an active playerbase.
To be honest, the multiplayer isnt for me. However, if you are considering buying it, i would definitely get it on sale.


Game was definetlly ahead of its release time, graphics is still good after nearly 16 years since launch.
Story is a great introduction to the Assassins Creed trilogy.
Unfortunatelly, theres a lot of missions wich are repeating, but its not that bad.
Definetlly worth the play if you are interested in the Assassins Creed story.

(Copied from my steam review)

Assassins Creed Rouge is basically a reskin of Assassins creed Black Flag, but with a different story and setting.

Good things:
- Story
- Soundtrack
- New mechanics
- Basically everything that was good in AC 4

Bad things:
- Bugs
- Visual bugs
- Short game
- A lot of load screens
- Basically everything that is bad or you dont like about AC 4.

You play as a Shay Cormac, who troughout the story discovers the unnecessarily cruelty and selfishness in the Assassin brotherhood.
Thanks to his “hero” personality, he decides to join the Templars and hunt the Assassins for their actions.
The story its self is decent.
Its definitely something new and interesting, however i feel its kinda basic and for sure short.
Troughtout the story, you ecounter multiple characters which you might know from older AC games.
At the end of the story, you take part in an event, which starts the next game in the franchaise (AC Unity), which is quite nice.

As in most AC games, the soundtrack is great.
I personally like this soundtrack more than most soundtracks in the franchaise.

New mechanics:
There arent many mechanics that are new to be honest.
Most of the “new” mechanics are more like a nice addition instead of something “life changing”.
For example breaking ice via your ship when you are in cold area ect.

There are a few bugs that i ecountered.
Most of them were just small visual bugs, that you can easily overlook, but i got some gameplay bugs too.
For example, one time i jumped on a ship and instead of climbing it, i got stuck between the pier and couldnt escape.
This happened multiple times, but always in a different location and not always with a ship.
It was always in a small space/corner.
Personally, i solved the problem by restarting the game.
Fortunatelly, all of my progress was saved, but still it was kinda annoying.

As for the rest of the “bad things”:
They are very little + if you are looking for a short game to play, the lenght of this game can be fitting for you.
I also understand that this is a game for old consoles, like xbox 360, but still, there are quite a lot of load screens (atleast for me).

Overall its a decent Assassins creed game.
If you liked AC 4, you will most likely like this one too.
Personally, i would recommend getting it on sale.


Very underrated game, with good parkour and story.
Even the DLC (Dead kings) is free, so totally worth the money.

(Copied from my steam review)